#a tribute to Bragi?
Night 1
Vor fends Aced, Urd, and Hermod away from her fire. Luxu thinks about winning. Invi receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Strelitzia receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Bragi sets up camp for the night. Xehanort passes out from exhaustion. Skuld lets Ira into her shelter. Hoder tends to her wounds. Eraqus screams for help. Chirithy kills Baldr with a hatchet. Gula, Master of Masters, and Ephemer cheerfully sing songs together. Player and Brain talk about the tributes still alive. Lauriam begs for Elrena to kill him. She refuses, keeping Lauriam alive.
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norse-witch · 4 years
On cool, crisp  mornings, I can feel the gods. They whisper: “good morning, child, it’s time to be strong today.” I can feel Their arms wrap around me, holding me, embracing me. They tell me: “it’s okay to be sad, but you should still get up.”
I hear Their voices over  my morning cups of hot coffee. They whisper delicately: “take as long as you need, darling. We’re here.” 
I feel Frigg when I’m doing laundry, helping me to load, unload, fold, wash. I hear Her tell me folk stories; She keeps me company.
I can feel Loki when I go to the store as anxiety creeps in. He tells me: “do not mind these mortals, you are strong.”  (I feel His arms gently, but swiftly, guide me through the store). 
I can feel Thor when it storms outside, the thunder shaking the house as it pours. When cracks of lightning strike in the sky, I hear Him tell me: “do not be scared of the sounds, child, I am merely telling you I am here as well.”
When migraines pierce my temples,  the pain unbearable, I feel Eir’s cool hands on my forehead, giving me relief as She tells me: “I know it hurts, child, but I promise you will feel better in a few hours.” 
When friction prickles between my husband and I, and hurtful words are exchanged,  I feel Freyja’s hands on my shoulders and hear Her voice in my ear: “this matters not, your time together is limited, child. It’s time to apologize.”
I feel the Gods and Goddesses with me always, holding me, whispering in my ear, sometimes even chiding me, They sleep in my bed beside me at night, wake in the morning. Even though I cannot see them,  I know They are there,  because I can still feel Them. 
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The Bloodbath
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds. Skuld finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver. Elrena runs away from the Cornucopia. Hermod runs away from the Cornucopia. Hoder and Chirithy fight for a bag. Hoder gives up and retreats. Baldr runs away from the Cornucopia. Master of Masters runs away from the Cornucopia. Brain grabs a jar of fishing bait while Eraqus gets fishing gear. Player finds a backpack full of camping equipment. Invi runs away from the Cornucopia. Ephemer scares Luxu away from the cornucopia. Lauriam convinces Ava to not kill him, only to kill her instead. Vor runs away from the Cornucopia. Aced grabs a sword. Ira runs away from the Cornucopia. Gula runs away from the Cornucopia. Xehanort scares Bragi away from the cornucopia. Urd stays at the cornucopia for resources. Ventus runs away from the Cornucopia. Strelitzia runs away from the Cornucopia.
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