notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
Shadow Work Questions:
When was the last time you truly felt at peace?
What triggers you? Can you identify the root of this?
What advice would you give to yourself from 5 years ago?
How were you taught to deal with emotions as a child? How does this affect you now?
What were you brought up to value in your family?
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
100 shadow work/journal prompt ideas
I enjoy journaling. It’s almost like therapy, but you’re figuring it out by yourself. You’re trying to figure out your own issues by putting it on paper, sometimes it’s for self reflecting or for figuring yourself out. This is very similar to shadow work. 
What is shadow work? 
Shadow work is addressing your shadow self, the side of you that you bury deep down and avoid. It’s your unconscious mind, and it is important to uncover this side of you in order to achieve your highest self. There are multiple ways to do this, but the most known (and most effective in my opinion), is journaling. I thought I should share 100 prompts that really make you think. 
1. What was one time you remember feeling wronged as a child? How did you react? Has this affected you into adulthood? How?
2. Think about one time where you’ve felt betrayed. What would you say to the person who broke your trust?
3. Write about a time you felt let down by someone you’d previously looked up to.
4. What’s one trait you see in other people that you wish you had. Why do you not possess this characteristic yourself?
5. Do you often find yourself over-thinking what you’ve said or how you’ve acted? What usually triggers this?
6. What were your parents’/guardians’ core values while you were growing up? Do you hold these today or do they differ? How so?
7. What are your core values as a human being? What’s the most important to you? What are you morally passionate about?
8. What tends to trigger envy for you? Why do you think this is?
9. What are the first signs that your mental health is dipping?
10. When are you hardest on yourself? Why? Where do you think this stems for? Why do you put yourself under so much pressure? Why are you so reluctant to be kind to yourself?
11. How do you react when you’re angry? Is this similar to other people who have been in your life since childhood? Why do you think this is?
12. What triggers you? Can you identify where this came from?
13. How do you perceive failure? What is your definition of failure? How does it make you feel? Are you afraid of it? Why might this be? How did your parents/guardians react to failure?
14. What situations make you feel less than or not good enough? Why do you think this is?
15. What is your relationship with your parents and/or siblings like? How was it as a child compared to now? Why do you think this is?
16. What parts of your parents/guardians growing up do you see in yourself now? When did these begin to become apparent?
17. What toxic traits have you recognised in your parents? How did it make you feel when you realized that your parents weren’t perfect? Do you also possess these traits yourself?
18. What are your toxic traits? How do these present themselves? How do you project these onto others?
19. What aspects of yourself would you like to improve? Why? Has anyone in your past ever made comments suggesting that you should? If so, how did this make you feel?
20. How do you feel about who you are as a human? Why?
21. How often do you forgive yourself? What kind of things do you feel you need to be forgiven for? Why is this?
22. Write about a time where you messed up and needed forgiveness. Did you ask to be forgiven? Did you apologize? How did it play out?
23. Do you form obsessive or unhealthy attachments easily? Why do you think this might be; do you have a fear of change/abandonment/rejection? Or, on the other hand, do you find it difficult to form emotional attachments; do you struggle with commitment or get restless staying in one place for a certain amount of time? Where do you think this stems from?
24. How do you fill your time when bored? What gives you enjoyment? What self-care do you regularly practise?
25. What negative emotions do you tend to avoid? Why might this be?
26. What negative emotions do you actually feel quite comfortable sitting with? Why might this be?
27. Write about one person you’ve never forgiven. What happened and why did you not forgive them? Was it warranted? How has this event affected you going forward? Do you think you could forgive them now? How did you move on from this?
28. How do you carry the weight of your past trauma? How has it affected you?
29. How did you process emotions as a child, teenager, and young adult? How do you process negative emotions now? Has this changed over time?
30. How do you enforce boundaries? How do you feel when people overstep them? How do you react?
31. What is the biggest lie you consistently tell yourself? Why?
32. What misconceptions have you noticed about your harbor? Can you think about where these started?
33. What are your preconceptions about femininity? Why do you think this is? Where did they come from?
34. What are your preconceptions towards masculinity? Where did these come from?
35. What does the term ‘Shadow Work’ mean to you?
36. What are three main goals you want to achieve with your shadow work?
37. Did you have any heroes growing up? Who did you look up to and why?
38. How were you taught to deal with emotions as a child?
39. How do you deal with negative emotions now?
40. What’s the most hurtful thing you’ve ever done to someone else?
41. What’s the most hurtful thing you’ve done to yourself?
42. How have you moved forward from hurting someone else?
43. How do you plan to move forward after hurting yourself?
44. What’s the biggest promise to you that someone else has broken? How did it make you feel? Why?
45. What’s the biggest promise you’ve broken to yourself? Why? How do you feel about that?
46. Have you ever broken a promise to someone else? Why?
47. When you really think about it, is there any area of your life you’re in denial about?
48. What do you constantly lie to yourself about?
49. What do you lie to other people about? Why?
50. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told and why?
51. Have you ever had your heart broken? Write about this time in your life.
52. Have you ever broken someone else’s heart? Was it unintentional or intentional? Write about this.
53. Do you ever find yourself manipulating people in an attempt to protect yourself?
54. What’s a question you had as a child that you never got a real answer to? Do you have that answer now?
55. What is something that you’ve always wanted to confront someone about? Why haven’t you? Do you plan to? Why?
56. What is the meaning of life to you?
57. What was the last argument you had about? Was it resolved?
58. How do you feel about confrontation? Why do you think this is?
59. Do you ever have physical reactions to emotional feelings? Write about these. Why do you think this happens?
60. What’s your favorite way to self-soothe? Describe your perfect self-care day.
61. What family patterns am I repeating? 
62. When was the last time I truly felt at peace? Where was I? Who was surrounding me? 
63. In what situations do I feel less than others, equal to others, or better than others? Why do I feel that way? 
64. How do I define failure? 
65. What has been my biggest personal failure and why? 
66. When was the last time I felt jealous of someone else? What do they have that I want? 
67. What is your ultimate dream? Are you currently living your dream? What steps can you take to make it happen?
68. What is your favorite book of all time and why? Movie?
69. Are you doing what you love for a living? What is your dream job?
70. Make a list of 10 things that make you smile.
71. What do you wish you could do everyday?
72. Write down your own bucket list.
73. Write about someone who inspires you.
74. What’s an embarrassing moment you can look back on and laugh now?
75. List 10 of your favorite things, can be anything.
76. Write down your top 10 travel destinations.
77. How do you spend your time alone?
78. What are you the most grateful for in your life?
79. Do you care what other people think of you? why?
80. What excites you about the future?
81. What are some new hobbies you would like to try?
82. How do you want to be remembered?
83. What do you want to accomplish today and tomorrow?
84. What is your favorite song and why?
85. What motivates you?
86. What are your top priorities in life?
87. What are 5 physical features that you love about yourself?
88. What gift do you think you were born with?
89. What holiday or event do you look forward to every year?
90. How would you describe yourself to a stranger?
91. What life lessons have books taught you?
92. Which fictional character would you most like to be, why?
93. What is your favorite place?
94. Is there anything that has changed your outlook on life?
95. Can you keep a secret?
96. How would you change the world?
97. Are you good at organizing your time?
98. What would you do if you could travel into the past?
99. Where in your life do you need to be more fearless?
100.What would you change about your high school experience?
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
mars in taurus • july 5, 2022 - august 20, 2022
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mars is the planet of action, aggression, war, sex, and is the planet responsible for our drive and how your physical body exerts our innerg. mars is our inner warrior. when mars is in taurus, things get real sexual and sensual. it is also a time where we are fighting for our peace - whether that means taking the high road when we want to go off or remaining dedicated to our goals that bring financial freedom, we are going to war for the things that bring out the softness in us. this is a wonderful transit to be dedicated to your purpose, putting in work each and every day to bring your visions to life + manifest material abundance.
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how to alchemize with mars in taurus:
stay focused on your career/financial goals
journal prompt: why don't you feel like you are worth your dream life? why don't you think you have the resources to build your dream life?
give yourself time to respond instead of reacting based on your current emotional state
practice safe sex with someone who loves + cherishes you without question
remove your focus from relationships that hold you back from pursuing your goals
use your sacral innerg to manifest material abundance
start that entrepreneurship journey
approach everything with full confidence
meditate with inspiration as your intention if you're feeling stuck
journal prompt: what is luxury to you + how can you bring more luxury into your life?
