notdelicatc · 1 day
It wasn’t every day that Emmeline found herself in the Leaky Cauldron. For the most part the Hog’s head or even the Three Broomsticks seemed like a place to locate her. Alternatively, she could be considered a rather frequent customer in the White Wyvern over in Knockturn Alley. Perhaps it simply had to do with the way she moved about. Occasionally the Leaky Cauldron did the trick.
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No more than a few minutes since she’d sat down when the witch was interrupted by a familiar voice, lifting her eyes off of the parchment in her hand. “Oh, why not! Please, sit.” It was an offer that held so much more. Emmeline was aware of the dealings the other’s family had and the importance they held for Rabastan. Unsure of the other’s standing she still felt the need to remain polite. Another part of hers was curious. There was something about the blonde that left her with more questions than answers. “Not too busy at the ministry today? It does seem rather calm.” Emmeline had slipped into french with ease, finding it more private in a crowded area such as this. One flick of her wrist and the parchment rolled up only to be stored within her bag promptly. - @apollinebeausejour
where: the leaky cauldron who: @notdelicatc
Apolline moved around the city with more ease and confidence. Something changed her that night and there was no going back. She slipped into the pub, finding a seat in the back, watching those that came in. Her eyes fell on a witch that came in, one that was close to Rabastan. The half-veela waited until she was sat before making her way over to her table.
"Would you like some company?" A sweet smile seeps onto her lips.
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notdelicatc · 1 day
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OLIVIA & LAYLA All American 1.12 Back in the Day
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notdelicatc · 4 days
The End.
There were stars in his eyes, hidden among the flames dancing within his irises; so deep and dark yet ever so bright. Perhaps that was something only Emmeline would notice, always had yet never dared to think on it further or voice out loud. An endless ocean of possibilities, but none that could ever be explored. The world she walked in had no room for such things and truthfully, she wouldn’t have had it any other way. No matter what happened behind closed doors, whatever happened out in the open was like another life. When it was just them the walls would fall, crash, and burn without another question asked. Had she given even the tiniest moment to thinking further, her own world would have turned into the very storm she’d so very desperately wanted to avoid and at the same time craved to feel.
If there was a way to describe what happened each time between them, the only way possible would have been to acknowledge the complete and total loss of control. A type of control she was all too happy to sacrifice for the other. His words drove her to new heights, caused shivers to run down her spine with an entirely different form of magic than they all wanted to protect. “Hm, within these halls? You’d dare set an office ablaze?” Not just an office, no. There was almost a purr to her voice, her words laced with something that couldn’t be described any other way than filled with desire. "I don't doubt it. Only you could. Only for you I would." The lust of his reflected back in her own eyes she felt bold, a yearning within her as she leaned in, to close whatever little space remained between them.
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There was a hunger within that kiss, within the way her lips crashed almost forcefully against him yet remained a sense of delicacy. It was filled with fire, the one she herself had seen not too long within his eyes. Lust was swirling around them like an aura that filled the area. All that hidden desire, whatever depths may lie yet to be uncovered unfolding right around them. All the words unspoken aired out in each move of her lips. Had this not been such a quiet corner, perhaps Emmeline wouldn’t have dared to be as bold as she was that very moment. A moment that felt like it lasted a blissful eternity and yet never quite seemed enough. And then she pulled back, her lips both reddened as well as lit up by the smirk that had once more returned to her face. “How could I ever deny you such delectable things?” Never had the fact that she had a private space within the ministry been a bigger advantage than this very moment. Another kiss stolen before she pulled back to walk towards the foyer and the elevators in question. One glance over her shoulder. “All yours. No doubt we'll see some form of stars today. Or perhaps you'll show me the deepest depths of hell.” She was, she always would be. Those words would just never be uttered out loud. - @rsrevan
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notdelicatc · 4 days
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notdelicatc · 5 days
Things that Emmeline and Alecto would absolutely do - with @alectocarrowx
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#me grabbing the popcorn when there’s family drama 🍿
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notdelicatc · 5 days
There were stars in his eyes, hidden among the flames dancing within his irises; so deep and dark yet ever so bright. Perhaps that was something only Emmeline would notice, always had yet never dared to think on it further or voice out loud. An endless ocean of possibilities, but none that could ever be explored. The world she walked in had no room for such things and truthfully, she wouldn’t have had it any other way. No matter what happened behind closed doors, whatever happened out in the open was like another life. When it was just them the walls would fall, crash, and burn without another question asked. Had she given even the tiniest moment to thinking further, her own world would have turned into the very storm she’d so very desperately wanted to avoid and at the same time craved to feel.
