numbskullnexus · 14 days
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More Louise sketches because I love her and I'm lowkey sad that she doesn't get much time in the spotlight during the prologue
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numbskullnexus · 14 days
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Drafting some rough sketches for the Broken Oracles prologue and realising I'm absolutely out of my depth when it comes to laying out comic pages...
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numbskullnexus · 15 days
Asking for advice!
Before I end up colouring this (which may be a hot minute) anyone got any useful tips when it comes to colouring/shading darker skin tones? (+vitiligo colouring and shading tips would be super cool too)
I'm sick of exclusively drawing pale twinks because I'm scared of not getting it right 😅
New character moment 👀
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numbskullnexus · 15 days
New character moment 👀
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numbskullnexus · 16 days
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numbskullnexus · 16 days
Meanwhile at the the Temple of Sinnoh…
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Volo trembling in his low quality cosplay rn
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numbskullnexus · 16 days
It's ridiculous how hard it is to find pose refs sometimes.
Like for the past 3 hours I've been searching for pose refs for someone getting ready to leave the house. Putting a backpack on, putting on shoes, anything like that. Sounds simple enough, right?
I've found literally NOTHING.
Send help, or pose refs, I want to be free of this hell
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numbskullnexus · 16 days
You ever just have that weird art block?
I mean the kind where you're not short on ideas-- in fact it's the opposite. You have so many ideas, but when it comes to trying to get them down on paper you just can't.
Like not even a rough sketch.
All of a sudden it feels like you've forgotten how to draw because your ideas just don't translate to your art and you don't know how to fix it.
Everyone says "oh just draw literally anything and maybe you'll break through it" but the thing is what if you can't draw anything because your brain just won't let you.
Anyone else get that? Because I'm sick of just sitting at my PC sulking after throwing my tablet across the room several times a day trying to draw a thumbnail sketch of characters I've been drawing for years.
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numbskullnexus · 22 days
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Couldn't sleep so I doodled a visual summary of today
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numbskullnexus · 22 days
Update: I got a single birthday card. I'll take that as the best I'll get and despite it being 5pm I'm going to bed because I just want this shit show of a day to be over.
Being an adult is having a birthday with no gifts and no plans and realising that your birthday is truly just another day of the year and that no one gives a shit that you've survived this long
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numbskullnexus · 22 days
Being an adult is having a birthday with no gifts and no plans and realising that your birthday is truly just another day of the year and that no one gives a shit that you've survived this long
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numbskullnexus · 25 days
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Finally working on the redesign I've been putting off for over a year...
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numbskullnexus · 3 months
Realised I somehow had never gotten around to drawing Leon from SwSh and also realised I would eventually HAVE to at some point in the comic, so I got some practice in today...
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And as much as I love this fella I have to say-- he looks like what happens when a mother choses her son's clothes for all of his childhood and then he moves out with no fashion awareness whatsoever. Man also looks like he cuts his own hair like my guy what is that do
I swear I may have to give him a slight redesign for comic panels because YIKES this man is a mess
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numbskullnexus · 3 months
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May have gone a lil too wild considering this isn't even an actual character but I liked the sketch too much not to colour it
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today's warmup sketch-- just a feral dude. idk why a feral dude but i love this sketch
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numbskullnexus · 3 months
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today's warmup sketch-- just a feral dude. idk why a feral dude but i love this sketch
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numbskullnexus · 3 months
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“And I don’t think anybody should feel bad if they get diagnosed with a mental illness, ’cause it’s just information about you that helps you to know how to take better care of yourself.
“Being bipolar, there’s nothing wrong with it. Being bipolar is like not knowing how to swim. It might be embarrassing to tell people, and it might be hard to take you certain places. But they have arm floaties. And if you just take your arm floaties, you can go wherever the hell you want.
“And I know some of you are like, ‘But Taylor, what if people judge me for taking arm floaties?’ Well, those people don’t care if you live or die, so maybe who cares? Maybe fuck those people a little. I don’t know.”
Taylor Tomlinson, Look At You (2022)
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numbskullnexus · 3 months
My queers, we really need to put the "no men" thing away. Men are not inherently bad. There are queer men. There are questioning men. There's men that are just plain cool. Denying these men a space at our table is not helping - except the TERFs. I just came off the back of reading a transphobe gleeful rant about the need to have pride without men - They of course mean me. This kind of stuff is damaging to me and I really need us all to take a step back and maybe kill this "men dni, men not allowed" stuff. What you mean is "no men who are going to do mean stuff to me." And frankly those men won't give a shit about that kind of boundary.
But I promise you there's a fleet of good honest men who will see that and be sad they're not allowed in your version of queer spaces.
PATRIARCHY is what you hate. Dni Patriarchs.
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