nuclear-frog · 2 days
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Dushu Lake Park, Suzhou, China by Rin
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nuclear-frog · 10 days
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An alternate universe in which Higuruma works as a shaman and is on the same team as Kusakabe, Nanami and Ijichi.
art by : gokutamani
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nuclear-frog · 2 months
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nuclear-frog · 2 months
So you know how the Tower Tyrant treats Rolan like absolute shit? Has him mind the shop during the day and abuses him under the guise of "training him" after dark?
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How the Enchanter of His Own Ego doesn't even look at him as he's giving the order to help enslave the Nightsong - until he's making sure his orders are understood?
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And that true Larian blink and you'll miss it moment of anguish and loss of what he believed his destiny was on Rolan's face as he leaps to the side of right.
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Until now, he's firmly believed his destiny was to become the greatest wizard in Faerûn, through Lorroakan's tutelage. That all just crashed to the ground around him.
A second ago, he was standing frozen, staring at Lorroakan almost blankly as the plan is unfolded in front of him, to his horror.
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All the abuse he's endured that he had convinced himself was to some unseen greater purpose? Wanton cruelty. And he's staring at living proof of how far Lorroakan will go - sees him now for the grasping, power-hungry monster he is and immediately rises to the occasion.
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Look at the anger... the disdain! He's looking at someone he once idolized, then feared and now despises. Someone with immense talent and capacity for great things - who has chosen to do this with them instead.
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"You lied to get the Nightsong here. Made us all believe she was nothing but a relic. I've seen what true leadership can accomplish - but never under your tutelage."
That little look and nod to your Tav, who has saved him time and time again, and is here yet again, to set him back on the path of right. There is a whole novel in that look.
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Turning his attention back to the Treacherous Thaumaturge, continuing to put himself firmly on the side of good.
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And the Magician of Misdeeds tries to strike back at what he perceives as his greatest soft spot by threatening to take his dream from him entirely - ensuring no other wizards work with him or train him.
Rolan is unphased. "If they're all like you, I think that sounds like an excellent bargain." You can almost hear Gale deciding he likes this kid after all.
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The Mystic Maligner doesn't like his authority questioned and doesn't like his plans disrupted.
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We don't mind, we were itching to watch Dame Aylin break his back anyway.
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Shall we? Dame Aylin agrees.
"Lorroakan... you who would see me caged - who would purchase my submission with profane gold..."
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"Let every wicked magus, every vile murtherer, every slaver and every misery merchant see..."
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"Dame Aylin is watching."
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"...She is indomitable. And when her face lights the shadows of your wrongdoing, you are broken by it's beauty."
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Anyway, sorry, I got sidetracked... but you know how he's just such a royal turd to Rolan every chance he gets?
Have Dame Aylin break his back in two and throw him on the floor like the garbage he is, then use Speak with the Dead on him.
Ask who is more powerful; him or Rolan.
The corpse pauses, perhaps resisting the truth.
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"That... bloody... tiefling...!"
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nuclear-frog · 3 months
BG3 Playthrough 2 Complete!
This run took only about 140 hours.
I played a half-elf monk this time and I romanced Halsin (her hair is supposed to be black but I couldn't get it to look darker).
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Withers called me a sad, lonely loner for a long time because I didn't want to sleep around. Very rude. I would think a god would be familiar with the concept of slow burn. Combat was so, so much easier since I understood what different class functions were - and by the end, I was a force to be reckoned with! I had so much movement I would just go along a line of enemies. Stun! Stun! Stagger! Prone! No turn for you! Astarion on cleanup behind me. I saw many different areas of the game that I'd never seen before!
First playthrough, I took one step into Ethel's swamp and Gale saw it was disguised by an illusion and full of enemies. I noped out of it and forgot to come back. This time, I waltzed straight in and had to kill Aunty Ethel immediately… because she did not take kindly to me stealing her AMAZING toad teapots. I simply had to collect them all. I need a display case.
