notprzemyslaw-blog · 9 years
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“But I can’t wait that long! Stiles is off doing who knows what after a car tried to murder us, and Uncle John... well, he’s probably at work but I want to know now.”
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“I think that’s, um, something you need to talk about with Stiles and Uncle John, okay?”
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notprzemyslaw-blog · 9 years
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“You and Stiles can do magic and that was what the weird blue thing was!”
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“Um, what exactly did she tell you?”
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notprzemyslaw-blog · 9 years
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“Karolin told me some interesting things.”
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notprzemyslaw-blog · 9 years
So They Dug Your Grave || Self Para
Tagging: Stiles Stilinski, Max Garcia
Location: Roscoe
Time: Evening
Plot: A car crash uncovers a secret.
Warnings: Car Crash.
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notprzemyslaw-blog · 10 years
Max smiled widely at the mention of his uncle, eyes lighting up, “What’s he like? Is he nice or is he mean? You can tell me, I won’t tell him what you said. Do you think he’ll like me? What about the person he’s marrying? Is she nice too?”
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Isaac nodded, “I bet you will, Karolin’s very sweet.” he said, smiling at Max’s interaction with Briella. “Thank you.” he told him, laughing softly at the rest of his comment as he check his phone for a response to the text he had sent before. “Your uncle’s going to be here as soon as he can.”
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notprzemyslaw-blog · 10 years
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Max nodded, remembering what the social worker had said, “Yeah, he’s my dad’s uncle, but my dad’s dead and my mom’s in jail and I was in foster care but now I’m here,” He said in a single breath, bouncing slightly as he looked around inside, “Is he here?”
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Scott looked down at the boy for a second before looking back at the social worker though quickly did a double take as he looked at the boy again, “Holy sh— I mean hi.” He quickly corrected himself, shocked at how much this little boy looked like Stiles had at that age. “Alright Max, I’m Scott. Your uncle wouldn’t be John Stilinski would he?”
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notprzemyslaw-blog · 10 years
Max grinned happily, “Maybe we can be friends,” He said with a grin before turning back to Briella, giggling as she babbled at him, “She’s cute,” he said, “There was a baby at my last foster home, but it was mostly stinky.”
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Isaac laughed softly, “Stiles actually has a couple cousins on his mom’s side, they aren’t related to you, but I think Karolin’s about your age.” he explained as he turned Briella out so she could see Max and she flailed a little before babbling her greeting at him. “She’s five months old.” he explained.
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notprzemyslaw-blog · 10 years
Max stared at Isaac for a moment, blinking, “Is there anyone my age?” He asked before giggling slightly at Isaac tried to explain his relationship to Briella. He bounced as he followed the older blonde inside the house. He watched with wonder as he picked up the baby, “How old is she?”
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Isaac bit back a laugh, the kid was exactly like eight year old Stiles has been, except at least five times happier. “Yeah, he is. Stiles is your cousin too, biologically. And Scott’s my adopted brother, they’re my age. So you have three cousins.” he agreed before pausing in thought as Max asked about Briella, “Yeah, she’s your step …second, no first cousin … once… Yeah, she’s your cousin.” he said, deciding the specifics were too complicated. “Come here,” he said, waving the boy over as he moved to pick Briella up out of the playpen.
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notprzemyslaw-blog · 10 years
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Max looked up with wide eyes, “He’s getting married? That means I’m going to have an aunt! And you’re my cousin!” He said excitedly, bouncing as he stood. He frowned for a moment as he thought about the baby, “Does that make her my cousin, too? Is that how it works? Can I see her?”
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Isaac took in a deep breath, that story certainly sounded like how someone came to live with them, and if Isaac knew his mother and almost-step-father at all, there was no chance of the little boy not ending up with them once they heard. “Oh, well … wow.” he finally managed, “Um, this is actually my mom’s house, she’s marrying Mr. Stilinski in a couple of weeks. They’re both at work right now, but I can call them?” he said, addressing the social worker more then Max before looking back in the house where Briella lay in a play-pen, “Yeah, she’s my daughter. Her name is Briella.”
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notprzemyslaw-blog · 10 years
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Max nodded happily, “Yeah, that’s my uncle! He was my dad’s brother. I never met my dad, though. He died, and my mom got arrested, and then I was in foster care for a while.. but now I’m here!” He looked inside the house, searching for someone else in the household, “Is he here? Is he- Is that a baby?”
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Isaac froze as he spotted the child on the porch, “Stiles?” he asked softly before blinking in shock as the boy introduced himself. “Um, alright, by the first name and that fact that you’re pretty much Stiles’ clone, I’m going to guess you’re looking for my, uh, well, John Stilinski?”
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notprzemyslaw-blog · 10 years
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“Hi!” Max greeted happily from his spot beside the social worker. He looked up at the person at the door in curiosity, “My name is Prezemeslaw Maximiliano Garcia but I go by Max... We’re looking for my uncle”
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