If there was a way to describe what happened each time between them, the only way possible would have been to acknowledge the complete and total loss of control. A type of control she was all too happy to sacrifice for the other. His words drove her to new heights, caused shivers to run down her spine with an entirely different form of magic than they all wanted to protect. “Hm, within these halls? You’d dare set an office ablaze?” Not just an office, no. There was almost a purr to her voice, her words laced with something that couldn’t be described any other way than filled with desire. "I don't doubt it. Only you could. Only for you I would." The lust of his reflected back in her own eyes she felt bold, a yearning within her as she leaned in, to close whatever little space remained between them.
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There was a hunger within that kiss, within the way her lips crashed almost forcefully against him yet remained a sense of delicacy. It was filled with fire, the one she herself had seen not too long within his eyes. Lust was swirling around them like an aura that filled the area. All that hidden desire, whatever depths may lie yet to be uncovered unfolding right around them. All the words unspoken aired out in each move of her lips. Had this not been such a quiet corner, perhaps Emmeline wouldn’t have dared to be as bold as she was that very moment. A moment that felt like it lasted a blissful eternity and yet never quite seemed enough. And then she pulled back, her lips both reddened as well as lit up by the smirk that had once more returned to her face. “How could I ever deny you such delectable things?” Never had the fact that she had a private space within the ministry been a bigger advantage than this very moment. Another kiss stolen before she pulled back to walk towards the foyer and the elevators in question. One glance over her shoulder. “All yours. No doubt we'll see some form of stars today. Or perhaps you'll show me the deepest depths of hell.” She was, she always would be. Those words would just never be uttered out loud. - @rsrevan
He’d obviously deny it if anyone were to ask, but in as many years there hadn’t been one like Emmeline. The witch’s blood aside, she had always managed to keep Evan interested, drawing him in with a simple glance, conversation flowed between them with ease. Emmeline Vance was everything he wanted and everything he could never have. He denied himself that final satisfaction, a possibility better not even pondered for he couldn’t and she wouldn’t.
Green irises fixated on hers, lust reflecting on his gaze as he followed her every move. He watched the way her lips parted to allow the words to slip out, her French something that drove him mad each time. The wizard stepped closer, getting rid of any distance possible between them asides that of their lips still apart. “I want to take you upstairs.” Evan began, a devilish smirk displaying on his lips. “And I want you to teach me all the vowels in this beautiful language while I savour your taste, over and over again.”
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notdelicatc · 6 days
It would have been no exaggeration had the witch claimed that the way Evan moved around her, the way he talked and whispered and spoke caused her heartrate to pick up. Far from it. Whatever it was, he had a hold over unlike any other and somehow, she didn’t care to deny him that type of control, whether he was aware of it or not. “There’s no denying that. I’d be lying if I claimed I wasn’t aware of at least a fair number of them.” The corner of her lips pulled up in a smirk, amusement evident within her eyes; eyes that now seemed so much deeper and darker than before. Evan was the only person that could light that fire, bring up that curiosity and the will to know, to try, to play with said flame.
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Whatever breath may have been left within her lungs, it stopped short, hitched where it was before the chuckle allowed the air to escape. “Oh?” She leaned, if possible, a tad closer. “And what is it you have in mind?” Her eyes stared into his, searching, as though his eyes held the answer to it. To her they did, at times. “Just what is it you want to do?” When it came to Evan French seemed to flow so easily off her tongue, filling the room with something warmer but equally challenging. - @rsrevan
While he'd always been articulate with words, he had yet to find the one to describe Emmeline the best. A guilty pleasure perhaps, but not quite. A soft spot, for once. His, but not really. Beautiful was always fitting. The two had enjoyed each other's company over the years and while some of it may be kept a quiet secret, Evan had never been shy and neither where his actions or the way he looked at her. Pupils dillated with anticipation, the wizard's dark gaze fell on the witch with intent, his eyes taking her in from her exposed neck to the curve of her lips and all the way up to her own wondering gaze returning his. "One of my many talents, as you should know." He replied nonchalantly, distracting himself for a brief moment so he take another sip from his glass and then setting it aside just like she had. The wizard took the opportunity to take a step forward, closing the distance between them as he heard her talk about the events of the night. A light but measured chuckle left his lips. "All of this sounds to me like people were just trying to have a little fun but fell short, stuck at trying." His brows furrowing, dismissing the attempts of the crowd of sparking up an absolutely dreadful event. Leaning down so that his mouth would find her ear, the Rosier heir made one of his many daring propositions. "Glad you've enjoyed yourself so far, but may I interest you in something actually worth your while?"
