Excess emotions stream by as the rain of despair falls into rivers of starvation and self doubt.
Feelings sprout from the over supply;
They bloom with infertility and break soon after infidelity.
Excess emotions drip like honey dew from hearts set for sale in an auction of copies;
'Hearts for sale', the motto of my generation,
It knocks my soul down and beats it up
As I sit in the corner by the exit door
My heart huddled in my lap watching their game stretch over empty landscapes.
- nour
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It's 2am, now, our secrets remain untold
You slept early tonight
And here I am stuck on a single thought.
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The universe has left us stranded,
And with all those Gods tearing us apart cz we can't think of difference in indifference,
I have no other choice but to pray to the universe lest she favors our way...
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I found a tumblr thread on 'Intimacy' ,
It romantacized the countless forms of daily life
One of them caught my eye:
'The Intimacy of sharing secrets in the nighttime cause 3am will never tell'
It threw me into a haze,
Relocked me in your gaze
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Haven't we all been bugs with a 'love disorder' fighting to grow older
Clinching onto every speck of wisdom
Every grain of nectar escaping a wilting flower,
A hopeful daisy welcoming spring,
A withering rose mourning her lover?
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I collect the sparkles people shed,
Unique pieces they spread every day
With timid joy that lightens my heart.
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Fresh lavender leaves and orange fruits
And my breakfast for two,
I breathe in the citrus smell of exotic land and home
Intertwined together at the porch,
You sit across me at the vintage white table your mom gave us, a souvenir,
It perfectly matches an old thrifted chair set my parents bought five years ago
We're together but apart,
To each his thoughts of spring in a world foreign to the other
I reach out to you,
But the barrier is thick
The silence, deafening
You look into my eyes,
They're empty sockets draped with curtains of melancholy
My love, we're our parents' vintage garden set.
We belong together
But are meant to be apart.
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I walk. I dance. I laugh and joke.
Overwhelmed. Anxious.
It is okay.
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Crossing paths with reality,
We talked for hours about life
And its duality.
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I got this new perfume bottle the other day,
A small round glass covered with daisies, my favorite flowers,
its sweet scent enveloped my body, i withered
- Maybe I, too, am like that, Too sweet, I suffocate you.
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Safety, it walks in my veins like flowing river water, calm and free.
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Every other night as I watch the clouds pass me by,
I find myself wondering, "What is life?
Maybe just maybe, it's the music playing on my phone,
While I pour my black ink over empty pages.
Or maybe just maybe, it's the wind striking my face
Every other night as I watch the clouds pass me by.
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Every other night as I watch the clouds pass me by,
I find myself wondering, "What is life?"
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My love,
When you call my name,
Honey dripping,
Your voice tugs at my soul
Oh so tenderly,
It slaps itself, a frenzy of emotions
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We are children of the world,
Rich in deadly sins deemed just
And poor, oh so poor with what our spirits lust
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And oh, a solemn oath i swear
That i am both joy and despair
Twisted and tangled in one body
#noursgardenofthoughts #poetryforthesoul #poetry
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I saw you yesterday, in my poem
Hidden beneath the ink and the words.
My heart skipped two beats,
Then fell into a deep silence.
#noursgardenofthoughts #poetryforthesoul
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