nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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Guess what? It looks like the fine folks at Comics Alliance were kind (or crazy) enough to include Nutmeg on their ballot for Best Comics for Teens in 2015. It would mean the world to us if you cast your vote for our book, though we understand that there’s some serious competition in the category (including many of our own favorites from the year).
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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Hey, remember us? We remember you! And we’re here to let you know that Nutmeg vol. 2 - Late Fall: Brownie Points, collecting issues 4-6 of our coming-of-age culinary crime comic series, will be in comic shops tomorrow (Wednesday, December 9th). There’s plenty more on the horizon, and this will prepare you for issue #7, which kicks off the “Winter” arc, in early 2016.
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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This Wednesday, October 21st, Nutmeg #5, “Pantry Raids,” arrives fully baked in comic shops. Here is where everything gets kicked up several, ahem, degrees as Poppy and Cassia sample their own special Patty Cake brownies... and nothing is ever the same again. Art by Jackie Crofts Words by James F. Wright Colors & Letters by Josh Eckert
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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Does it feel like it’s been forever since the last issue of Nutmeg? Well, good news! Because forever ends tomorrow! Issue #4, “The Bake Sale,” drops in comic shops!
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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Have you been waiting patiently for the kitchen to open so you can check out our coming-of-age culinary crime comic, Nutmeg? Well, wait no longer because this weekend (September 11-13) Comixology is having a 50% Off Sale on all Action Lab titles, including Nutmeg! There’s a lot of great books and at this price you should give some of them a shot. Plus, issue 4 of Nutmeg will be in stores this coming Wednesday, so now’s your chance to get caught up on our series before then!
Get baking or get baked! (Or something. It sounded better in our heads.)
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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And while we’re at it, here’s Nutmeg co-creator and artist Jackie Crofts at Cosmic Monkey in Portland, OR, where she found a copy of the first trade paperback of our book! Thank you to the folks out there for stocking and supporting our book! There’s plenty more on the way. :)
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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Hey, check out Nutmeg among the Staff Picks for the week at Fantom Comics in Washington, D.C.! A huge thank you to Leah and the crew there for the support for our book!
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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Nutmeg Covers by Jackie Crofts for the new story arc “Late Fall: Brownie Points” 
Issue 4 (Standard): “The Bake Sale”
Issue 4 (Variant): “The Bake Sale” (Princeless Variant)
Issue 5: “Pantry Raids”
Issue 6: “Patty Cakes”
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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Nutmeg #6: Patty Cakes
As Poppy and Cassia's criminally delicious brownies spread among Vista Vale schools, they catch the attention of teen detective Ginger and teen journalist Anise. Meanwhile, Poppy's appetite for those same brownies and their mind-bending effects only increases.
It’s on Page 250 of the September Diamond Previews Catalog. You can pre-order it using order code SEP150911!
And if you need to get caught up on our series, or you just want to see what the fuss is about (trust us, there is a fuss), you can order the first trade paperback collection, Early Fall: Taste Buddies, using order code SEP150912.
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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Hey, there! We didn’t think there were any photos of Team Nutmeg (Jackie Crofts & James F. Wright) from San Diego Comic-Con, but our friend Nick Marino (writer of Action Lab: Danger Zone’s Holy F*ck) snapped this one of us doodling on his shirt. Thank you, Nick! We had a lot of fun at the show.
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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San Diego Comic-Con 2015: Team Nutmeg, Part II
And here’s another batch of photos from our excursion to Comic-Con last week. A good time was had, and it was great to reunite Team Nutmeg!
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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San Diego Comic-Con 2015: Team Nutmeg
Here’s some photos from our trip down to Comic-Con last week. We had so much fun seeing the other folks from Action Lab, wandering the floor, stimulating the economy, attending panels, and eating our body weight in fish tacos. Thank you to everyone who made our trip such a treat. Until next year!
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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So, SDCC was a lot of fun and very exhausting and we’ll have photos and a recap or whatever soon, but in the meantime, we wanted to share with you this gorgeous Akira-riffing piece our friend Kevin Olvera (hypartrophy) did for us. We want to make prints of it, and possibly use it as a variant cover for a future issue of the book!
Thank you, Kevin!
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
San Diego Comic-Con 2015
Sorry it’s been so long since we updated (we hope you’re still following us). We are still alive, Nutmeg is still alive--three issues and a trade and counting--and we promise to be better about Tumblring and such.
The good news is that Team Nutmeg (that’s us: Jackie Crofts and James F. Wright) will be attending San Diego Comic-Con and we’ve got two signings scheduled at the Action Lab booth (#2006)! It’s incredibly rare for us both to be in the same convention, let alone the same state, so it’s a cool opportunity to meet us both and have us sign your Nutmeg(s).
Thursday, July 9 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 11 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
You can also find us in attendance at the Action Lab Panel on Saturday at 7:00 p.m. in room 28DE.
Outside of that we’ll mostly be wandering the floor, hanging out with friends, going to panels, and generally being the huge dorks that we are.
See you there!
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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Don’t sleep.
Nutmeg #2, “...And Everything Nice,” is in stores this Wednesday (May 6th).
There’s a six-page preview here.
And, as an added bonus, here’s the second of our three Nutmeg Mixes, Music to Bake To: Cooking with Gas for your ears. (NSFW)
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
A typical conversation between Nutmeg creators Jackie & James
James (Jambles): You and me, Jackles, we're gonna be ten-aires.
Jackie (Jackles): We'll be able to buy ice cream whenever we want!
James (Jambles): One scoop at a time!
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nutmeg-comic · 9 years
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Received a very lovely review of the first Nutmeg trade paperback, Early Fall: Taste Buddies, today from Johanna at Comics Worth Reading. It collects the firs three issues of the series, as well as all the backmatter from the single issues (recipes, essays, photos). You can order it now and it should be in stores late June! (http://www.previewsworld.com/Home/1/1/71/920?stockItemID=APR150961)
Thank you for the kind words!
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