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
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I finally finished up my travel sized version of this product! This is a mild chemical/physical exfoliating cleanser that I typically use once or twice a week. The tiny sized lasted me such a long time that I'm not sure if I'd be able to use all of the full size before it expires! This product doesn't overstrip the moisture of my skin and leave me peeling like so many other exfoliating cleansers do. This is something I am sure to repurchase in the future. Maybe if I finish enough of my other products I'll justify the splurge and get the full size or I'll just purchase another travel size!~
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
Days for Spells & Rituals
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
Essential Oils Magickal Properties
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Allspice: Attracts good luck, money, and love. Its association with spirituality and purification makes allspice a good choice for consecrating amulets, altars, and ritual space. Allspice is a powerful energy raiser, especially for magic. Use it in element magic as well as to manifest abundance (berry oil). Other magical uses include communication, courage, determination, friends/friendship, growth (leaf oil), healing, kindness, power, prosperity, purpose (leaf oil), strength, and success (berry oil).
Amyris: Opens the doorway between the conscious and subconscious areas of the mind, stimulating memories and increasing creativity as well as enhancing dream and past-life work. Amyris aids in releasing misconceptions and negative thoughts, paving the way for self-acceptance, growth, and transformation. This oil is instrumental in attuning to the cycles of the natural world and moon energy as well as personal rhythms. Amyris is also associated with balance, protection, purpose, and strength.
Angelica: It protects against and can break hexes and spells, and is useful in protecting against and banishing evil. Angelica also provides protection during dreamwork and divination. It is associated with the Otherworld (root oil), stability (root oil), and longevity. It can break up and clear away negative energy, providing psychic protection during channeling. Angelica is also helpful in dealing with problems and manifesting what you seek. In providing spiritual support, angelica aids in listening to higher self for inspiration, growth, healing, and knowledge. The seed oil is especially helpful for balance, beginnings, changes, and renewal. The root oil is helpful with grounding energy and keeping secrets. Angelica is instrumental in angel and element magic, and is ideal for consecrating an altar, ritual, and magic tools. Angelica is also associated with beauty, cycles, peace, power, purification, stimulation, strength, and success.
Anise: Aids in developing and increasing psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance, and offers psychic protection, particularly when dealing with the Otherworld. This protection extends to banishing evil and clearing negative energy. Anise is instrumental in stimulating the mind, heightening awareness, attracting spirits, and connecting with other realms. Anise is associated with purification and consecration as well as attracting blessings to the home. Use it to deal with emotions, loss, and love. Anise is associated with fertility, growth, sexuality, and marriage. It is instrumental when initiating change for renewal and starting over. Anise is also associated with balance, cycles, happiness, luck, money, and well-being.
Basil: Aids divination skills and is instrumental in developing psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance. It is also used for psychic protection. Stimulating and refreshing, basil brings clarity for decision-making as well as determining one’s purpose in life. Basil bolsters courage for defense and success. In addition, it engenders a sense of happiness, confidence, and strength. Basil promotes healthy relationships, smoothing problems between lovers, particularly where fidelity is concerned. Use it to attract love as well as to release hexes and banish negativity. Basil also aids in honoring and remembering the dead and easing sorrow. Its use in angel, defensive, and element magic is boosted by its association with dragon energy. Basil is an herb of the home, protecting it against evil entities, attracting blessings, comfort, luck, peace, and prosperity. This herb is also associated with trust, concentration, and healing. For couples, basil helps with sexual issues, manifesting desires, fertility, and increasing vitality. Other magical associations are balance, beauty, changes, friendship, growth, money, and purification.
Bay: Aids in prophetic dreaming, divination, and clairvoyance. It increases psychic powers and its purification properties provide protection during this work. It also clears and protects the home from negativity. Use this oil to build magical energy, consecrate sacred space, enhance defensive magic, and remove hexes. Bay supports courage and determination when seeking justice. It improves memory and augments concentration, bringing clarity and inspiring creativity as well as spiritual growth. Bay is also associated with awareness, inspiration, and intuition. It supports longevity in marriage and success when dealing with problems. Also use bay to connect with fairies.
Benzoin: A powerful ally for magic. It can increase the rate of success for spells as well as break hexes. Use it to attract money, comfort, and success as well as for protection. Benzoin is effective for clearing negativity—especially in the home—to make way for prosperity. Powerful purification properties make it good for ritual preparation and altar consecration. It awakens the mind for inspiration and reaching higher levels of consciousness. Use benzoin for focus as well as psychic protection during astral projection and channeling. Benzoin is also associated with the emotions, healing, and the ability to banish anything unwanted. Also use it magically for strength, vitality, and wisdom.
Bergamot: Use bergamot for protection, especially psychic protection when dark powers seem to cast shadows over life. Also use it to overcome or remove hexes. This oil aids in letting go of toxic emotions, restoring peace after a quarrel, and encouraging happiness. It also helps to open awareness for dreamwork. Employ bergamot in spells to aid in legal matters as well as attract luck, money, and prosperity. It is a good oil for divination and spirit communication. Bergamot helps focus energy for manifesting success and wealth. Use it for control and strength when dealing with problems. Bergamot is also associated with confidence, courage, kindness, love, and well-being.
Birch, White: Birch is one of the classic nine woods that were gathered for ritual fires. Use it to clear negativity before ritual and for protection during magic work. It is also useful for purification and attracting abundance. As a symbol of birth and renewal, birch helps us learn from the past when making a fresh start. Employ it for divination, love spells, and to attract fairies. Birch aids in opening the mind and expanding awareness to receive inspiration, blessings, and wisdom. It is also associated with creativity, intuition, and spirits. Use birch to aid in personal growth, healing, and general well-being. When used for focusing energy, birch brings clarity and opens the way for knowledge and finding one’s purpose in life. It is also associated with defense, determination, fertility, security, and stability.
Cajeput: Although cajeput is not widely used in magic and ritual, it can provide balance and stability when combined with other oils. Cajeput stimulates the mind and strengthens courage. It aids in creative and sexual expression as well as transformation. This oil helps build or rebuild a solid sense of self for growth and healing. Cajeput is also associated with determination, protection, and security.
Camphor: Has strong cleansing and banishing properties that are instrumental in clearing away negative energy. It is especially good for clearing the home. Camphor’s power to subdue sexual desire can be useful after ending a relationship as well as when celibacy or chastity are desired. Use it to increase and strengthen psychic power and to enhance divination and dreamwork. It is supportive for moon and element magic. Camphor aids in keeping the mind focused in the present as well as awakening past-life memories. It can bring emotional clarity when growth and/or healing is sought. Camphor is also associated with balance, cycles, protection, purpose, and strength.
Caraway: Effective when there is a problem in keeping or retaining things, including magical tools as well as secrets. While caraway is effective in preventing the loss of a lover, it can also help renew a relationship. It is instrumental in stimulating cycles, increasing luck, and maintaining well-being. Use caraway to restore confidence, encourage fidelity, and to initiate changes. It is effective in sex and element magic as well as dreamwork. Caraway is also associated with fertility, luck, memories, the mind, protection, and renewal.
Cardamom: Uplifts the mind, aiding concentration, creativity, and divination. It is said to be an aphrodisiac that increases sexual appetite and makes a lover more passionate. Cardamom also increases love and strengthens partnerships. Use it to boost sex magic as well as stimulate desires and lust. This oil promotes healing by coming into balance. It boosts confidence and courage through clarity of purpose. Cardamom is also associated with beginnings and cycles.
Carrot: Associated with sex—ranging from male fertility to conception to heightening lust. Use this oil for sex magic as well as element magic. Carrot is also instrumental for purifying ritual space and clearing negativity in general. Employ it to initiate change and bring renewal. Carrot is also associated with balance, beginnings, cycles, and healing.
Catnip: Use catnip for animal and element magic and to attract benevolent spirits. It is effective for increasing psychic abilities and for bonding psychically with a cat. Catnip also aids in dream and psychic work. Use it to attract love and friendship as well as good luck to the home. It is also helpful to invite beauty, happiness, and peace into your life. Catnip enhances courage when called on to provide protection. This oil can aid in healing or dealing with problems of fertility and sexuality. It boosts energy and increases vitality. Catnip is also associated with awareness, memories, and strength.
Cedarwood, Virginia: Cedarwood stimulates dreamwork and strengthens psychic abilities with focus and clarity. It supports element magic, clairvoyance, and all forms of divination while offering psychic protection. Associated with sacred groves and spirituality, cedarwood aids in communicating with spirits. Its purification properties are excellent for consecrating amulets and cleansing magic tools. These properties also serve to banish hexes and ward off the intentions of negative people. Use these oils in spells to attract love or to keep a lover faithful, as well as to attract luck, money, and wealth. Cedarwood is effective when dealing with death for providing comfort and peace as well as finding emotional release. These oils foster security and stability by increasing confidence, determination, and courage. Use them for inspiration when seeking peace of mind. Supporting growth and renewal, cedarwood boosts healing, vitality, and longevity. Cedarwood is also associated with fertility, friendship, justice, and success.
