nosti-hate · 5 days
Just two friends loving Beyblade 💜💙
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And their little chibi friends
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nosti-hate · 14 days
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My oc Adora in pmmm world, because Madoka Magica is awesome and i need to draw based on this anime more 💖
|•You can't feel beautiful if you don't think you are•|
Symbolisms behind her witch form:
._[ Astrape de mitra ]_.
Astrape- is a goddess of lightning
Mitra have different meanings (covenant, treaty, agreement, promise), christian headgear also the god's name.
Also from greek means female organ, which also makes sense when you know her story.
Ribbons on the head symbolize the number of betrayals - yellow, like the mind, collects them together, but cannot cover their quantitative gravity;
The red ribbon is like a tear, painful and unshed;
The hand-ribbons hugs the body, warming the trust of loved ones.
Something that she can't escape as much as she wants to.
Pain from the body, the heart (tape from the body), a trap, that no bad soul can't escape from
The eye cannot hide the pain. Eye is the mirror of the soul.
A dress tattered like a day you don't want to remember, sharp as the sticks of lightning. The body is how a physical memory leaves its scars
The chain prevents her from going a long distance, which is her biggest weakness.
Digital sketch:
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nosti-hate · 29 days
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nosti-hate · 29 days
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Many sketches 👁️
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nosti-hate · 2 months
Some oc's cloth designs
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nosti-hate · 2 months
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Drawing while being in the hospital (without table)
Not my best drawing for sure, but again. No table.
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nosti-hate · 3 months
For @saline-coelacanth 🌩️ and their ⚡Storm Vessel AU⚡
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Villain Jay is something they we need for Dragons Rising
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And i had already told it, but it gives me my old storm!Jay au in seaboard. Nostalgia :)
(Have no clue how but) Your au get me out from art block, bcs i don't remember when i draw so much in 2-3 days
Thank you girl 😍😘
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nosti-hate · 3 months
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nosti-hate · 3 months
Although the style is quite simple, i love it⚡. I have a similar au where jay fused with clouds, but for a different reason.
Interesting idea and designs 👍
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Various Storm Vessel doodles that I started working on a while ago. It's mainly Jay in his blue form with a sprinkle of purple form
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nosti-hate · 4 months
My old drawing of our favourite doctor :> 🩺🏎️
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+humanisation redraw
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nosti-hate · 4 months
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Formione 💚🪵 & Twilight 💜✨
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J4a4 made 12yo me love creepypastas abt ponies
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nosti-hate · 4 months
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nosti-hate · 4 months
If my ocs were in Winх🦋. Part 1/4.
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Bohdan is a boy. Yes. But we really need some more male fairies, so why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
He has the power of fire, and even though he and Vilda (oc) grew up on Earth, they were still born on different planets. It was probably Domino because: Bloom, fire, no parents, yada yada.
If we talk about the original Winx. I think they will meet, and the Winx will be for them as guides in this magical universe and friends more experienced in this. Like, they're definitely bad teachers (as of season 4, episode 1), but remember Roxy and her interaction with the Winx. She will also take a big role in this because Rainbow shouldn't be throwing a bolt🔩 at her after being part of the main characters team.
They would also be 3-4 years apart because after s4 (s5 is mostly bad, it needs to be rewritten with Aisha starring 👉 Unicorn of War) they are 19-20.
And Sophix and Lovix will be here more. They deserve MUCH MUCH more screen time.
About his behavior. He would act more like Roxy. Annoyed, not believing in it, but eventually accepting the facts. I think he will be friends with Aisha first. They have more in common and she will be the first to have a deep conversation with him (due to the non-existent episode with the accident where they were left in a cave alone with a villain somewhere nearby. A little teamwork, yada yada) And he will accept be learned by Winx, at Bloom's suggestion.
He will be on good terms with Flora. She is innocent in his eyes. He has a bit of a crush on her, but gets over it when he meets her boyfriend. He has never had pets, so Flora gives him advice and helps him take care of the cute animals. He also helped her with carrying and sometimes watering her flowers when she was on a mission.
He's on par with Tecna. They can talk about technology. He explains about human ones, she - about Zenits. There are many conversations about the Internet, and warm ones about some "dumbs", slangs, memes. And sites with Vil help her understand her emotions more. He's fine with her in his room, when Musa gets too loud with the music and she asks him to work here. She's quiet for the most part, so there's no problem for him.
Musa and Bohdan do not have much in common. But still. They show their favorite music. They came together on a few songs, mostly because they have different tastes. He accidentally overhears her phone conversation with Reven. And when they meet with other specialists and the couple argue, they talk. She didn't exactly agree with him about Riven's toxic behavior, but the conversation stayed in her memory for future reference. They may also disagree on missions. They are going to work together because of the force of the situation, at the end of the day they teem work becomes better. After that, she gets him new headphones, so they have silent reconciliation. They work well in combat.
Stella is a bit annoying in the beginning. Something he could agree with the Musa. He thinks she's too into clothes and fashion, but by mid-season he gets used to it. They are more like sibling fights than anything too serious. She took him up on it when he was "forced" to hold some of her fabric with Bloom and a slightly annoyed Muse as they made their way out. She can't find a good outfit (for the concert). He recommends some clothes to her and she thinks they are beautiful. She starts asking his opinion more and he casually says he wants to try on one of her outfits. She is surprised and funny, but with conversations, she is funny, but also good with it. It's really cool for her to have a boy friend who has taste and likes to wear skirts (rarely, but still). They are getting closer. He listens more to her talk about fashion and helps out when she and Brandon have a fight. She compliments his transformation form. Kind of reminds her of her transformation base.