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notdelicatc · 8 days
Nothing could have ever caused her to forget how lucky she was to call the other friend. The reality of it was ever present and whenever it threatened to slip, she’d remind herself. Beyond that she simply enjoyed being around someone like Alecto. With her there were no limits, it was as though chaos itself was unfolding all around them; the eye of the storm shared among two friends. “Yes, you have,” she agreed with a nod. There was no denying necessary, nor did she care to. “Oh! So, speaking of disappearing. You don’t happen to be on a vanishing streak today, do you? Could have sworn Fenwick was dashing about with a little more than just his wardrobe missing.”
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The sight had been more than amusing and even, the thought that Alecto may have been behind it had crossed her mind. It seemed like the type of thing the witch would pull just to get rid of someone annoying. Benjy certainly seemed to meet most of the criteria there. “Good riddance, honestly. That suit was ghastly and beyond boring.” Truth be told, Emmeline couldn’t recall what the other had looked like prior to him having his clothes vanished, nor did she care to remember. “I don’t doubt it. With the people in attendance something is bound to happen. Anything of note other than a stark-naked ministry clerk?” Or whatever else it was he did. - @alectocarrowx
Things were tricky when it came to Emmeline Vance. There was no hiding her distaste for halfbloods or muggleborns, but the one sitting beside her, was an entirely different story and the only exception. This came at the expense of Rabastan Lestrange. If he trusted the witch who sat down beside her, enough to open a business, then she could extend an olive branch, and build a friendship.
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Her body turns to face the brunette, a faint smile seeping on her lips. "I have said worse," admittedly she had. Alecto never held back from what she was saying. A hand waves in the air. "If anyone were to announce an engagement, I'll make the ring disappear." There had to be more creativity left in the world, and with the amount of marriages being forced, it was best to leave it out of tonight's festivities. "Give it time, sweet Emme, chaos will surely unfold." There was bound to be a few that would cross her.
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notdelicatc · 8 days
All night had there been new faces popping up here and there. Some were simply here to make a name for themselves, others out of obligation. The many reasons ranged far and wide between. Emmeline did not care for nearly half of them, was making conversation only for the sake of politeness. This was a ministry affair after all. For as long as she was to remain within those walls there wouldn’t be another option. A snort-like chuckle escaped her at the other’s words, unable to allow herself that little bit of a slip up. “Well, I suppose I’m a good guesser, hm? Parties like these aren’t for everyone. Can’t blame them.” Whether her words held the kindness one could mistake them for was left a mystery. The brunette did not care to elaborate on it.
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With that she turned back toward the bar, picking up the glass she’d been holding yet not paying all that much mind to. “Nothing wrong with them. They just don’t fit the occasion quite as much. Though I do have it on good authority that they may have some bottles if one truly desires such a thing.” Emmeline felt herself more than comfortable with the drink choices. A butterbeer every now and then was fine, but she didn’t feel like going for the most standard of things. A fancier event called for fancier drinks. “You’re the one from the Three Broomsticks, aren’t you? Rosmerta! Something like that? You must forgive me. I do not frequent Hogsmeade nearly as much as I used to.” With a swift motion she emptied the drink, very much glad that it was a lavender champagne rather than a butterbeer. - @ofxsorcery
It had taken quite some time before Ros had been able to make her way out of the Three Broomsticks and into the Ministry. And as soon as she had walked into the party she realised... She wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. She liked the laid back environment of the Three Broomstick. Not this fancy shit that was happening here. She took a deep breath and was ready to turn around and leave once more, when she suddenly heard a voice speaking to her.