Celery: This oil is very grounding, which is an asset for bringing mental clarity for psychic work, astral travel, and prophetic dreaming. Celery also helps to increase and hone divination skills as well as stimulate creativity. Use it in sex magic to increase passion and fidelity. This oil aids in self-work for healing, renewal, and coming into balance with the world around you. It can help spark inspiration for initiating changes and establishing new beginnings. Celery is also associated with cycles, protection, and breaking hexes.
Chamomile, Roman: Well known for physical and emotional healing, chamomile brings clarity and success in communication. It aids in dreamwork and divination, and grounds energy for psychic work—especially Roman chamomile for channeling. Chamomile supports determination when dealing with problems and provides protection against hexes. Use these oils in spells to attract beauty, love, luck, money, and prosperity. Additionally, chamomile can be instrumental when seeking peace, justice, and personal growth. Chamomile also stimulates creativity, intuition, and spiritual vibrations, and helps manifest desires. Use chamomile to purify and consecrate altars as well as ritual and magic tools. Chamomile is also associated with abundance, control, fertility, and sexuality.
Cinnamon: Use cinnamon or cassia oil to spark awareness, stimulate psychic abilities, and support astral travel. These oils aid in divination and dreamwork, and are effective in defensive and sex magic. Also use them to increase the power and success of spells, and to support clairvoyance. They are effective for consecrating amulets and magic tools as well as raising energy for ritual. These oils promote balance (bark oil), concentration, inspiration, and creativity. Dispelling negative energy, they promote higher vibrational energy (leaf oil) for spiritual purification and growth (leaf oil). Additionally, use these oils in spells to attract and strengthen love as well as to support protection (bark oil) and enhance overall security. They also increase passion, lust, and desires. Cinnamon and cassia are effective for bolstering healing, longevity, and renewal. Use these oils to strengthen your sense of purpose (leaf oil) when confronting problems as well as increasing luck, money, and prosperity in your life. The cinnamon oils are also associated with defense, justice, and knowledge.
Citronella: One of citronella’s strongest properties is purification, and it is especially powerful for protecting and purifying the aura for psychic work. It clears negativity and averts negative forces, including overcoming hexes by returning the energy to its source. Citronella is instrumental in attracting friends, love, and prosperity. Use it to boost defensive and element magic as well as to ground and center energy before and after magic work. This oil also helps to focus the mind for communication and creativity. Citronella is also associated with growth, knowledge, purpose, strength, and vitality.
Clove: Clove is exceptional at banishing negative energy and entities, making it a good amulet against harm. Use it to release hexes as well as to increase the success of your spells. This oil provides protection during energy work (leaf oil), divination, and clairvoyance sessions. In addition, it stimulates the mind, promotes psychic awareness, and increases magical powers. Use clove oil in spells to attract money, love, prosperity, and luck. Clove supports emotional and sexual (bud oil) healing and encourages personal growth (leaf oil). Use it to bind and strengthen relationships, especially friendships in which there have been problems. Because clove improves memory, use it to access ancient knowledge as well as when seeking truth and purpose (leaf oil). It can also help bring beauty (bud oil), comfort, happiness, and longevity to your life. Clove increases creativity as well as spiritual vibrations, making it useful for purifying sacred space. Clove is also associated with beginnings (bud oil), courage, determination, fertility (bud oil), inspiration, lust, and wealth.
Coriander: Coriander is an aid for clairvoyance, divination, and accessing memories. Use it to find a lover, excite passion, and keep him or her faithful. This oil is effective for element and sex magic as well as to consecrate charms and amulets. Its powers of protection work against negative influences, especially for the home, bringing peace and security. Coriander is instrumental for healing and well-being on many levels, especially emotional balance. It also supports fertility and longevity. Additionally, coriander is associated with beginnings, changes, cycles, renewal, and secrets.
Cumin: This oil is helpful for releasing negative emotions as well as negativity in the environment, and it is instrumental in restoring domestic peace. Use it for protection and to attract prosperity. Additionally, it aids in finding love, keeping a lover faithful, and sparking lust. Cumin helps bring balance between the spiritual and the mundane, and is useful for purification. Use it to increase the effectiveness of spells as well as to instigate change. Cumin is also associated with beginnings, cycles, longevity, and renewal.
Cypress: This oil is a powerful ally when dealing with death and loss, especially to provide comfort and healing. Use it at Samhain to remember and honor ancestors. Cypress is effective for centering and grounding energy before and after ritual. Use it to consecrate and bless ritual objects as well as for defensive magic. Cypress is supportive of spells that banish, bind, or provide protection. This oil aids in self-work when seeking truth, peace, and knowledge as well as growth and renewal. Additionally, it is instrumental developing awareness, focus, and clarity in divination and channeling. Use cypress for strength and wisdom when seeking justice. It is also associated with balance, changes, happiness, release, and transformation.
Dill: With a history of use in love potions, dill also helps to overcome love hexes. It is helpful for finding balance (seed oil) where lust and desire are concerned. Use dill in defensive magic and to avert black magic from the home. It can also help attract luck and wealth. This oil protects against evil deeds and spirits, and functions well for general protection as well as purification. Employ it for success in court and any time defense is needed. Dill can help attract money, prosperity, and security. Use it to boost creativity (seed oil) and support divination. Dill is particularly effective in strengthening the mind for acquiring knowledge and wisdom as well as solving problems and determining one’s purpose (leaf oil). Dill seed oil is also associated with beginnings, changes, and renewal; the leaf oil is associated with energy and growth. Both types of dill oil are associated with cycles.
Elemi: Especially effective for promoting clarity and focus. Use it to balance the spiritual and mundane, and for grounding energy after ritual. It can be instrumental in spiritual development, opening oneself to mystical experiences, and enhancing psychic abilities. Elemi aids in healing and overall vitality. It is also associated with control and purpose.
Eucalyptus, Lemon: Eucalyptus is best known for its powers of purification. This applies to clearing negativity in general as well as healing emotions after a quarrel. It is also effective in releasing sorrow (blue gum), finding balance (lemon), and developing a sense of well-being. Apply this oil on an amulet to protect against emotional upsets during past-life work. Eucalyptus supports dream and psychic work as well as communication with spirits. It is instrumental for protection and for banishing anything unwanted from your life. When seeking one’s purpose in life (blue gum), eucalyptus provides strength and determination. Eucalyptus is also associated with energy, growth (lemon), and security.
Fennel, Sweet: Fennel provides protection and boosts energy for psychic work. It also protects the home from unwelcome spirits, providing strength and security. Fennel enlivens the mind, encouraging creativity (sweet) and straightforward communication. Use these oils for blessings, purification, and support for divination. Additionally, fennel provides balance (sweet) and courage during times of loss and stimulates positive change (sweet). Fennel can aid in healing, longevity, and fertility matters. It is also associated with beginnings (sweet), cycles, knowledge, money, and renewal (sweet).
Fir, Silver: Fir is a tree of beginnings, energy, growth, and healing (balsam, resin oil). Focusing fir’s energy inward helps to clear the mind and restore memories. It also encourages communication and creative expression. Use it for purification before ritual and in preparation to receive inspiration as well as grounding energy afterwards. As an all-purpose purifier, fir provides protection and helps to overcome and remove hexes. Fir heightens awareness for divination and spiritual work, and is especially effective for connecting with forest spirits. Its link with the Otherworld and death smooths the cycle (silver) from life through death to renewal, while comforting the emotions of those left behind in this world. Use fir for money and prosperity spells, and to support channeling. Fir can provide control (balsam) and strength (silver) for defense as well as fostering stability and security. These oils also enhance vitality (balsam), bringing longevity and overall balance (silver). As an instrument of change (silver), fir aids in establishing hope, happiness, and peace. Fir is also associated with purpose (balsam, needle oil) and transformation.
Frankincense: Frankincense has a long tradition and connection with spirituality, inspiration, knowledge, and strength. This oil is instrumental for astral, dream, and psychic work as well as divination and reaching higher levels of awareness. It helps to focus energy and enhance concentration for magic work. Use frankincense to create sacred space and to consecrate altar goods before ritual. As an aid for past-life work, it can break unwanted connections with the past that inhibit personal growth. It is instrumental for clairvoyance as well as communication with spirits. It is also effective for banishing negativity, providing psychic protection and power for any form of defense. Frankincense promotes healing that supports vitality and longevity. When seeking justice, this oil brings clarity, courage, release, and success. Use for attracting love and happiness into your life. Additionally, frankincense is associated with balance, comfort, control, renewal, and transformation.
Galangal: Great ally for psychic and astral work. This oil aids in increasing the power and success of spells, especially those for banishing, and provides protection from hexes. It is also instrumental for protection during magic and healing work as well as consecrating tools and grounding energy after ritual. Use it in spells to attract money and wealth, to overcome injustices, and turn wishes into reality. Galangal’s ability to stimulate can be used for luck, love, lust, or passion. It is especially helpful in returning negativity or enchantments back to those who initiate them. Associated with the Otherworld, galangal heightens awareness, which can provide courage and comfort when letting go of loved ones. Galangal is also associated with longevity, secrets, stability, strength, and well-being.
