notabe-anymore · 9 years
"That's a myth. Nothing has proven that theory right." Abe said, tapping the glass as it slowly hardens again. Goddammit. "Same here. I don't wanna trapped inside a fucking mirror anymore. I don't even know how I ended up here."
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Reversed Cinderella
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
"Can you repeat that again? My name, I mean." Abe asked, tapping and feeling the glass thinning in front of him. Of course. He knows who he is now. And he knows what this dark pit of hunger and darkness where his heart should be actually wants. "I'm Bloody fucking Mary. Not exactly what I wanted to on Halloween but it'll do."
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Reversed Cinderella
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
"We've been to the middle of hell and you and I both know this is not what it looks like, Burke." Abe said, taking a deep breath as he adjusted himself to the heaviness the entire place felt. He probably became human for quite a while now but he knows exactly when the place is filled with darkness, especially since that darkness once infected him too. He tried to stand, his legs were wobbly but he managed and leaned on the wall. He stared at David with the same smile crept on his features. "And here I thought you're already dead."
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“What … ?” Abe woke, panting as the world around him spiraled around him. He knew what death feels like and to be completely honest it’s one of the many things he didn’t know he could feel again. But this … oh, this feels a lot like that. The feeling of his soul being sucked out his body, breathing his last breath … or at least what he feels like was his last breath. But, of course, fate had other plans than to actually kill him. “Dammit … where am I … ?”
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
"Well, in a way, I'm not exactly inside your little fortress, Charlie. Not even close to it." Abe said, using the small, rusting mirror as a way of looking at her. He tapped on it, taking her attention in case she didn't see him. "Over here, Lottie. What the fuck happened to you? I mean, what have you become over there?" he said, tilting his head to one side with a smile. "Still look beautiful, though."
Reversed Cinderella
[ Really, she didn’t want to see  anyone since she become a fucking Naga (she checked in the library in a mythology book of all things.) And by the hour it was getting worse since she wake up with a fucking snake tail instead of legs. The tail  had gotten longer and she felt fangs in her mouth,so Charlie did the mature thing and curled inside her tail, ending up in a small ball. When she heard people near her, she peaked her head, announcing loudly] You’re not welcome in the snake fortress. Go away.
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
"Fine . . . " he muttered, blinking his eyes a few times to readjust his vision. He's obviously not fine. His legs were like jello and his entire body was heavy and exhausted. He felt like one little step, he'll be knocked out cold. "What is this place . . . ?" he asked, doing a sad attempt to stand up only to fall down face-first. Good thing he got a good hold of the wall beside him. "Too evil . . . dark . . ." he muttered, taking another slow step.
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“What … ?” Abe woke, panting as the world around him spiraled around him. He knew what death feels like and to be completely honest it’s one of the many things he didn’t know he could feel again. But this … oh, this feels a lot like that. The feeling of his soul being sucked out his body, breathing his last breath … or at least what he feels like was his last breath. But, of course, fate had other plans than to actually kill him. “Dammit … where am I … ?”
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
"Hey." Abe said, tapping the mirror with his most charming smile on his face. Waking up in the middle of an eery looking palace was weird enough. Waking up on the other side of a mirror? That's something else. He also has this insatiable hunger inside him. A hunger for hearts and blood and many things that he really couldn't fight back. Fuck. What's going on? "Hi, I'm Abe. Come on, say my name."
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
"What . . . ?" Abe woke, panting as the world around him spiraled around him. He knew what death feels like and to be completely honest it's one of the many things he didn't know he could feel again. But this . . . oh, this feels a lot like that. The feeling of his soul being sucked out his body, breathing his last breath . . . or at least what he feels like was his last breath. But, of course, fate had other plans than to actually kill him. "Dammit . . . where am I . . . ?"
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
"I'm sorry! I didn't know it was you, okay?!" Abe said, pulling her with him down the hall to--wherever really. He just needed to get out and find to safe spot to wait for this to stop. There is no fucking way the two of them can fight those creature with just them. They're too many and not to mention very fast and strong. "Where's the courtyard? Do they have one here? We need to get out of this castle and find an open space." he said, shaking his head at her question. "No idea. Just saw it lying beside my bed while that fucker tried to kill me in my sleep."
the horde || abe & ---
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He was raggedly panting, his face smeared with congealed blood while he was gripping a rusty pipe. He began running again, eyes darting and ears alert for even the smallest of sound. Whatever the fuck is happening now, he’s not gonna die here. Not in this place, not with a mindless monster trying to lunge at his throat. He kept his weapon up, ready for to fight back, when he suddenly heard a shuffling of feet running from his right. With force, he swung hard–and missed, fortunately. “What the fuck? I thought you were one of them!” he said, seeing as the other was not a monster at all but a person.
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All she wanted to do was go to the bathroom for fuck’s sake, and ten minutes later she was sprinting down the hall from the most terrifying things she’d ever seen in her life. It’s one of those things where Arya had no idea how fast she could run until she needed it, because they were very fast and looked like they’d tear her apart the second they got a hold of her. Turning the corner, a weapon swung at her and she thankfully ducked, by shrieked. “WHAT THE FUCK—Abe?” Why had she stopped? Their shrieks could be heard a mile away and her eyes were wide with fear. “Oh my god there’s more—where’d you get that thing? I need one!”