Ros looked at the woman next to her who had spoken to her and slowly nodded. "You would be right about that, this definitely is not my scene," the woman confirmed as she let her gaze move over the people with an uneasy gaze.
The woman scrunched her nose when the words 'lavender champagne' and 'elderberry wine' were mentioned. "What is so wrong about a simple Butterbeer? It will probably taste better than all these fancy things together."
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notdelicatc · 8 days
Charming. There was no other way for the brunette to describe Evan, not in that moment. That, and incredibly smart when it came to his chosen words. Of course, he stood out. Always had. Very few others could the witch make such claims about. While her friends took most of her attention, he did as well. Whatever that mean, whatever that classified him as; Emmeline refused to think further as she allowed herself to be carried by his comment instead. “No, never. You always manage to, don’t you?” It wasn’t a question that required any answer. If she didn’t know any better, perhaps she’d have even considered his gesture to be gallant. There was something about it, certainly. It all led back to him being charming - when he wanted to be.
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Emmeline carefully placed her glass down onto the table next to them before her attention returned to the wizard in front of her. “I’ve had a good time so far. Never know what else the night can bring.” Chaos, mayhem or simply a good conversation; the answers were up in the stars, but time would reveal them surely. “There’s good and bad company. I’d like to think I know how to differentiate between them.” Her eyes scanned his, for a moment. That much she’d allow herself. After all, he’d always kept her more than entertained. “What do you make of all this?” Whatever this meant. From the festivities to the auction and of course those who’d be better off elsewhere. Many an answer could have been the correct one. - @rsrevan
While he enjoyed every opportunity he got to dress up and drink, this type of events weren't exactly his cup of tea. He was indeed the sole heir of the Rosier fortune and the responsibilites that came with it, but that didn't mean he enjoyed having to discuss business with wizards who thought they knew better than him. In his opinion they were just too old and not ready to take the risks needed for the future to actually be theirs. Annoyed and considering the interactions in which he had been involved were sufficient, the young wizard retreated to a darker of the room, making sure a waiter brought him a bottle of Blishen's Firewhisky, along with two glasses just in case he was feeling generous later on.
He hadn't been paying attention, not until a petite witch found her way to him. His brows raised as he presumed this to be the exact moment where the gala took an interesting turn. "Emmeline, dear, when have I not stood out?" Evan replied to her, needless to engage in formal greetings of any sorts. The wizard took his glass of whisky to his lips, emptying the contents in one swig. "They're not of my particular liking, but one can always enjoy a good drink no matter the context." He was quick to say once he had put his drink down, stepping closer to the brunette and taking hold of her free hand, placing a swift peck on top of it. "What about you, love? Any chance you've had a good time so far?
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notdelicatc · 8 days
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Moodboard: Alecto Carrow & Emmeline Vance
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notdelicatc · 9 days
who: @rsrevan where: ministry of magic event: ministry spring gala 1979
Decently late into the night and yet far too early to call it one and leave; that was the only way the timeframe they were all in could be described as. Of course, a few people had already left and truthfully the witch couldn’t blame them. Apart from a few rather dramatic turns the event had been rather calm; too quiet and tame for her liking. There had been the woman seemingly cursed and, from the whispers, a drink spilled, but beyond that it seemed almost too quiet. Either a storm was brewing or this whole day was at risk of ending up entirely boring. It was good to have some friends around to make up for the lack of chaos to unfold around them.
For a few minutes now the brunette had been making her rounds, scanning the crowd as she normally would, picking up a conversation here and there without ever bothering to stay for too long. Emmeline had been just about ready to make her way back to the bar when she spotted a face that brought forth at least a little bit of a smirk as she made her way over. “Look at you, hiding out among the crowd. Almost wouldn’t have noticed you there.” A shrug, her face filled with just a hint of disdain as she let her eyes roam the crowd closest to the other. “Lucky for you; you stick out among the others.”
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Emmeline had never made it a habit of hers to open talk about these people that she felt to be in the wrong world, the wrong place. She had her opinions, very well known to those she actually cared to share them with. An occasional snappy comment, that was about the extent of her way of voicing her dislike of those lesser than them. In truth even she herself did not fit the criteria, but she was doing her best to make up for it. “Enjoying the festivities?” The brunette allowed her eyes to linger, for just a moment before taking a sip from the glass still in her hand. Lavender champagne.