Galbanum: Use this oil to purify and create sacred space for ritual and meditation. Galbanum supports spirituality, divination, and psychic work, especially channeling. Its association with death and the Underworld makes it an appropriate oil for connecting with ancestors or others who have passed beyond the veil. Use galbanum for anointing and blessing, and whenever healing is sought. It is also associated with control, cycles, renewal, and vitality.
Geranium, Rose: Rose geranium is about the self, growth, creativity, and gaining control of life. It enhances focus for astral work and increases psychic energy. Use it for purifying and consecrating ritual and magic tools as well as for elf magic. Geranium provides protection, strength, and success for spellwork. In addition, geranium aids in breaking hexes and attracting luck. It is also instrumental when seeking peace, happiness, and security. The rosy aspect of this oil enhances beauty, and the ability to attract love and friendship. Geranium is an aid to healing in the areas of sexuality and fertility as well as the emotions when recovering from sorrow. Additionally, it is associated with communication, confidence, courage, and spirituality.
Ginger: Instrumental for astral work, as it helps align the subtle bodies as well as keep the physical body grounded. It is a purifier on many levels but especially for personal energy and emotional cleansing. Use it to purify magical tools, for success in magic work (especially moon or sex magic), and for connecting with the Otherworld. It aids in releasing hexes as well as increasing magical power and energizing psychic work. Use ginger for success in attracting money or a lover. The healing attribute of ginger helps in dealing with problems, especially in relationships and sexuality in general. Additionally, it can stimulate vitality bringing stability, longevity, and general well-being. Ginger is also associated with beauty, courage, inspiration, memories, and secrets.
Grapefruit: Instrumental for heightening clairaudience skills and other psychic powers. It fosters inspiration and the ability to connect with one’s inner child. Its powers of purification balance the emotions and restore energy. Use grapefruit to increase overall strength, enhance spirituality, and manifest abundance. In addition, grapefruit’s healing properties promote well-being and a sense of confidence. This oil is also associated with kindness and success.
Helichrysum: Although helichrysum is not widely used in magic or ritual, its energy and scent merit attention. This oil raises awareness and assists in psychic communication as well as dreamwork. Use helichrysum to consecrate magic tools and to increase a spell’s effectiveness, particularly those for abundance and attraction. Helichrysum is also useful for grounding and centering energy after magic or psychic work. Its power of renewal aids in clarifying thoughts and strengthening memory. Helichrysum releases emotional baggage, enhances creativity, and supports spirituality. Its healing properties promote longevity and aid in sexual and fertility issues. This oil is also associated with beauty and peace.
Hops: Effective for spells of attraction, especially sexual, as well as those that bind people together. Use hops to support divination and element magic, and to ground energy after ritual. This oil is effective in dreamwork related to healing, particularly when you are trying to bring your life into balance. Hops are also associated with beauty, determination, and fertility.
Hyssop: Because of its long history of use in cleaning sacred spaces, hyssop is perfect for purifying areas for ritual as well as consecrating an altar or anointing participants. It clears away negativity, removes hexes, and provides protection against enchantment. Hyssop supports psychic work and helps to develop divination skills. Use it to invoke dragon energy, and in spells to attract money and beauty into your life. Hyssop engenders clarity of mind for finding one’s purpose. It is instrumental in manifesting change, enhances creativity, and inspires personal growth. Hyssop is also associated with fertility, hope, sexuality, and vitality.
Jasmine: For centuries jasmine has been connected with beauty, love, lust, and sex. Instrumental for defensive, moon, night, and sex magic, jasmine enhances divination as well as contact with the spirit realm. This oil is also an ally, providing protection for dreamwork, channeling, and astral travel. Jasmine aids in releasing emotions and thoughts that inhibit personal development, and gives a boost to self-confidence. Associated with happiness, justice, and relationships, jasmine helps manifest desires. Spiritually, jasmine stimulates intuition, bringing inspiration for creative endeavors as well as clarity for communication. It is also instrumental for peace, healing, and overall well-being. Use jasmine in spells to attract luck and prosperity as well as to bind a pledge. This oil’s gentle powers of purification are ideal for anointing and blessing ritual participants. Jasmine is also associated with fertility, friendship, and dealing with problems.
Juniper: Great for purifying large spaces as well as banishing the energy of negative people. It is instrumental in overcoming problems and releasing toxic emotions. Use it for defense in magic, as it is especially effective against black magic, hexes, and dealing with spirits. This oil enhances divination and dreamwork, and helps increase psychic abilities. Use it to strengthen psychic protection as well as to keep energy grounded in the physical world. Juniper is effective for manifesting abundance, love, prosperity, and success. Where spirituality is concerned, juniper aids in gaining knowledge, growth, and transformation. Its healing properties support fertility, longevity, and general well-being. It is also associated with beginnings, happiness, secrets, security, and stability.
Labdanum: Ideal for consecrating an altar or any space used for magic or ritual. Instrumental for divination, it stimulates intuition and aids in receiving messages from spirit guides. This oil broadens self-awareness, bringing forth soul-level knowledge, truth, and renewal. Labdanum is emotionally elevating, yet grounding, making it a positive aid in healing as well as dealing with loss. This oil is also associated with control, trust, and vitality.
Lavender: Enhance awareness and intuition for dreamwork, clairvoyance, and all forms of psychic work. They also foster concentration for clarity and inspiration in divination, contact with spirits, and communication in general. Use these oils to stay grounded and stable when engaged in spell-work and elf magic. With well-known powers of purification, these oils are ideal for consecrating sacred space, releasing negativity, and providing protection. Associated with beauty and love, the lavenders promote fidelity and renewal in marriage as well as balance and peace in all types of relationships. Lavenders can assist in healing sexual issues when lust and desire cause emotional problems and sorrow. On the spiritual side of life, these oils provide strength and inspiration. Call on their powers of manifestation to attract prosperity, luck, and well-being to the home. The lavenders are also associated with courage, creativity, fertility, longevity, and secrets.
Lemon: Instrumental in providing a clear perspective when preparing for divination as well as for dealing with everyday problems. By raising awareness, lemon increases psychic abilities and inspires movement to a higher spiritual plane. Use this oil for moon magic as well as to purify magic or ritual objects when they come into your life. With the ability to stimulate energy, lemon adds strength to and promotes success in spell-work. It is helpful for connecting and communicating with spirit guides as well as manifesting abundance, happiness, and well-being. Lemon is also associated with confidence and kindness.
Lemon Balm: Known as an emotional healer, especially when a relationship ends. It brings comfort and peace whenever there is sorrow. This oil is instrumental for awakening memories for past-life work as well as boosting energy for psychic work. Lemon balm supports focus for dreamwork as well as connecting with spirits. Providing clarity for finding one’s true purpose, lemon balm also supports growth and longevity for carrying it out. Use this oil to attract love, money, and success. Its power of manifestation can bring about changes, encourage renewal, and increase vitality. Lemon balm is also associated with beauty, fertility, happiness, the mind, and sexuality.
Lemongrass, West Indian: Brings clarity to prepare for divination and psychic work. It aids in contacting spirits and supports clairvoyance. Lemongrass is also useful in opening the gates of intuition and helping us learn to trust what we feel. Use it to purify amulets as well as to ground and center energy for magic or ritual. It is refreshing for the mind and provides focus for carrying out one’s purpose. While lemongrass is associated with lust and passion, it also supports fidelity. This oil is also associated with vitality.
Lime: An energizing oil that stimulates the mind and aids in manifesting abundance and success. Use it for purification to consecrate tools and to create a protective shield against negativity. This oil increases the effectiveness of love spells, and is especially helpful when seeking fidelity. In addition, its healing properties enhance vitality and well-being. Lime is also associated with confidence, friendship, and kindness.
Litsea: Not well known for use in ritual and magic, but it is a lovely oil that brings a great deal of potential. It aids in grounding and centering energy for ritual as well as increasing energy for magic work. Use litsea to provide strength for self-examination when dealing with emotional turmoil. Litsea lightens the heart, fostering happiness, hope, and renewal. Additionally, this oil can help to manifest abundance and success in all areas of life.
Lovage: Instrumental in attracting a lover, as well as promoting romance and passion. It is also instrumental in magic related to sex. This oil can be used to activate energy for psychic work and dreamwork. Use it for purification and clearing away negativity when seeking justice. Lovage can keep you grounded for divination and provides stability when connecting with the Otherworld. Lovage is also associated with cycles, longevity, renewal, and secrets.
Mandarin: Well known for fostering prosperity, success, and well-being. It clears negative thoughts, bringing clarity and inspiration. Use mandarin to strengthen your defenses when engaging in divination and magic work. It provides a boost in confidence that can increase the effectiveness of spells. Mandarin can also help manifest abundance when not used selfishly. In addition, this oil promotes spiritual development and aids in transcending the mundane. It is also associated with happiness and kindness.
