nottmyqueen · 2 days
One of the most important things I’ve learned as a Real Adult™ is the importance of a job half done. 
Today I did a load of dishes, wiped off my stove, and swept the kitchen floor. Did I do the best job, or finish every dish? No! My stove still has that caked on caramel that I need to bust out an SOS pad to take care of, one of our big pots is still sitting in the sink, and somehow a kitty kibble unearthed itself while I was wiping down the stove (?? how??).. but the kitchen looks a LOT better. It’s once again an inhabitable, usable space.
Parents, bosses, teachers, even my own self, harp upon absolute perfect completion of a task as the be all and end all of a job well done, but god damn, my kitchen isn’t terrible because I took the time to improve it. Little steps, especially when you’re struggling, are important. They mean a LOT. They are a sign that you won, if only in that brief moment, and they make getting all the other stuff done so much easier later on down the road. 
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nottmyqueen · 2 days
My guilty pleasure right now is watching luxury hotel reviews and I found this british guy who keeps accidentally clipping into the backrooms.
He's unintentionally making the best liminal horror content on youtube
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nottmyqueen · 2 days
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Basically republicans want to make it so your ID has to match your birth certificate which affects everyone from trans people to married women to immigrants.
Meanwhile, in GA, they're going to force all ballots to be hand counted, which could make it difficult to meet the deadline to certify the vote, and thus potentially allow them to give the state to Trump regardless of the outcome.
In many states, such as Ohio, Florida, Texas and North Carolina, they've been purging voters from the rolls by the millions.
If voting didn't matter, why are they trying so damn hard to stop us?
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nottmyqueen · 2 days
Something I love about the romance in The Locked Tomb is how Gideon as our first POV narrator is like "this is Harrowhark Nonagesimus, she thrives on scorn and ambition and death" and as a seasoned enemies-to-lovers fan, my first reaction was "I love it, I support women's rights and wrongs, and I can't wait to see this cold evil character discover feelings eventually" but then the plot twist is actually that Harrow is a pathetic desperate emo who barely needs an excuse to say the most romantic shit imaginable. Which is already a good payoff and the characterization is superb, but then you see inside Harrow's head in the next book and discover that despite her trauma and 35 mental illnesses, she is so much of a fucking soft marshmallow simp that not even her DIY lobotomy can keep her from indulging in a coffeeshop AU (?!?!) to soothe her yearning soul. Which makes rereading GtN delightful because now you can read between the lines and realise like "oh wow, she was down bad the whole time and Gideon just didn't notice". It gives so much lesbian Pride and Prejudice that you can only fully appreciate during a reread. I adore it.
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nottmyqueen · 2 days
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no punchline. bug
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nottmyqueen · 8 days
A while back my pharmacist saw my deadname on my profile and accidentially called it out, he corrected and deleted my deadname from the system so only my preferred name shows up now. There was a crowd of people behind me, so as he hands over the pills he apologized, in equal tone and volume as when he called my deadname and lied saying it's been a long day and he didn't mean to call out -his own- name. I quietly told him it was fine and he didn't need to do that for my sake.
His response: "No, it's my name now."
I went to the pharmacist yesterday, his nametag is my deadname. He informed me he's immigrating and in the process he's changed his first name to my deadname to have an English sounding name. That's why he's now able to get a reprint of his nametag to be my deadname. And repeated, with the intense seriousness of someone who is going to die on this hill: "It's mine now. Not yours. I'm taking." His tone indicated that decision is final.
Bro literally deadnamed me once, and has committed to flat out stealing my deadname. It's his now. Legally. Officially. I over heard his co-workers call him by the name.
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nottmyqueen · 8 days
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nottmyqueen · 8 days
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nottmyqueen · 8 days
what gets me about the Minecraft Movie trailer is that THEY COULD HAVE JUST RIPPED OF THE LEGO MOVIE WITH WAYYYY BETTER RESULTS.
Think about it:
11 year old boy wakes up in Minecraft. Sees the innate beauty of the world. Creates buildings. Is worshipped as a God by villagers. Protects said villagers from mobs. Lives in village. 11 year old boy ages up to 15 and 'beats the game'. With a frame narrative of it being on the computer and how his love of Minecraft translates to a love of the real world. Coming of age, soft environmentalism, community co-operation as themes. idk
Like 'steve' as the master builder type beat.
Instead of ripping off Jumanji but 10 times worse why don't they just rip off the Lego Movie? It's right there.
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nottmyqueen · 8 days
me: i'm adding realism to this medieval fantasy setting
what people think i mean: grime, gratuitous sexual assault and murder, misogyny, child marriage
what i actually mean: everyone reads out loud, women are spinning wool all the time, peasants marry at 20, people wear colors.
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nottmyqueen · 8 days
fondly remembering that time I was working as a cashier when I was 19-20 and my former bus driver and his wife came through. He says to me "Hey, you look familiar" and I reply "Yes, I was one of the bus kids you drove, specifically the one you screamed at and threatened to ban from the bus and make walk home because I was crying out in pain while the other kids were ripping huge chunks of hair out of my head but you did nothing about them." and his wife slowly looked at him like this
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nottmyqueen · 8 days
The winner
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nottmyqueen · 8 days
burning text gif maker
heart locket gif maker
minecraft advancement maker
minecraft logo font text generator w/assorted textures and pride flags
windows error message maker (win1.0-win11)
FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)
image to 3d effect gif
vaporwave image generator
microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)
you're welcome
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nottmyqueen · 8 days
'Mid' autumn festival? I find it quite based actually.
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nottmyqueen · 9 days
As an adult you must cultivate the skill of “Gross! Oh, well. Not my business.”
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nottmyqueen · 9 days
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nottmyqueen · 9 days
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really helpful technique ^ once you know how to divide by halves and thirds it makes drawing evenly spaced things in perspective waaay easier:
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