nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
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I’ve always loved Gonzo. I think this is why. 
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
Today, Breonna Taylor would have turned 27. In honor of her, please consider donating to the gofundme her family has set up, and help those in her community who are fighting for her by donating to Louisville Community Bail Fund . Also, please sign petitions: including the petition set up by the Action PAC (it is aiming for 1 million signatures), the petition that’s been going around social media (it is aiming for 4.5 million signatures), the MoveOn petition (it is aiming for 600,000 signatures), and the ColorofChange petition (it has reached it’s goal of 750,000 signatures, but you can still sign). All of these petitions urge the Kentucky government to hire a special prosecutor to investigate the three police officers responsible for her death, to investigate the Louisville police department, to ensure the LMPD pays her family, and to get Congress to discuss the constitutionality of no-knock warrants. Additionally, visit the website set up by the political committee her family contacted, where you can make calls to key officials.
I got this from a Google Doc but I think it’s hard to access because of how many people who has requested it but here is the tweet with the links to every petition you need to sign (not just ones concerning Breonna) and other place to donate. There are templates provided on that document to help you write an email or make a call to certain officials. I provided links to their emails/websites, in case that’s easier to make use of than making phone calls.
Louisville Metro PD : (502) 574-7111
Louisville Mayor Office: (502) 574-2003
Governor Beshear’s Office: (502) 564 2611
District Attorney Tom Wine: (502) 595 2300
Attorney General Daniel Cameron: (502) 696-5300
Senator Rand Paul: (202) 224-4343 / (270) 782 8303
Representative John Yarmuth: (202) 225 5401
Kentucky Senators General Hotline: 1-800-372-7181
Also consider looking at these:
Ways To Help
Black Lives Will Always Matter
BLM Links
With the FBI opening the case again, let’s ensure that the 3 officers involved in the murder  face jail time, and that the demands in these petitions are met.
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
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reblog to save a life
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
The spreading of an airborne disease with no cure, infecting/killing hundreds of thousands worldwide. With a longer incubation time and faster than normal infection rate: "We don't need a curfew!"
People wanting to protest against the quarantine because they just want a fucking haircut. Infecting each other and other bystanders: "It's fine! It's their god given liberty! A-Ok with me."
When people want to meet together and protest against police brutality because this has gone on for too long: "STAY HOME!!" "WE'LL OPEN FIRE!"
Fuck the police.
the fact that there's an 8 fucking pm curfew in new york is so unfathomably insane to me. like, a city of 8 million or whatever all has to go home when the sun is barely down because cops are that addicted to upholding white supremacy? i was out and some cop drove by and said thru his loudspeaker "go home! what are you still doing out!" what are you doing driving around in a caravan with your lights on fucking harassing people in the street? get a real fucking job
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
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The first pride was a riot, more specifically a riot against police violence. Trans women of colour like Marsha P. Johnson paved the way for the celebration of pride today. You cannot celebrate your pride this month, or any month if you aren’t also supporting Black Lives Matter and the riots going on against police violence right now. Us white LGBTQ+ need to stand up for our black siblings and their rights, their struggles. We need to amplify their voices and show any support we can. (Edited to add links and make the image clearer)
Extensive BLM Google doc including places to donate to, education resources, etc
List of 75 things white people can do right now
Simple way to donate to the cause if you have no money to
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
Happy Star Wars day. May The 4th Be With You.
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
this dumb website is in need of some love, so reblog this if you like the person you reblogged it from!!!
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
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happy 420 and day i reserve a spot in hell
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
PSA for anyone who usually drives that is staying home for quarantine
So i am probably stupid for not knowing already but I usually drive to work 5 days a week, driving about 100 miles a day, and because of the stay at home orders I have been sticking home and haven’t driven my car in 2 weeks now.
My mistake was trying to start my car after not trying for that 2 week period, because the battery completely died and I had no way of starting my car. If you don’t let your car run at least for a bit and dont let your car stay out too long, **make sure you go and run your car for a bit or drive around just to keep the battery charged**
I have a somewhat older car, and I’m sure a lot of you have newer cars, but this can be susceptible to anyone if you dont attempt to run your car for a super long period of time!!
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
A visual representation of the US's new unemployment claims over the years, for better context of the past month.
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
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Hey, everyone! Due to the sudden influx of viewers on AO3, the site has had to modify some things, including the experience of guest users and how hits are counted on the site. This is not the fault of AO3 (they're doing their best to keep things up and running for all of us), but if you're a guest user following stories on AO3, PLEASE make sure to leave kudos for your authors to see. We understand it can be difficult to get an account on AO3 (probably more now with COVID-19 leaving people in their homes), but sudden drops in statistics can be inexplicable and disheartening.
Keep your heads up, people. We're gonna get through this.
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
all those posts like “don’t give yourself bangs during quarantine” “don’t dye your hair” “don’t shave your head” are honestly bullshit this is the Perfect time you’re literally not allowed to leave the house for god knows how long do something crazy who gives a fuck
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
going back to school gonna be like
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
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They/them pronouns are now acceptable in academic writing!!!
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nowhere-nihlus · 4 years
quarantine feels kinda like that area between christmas and new years where i have no idea what day of the week it is, or if i’m supposed to be going to work. AM and PM blend together. i’ve taken four naps in 10 hours. leftovers are my primary foodsource. got that weird sunday anxiety except it’s every day for the next 2 weeks
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