Marjoram: Effective at Samhain or whenever there is a death, to bring comfort to the deceased and send them on a peaceful journey through the afterlife. For the living it eases sorrow, supports healing, and helps retain memories. Use it before ritual to balance personal energy and release negativity as well as to cleanse magic and ritual tools. Marjoram supports defensive magic, averts black magic, and protects the home. It also provides protection from hexes. This oil provides focus for psychic work and promotes the development of these skills. Use it to bolster sexual attraction and in dreamwork to help find your lover. Where marriage is concerned, marjoram aids in creating a foundation for security and happiness. Use it to initiate change and growth that brings prosperity and renewed purpose. Marjoram is also associated with beauty, fertility, vitality, and well-being.
Mugwort: Instrumental in honing divination skills, especially scrying, as well as for purifying and consecrating divination tools. This oil enhances awareness as it aids astral projection and dreamwork. With strong defensive powers, mugwort protects against spells and provides excellent protection for the home. It supports the ability to see spirits as well as to contact spirit guides. Mugwort is particularly potent for energy and psychic work, and clairvoyance in particular. It can help you define your purpose for spells to attract or banish energy. Mugwort’s healing potential helps to release old baggage and encourage growth as well as invite happiness and beauty into your life. Additionally, this oil is associated with animals, beginnings, fertility, love, and strength.
Myrtle: Strongly associated with love, marriage, and sexual passion. It also promotes fertility and fidelity, and aids in dealing with sorrow. This oil supports psychic work, particularly communication with those who have passed beyond the veil. It aids in finding peace by releasing emotions. Myrtle is instrumental in attracting abundance and blessings to the home, as well as keeping it safe. Use it to bolster energy for creative projects and anything that fosters personal growth. Myrtle enhances determination and provides strength when defining your true purpose in life. Myrtle is also associated with cycles and prosperity.
Myrrh: Used for ritual purification for the living as well as the dead. With the belief that its aroma pleased deities.
Neroli/Orange Blossom: Instrumental for attracting love and promoting a long, happy marriage. Its association with sexuality works to cultivate one’s unique beauty and build confidence. This oil aids in expressing inner truths and opens the door to psychic awareness as well as other realms. Use it for night magic and to communicate with the spirit world. Neroli fosters kindness as well as a peaceful home. This oil is also associated with creativity, fertility, strength, and well-being.
Niaouli: Strong cleansing properties, this oil is ideal for purification of areas and objects. Also waft it in the air before magic work to clear negative thoughts and energy. Niaouli helps dispel mental fatigue, invigorate the mind, and balance emotions. It also boosts protection and strengthens determination. This oil fosters kindness and hope while promoting healing and growth.
Nutmeg: Heightens awareness, stimulates psychic energy, and supports dreamwork. It increases magical energy and aids in turning enchantment back on the enchanter. Use it for protection against hexes as well as to break them. Nutmeg promotes focus for divination and supports clairvoyance. In addition, it fosters mental clarity for accessing memories. Use it to strengthen determination when seeking justice or when you need to release things from your life. Nutmeg is ideal for increasing the power of abundance/prosperity spells as well as those that initiate change. This oil encourages balance and fidelity in matters of the heart. Nutmeg is also associated with creativity, beginnings, beauty, cycles, and well-being.
Oakmoss: Energy of oakmoss is especially grounding, which aids psychic and spiritual journey work. This oil is effective for honoring loved ones at Samhain and is instrumental in contacting other realms as well as connecting with forest spirits. It supports divination and clairvoyance. Oakmoss adds a boost to magic work helping to manifest your dreams. It is also instrumental in breaking hexes. Use it to attract money and luck as well as security. Oakmoss is also associated with the emotions and finding one’s purpose.
Opopanax: Different in aroma, the myrrh's are powerful purifying scents. Use them to consecrate altars and amulets, as well as ritual and magic tools. The myrrh's enhance awareness and focus for divination, past-life, and psychic work as well as communicating with spirits. Instrumental for angel, animal, and sex magic, these oils provide strength for manifesting your intentions. They are powerful allies for dispelling hexes and banishing what you no longer need. Use these oils to build a protective shield when casting spells as well as to bolster control and success. Also use them to clear away negativity when preparing sacred space as well as to ground energy after ritual. These oils release emotional and spiritual blockages, bringing healing, renewal, and transformation. Fostering balance and well-being, the myrrh's aid in confronting problems. Working with subtle energy, the myrrh's help deal with loss and sorrow when a loved one passes, bringing comfort and peace. These oils are also associated with abundance, growth, longevity, and vitality.
Orange, Sweet: Bitter and sweet orange aid in self-awareness, stimulate creativity, and support those who follow a different drummer. These oils redirect energy into positive thinking and emotional clarity to build confidence and a sense of well-being. They are also helpful to manifest love, peace, and fidelity. Use them for pre-ritual purification and to provide focus for divination, dreamwork, and communication with spirits. The oranges can increase the success of spells for abundance, happiness, and money. They are also associated with fertility and strength.
Oregano: Brings peace as well as to foster happiness and security in relationships. By encouraging focus and clarity of thought, it provides support for psychic work. It is instrumental in black and defensive magic, especially for providing protection against hexes. Associated with the afterlife, this oil brings comfort during sorrow and helps retain memories of loved ones. Oregano’s purification properties provide balance for healing emotional turmoil, laying the groundwork for positive change. Use this oil in spells to attract beauty and prosperity to the home. Oregano helps to increase vitality for fertility, as well as a more satisfying sex life. It is also associated with truth and the Otherworld.
Patchouli: Grounding yet enlightening, patchouli aids in transcending boundaries and connecting with the Otherworld. Associated with spirituality, patchouli fosters growth and is ideal for blessings. This oil is especially supportive for clairvoyance and divination. Use it for magic, especially when defense is needed as it provides strong psychic protection. It is known for increasing the power of spells and breaking hexes; however, if patchouli is used to place a hex, it will backfire. Employ it to attract love, prosperity, and money, as well as for purification and renewal. Patchouli’s earthiness intensifies the senses, increasing fertility and lust. Known for engendering happiness, it dispels negativity and brings peace to the home. This oil can help manifest your wishes and bring success. Patchouli also aids in communicating with spirits as well as banishing them. It sharpens the mind for gaining knowledge, working out problems, and enhancing creativity. When dealing with the death of a loved one, patchouli helps to hold on to memories as well as release bonds that may keep a spirit from moving on to the next world. Patchouli is also associated with justice, luck, passion, and purpose.
Palmarosa: The stimulating properties help to clear the mind and enhance the ability to focus for decision-making. Encouraging personal growth, it aids in finding one’s purpose as well as overcoming problems. It is helpful whenever you need to ground and center energy. A healer on all levels, this oil provides emotional strength and courage when recovering from lost love. Use it for elf magic and for seeking their blessings. Palmarosa is also associated with relationships, peace, and spirituality.
Parsley: Association with the afterlife and funerary rituals makes it appropriate to honor and remember loved ones at Samhain. It is a potent ally for element magic, ritual purification, and protection in general. Supporting concentration and balance, this oil is instrumental in astral work. Use it to foster kindness when feeling emotionally fragile during times of change. Parsley is instrumental for keeping cycles turning, initiating renewal, and ushering in fresh, new beginnings. It is also associated with lust and money.
Pepper, Black: Energizing qualities stimulate the mind, bringing focus and inner strength. Use it to amplify awareness for dreamwork and divination. Pepper can get things going when you are in a rut and help resolve problems. This oil is instrumental in defensive magic when seeking justice. It also helps to bolster determination and courage, and bring success. Effective for banishings and binding spells, pepper also removes hexes. Its purification properties make it ideal for consecrating ritual gear to release old energy and provide protection. Additionally, it aids in manifesting abundance and security. Pepper is also associated with healing, increase, and lust.
Peppermint: Stimulates the mind, bringing clarity and focus while promoting inspiration and creativity. It increases psychic awareness and strengthens divination skills as well as prophetic dreaming. Use it to activate spells for attracting money, luck, and love. This oil can also be used to enhance sexual stimulation and lust. Banishing all forms of negative energy, peppermint’s powers of purification help to release memories and emotions. In addition, it is an aid for healing and for bolstering self-worth as well as for overcoming problems. Peppermint is also associated with beauty, changes, fertility, and increasing vitality.
Petitgrain: Promotes confidence and trust in self and others. It sharpens the mind, increasing awareness and bringing clarity of inner vision. Use it for focus and protection when channeling or engaging in other psychic work. Petitgrain helps to awaken deep memories that lead the way to personal growth and well-being. This oil fosters balance, kindness, and strength.
