nothin-but-smalls · 1 year
Omg I can finally talk to somebody about my love for mysme g/t!!! Anyways, I had a dream one time that I was a borrower living in Seven's bunker, but I woke up the moment I got discovered. I would've loved to continue that dream, though. So what do you think would happen after Seven discovers a borrower?
This is a very good question though, because I can see it going in a few different ways. Let me see if I can sort them out coherently (no promises)
Discovering a borrower in his house would be alarming. Not only because holy shit a tiny person , but also because of his line of work. Who knows who this person is or if they're working for anyone.
I can imagine Luciel and the borrower holding eye contact for an extended period of time, both either running through what they could do about this situation in their heads or their minds going completely blank. As the trope goes, the tiny would make the first move. Trying to run, using the mess that is 707's house to make their escape, but unfortunately the redhead would be more than capable of cornering them and/or grabbing them in his hands.
Holding this person in an iron-fist, he'd probably look the borrower over inquisitively, trying to sus them out.. but, assuming they(or, I suppose, you in this case) are innocent, he wouldn't be able to find anything suspicious.
This would call for heavy silence, the borrower frozen in fear or struggling, and Seven keeping a firm grip while waiting for them (and himself) to calm down.
Then you'd get a very awkward conversational exchange, introducing names, asking what the borrower is doing there.. but if they plan to stay, Seven would either set down ground rules or completely deny them (he can't risk anything regarding his work getting out, even if you do seem innocent).
Regardless, there's potential for them(or the both of you) to bond, it would just take time! And I can easily see angst in the future of this concept too.
(small bonus)
But, but but but! If he finds a borrower at someone else's house or on the streets, that's a bit of a different story. Less anxiety-fueled accidental aggression, I'd say. Probably just curiosity?? Following them/chasing them, being his goofy self upon introductions... YEA!
Sorry if this isn't to your satisfaction, I'm relatively new to posting/doing G/T stories/concepts
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nothin-but-smalls · 2 years
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nothin-but-smalls · 2 years
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That's one big secret, alright.
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nothin-but-smalls · 2 years
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g/t be like
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nothin-but-smalls · 2 years
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I saw this meme the other day and these two popped in my mind instantly
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nothin-but-smalls · 2 years
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disposable camera shenanigans 🏜
[from @unicornofgt’s GTMS]
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nothin-but-smalls · 2 years
I love that the hologram versions of the Vocaloids in Project SEKAI that appear in the real world are canonically tiny, because we get images like this…
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Like… Ichika is serenading tiny Miku, and it’s adorable, and they’re girlfriends, and I’m in love with this game HELP
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nothin-but-smalls · 2 years
Current hyperfixation is Mystic Messenger so let's start there. Naturally gonna make points about my kin but hey y'all are free to like send me scenarios or concepts with other characters
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I personally see him as a sizeshifter almost entirely because of how chaotic he tends to act. Makes for good jokes and of course angst potential
Keeping MC in his pocket when he's hacking just so he can feel comforted knowing they're there
Alternatively, shrinking down and staying in MC's pocket instead when he's upset
Grows to squish you, maybe even to give you a big hug or a kiss!!
You fucking know he'd put on doll dresses (and rock em)
Totally use it to mess with Yoosung. Maybe even convince him that clouds taste like cotton candy only for him to be sorely disappointed
Jaehee and Jumin would be absolutely done with his tomfuckery as usual, but now he could just show up outside their company building and say "hai lolol"
Though, when he's not busy, it could actually be a benefit. Say they need help putting something up outside the building, Jumin being the trustfund-money loving-buisnessman he is would just contact Luciel because it would cost less than buying a machine
Zen could have him help get some neat shots for acting or general photos
Do you think Yoosung LARPs? If he does I wonder if he could get Seven to do some shit too
Speaking of, Seven is the kind of person who would really like DND but almost always dms. Just picking someone up or growing in size to make a scene more impactful, y'know what I'm talking about??
Saeran. Hold younger twin like kitten. Of course, this only applies when he isn't a part of the Mint Eye and is instead safely with his brother
Use his sizeshifting just to be more dramatic, honestly
....but also to get away from people by, say, shrinking and hiding (since he whenever he gets close to someone outside of his agency or the RFA he just disappears)
GIMME MORE THOUGHTS!! It's 3 and my brain hurts
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nothin-but-smalls · 2 years
Haha finally made a g/t blog. Poggers! Let's start off with an introduction, yea?
Name's Orion, I'm a demiboy he/they pronouns and a very loving bf
Can't pinpoint when I became apart of this community but man I love it sm
As for my role in it all.... I mean, I love the scenarios and art in general but FUCK I wish I was a giant. Like I wanna hold my wittle boy in my hand!!!! Carry him around!!!
Unfortunately I'm 5'2 but shh, that's why the header is the tiny giant
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