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notdelicatc · 12 days
The crowd a blur of faces, those of interest mingling with those she cared not for, Emmeline still found herself observing. By then she’d had her fair share of dancing and chatting, of having a drink offered here and then and of course, evading the ministry’s hawks as though life depended on it. How ever did she manage to escape them yet run almost immediately into Edgar Bones, she’d never know. There was no answer to be found regarding that.
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At first, she’d been more than ready to turn around when his voice caught her attention, eyes following the direction he was pointing before a chuckle escaped instead of coherent words. The person in question just seemed so far from anyone people would usually point her toward. Then again, the person pointing equally seemed to exist solely outside her usual circles. Not that she made a habit of making it all that obvious; nor hide it for that matter.
“Are you sure I should be the one going for that friend of yours?” Emmeline turned toward the other. Something told her that the man in question hadn’t in fact been paying attention at all. There was no other explanation. “Not entirely sure you’d want me to mingle with him. But, yes, beyond that it is a rather decent event. The drinks are plenty, the conversations entertaining; what more could one want?” - @edgarebones
where: ministry gala who: open
Edgar had made his rounds through the crowd, making sure he mingled with those that required the effort, knowing that though he thrived in a room full of people where he could use his charming wits, the earlier part of the day had drained him.
There was one last effort he was going to make out, turning to the person who was beside him, a hand came out to point to his best friend.
"He is single and ready to mingle. Don't let the awkward nature fool you." He would never give up on trying to find someone for Alastor. "He can be a little crabby." A short laugh. "Nah, how's your night going? They didn't do a bad job putting this together."
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notdelicatc · 12 days
There was a truth in his words that wasn’t normally spoken out loud. The wish for a boss to not have one or the other employee attend for this or that reason; nothing new. In fact, Emmeline could think of a few people that, due to reputation or political alignment were less than welcome and yet had shown up. “Hmm, I’m sure your boss is positively thrilled to have you here.” She laughed at the idea of the person in question, their face certainly not one of bliss given the circumstances. “One more reason to be here, hm?” The brunette turned toward him, hand reaching for the drink freshly placed on the counter while the other exchanged the empty cup. "Don't promise me a good time. You might not like the end of it." The brunette's fingers drummed along the glass, silently thanking him for the gesture.
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Whatever tension may have been there, the shield she kept around herself whenever there were those the witch would naturally rather prefer to repel, it slipped away in an instant. There was a certain benefit with having control over such matters that made it all the easier for it. “I’m enjoying myself just fine. Not quite the chaos I was hoping it would be but then again, these political events hardly ever are. You think they’re trying to show off being in control?” Emmeline smirked. “I can see it slipping from their fingers by the minute. So yes, I’m enjoying myself. Maybe someone will put a cherry on top to make it even better, but time will tell.” Her eyes were on him, that glimmer of mischief within them. “What about you? That one over there,” Her finger went pointing in the direction he came from, “Didn’t look all that entertaining. Can’t have you dying of boredom. In the ministry no less.” - @thorfinnrowlex
Thorfinn excused himself from a riveting conversation with an older wizard about his dietary needs, and rolled his eyes. All that could fix this mind numbing experience was a drink, a stiff one.
Palms splayed on top of the bar, waiting for the bartender to drink his drink and he heard a familiar voice. He turned slightly, catching sight of Emmeline Vance. "I am sure my boss would have been thrilled if I missed it." He pointed out. He glanced back at the bartender when he brought his drink. "The witch will have a lavender champagne." The least he could do was get her a drink.
His attention turned back to the brunette. "Are you enjoying yourself?" He could feel the tension coming off her.
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notdelicatc · 12 days
The intuition that carried her, that allowed her path to be the way that it was and at times to rise above things. It didn’t come from her father, that much was for sure. For all his admirable qualities, intuition wasn’t one. Perhaps at times a bit of foolish make-belief; she couldn’t tell. The one thing she knew for certain was that her mother’s side was far from the one to grant her that one, so perhaps it was her own gift after all? Emmeline turned her head, facing Rabastan with the hint of a smirk hiding away in the corner of her mouth yet ever so slightly visible. Just enough to give her amusement away before she threw caution to the wind to laugh. “As do you.” Unsurprisingly. Rabastan didn’t need compliments, surely, but they would be given when needed.