Pine: Well known for purification, which works for releasing negative energy and is especially effective in public spaces. This same quality makes it an ally in defensive magic and in protection from hexes, especially for the home. Use it for blessings and to attract abundance as well as for spells that banish or bind. It is also well known for its association with cycles, beginnings, fertility, and renewal. This oil can steady and focus the mind for psychic work as well as communication with spirits. On a spiritual level, it aids in healing and growth that brings inspiration, peace, and access to ancient wisdom. Pine is helpful when learning to trust intuition and memories, paving the way for self-transformation. Building confidence and courage, pine provides hope and determination when dealing with legal matters. This oil is both stimulating and balancing, which enhances creativity and provides emotional strength. Pine is also associated with friendship, desires, longevity, truth, and well-being.
Rose, Maroc: Greatest symbols of love and beauty. Use rose oil to attract love, heighten desire and passion, and increase fertility and fidelity. Working on a spiritual level, rose instills deep devotion that brings inspiration and wisdom. It attracts peace to the home and aids in dealing with family issues. Additionally, its healing energy brings happiness, friendship, and luck to the home. This oil is a powerful aid for divination, Otherworld contact, and encouraging prophetic dreams. It is supportive when engaging in clairvoyance, communicating with spirits, and with psychic work in general. Because fairies are quite enamored with roses, these oils help to attract them and to invite their blessings. Rose oil is also good for consecrating amulets and charms. Use it for banishings and binding spells, for aid in releasing hexes, and for help when keeping secrets. This oil is instrumental in providing emotional comfort during times of sorrow or loss, especially following the death of a loved one. Rose is also associated with confidence, courage, creativity, power, self, and strength.
Rosemary: As in the past, rosemary is associated with remembering the dead. Use it at funerals or in Samhain rituals to honor those who have passed beyond the veil. Because it improves memory, it is instrumental for remembering dreams as well as for past-life work. Rosemary’s cleansing properties make it useful for clearing negativity before ritual, magic, or healing work. This oil reduces the intensity of strong emotions, making it helpful in balancing
Sage, Spanish: Provides focus and stability for clairvoyance, divination, and psychic work. Its grounding energy clears negativity and is instrumental for ritual purification. An aid in finding spirit guides, sage oil helps to attune with animal power while providing psychic protection. Use sage to stimulate as well as release memories to bring peace, comfort, and healing. Also use it for spells of wealth, prosperity, and making your wishes come true. Sage oil is an aid for spiritual inspiration when seeking truth and wisdom. It is helpful for finding strength of purpose when dealing with problems. Sage is also associated with fertility, longevity, secrets, and vitality.
Sage, Clary: Aids in focusing the mind, brings clarity of purpose, and strengthens memory. Its energy is instrumental in developing intuition and enhancing creativity. Inspiring inner peace, it is helpful when seeking self-knowledge and transcending spiritual boundaries. Use clary for dreamwork, particularly if you have difficulty remembering dreams. Additionally, it supports psychic development, divination, and clairvoyance. Helpful when seeking the truth, clary also helps hold secrets. This herb aids in dealing with sexual issues, including attraction and fertility. Use it in spells to invite money and prosperity into your life as well as when you need to make changes. Clary sage is also associated with balance, beauty, growth, and vitality.
Sandalwood, Australian: Well known for supporting personal growth, providing spiritual inspiration, and manifesting peace. Its healing energy brings renewal, stability, strength, and well-being. Use sandalwood to augment element, angel, and moon magic, as well as to bring success in legal matters. This oil supports psychic work and aids in contacting spirit guides. Sandalwood is instrumental in past-life work, helping to break ties with the past while protecting against emotional upset. It enhances awareness for clairvoyance and is instrumental for banishing spells and breaking hexes. Supporting grounded energy and clarity of mind, it also aids in divination, dream, and astral work. Additionally, this oil boosts creativity and aids in expressing your desires. Sandalwood has strong purification properties that can be used for consecrating altars and magic tools as well as clearing away negative energy. Use sandalwood to stimulate sexuality, attract love, and aid in maintaining a happy marriage as well as to improve relationships. Sandalwood is also associated with balance, luck, power, and sorrow.
Savory, Winter: A powerhouse that boosts sexual appetite and enhances sexual expression. It aids concentration and fuels the mind for tackling problems. Savory oil promotes productivity and opens the way for creativity. Use it for healing and when you seek kindness and comfort. Savory is also associated with happiness.
Snakeroot: Aids in attracting luck, money, and general prosperity. Use it for ritual purification and to build protection, especially from hexes. Snakeroot’s grounding energy provides stability that augments psychic work. In addition to supporting contact with the Otherworld, this oil aids in holding secrets. It is also associated with longevity.
Spikenard: Associated with peace and kindness, spikenard aids in communication between people as well as with animals. It also aids in contact with the Otherworld. This oil is useful for consecrating altars, purifying magic tools, and grounding energy after ritual. Spikenard’s cleansing properties also negate negativity, bringing balance and fidelity to relationships. Use it in spells to attract love and luck. This oil is instrumental in focusing the mind for solving problems as well as creative expression. Spikenard can be instrumental in healing, especially when recovering from emotional wounds. It is also associated with longevity, secrets, stability, and well-being.
Spearmint: Stimulates the mind, strengthening concentration and memory. Use it to purify ritual objects as well as to increase spiritual awareness. Its protective powers are especially useful for the home because it fosters security and a sense of trust. Spearmint is stimulating and especially useful in spells for attracting love, luck, and prosperity. This oil is an aid for increasing vitality, promoting healing, and encouraging growth. Spearmint is also associated with beauty, changes, clarity, and fertility.
Spruce: Enhances memory and stimulates psychic abilities, especially channeling. It helps develop intuition as well as to discern when to act on it. Use it to connect with forest spirits. Instrumental in releasing stagnant emotions, this oil brings clarity, hope, and renewal. It aids in finding inspiration, deepening spirituality, and strengthening trust. Use it to keep energy grounded when seeking wisdom. The stability engendered by spruce is a boon to protection while dealing with problems. Known as a healer on many levels, this oil aids in personal growth, bringing comfort and security. It is also associated with balance, longevity, and money.
Star Anise: Instrumental for increasing psychic abilities and supporting clairvoyance. As a powerful purifier, this oil is useful for consecrating altars and magic tools as well as for banishing negative energy. Anoint each cardinal direction of an altar to amplify the power of ritual and magic. Star anise boosts awareness for divination practices and when contacting the Otherworld. Use this oil in spells to manifest abundance, happiness, luck, and success.
Storax: Transforming negative energy into positive, storax provides psychic protection and has the power to break hexes. It rouses the mind to enhance divination as well as creativity. Use storax to attract love and luck, and to increase the power of spells. On the home front, it provides stability and attracts prosperity. The healing aspect of storax bolsters vitality. This oil is also associated with confidence and control.
Tagetes: Instrumental in defining your purpose for divination, clairvoyance, and dreamwork. It aids in developing psychic skills and enhances the ability to see magical creatures. Use it for angel magic as well as to provide spiritual protection. Tagetes is instrumental for Samhain as a blessing or offering to the dead, to ease sorrow, and to wish loved ones peace in the afterlife. This oil fosters good communication and is especially helpful for engendering fidelity in sexual relationships. Associated with success, tagetes can be an aid in legal matters by supporting a determined mind. Use it in spells to attract abundance, comfort, happiness, and prosperity. Tagetes encourages healing for personal growth and transformation. This oil is also associated with beauty, fertility, longevity, and wealth.
Tarragon: Despite tarragon’s association with dragons, it is a plant of abundance and comfort. Use its dragon energy in protection spells to instill confidence and a sense of security. Tarragon is instrumental for dreamwork as well as understanding the knowledge received. It supports self-exploration and growth, and aids in finding life’s true purpose. Use tarragon to foster peace when seeking justice. It is also associated with secrets.
Tea Tree: An exceptional healer that supports both physical and emotional recovery. It builds strength, increases confidence, and fosters trust. With strong powers of purification, tea tree provides protection and aids in removing hexes. This oil helps to set a determined mind for finding a worthy purpose in all endeavors. Use it for inspiration to enhance creativity and to find balance in personal growth.
Thyme: A very common herb, it is a powerhouse for magical purposes. Thyme is well known for its purification properties, making it ideal for preparing ritual space and consecrating altars. Use it to stimulate energy for divination and psychic work as well as any type of work involving the fairy realm. Also use it to clear negative energy in general, and to enhance awareness for clairvoyance. Thyme boosts strength and courage, and provides protection during contact with the Otherworld. Use this oil to increase the effectiveness of spells involving love, luck, and money. As a healer, thyme fosters personal growth and well-being. It also aids in dealing with sorrow and helps bring happiness to the home. This oil is also associated with confidence and renewal.