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I found Kagha's suspicious letter and did nothing about it. :) Mayrina's brothers were killed at some point, but I was able to save her and guide her to mourning in a healthier way by not zombifying her rotting husband. I stumbled into the Zhentarim hideout and they decided my vibes were off so I had to kill them pretty quick, too. Which seems unfortunate because I think they were probably selling something neat. Oh, well. I recruited Minthara! I was surprised by how insightful she is. I like her a lot, even though her dialogue was pretty broken the entire playthrough. I recruited Jaheira before the siege of Moonrise so I could keep her alive this time. She is a gem.
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Since I had Jaheira, I booked it to the Guildhall to get Minsc. Jaheira, Minsc, and Ninefingers have silly banter. I made Jaheira question my sanity by agreeing with and encouraging the simple, righteous himbo. As a monk, is it any surprise I would vibe with the "punch first, ask questions later" mentality?
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I'm so glad I can play along with him. Briefly considered multiclassing Minsc into a druid.
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Found Mayrina again in Baldur's Gate! She had a much healthier mindset as well as a nice new wool coat (I had to help her again). Also Aunty Ethel came back but she did not have any more toad teapots. :( Found a note from Grandpa Ketheric in the Steel Watch Foundry regarding one of the constructs from the arcane tower in the Underdark. "Gortash, you like these things I don't understand, take it and be happy. Kids these days and their toys. Why, back in my day, there was none of this metal servant nonsense--" Yadda yadda old-fashioned something something zombies blah blah…
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I actually fought Viconia and friends this time. My first playthrough, they brought out bonechill and darkness and I simply decided I'd rather invisibly pickpocket the wizard in the back for the key and teleport out after. This time, I cleared everyone out pretty easily and met Nocturne, an old Sharran friend of Shadowheart's. That and Viconia's weapons? Worth it. My epilogue party was crammed full! I had all the companions and even decided to save Volo again despite my better judgement. I can't spare someone like Valeria but leave Volo to die, can I? I got a few more letters than last time! My favorites were from Nocturne and the young Harper Geraldus.
Next playthrough? I'm thinking sorcerer…
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nuclear-frog · 3 months
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Samurai Chocobo
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nuclear-frog · 3 months
It's perfect.
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figured out who astarion reminded me of
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nuclear-frog · 3 months
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Toad/frog netsuke PNGs.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.)
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nuclear-frog · 4 months
kinda fucked that elminster just sends a construct of himself and eats your best cheese. you're like a billion years old and the most powerful dude in the world. can you not create some fake cheese for your fake self to eat after your fake journey. just to tell my boyfriend to kill himself . you should be bringing US cheese
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nuclear-frog · 4 months
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Was it lust for power, or something else…? prints | high res/wordless ver on patreon
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nuclear-frog · 4 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Playthrough Complete!
After 183 hours! Some final thoughts as well as details about the ending I got and where everyone ended up!
Will I play it again? I do not know. It is SO LONG. It has utterly consumed me for weeks. I need to put it down for a while at least. But I am satisfied with my ending and it's been so much fun!
Spoilers after the cut.
Raphael's battle theme was baller.
I wish I'd bothered to keep Jaheira alive at Moonrise, because being forced to kill Minsc as a result did not feel very nice.
Before fighting the brain, Orpheus declined to hear me out on the whole "if we need an illithid, I know a guy in the city who could be persuaded to help," so he therefore volunteered to become an illithid himself for the drama~. I was able to persuade him not to kill himself for the drama, though, so he is alive and well someplace where he keeps an eye on Lae'zel as she conquers Vlaakith and leads her people to glory.
In the end, we all lived. Except the Emperor, who didn't believe in the crew so hard that he just decided to join the haters.
Gale and I got married because I have a thing for nerds and he is a sweetheart. He goes back to Waterdeep and becomes a professor at his old school.
Wyll and Karlach stayed in Avernus and they do Doomslayer sh*t on the daily. At the timeskip party, it sounds like they fell in love and that is EXACTLY what I want for Karlach! Also they have leads on a fix for her engine! And I can hug her at the timeskip party!! But only once. Also, Wyll's somehow able to visit his dad? And his dad is proud of him.
