notnotnotes · 6 months
guess which dumb gay bitch is back, and somehow with the hottest enby partner in tow
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notnotnotes · 2 years
Goddammit, forgot about tumblr for a wee bit, came back and saw I had new followers, only to find out theyre all scam bots. I just wanted more real people to lay eyes on my shitshow :(
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notnotnotes · 2 years
I swear to god everytime I see one of this guys comics in my feed I just get absolutely slapped by how close to home it hits, this dude is basically living my life, except I suck at art
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notnotnotes · 2 years
Getting notes on this app gives me more serotonin than instagram or any other social media ever has. Thank you little funky people in my phone, I would kiss every one of you if I could (unless youre a minor, aro, in a relationship, or otherwise uncomfortable, in which case you would get a highfive and fingerguns)
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notnotnotes · 2 years
I just realised that I joined right when the twitter refugees are coming in, and I am worried that people will think I too have fled from there, when in reality it is 4:15am and my mental state got so bad that I turned to tumblr
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notnotnotes · 2 years
This resonates too damn much
I feel like one of the things I hate the most is when people (especially adults when I was a child) would ask “why are you crying? What is that going to solve?”
Sometimes it’s just about releasing your emotions. Which is productive in itself. But damn, why does everything have to be seen as “productive” somehow?
Like if you want/need to cry, that’s okay. And I feel like that’s the message I should have been taught growing up.
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notnotnotes · 2 years
Hiya, I truely have no clue how this site works, but I wanted a place to just put out my thoughts and maybe have a few random people see it, so here I am. I had my first counselling/therapy session yesterday and one of the first things that happened was I did a few quick questionnaires and then got told I had severe anxiety and depression, which is peachy. Explains a lot though. The one thing I am going to hate about this is that there is so much time between each session, my next one is a week away and apparently after that its one every two weeks. I just hope that this starts to help.
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