Turmeric: Strong powers of purification that enhance the flow of energy, turmeric can be employed to protect a magic circle or to clear ritual space. It is also useful for breaking hexes as well as grounding and centering energy. Turmeric’s uplifting energy builds confidence and courage, which is particularly useful when connecting with the Otherworld. Inviting stability and longevity, this oil’s healing energy fosters a general sense of well-being. Turmeric is also associated with passion and secrets.
Valerian: Powers of purification are useful in consecrating new ritual tools as well as ritual space. It aids in breaking hexes and provides protection for the home, bringing peace, stability, and happiness. This oil opens the lines of communication for resolving problems as well as connecting with Otherworld spirits. Use valerian to support love and money spells. As a healer, valerian boosts vitality and longevity, and keeps energy grounded during emotional turmoil. It is helpful for getting into a creative frame of mind. Use it to access knowledge and when seeking the truth within secrets. Valerian is also associated with cycles and kindness.
Vetiver: Amplifies connection with the earth helping to ground and center energy as well as connect with the Underworld. Use it in defensive magic to amplify personal power as well as to break hexes. Vetiver is also effective in spells dealing with luck, love, and money. It can bring both prosperity and protection to the home and family. Vetiver is a source of stability and strength for dealing with problems as well as emotional turmoil. This oil supports spiritual development and promotes balance between the spiritual and mundane. It is also associated with longevity and secrets.
Yarrow: Grounding energy clears away negativity, releases hexes, and banishes anything unwanted. Use it to purify ritual space and consecrate tools. It aids in stimulating intuition and psychic abilities (especially clairvoyance) by opening awareness to higher universal energies. This also makes yarrow a powerful ally for dreamwork and divination. Use yarrow in animal and defensive magic, for success in love spells, and to attract fairies. It also provides psychic and spiritual protection and aids in communicating with the spirits of loved ones who have passed. Yarrow engenders fidelity and longevity in marriage, leading the way to happiness and well-being. It supports friendships that lead to emotional healing and growth. Additionally, yarrow provides the confidence and courage to tackle big problems as well as spiritual issues. It is also associated with abundance, beauty, beginnings, changes, fertility, and luck.
Ylang-Ylang: Promote positive energy and help bring peace and beauty to the home. They stimulate intuition and promote creativity. Ideal for divination, they also aid in dreamwork and communication with spirits. These oils provide a great deal of supportive energy during times of transition and exploration of one’s deeper spirituality. They are effective in spells to attract a lover, heighten sensuality, and to attract attention. Use them for fairy magic and to attract fairies. These oils are also associated with balance, determination, fertility, healing, and the home.
Credit: Mixing Essential Oils for Magic by Sandra Kynes
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
I finished a product today:
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Redken ColorExtend Magnetics Conditioner
I have a liter sized backup of this under the sink or in the closet, but I'm about to start using a 10oz sized Redken Volume Injection Conditioner. I really like the moisturizing factor that ColorExtend Magnetics has, but it possibly has been weighing my fine hair down with too must moisture. A little goes a long way with Redken conditioners, so I imagine this new barely used 10oz product that I'm rotating it out with will last me at least six months.
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
I have a ton of personal work to do. I made a selfish decision and it hurt my partner. There is misinformation being spread about the who what how and why, but it's fine because I'm in no position to care about public opinion. I know my truth and those involved know their truth as well. We are working on things. I'm trying my best to be more vocal about things that bother me and not being afraid to say something. I'm not about to try and defend what i did nor give specific details. I found and paid for good health insurance today. I have no choice but to be medicated and attend therapy. I'm spiraling out of control right now. I talk about this with my partner and he says "I'm fine, but I'm worried about you."
I haven't been taking my medicine on a regular basis at all for about 2 months. I've been spacing out the meds and by that I mean very sparsely taking them at all. I feel like an empty person. Someone that is not me. I have isolated myself heavily for the past 8 or so months. I can't blame anyone but myself for this pattern of bad decisions and self-destructive behavior. There are many things I could talk about in-depth to paint a better picture. This is not so other people can better understand what happened, but for me to hopefully look back on this post at a much later time and think "We made it. I made it through this difficult time with the help of my partner."
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
This is why I quit a major retailer after six years of being with the company.
Between the years of 2020 and 2022, I obtained 4 promotions.
I loved working for the company, but I had left several times on good terms (and even one time with no notice) to pursue full time employment elsewhere. The way the cookie crumbled, I became too impatient waiting for a full time management position to open, on one occasion or two. I had two jobs several times throughout the six years I worked for the company. I truly wanted to be there, and I loved the people I worked with. I started as a beauty advisor, and I think 6 months later I was promoted to lead cashier. When we reopened in.. April? -of 2020, I was offered a temporary keyholder position, as we were short April (who moved away with no notice, she was the only other lead cashier) all of a sudden, and I was so ready to be given more responsibilities. It’s fuzzy, those months were stressful for us all! I had taken up the role of MSC when two previous managers left. I truly didn’t enjoy the position, but I wanted to step it up for my team the best that I could. Business was picking back up and we were about to face a whole-store remodel courtesy of corporate. That process was a shit-show and lasted maybe 3 months or so? One of my MAJOR complaints about this company’s safety protocols (or lack there-of) was the fact that we were promised security for the duration of the remodel as it would require us to be here with construction at night. We had just promoted a dear coworker to ROM which she is incredibly deserving of! Another girl got promoted to MSC because we were desperate, and I had been in my role of retail sales manager for a few months at that point. The salon manager quit and I can’t remember if that was before, during, or after the remodel. We were scrambling, trying to get this position filled, trying to prepare for retail Christmas shoppers, and dealing with all the bizarre behavior that comes along with it! All this, dealing with hurricanes and during a pandemic. Come on!
October came, we were done with the remodel, and black Friday and Christmas were right around the corner. We got the previous salon manager’s role filled, and I truly believe that I was the most excited out of the entire store for that to unfold, as their role and my role were supposed to be counter-parts. ­­­­I knew as soon as we got his training completed I would be able to go on vacation! I took off the entire week of Halloween. I even proposed to my fiancé on Halloween night, at our friend’s costume party. It was a great time! (he said yes, obviously)
I was scheduled to come back on a Tuesday, I believe. Either way, the night before I’d be returning to work, I stopped in at the store to say hello to my favorite co-manager and ask how things were going while I was gone! Pretty sure I did some shopping too. I jokingly asked my coworker “Who quit?”
She informed me that nobody quit, however, I needed to know about something that had happened. I told her I’d give her a call when I got home after the store had closed. I ended up coming over. She informed me that the new male salon manager had already made someone uncomfortable by invading their space. I’m not providing any more detail than that. I was shocked to hear this. Our general manager was on vacation at the time, what luck on our part, right? What were we to do?
I went back to work the next day and was going to let the associate approach me with this information if she felt comfortable enough to do so. Just my luck, she didn’t work that day. Mid shift, I went to the office to check my cellphone, and I see a message from a salon employee and friend. She asks me to call her as soon as I can. I instantly called her and she informed me that she had been contacted with public information that I could also find if I did a google search. I did. I saw a mugshot and arrest record for rape and embezzlement. Could give a shit less about the embezzlement. I saw someone I was now working with closely, and who had already made a young lady uncomfortable. Something felt very wrong. Everything felt very wrong.
I later found out that our general manager was aware of all of this and went on vacation anyway, knowing we were being left with an accused predator after a complaint, within a month of employment. This person had been arrested for the alleged incident in September, started working with us weeks later. I understand that maybe she felt her hands were tied and she didn’t want to say anything and cause a total shit-show (HR bullshit), but maybe that is where our principles differ…
I witnessed firsthand narcissistic behavior, ableism, non-inclusive behavior, not to mention creepiness on a consistent basis, for 6 months. I was offered to come to his house so he could do my nails. I was asked if I preferred “white meat or dark meat”. I was told “Man it’s so hard working here with all this eye candy everywhere.”
I had to go into therapy and get put on anti anxiety pills just to not obsess over protecting the ladies I worked with. I forwarded this information to HR and used the appropriate channels to report such behavior. I was funneling the complaints and the complaintees to my general manager and my district manager. Employees were creating anonymous email accounts in fear of retaliation from the company. I was told “You’re getting too close to the situation and I would hate to see what this can do to your career.” I was crying every night and having nightmares about being attacked. I was hearing more and more complaints all of the time from sexual abuse survivors, and I was also a survivor.
I told myself I would give it six months and if I still felt miserable and unprotected at a job I once loved, then it was time to go. This was a decision that I at times wish I had forgotten, but I had to hold myself to that promise. I went into work on a day off and told my general manager that I was quitting due to this manager’s toxic behavior and one other recently promoted manager that enjoyed belittling the team and back-biting her co-managers. I would give them a month’s notice. I knew this manager had a conference to attend at the end of April so I was doing them a courtesy while I try to look for other employment. It was a private conversation where I didn’t feel heard, but I was as satisfied with ending it where we did. I explained what my reasonings were and tried to paint her a picture of how toxic the work environment truly was. She shot me down with “It’s not a toxic work environment.”
