noxinfinitum · 7 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but its sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼
OMG!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH ILY!!!Omg I've had no internet for the past few days so this was a welcome surprise :')
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
“Do you think at all before you speak?” Drabble with Prompto please?
Hey! Sorry for the wait! I had some really bad internet trouble lately but I thought I’d let you know your request will be up sometime tomorrow :)
And if it isn’t I’m sorry in advance for my internet ;-;
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
Prompt Meme  "Do you think we're lost?" (Noctis)
Really sorry I disappeared again! It rained and I had no internet for the past three days :( Hope this works as a consolation gift. And @noctis-smiles hope this turned out to your liking :)
Noctis. "Do you think we're lost?" Noctis surveyed the area which was far from familiar, concerned as it began to get darker.
He told them that they were lost; but tried to be reassuring. Telling them that there must be some kind of safe house nearby. Though he started growing tense. The daemons would start popping out sooner rather than later. The two of them needed to find some kind of rest stop, and quickly at that. They continued panicking despite appreciating his assurances. Noctis caught on and reminded them that in a pinch he can conjure weapons. They sighed, hoping weapons would be enough.
The sky had completely darkened. Neither could see any signs of light on the horizon. The walk seemed endless and the stress didn’t ease up in the least. They started taking deep breaths to calm themselves, suggesting he do the same. It helped. He can’t deny that. It’s just too bad that it wasn’t enough in the face of Daemons crawling out of the ground. Completely in shock at the sight of the fire giants, Noctis was struck. Just barely saving himself from a spine crushing fall, as he warped towards them instead. 
They held him, and tried to back away in the face of the approaching giants. He conjured a weapon for them, as he held his own blade at the ready. They entered a defensive stance but urged him to fall back. He didn’t disagree, but he needed to be sure they wouldn’t be followed. Warping from one target to the other, as if he was hopping. They would have sighed again, but were almost caught in a sweep and dodged at just the right moment. The couple proceeded to slash at each of the Daemons, till the fire giants’ movements began slowing down. Making for a good getaway opportunity. 
A little too engrossed in the fight, Noctis almost didn’t notice. They began yelling at him to get away now while they could. He answered that he’ll hold them off to buy them some time. Not prepared to run into another fire giant ambush, they told him neither of them stands a chance alone. Seeing that they had a point, he warped to them. He held them close and did so again to put in a little more distance. They pointed out that the Sun looks like it’ll be going up soon; hoping it’ll be a source of calm. He exhaled, as if to reflect both relief and frustration. They comforted him. “Don’t worry. We’re actually kind of good at this surviving thing.”
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
"Do you think we're lost?" Noctis surveyed the area which was far from familiar, concerned as it began to get darker.
Hey! So I’m going to be working on this next, but this little bit you wrote here doesn’t really give me a genre or anything else to work with. Do you want me to start the story with these lines instead?
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
SORRY FOR THE ABSENCE!! Really everyone, I didn’t expect to get busy with Eid (they’re typically v slow in my house) so I’m sorry for disappearing for two days. I have a manageable number of requests so they should be up soon :)
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
Prompt Meme “Do you think we’re lost?”  (Ignis + Hiking)
Ignis. It was a day of fluttering breezes and a drowsy sun. He cracked an endearing smile as they led the way. He followed their pace trustingly, albeit slowly. Painting the scenery in his head. Allowing himself to savour the moment. Every sign, every tree, he took it all in. Picking up the pace, he stood by them to hold hands. Remarking that they’re attractive when focused. They laughed nervously, which he tried not to find odd. But they walked on with conviction, and he followed along.
His gaze glided across the landscape, as his eyes caught a sign. A familiar sign. One he’s noted at least twice, already. Not thinking much of it, he continued reveling in the peace. He looked over to them, to ask how far the rest stop would be. He quirked an eyebrow. They looked ahead, eyes darting about almost frantically. Their grip on his hand tightening when they noticed him looking. Clearing his throat to get their attention; he asked his question. 
“Almost there.” Their words inspired confidence. But their tone was laced with uncertainty. He blinked slowly, feeling skeptical. They must have noticed, as they repeated the words more confidently. He notes the familiar sign for the fourth time, and urges them to stop. Facing them, he asks “Do you think we’re lost?” Their eyes slightly widened, as they waved their hand noncommittally. Both of them sighing with resignation at the obvious lie.
Ignis took out his phone and made some calls. They watched him, feeling guilty. Once he was certain he knew where to go, he held their hand and urged them to follow him. Making sure they knew he wasn’t upset. Finding it strange that they had yet to make a turn, they asked Ignis. He exhaled through his nose slightly and answered, “We circled it for a solid two hours.”
