notjennaortega 25 days
He most certainly is going to get her here at some point. I know he has his ways. You have all of my attention, babes! I'm all yours. Sisters for life, right? Yes, how about we go tomorrow and buy all the cute things and make France ours?
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as we're speaking, i know mason is probably deep into his new plan of getting jasmin here so i'm trying to take your full attention before i have to split you with everyone. want to welcome me to france in the most perfect way possible with some shopping and drinks soon? @notjennaortega
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notjennaortega 25 days
Jennifer Lawrence and Sophia Bush. Literally two of my all time favs. I adore them both and they have been amazing so far. I know, I know, we are both too pretty for French jail and it needs to be avoided. Let's go out and get wasted and I promise not to start swinging. What have you been up to so far? Have I been missing out on all the fun?
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Who are you with? Am I about to be jealous? Oh my Godddd, Jenna, I would not live out there. But we can go to a bar, see what kinda shit we get up to.
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notjennaortega 25 days
Honestly I adore my roomies. Got two literal queens with me. Yes trouble! Let's get drunk and get in a bar fight or something. No totally kidding about the fight part- I can't get arrested in France but let's go do something exciting.
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Perfectly fine on my end, honestly. What about you? Did you get stuck in an evil trio like some people? Trouble? Shit, consider me intrigued.
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notjennaortega 25 days
Troyyyeee! How are you holding up with your roomies? Also when can I steal you because we are long overdue for an adventure. I wanna get up to some serious trouble. @troyesvn
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notjennaortega 25 days
Are you down for a little shopping in France with yours truly? I need to pick out something cute in case I find my prince charming this trip. I also promised my parents I'd bring them back something with French on it. @hannahdakota
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notjennaortega 25 days
No she is not?? How the hell do we get Jasmin out here. We need the whole crew back. France has been a literal dream so far. Have you done anything fun and exciting without me? Because I might be a little hurt if the answer is yes.
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did you hear that melissa's joining us soon? now we just need jasmin to show herself and we're actually having a core four reunion.. nah, a core four reunion in fucking france. doesn't get any better than that. / @notjennaortega
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notjennaortega 25 days
You are the best. Let's just be us, girl. Live out our own mermaid tales--pun very much intended. Also, only way I'd do the show is if they bring you back! I could be Cleo's long lost baby sister or something. Who do we pitch this to?
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Well, since you were so sweet about it, I guess I can make it happen. I won't be the reason your H2o dreams ate crushed. Am I still going to be Cleo, or would you rather us make up a different world where I'm me but a mermaid version of myself? Truthfully, I think they should being the show back and you should star in it. The world already adores you.
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notjennaortega 26 days
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notjennaortega 26 days
If we don't go to the beach together and pretend to be mermaids at least once this trip I'm going to be very upset. I need to make all of my H2O dreams come true, Pheebs. @phoebetonkln
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notjennaortega 26 days
So when are we grabbing drinks and dancing the night away? I could really use some time with my favorite singer. @sabriiinas
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notjennaortega 26 days
I'm loving France so far! The views are gorgeous, it's unreal. I went to the spa yesterday and then spent most of the day catching up on sleep. I was absolutely exhausted. I'm really interested in checking out some of the night life here, I could use a good night out. What about you? Anything exciting happen so far?
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please tell me that you've been enjoying yourself so far. what have you either seen or done so far? what here in marseille has caught your attention right off the bat? @notjennaortega
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notjennaortega 26 days
I am sure we will have an absolutely amazing time as roommates. I was excited to see your name listed. I absolutely adore both you and Sophia. How's your son doing anyway? I'm good and no we aren't finished filming yet but I managed to get some time away for this trip. How are you, love? Anything new and exciting besides the little cutie?
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Hey you! It's been a while since I've lived with other people besides my young son so bear with me if I'm annoying. Love that we get to be roommates along with Sophia. How are you? Is the filming of Wednesday over?
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notjennaortega 28 days
That must have been so fun. Are you touring now at all? I haven't done a pub crawl yet but I'm dying to! I'll definitely be doing one before I head back to the states. Well, there was one. I guess they had to shut it down because of people using it improperly. Which was bound to happen at some point but hopefully they reopen it soon. You're a fan of the show? You'll absolutely love the second season, promise. It's been such a blast to film and everyone's really putting their all in it.
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It's a pretty great country. Once got a tour of Dublin thanks to this kind Irish fella and it was pretty great. Since you like the pubs, have you done a pub crawl yet? That was a fun experience. Wait there's a portal and you can see people in NYC? How is that even possible? Also, can I just say I'm very excited about the new Wednesday season.
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notjennaortega 28 days
Honestly it's gorgeous out here. The countryside feels like a fairytale. The pubs are amazing, no doubt about that. They're worth a trip on their own. Might be kinda lame to say but the Guinness here is the best hands down. I just heard it got shut down for people being well people. Always ruining things but if they open it up again soon we need to set up a time and do it. What's been new with you?
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Personally, I've never spent much time I'm Ireland, but from what I hear their pubs are a whole experience in themselves so I'm glad to hear that's true. Have you got a favourite drink yet? I've seen news about the portal. I'm currently in New York, so if you want to travel to the Dublin side, I'll hope om over to the NY side and we can meet each other there.
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notjennaortega 28 days
Best one I've found is The Brazen Head. Definitely check it out next time. Unfortunately I just heard the portals were shut down because people suck. So we'll just have to facetime, Samberg! How've you been anyway?
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Why haven't i heard about those pubs? and to think i been in New York with Seth for no reason when i could be seeing those portals i need to find one now so i can wave at you all the way from New York but i hope you find someone to join you in Ireland.
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notjennaortega 28 days
Where's your show tonight? Oh no! They shut it down? Welp there goes my plans. It doesn't surprise me people would get too crazy with it. Filming's been going really good, I've been crazy busy but I'll be able to make the France trip which will be nice to just have a mini break. You're a godsend for not asking spoilers.
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i'm in dublin, too. not nearly for as long as you have been since i just had a show yesterday and then one tonight. it's not enough time to do much sadly. i was going to check out the portal but i heard it's closed now since people were getting a little wild which i can't say is too surprising. how's filming been going? don't worry, i won't ask for any spoilers.
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notjennaortega 29 days
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Jenna Ortega
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