I went to exit the building and walked back to the front where I would be walked out by a fellow manager. I noticed two employees waiting to be walked out and offered to do it for them, as even though I was not on the clock, I was physically present and did not mind doing it. That is within policy. The manager who everyone didn’t particularly get along with walked up, making a slick comment to me and the other two associates about it “Not being very smart to get walked out by a manager who’s not even in uniform.” I said “Oh, I guess you’re not aware it’s within policy that I can still do it.” And yes, I said it like a bitch - She started it. I said “You know, this is exactly what I was just talking to GM about.” I turned and walked right back to her office, about to tell her about the constant toxic behavior of this unhinged manager. I’m not even talking about the creep. I’m talking about the one who belittles the staff while brown-nosing the boss.
Here’s the wildest part. I get back there. I don’t even get a chance to tell GM what just occurred because this manager followed me back there and yelled at the GM, “I’m gonna go apply to _____ and you can keep this little office wizard you have!! And maybe if I took half as many pills as she does just to function, maybe I’d get a little sympathy around here!!” I snapped back. I said “You know how fucking crazy you sound right now?!”
GM looks at me and asks me to leave. I exit, but on the way out of the back room I yelled “Need a put a fucking muzzle on her!” I later returned to try and explain all of that to GM, who shut me down again with “I don’t want to hear it. Y’all are both in the wrong.”
I was in disbelief that not even five minutes after the conversation of why I was leaving, this manager basically showed her ass and proved my point. Throwing my mental illnesses in my face in front of other managers and employees, taking a low blow like that and my own GM not coming to my defense? Sure, she shut it down, but what this manager said was so uncalled for that she needed immediate reprimanding and it just didn’t’ happen. A huge problem this store has, it that its own general manager is either absent or absent-minded. Letting things slide, sweeping valid issues under the rug. Letting the morale and work environment totally go to shit.
I was supposed to work the next day, closing that night. I called out. I said “I’m taking a mental health day, use my PTO,” with a smirk. I pondered it the entire night before and day, trying to decide if I could even finish out the month’s notice. I felt like HR and upper management had already poorly handled complaints of harassment and the like, I felt like my GM dropped the ball completely and shouldn’t get the courtesy of such a notice, and I also felt like I could not handle myself appropriately in the presence of the manager who bullied me and violated a HIPPA law with no reprimand.
I had already cleared out my locker and personal belongings days prior, as I was trying to get someone’s attention. They didn’t even notice.
I went to the store and turned in my keys, giving hugs to the employees that were there closing, and shedding tears about the door that I was about to permanently shut.
I have made some of the most amazing memories at that store. It wasn’t the products that I’m so passionate about, it wasn’t the discount. It was the friends and family that I made along the way. It’s the laughs we shared, the tears held back in the breakroom, and the comradery we showed each other.
I know what an A-team looks like because of you all.
I now reflect on the longest job I’ve ever had, and while I’m sad at how everything ended, I feel like I stood by my principles and said shove it to a corporation that let me and many others down.
I’m almost positive I didn’t get my vacation time paid or my sick time paid out, I know that during the month of April this store lost more than 5 other employees. I’ll tally it up at some point I’m too lazy to do it right now. I also know that I will never support the company or buy from it again.
I know that I will share my story.
And I know HR will never reply to my resignation letter.
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
In a state of heightened mania, I definitely ordered about $200 worth of journaling/scrapbooking/art supplies..
What a time to be alive!
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
My buddy and His Ghost Cat
A dear friend of mine has led one hell of an interesting life. I truly think he needs to write and publish an autobiography; his story of self discovery sends me chills!
This friend was visiting me this past weekend and we came across the topic of spirituality and tarot and destiny, as we always do.
He agrees there is no such thing as coincidences, and so do I. He is a nondenominational Christian and I have no idea what I am.. I basically believe the Earth is god. Mother nature and father time, basically. A million bajillion gods and goddesses and demons around us. But anyway..
This friend informed me that for the whole time he and his partner have lived in the apartment they reside in, which is about 4 years, he has seen a black cat run from room to room out of the corner of his eye. He has asked his partner plenty of times if he saw the same cat as well, and he's insisted he hasn't seen it. One day my buddy had a friend visit, and during this visit his friend casually asked "When did y'all get a cat?"
How bizarre, right? This conversation led me to disclose that I had a similar experience in my parents' home years back, on a consistent basis. I would be dozing off to sleep or even in the middle of a deep sleep, when I would be startled or awakened by the feeling of a medium-sized cat jumping onto my body. It could be my leg area, on my torso, or even in some cases on my back. I would never ever see a cat there, and granted, I had two cats of my own at the time. However, these were big boys. The "cat" I felt jumping on me was definitely smaller than my boys.
Days later my buddy and I revisited the conversation, and at one point during the night our conversation was interrupted by the sound of, you guessed it, a cat meowing. It sounded like it came from inside the apartment towards the living room, but it just wasn't the case. There was no cat outside, as I checked. Our neighbors also do not have cats, to my knowledge.
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
Going to read this later!
Shadow Work?🐾🌙
Shadow Work is in the name, you work with the shadows. Your shadows. The shadows of your past. It does not necessarily mean that you work with only the negative parts of your past, but the positive ones as well. Basically, Shadow work is self-therapy. It is, in my opinion, not recommended for beginners, nor is it necessarily a needed work of your path. You can very well go see a licensed professional if you are not ready to do self-therapy on your own, or choose not to do it. Many simply find a need to do shadow work, to work through things on their own. Some do shadow work on their own, as well as see a therapist.
Shadow work can be harmful as it can result in a risk to mental health, such as activating your anxiety and depression. This is the reason why after-care is highly suggested and recommended. Such as eating a snack, drinking water, taking a nap, listening to music, and talking to someone you trust. Even coloring in a coloring book and watching a show you enjoyed as a kid can be relaxing. I find saying some affirmations after a session of shadow work helps calm me down a lot. Not to mention a good cry, a scream in a pillow, and a hug from someone I love.
Shadow work is work that allows one to realign, balance and center themselves with their inner child. To grow and learn from the past so that one may release, cleanse, heal, and gain an understanding of the self. You may find yourself remembering what you enjoyed as a child or a teen. You may even find yourself standing up to a trauma one day, and taking ownership of what was taken from you. Shadow work can take years to get the hang of, and even then it can be hard. Many practitioners are not lying when they say that they do not want to do shadow work when their Guides or Deity push them to do it (You may find your Guides, Ancestors and/or Deities will help you with your shadow work). Many just outright stay away from it.
As stated before, shadow work can be very hard, chaotic and cause you to question a lot of things. Especially yourself. When and if you want to start shadow work do some research on it, gather a list of after-care activities, and go at your own pace. Healing and understanding a past you want to release yourself from takes time. Trust in yourself, believe in yourself, and most importantly love yourself.
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
The Second Thing
Sometime around the date of May 20th, for documentation's sake, my coworker and I were in the front lobby area having a conversation. I can't remember the topic of conversation, but our talks usually end up on the spiritual/selfcare/intuition side. I was mid-sentence when I heard the sound of a woman talking, though I could not make out what she said. I stopped talking as it caught me off guard. Granted, our walls in the clinic are thin and we can often hear sounds and talking from the businesses adjacent to us. This was a clear, plain as day sound of a woman speaking, whether to us or directing at something else, I'm not sure. My coworker is blind, and I am only mentioning that because it makes her more attuned to her surroundings via sound, touch, and smell. She asked me, "Did you hear that?" We both agreed that it did not sound like a muffled noise from the distance. This was close to us, as clear as day.
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notsurewhoyouare · 2 years
The First Thing
A few weeks ago, let's say around May 10th for documentation's sake, I was closing at work around 9:15pm. I was turning off all of the lights during my final walkthrough of the clinic, and had made my way around the looping hallway that wraps around the back of the clinic. I had turned off all of the lights, and sometimes, if I feel particularly creeped out by the silence and the darkness, I'll say things to myself like "I'm not here to do harm, I am peacefully making my way outside, to any beings around me, I do no harm."
I made it almost to the very front of the hallway to make my exit and I swear I heard the sound of something or someone messing with the light switches. Flicking them up and down a few times.
I have been told that the clinic has a presence inside, from several coworkers and from ex-employees. A few people have claimed to see shadow people near certain rooms, and one ex-employee claimed that items have flown off of shelves in the front lobby.
Interestingly enough, at least 3 of us there have some sort of spiritual vibe amongst ourselves. Two of my co-workers claim to be witches. I don't make such claims, as I'm really not sure what's going on with me. For my entire life I have been fascinated with "curio", witchcraft, otherworldly-beings, and things that would make your skin crawl. Why am I drawn to these things, and why do I feel a sense of intuition that cannot fully be explained? To be continued..
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