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
Tell you what, Ignis drabble. :)
I’ll get right on it! Hope you’ll like it :)
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
'Do you think we're lost?' - chocobros And any style you please. Have fun:)
Omg hey!! I’ll have this up as soon as I can :)
But first! (and also I feel so silly over this) but I need to go back and re-reblog that prompt meme to specify a few things. But yeah to the point! Would you like a drabble sort of thing or a “getting lost headcanons” sort of thing?
Also if you want a drabble could you specify which bro?
Sorry for the confusion!
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
Hey all! How about we give this one a go? Send me a prompt and (optional) specify a genre for what sort of tone you’re looking for :)
Happy requesting!
So I realised I forgot to mention some things lol but yeah.
You can send in a prompt and (optional) specify a genre. Like just type up the prompt and then in brackets or whatever you can write the genre. Like  “Do you think we’re lost?” (fluff)
Please let me know if you want headcanons regarding that prompt or a drabble (feel free to ask me about this if confused)
If you want a drabble you’ll have to settle for one character. Sorry about that!
Or if you want a drabble for a character group (i.e: bros, girls, nifs, glaives) you can specify a “group drabble” and I’ll mould the prompt around those characters instead
And as a side note for single character drabbles I’m assuming the character is with their S/o. If you want a platonic drabble you’ll need to specify.
“Do you think...” Sentence Starters
“Do you think we’ll make it in time?”
“Do you think it’s cooked all the way?” 
“Do you think somewhere out there, there’s aliens?” 
“Do you think it’s broken?” 
“Do you think you can fix it?” 
“Do you think at all before you speak?” 
“Do you think it’ll rain?” 
“Do you think we’ll find it?”
“Do you think someone around here will have directions?” 
“Do you think they’ll be open at this hour?”
“Do you think we should leave?” 
“Do you think we should go?” 
“Do you think there’s something wrong with me?” 
“Do you think they’ll be serving alcohol now?” 
“Do you think I could eat this entire thing in one sitting?” 
“Do you think we have a connection between us?” 
“Do you think if we met differently, we’d be friends?” 
“Do you think if we met differently, we’d be enemies?” 
“Do you think there’s alternate universes out there?”
“Do you think this book is good?”
“Do you think this movie will be good?” 
“Do you think we’ll become friends?” 
“Do you think I can afford this?” 
“Do you think there’ll be a kiss in the future?” 
“Do you think we should go out on a date?” 
“Do you think I can make that jump?” 
“Do you think I could have a hug?” 
“Do you think we’re lost?” 
“Do you think a movie and some popcorn at my place sounds good?”
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
Kinda want to reblog some prompt memes to get the requests going a little bit because I’m not really sure if I’ll get many opportunities to write later in the year
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
I'm from Karachi too! (not living there atm) It's nice to see another Pakistani person in the fandom. Just recently stumbled across your blog and going through your masterlist :)
Omg hi!! It's really great to meet a fellow Karachiite :) Fandoms always feel more comfy when you find this kind of familiarity in them :)Oh nice! I hope you enjoy your time on my blog and find my writing to your tastes :)
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
So E3's main conferences are done so there isn't like anything immediate that has me preoccupied. And I've thought it over, so requests are opening back up! I'll try to update when I can so premature sorry for any delays that happen. So please read the FAQ, and happy requesting!!
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
Part of me wants to open up requests again bc I'm kinda missing writing but the other part of me would rather give into the executive dysfunction and do absolutely nothing instead
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
I first found your blog not too long ago because I was hunting for any FFXV writing that included Pelna because I really like him. And then I kept coming back, and reading other things you've written. I really like how you characterize all of them, and I find myself agreeing with the characterizations a lot. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I really like your stuff. Thank you for writing
Omfg I’m sorry that’s so not composed. 
But thank you so much!!! This is so unbelievably sweet! It makes me so happy that people actually like the way I characterise everyone. I didn’t expect my blog to get much traction because of it tbh. But it’s heartening to see that there is an audience for it :)
When I have time to open requests back up again please feel free to ask for some Kingsglaive stuff!
And again thank you for taking time out of your day to send this
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
Get to Know Me!
Tagged by: @backseat-imagines (omg thank you so much!!) (also I just learned your main and omg??? like you’re in my notifs all the time! not just here but on my main)(thank you so much for being so supportive!)
Tagging: I don’t really talk to many people on here so I guess if @insomniacitizen wants she can give this a go.