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
Abe took a moment to look at David from head to toe, a frown in his face. If there weren't any living monsters coming at them, and if they weren't trapped in this hell again, he'd be smiling now seeing him in that condition. But right now the situation is far from that. "The fuck happened to your face? Did someone beat you up or something? Because I'd befriend who they are that did that to you." he said. "And you better dodge to your left." He swung his pipe again, hitting another one of those monster who just about to lunge at David's neck. Bits of blood and whatever that was latched on it's face scattered on the floor. "You got a weapon, you better use it. And we gotta go somewhere that's open. We can't get locked in the halls with those things."
the horde || abe & ---
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He was raggedly panting, his face smeared with congealed blood while he was gripping a rusty pipe. He began running again, eyes darting and ears alert for even the smallest of sound. Whatever the fuck is happening now, he’s not gonna die here. Not in this place, not with a mindless monster trying to lunge at his throat. He kept his weapon up, ready for to fight back, when he suddenly heard a shuffling of feet running from his right. With force, he swung hard–and missed, fortunately. “What the fuck? I thought you were one of them!” he said, seeing as the other was not a monster at all but a person.
David was beginning to think that he wasn’t the luckiest person around. First he’d been beaten to hell, and now there were… well, he didn’t know what they were, but they were nasty and there were tons of them. It’d been pure luck on his part that his hands had healed up enough to allow him to grip the crowbar he’d found – which, somehow, didn’t feel accidental – though whether he’d actually be able to defend himself with it remained to be seen. He jumped out of his skin as a pipe hit the space only inches from his head, his attention snapping over to the person who’d swung at him. “Oh, very funny!” he snapped, though he didn’t sound amused at all. “I don’t look that bad, do I?” Actually, he did, considering he was still covered in hideous bruises of varying colors, and the spaces that weren’t bruised were almost gray, but he didn’t look like one of those monsters. Not really.
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
"Charlie!" Abe hugged her and sighed in relief, half because he didn't hit her and kill her on the spot and second because he was relieved that she's alive and well. He released her a few seconds later, though, because he can already hear them behind. "I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you okay. Just be happy I didn't. Come on, we gotta leave this hallway. It's not safe."
the horde || abe & ---
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
the horde || abe & ---
He was raggedly panting, his face smeared with congealed blood while he was gripping a rusty pipe. He began running again, eyes darting and ears alert for even the smallest of sound. Whatever the fuck is happening now, he’s not gonna die here. Not in this place, not with a mindless monster trying to lunge at his throat. He kept his weapon up, ready for to fight back, when he suddenly heard a shuffling of feet running from his right. With force, he swung hard--and missed, fortunately. “What the fuck? I thought you were one of them!” he said, seeing as the other was not a monster at all but a person.
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
"Oh don't fucking lie to me now. You love that idea." Abe said, laughing softly. He pulled away a little, just enough to place a kiss on her lips. "I missed you. So much."
Abe just simply kept his arms around her, enjoying the fact that she’s here with him. “That’s so cheesy, Charlie.” he said, trying his best to lighten the mood up. “So cheesy … “
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Almost as cheesy as you idea to marry me in a beach,[she chuckle weakly, refusing to let him go. She missed him too much.]
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
"That's a very fucked up suggestion, my friend. It's very effective but too fucked up for me." When the other's tone suddenly became serious, he couldn't help but smirk at it. "You feel it too? I mean, the moment I came to this place I already knew that it's a lot worse than Broken. It's too . . . powerful." he said, shaking his head.
“Always an asshole, as it seems. No wonder Charlie still hates you.” Abe said, taking a deep breath and his fingers gliding over the keys, playing a gentler song this time. “No. Our gracious hosts forgot that I don’t want to be here anymore. I thought he got the message when I killed half of their armada on that great battle.”
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David rolled his eyes, not bothering to grace that statement with any sort of reply. “Well, technically, if you wanted, you could leave right now. Just jump off the edge of the island. Sure, you’d be dead – but you wouldn’t be here anymore, either.” He paused, taking on a more serious demeanor. “I don’t think these are the same demons, Abe.”
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
Then I’ll go against destiny.[She said in a fierce whisper.] I wont accept this, and we will grasp out happy,fuck fate.
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Abe just simply kept his arms around her, enjoying the fact that she’s here with him. “That’s so cheesy, Charlie.” he said, trying his best to lighten the mood up. “So cheesy . . . “
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
favorite moments ( 9/? ) ➝  Sebastian  Stan   ✧   Think Murder. And walk.
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
“I always knew you were a bit of a show off, but this is… something else.”
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“Anyways, pardon my saying so but you look like you’re having a bad day. Did our gracious hosts forget to wash your sheets or something?”
“Always an asshole, as it seems. No wonder Charlie still hates you.” Abe said, taking a deep breath and his fingers gliding over the keys, playing a gentler song this time. “No. Our gracious hosts forgot that I don’t want to be here anymore. I thought he got the message when I killed half of their armada on that great battle.”
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notabe-anymore · 9 years
( ♫ )
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