Aisha. He definitely thinks she's cool. They both play sports. She helps him more with the gymnastic part, and he helps with the hitting. (He goes to the boxing section) They agree on parts of the activity and get along well. The dance, of course, is not for him, but he tries. Sometimes they watch some exercise videos with recommendations and go to the gym, but after a "villainous accident" they end up doing well at home and sometimes outside. He likes her magic training parts the most. After he finds out about Naby, he helps her when Stella tried to send her off with another boy.
Bloom. Oh Bloom. Ehh... I'm not sure, but I'll try. In the beginning, he did not go with her. As with others. He is in disbelief. Because she tries the hardest to talk about it, he distrusts her the most. Intuitively. He still feels freaked out after that and doesn't fully trust her. It fades when he sees her helping people and fighting alongside her friends, it reminds him of his own friendship. She explains to them all(ocs) that she has been in their situation and it helps to trust. He doesn't always agree with her choices, but sometimes he or she agrees that they're wrong in the end.
He finds it funny and strange that they don't transform instantly, as if waiting for disaster. Like, a villain could take advantage of that. Transforming immediately is much easier. Bloom agreed a little embarrassed. This is not the first time someone has pointed this out. She helps him calm down when he gets freaked out after his first transformation. They are both Dragon Fire users. This makes learning with her easier to understand. But magic still works differently for them, so more comes with practice. He's a little jealous of that dragon thing.
Roxy helps him overcome this "magic thing". He expects something along the lines of "it's true, you have to believe it", but when she talks about her first interaction with a Winx, he's surprised. She shows him her powers. He doesn't fully believed in it and sees them more as a very well-trained trick. But after that you know what's happening. The "Cave" situation. There he believed and accepts it completely. But Roxy was the one who made it clear because she was in that situation. She can relate. She helps them all get over it and helps the Winx understand how to interact with others. Roxy patient in this. She also sometimes tells parts of the s4 story. Helps get over it. Understanding, that you are fairy. She and others surprised that there's four non Morgana's fairies, and the fact that one of them is male (mostly Roxy, i think others should have seen male fairy before.. maybe. Maybe Stella would be surprised in a good way and talking about this at the start) She explained about many things, met them with pets and her dad, and job.
They ask each other for advice and training. Not much talk about parents/grandparents, just over time, but no spoilers.
By the way, the Winx live in a two-floor house.
Aaand, I think that's it for now. Wow. I had no idea (how) to write their interaction, but damn. This is not so bad for very small information.
Maybe I'll write it for others.
Also, I was writing this while listening to the 2003 tmnt intro
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nosti-hate · 4 months
War survivors
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nosti-hate · 5 months
Великий Інг,
Признання Бог.
Я поклоняюсь твоїй волі,
Твоїй силі, твоїй долі.
Твоїм словам що ходять по землі,
Що тямить люд простий не гожий,
Я поважаю, прислухаюсь
Бо ти творцем, та батьком нашим є.
Дай сили нам, щоб люд наш ввесь вести.
Щоб чули й послухали нашу(!)¹ волю!
Щоб поважали! бачачи навколо!
Усе, що робимо заради них.
Нехай признáють, смертні твої, Боже.
Хай знають, ким завдячують життям.
Хай поважають й завжди пам'ятають,
Твоє прекрасне, значуще ім'я.
Нехай же створенні, усі та все тобою,
Признають існування твоє, Боже.
Щоб шана твоя в нас не покидала,
Й назавжди в серцях віра зав'язалась.
Що завжди є ти. Всіх спостерігаєш,
Й усі наші гріхи ти споглядаєш.
Пробач нас Боже, дай нам шанс,
Щоб освітити світ цей від гріха.
Й одного разу, ти з небес
Побачиш цілий, ясний, сяйлий світ,
Де війнам, вбивствам прийшов край,
А в людях щастя льється з край.
Ми вирвем перемогу й мир встановим.
І зробимо усе, щоб ім'я твоє,
Повагу мало, й знання в людях божих,
Щоб існування твоє, знали усі, Боже!
Лиш дай нам силу, дай нам славу,
І на колінах буду я вмовляти:
Щоб було в світі завжди щастя,
Й завжди у серці був наш Бог.
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nosti-hate · 5 months
My old creation from art school. Styrofoam, various scraps of fabric, a stationery knife and a nail file.
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Even then, 9-year-old me loved eyes. Introduces the symbolism of the higher solar eye.
"All seeing eye"
I won't lie, I didn't understand the concept of the "all-seeing eye" at all then, but that didn't stop me from winning the contest and starting loving eyes. I remember drawing one of the 12 labors of Hercules at the Odessa competition, and I drew with the Cyclops. I won a ticket :) (The only time I was abroad) Or how I painted the birth of Jesus Christ in pastels. And all this is ironic, considering that I am an atheist and have never believed believed in God (I respect religions)
And so many eyes and their simbolism
(next images from the internet)
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nosti-hate · 6 months
I don't know why, but I like the humanformed Knockout with long hair so much
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The last one is 🚛❤️
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