Nicknames: Oooh boy, so so many. Let’s see: Naddie, NAD, NadaTwinsieDragon, Naddeh, Mystic, Sna, Sunbun, Sana Banana, Sunshine, Sunshine Lollipops and Rainbows, and honestly countless others that my brother came up with just to mess with me. If anyone I know IRL finds this blog and sees this they’ll probably scream WTF?!!?? multiple times to themselves.
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. But with a Sagittarius cusp. (Yes I believe in that bc I feel the influence)
Height: 5′5-ish. So it’s pretty average.
Last Thing You Googled: Sims 4 endless load screen. Lmao I fixed the glitch though.
Favorite Music Artist: I pretty much only listen to kpop anymore, and if I have to pick just one, it’s Girls’ Generation. (I’m sorry I’m whipped for them)
Song Stuck In Your Head: Jeon Won Diary - T-ARA N4 
Last Movie You Watched: Smurfs 2. I don’t even know how to explain why.
What Are You Wearing Right Now: Unless I have to go somewhere I pretty much always wear pyjamas and a t-shirt.
Why Did You Choose Your URL: I wanted it to sound intriguing bc initially I wanted to use it for an aesthetic blog. But I decided to make an FFXV writing one instead and felt the (try hard) latin in it would work considering it’s a lowkey spoiler for the story.
Do You Have Any Other Blogs: My main is @thedarkmystic, I even have it in my about me. I have a few others too. Like the one I made for making silly/cute stick figures of my friends in this chat room I used to go to. And another one which is basically a meme blog for the same chat. Haven’t been active on either for a long while though.
What Did Your Last Relationship Teach You: I’ve literally never dated anyone so I’m just gonna finish this off with a B)
Religious Or Spiritual: Both tbh. They aren’t mutually exclusive. The way I go about being Muslim leans more towards the spiritual but it’s still religious in nature.
Favorite Color: Purple. 
Average Hours Of Sleep: Hard to say. Some days I sleep earlier, others I wake up later. I do get a healthy amount of sleep though.
Lucky Number: I don’t have one because I’ve never really cared to be entirely honest. Not to knock on people who do have lucky numbers though. You do you :)
Favorite Characters: Literally so many omfg. I'll stick with FF because of that. I love the main XIII trio. I adore Aerith and Tifa. Pretty much the entire main VI gang too. Kain, Cecil, Rydia, Palom and Porom in IV. Ashe is my utmost favourite in XII. Pretty much everyone in XV. Like not just the main bros, but all the others too, save for the side quest characters. And I’m probably forgetting a few tbh.
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: Just one
Dream Job: Literally anything that’s stable, plays to my strengths, and pays well.
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
Hii can i request what will the boys do when they found out their s/o was possessed by a succubus demon?
This is definitely among the more interesting requests I’ve gotten, but it’s kind of straightforward. Like it’d just be four different ways to say “They were worried and did what they could to help” 
I’m really sorry if I sound rude. I don’t mean to. I just feel like this request is pretty extreme and literally all the characters-from Ravus to Dino-would be worried out of their minds and looking for some way to help their S/o.
You could send this in again but with something a little more specific tacked on maybe? Because for me to be able to write these out there needs to be some room for a person to react in multiple ways. And as it stands the extremity of this situation kind of prevents that. Again, sorry if this came off as rude!
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noxinfinitum · 7 years
Shopping (Ardyn)
Does Ardyn make a good shopping buddy for his s/o? Guess we’ll find out.
Ardyn. To be completely honest, looking at things through a canon lens, it’d be kind of strange for the Chancellor of Nifleheim to be about shopping with his s/o. Regardless of his own feelings on the matter. But in a world where he’s just a dude with an s/o and no political machinations on his agenda; I think he’d love to shop with his s/o. Even from a canon lens, I think he may want to share the experience with his s/o but it’d create too much of a hoopla to actually go out in public so openly. So he’d rather not join them for their own convenience. I think amidst all the security procedures and protocols the appeal of spending time like this loses some of it’s appeal to him.
But back to the ‘normal dude Ardyn’ side. Over here, Ardyn would tag along happily because he’s just a normal dude with an s/o. He may not seem overly enthusiastic, but he does suggest stores to check out. Or offer his opinion. Or ask his s/o about anything he isn’t too familiar with, though this one only really applies if his s/o is shopping for hobby-related stuff, or even work related stuff. At any rate, he’s attentive and wouldn’t complain unless he genuinely has a reason to. He’d also definitely ask his s/o to tag along when he needs to do any shopping. Mostly because he loves their company, and it gives him an excuse to ask them to go on a “sort of date” with him.
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