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“I have. It was the first thing I did when I got here. I donated a rather generous sum to a fund for centaurs. And a little sum for a project regarding the curse-breaking department. It’s so much nicer when you get to decide where exactly your galleons go, isn’t it?” A laugh, short as it was. “I doubt they will be storming the capitol anytime soon so what’s the harm.” Between the two of them, centaurs were not lacking in respect from her should she actually come face to face with them and yet the witch had a dire need to remain as far as she could. Something about the powers of divination and knowledge of the world unnerved her. Things were easier this way. This was their world, that one over there was theirs. At times it was better to remain separate.
Emmeline turned toward the bar, finally picking up the drink the person behind it had placed for her before her attention shifted, a scan of the room and her eyes were back on Rabastan. There was a fire, like a hidden flame that would light up whenever he was in the picture, like the one person to understand the mischievous dedication to all things, the art behind it. “Are you enjoying yourself? This isn’t unlike the things we’re used to but there is something odd about my employer being the one to host it.” Not that she would ever do so, but it was silly to think that a misstep in the wrong direction could get her or anyone fired. A whole selection of people, all on their best behavior. “I’m honestly surprised by half the guests. Some make sense but really, what are half of these people even doing here?” -@r-lestrcnge
Mingling with the masses was not Rabastan's idea of enjoyable recreation. Yet here he was, fulfilling the duty without overt complaint. It was important to cultivate a presence within the Ministry. It was prudent to appear at these functions so that the lower ranks did not forget their superiors. So he conversed politely and smiled with good grace, despite the annoyance that bristled through his veins.
Excusing himself from a lengthy conversation about some charity or other, he stepped decisively towards Emmeline. His eyes had been sweeping the room, observing who was attending; he had spotted her swiftly and did not require a reason to elect her company.
"Good evening to you too, Emmeline," he drawled, amused. Stepping within her sight, he was not surprised by her intuition. She was a skilled witch and their line of work required a heavy reliance on instinct. "You look very nice." A brief smile, a light compliment. Then his expression darkened slyly. "Keep a good hold on your purse. The vultures are out for gold. I hope you donated generously on the door, otherwise they will soon be swooping in."
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notdelicatc · 12 days
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JENNA COLEMAN as Liv Taylor in Wilderness (S01E04 - Home Sweet Home)
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notdelicatc · 12 days
If there was one thing Emmeline Vance valued above all it was loyalty. There was something innately admirable about those who could call loyalty a quality of theirs. Much had to change and alter the course of history for her to consider another path than the one chosen long ago. And anyone whom she felt even remotely loyal to, had her help at all times. Emme was no exception to this. Once her quidditch captain, someone she had trusted to make the right calls, that hadn’t changed despite the time spent away. “You owe me nothing. But, you do look like you’re in dire need of a drink stronger than whatever it was you’ve been sipping from while conversing with that old fool. What did he even want from you?”
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Of course, with the person that Emma was it wasn’t unheard of for other to seek out her company. Many people, far too many, would seek the glory of a friendship build upon a shaky foundation of the fame’s mention, alone. It was bizarrely stupid in the eyes of the brunette. “Have you tried the champagne yet? They have some lovely French lavender variant there. Or some extra fiery firewhiskey? The ministry’s gone all out. I’d almost call it trying too hard.” - @emmasvanity
"Such luck indeed, Em!" Genuine happiness came up on her face as she saw her friend and former teammate. Emma held a fondness for those who she was on the Slytherin Quidditch team with, as she was the Quidditch team captain from '72 to '76. While most of them didn't end up going into playing professionally like she did, Emma tried to stay in touch with them as much as possible. Work and the war had not made it that simple. She thought the war to be incredibly inconvenient to her. "We wouldn't waant any accidents happening ruin the games after all." Emma nodded following Emmeline's lead and playing along with her, before leaving the man with one last fake smile. Once they were out of his earshot she turned to her friend. "I owe you one. Thank you."
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