Astarion has his freedom and is accepting of his inability to walk in the sun, but he's definitely keeping his eyes out for a solution. I was under the impression he'd go join the other spawn in the Underdark, but he did not explicitly say so. He is doing some general heroic adventuring! He seems satisfied. Though he is salty Withers did not provide blood for him to drink at the timeskip party. Fair.
Shadowheart has been chilling in a Selunite temple in Waterdeep this whole time and has presumably seen Gale AND Tara but not ME?? Gale has some explaining to do. Actually, that was only one stop. She's been travelling the world while fighting off the odd Sharran attacker or two. She accepts as many hugs as you want to give her, 10/10.
Halsin is the most precious. He has set up a settlement for refugees in what used to be the Shadowlands. He is much more at peace there and tells stories to the children. I'm glad he's settled and seems to have found his purpose. Also, he whittled me a duck! You can hug him as many times as you want, too (10/10).
The owlbear cub has made several new friends! One of which he ate in revenge. Well. I always have pets to spare for my good boy. I volunteered Shadowheart to take care of him and they were both exstatic with the arrangement. Apparently Shadowheart gave him many pets and treatos on our adventures, which is a cute tidbit to learn. I could also have volunteered Halsin, but I thought Shadowheart would most benefit from another companion.
Scratch is living with a new owner in Baldur's Gate and is still very happy to see you. I always have pets to spare for my good boy.
Volo came uninvited! He wanted to let me know he's been writing tales of our heroic deeds and forging my name on all the associated paperwork. Why did I help him, again?
Withers booked a bard named Milil to play for us during the party. He is apparently Important, but I know nothing about DnD lore, so I am grateful for my successful Religion check. He was upset no one knew who was playing for them. I told him it was an honor to listen to him and that seemed all he needed to cheer up. He and I and Volo all played a song together.
There are a bunch of letters from people you've helped in a box. My top 3 reveal that Alfira opened up a bard school, Arabella is learning magic from Gale (whom she calls Beard Man), and Dammon wants Karlach to call him, lol.
There are newspaper clippings on the wall beside the letter box that, among other things, mourn Minsc and Jaheira's deaths. I'm so sorry.
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nuclear-frog · 5 months
Lae'zel Approves of Some Stupid Decisions
Me: Raphael said he'd give us the hammer needed to free Orpheus in return for a crown of ancient power.
Lae'zel: Excellent! You said yes, right?
Me: Certainly not.
Lae'zel: And why the hells not? It is a small price to pay for the freedom of the gith!
Me (a bard who looks nothing like the Doom Slayer): I'm not making a deal with a devil. We can just go to Hell and take the hammer.
Lae'zel: That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You chose the hard way.
Lae'zel: I love it.
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nuclear-frog · 5 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Mishap
I've been playing Baldur's Gate for a few weeks now and have recently gotten to Act 3.
So far, the worst thing to happen to me is that (after several attempts) I was able to fend off all the shadows from Halsin's portal while he retrieved Thaniel… only for Halsin to promptly kill himself by walking right into my Cloud of Daggers. Evidently he was low on HP after the fight with Marcus at the inn. I had to reload, heal him up myself, then redo the battle (and he did walk straight into the Cloud of Daggers again after, the masochist).
Jaheira pulled a similar stunt during the invasion of Moonrise Towers but I legit didn't notice she'd died until after I defeated Ketheric. I was not going back to redo all that.
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nuclear-frog · 5 months
Of all the Money that e'er I had, I spent it in good Company. And all the Harm that e'er I’ve done. Alas! it was to none but me.
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And all I’ve done for want of Wit. To Mem'ry now, I can’t recall So fill to me the parting Glass Good Night and Joy be with you all.
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Of all the Comrades that e'er I had, They’re sorry for my going away. And all the Sweethearts that e'er I’ve loved, They’d wish me one more Day to stay,
But since it falls unto my Lot, That I should rise and you should not, I’ll gently rise and softly call, Good Night and Joy be with you all. Good Night and Joy be with you all.
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nuclear-frog · 6 months
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Courtmacsherry, West Cork, Ireland by Keith Kingston
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nuclear-frog · 6 months
Ikemen Prince perfumes from the Ikepri x Scently collab
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nuclear-frog · 7 months
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