nymphablr-blog · 11 years
nerdyspeedstergirl started following you
Midnight, perfect.
Everything was set up. The ipad was propped up against a tree. a collage of ballet videos were about to start playing. And Carter was barefoot. 
This had become normal for her. Friday + Midnight = dance sesh in the park.
She loved it, no one was there. Well, usually. If someone did show up, which rarely happened, Carter would simply grab the ipad and scramble up into a tree. From there she would put in headphones and continue watching the ballet performances. 
The videos started, dancers came out on stage and began performing. Carter began mimicking their moves, she no longer needed to pause and check to see if she was doing the same moves as the dancers. The videos, dancers, and moves were practically burned into her brain.
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
The crushed look on her face was almost immediately replaced with a smile as he offered his hand. "It's ok," She said, taking it and standing up. "I should probably pay more attention to where I'm going. I guess I was a little distracted by the donuts." Carter laughed, brushed herself off and then retrieved the crushed box of donuts. Dumping them in the nearest trash can.
"You don't have to pay for anything, it really wasn't you're fault. I was the one that wasn't paying attention to were I was going. I'll just get some more later or something." If Fawn was willing to give her the money. "My name's Carter." She wiped her hands off on her sweater and smiled at him.
To his credit, Wally jumped to his feet the second he felt a slight tug on his outstretched leg, DS discarded on the bench as he crouched down to help the fallen girl. The fallen, unlucky girl. Aw, man—poor donuts. Short lives they lived, it seemed.
“My bad,” came the muttered apology, guilt clear in those grassy green eyes. Yeah, the redhead felt pretty bad. He knew all too well what if felt like to lose such precious food. Delicious, sugary, cavity-inducing food. Wally was practically a criminal. “I can, um, pay for that… Name’s Wally, by the way.”
Hooking his arm underneath hers and around her back, he held out his other hand for her to hold onto as he helped her up. “And, if you’re not too peeved at me, is it cool if I get yours?”
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
"Carter." She said as she took Zatanna's hand and stood up. "Thanks." The cards were now in a neat pile in her hands and she began playing with a few of the ones on top, just trying to give her hands something to do. "I've been practicing for a while," Carter laughed. "I guess I'm just not very good with magic in general. Maybe I should just leave it to the professionals." She glanced down at the cards then back at Zatanna. "Do you know any card tricks?" A smile began spreading across her face.
As the cards fluttered to the floor, Zatanna muttered a quick spell to collect the cards in a neat stack, handing them over to the younger girl. “You’ll learn over time.” She gave a reassuring smile. “Zatanna.” She introduced herself. Giving the girl a hand to get up.
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
Carter shook the other girls hand enthusiastically, when she released her grip both hands automatically swung down and grabbed onto the ends of her sweater. The fabric was rubbed in between her fingers as she looked around.
"I'm kind of guessing that I dragged you to the wrong Subway." Her purple eyes watched as people got on and off of the trains. "That thought kind of crossed my mind half way here, but I was already in too deep. So I just kept running and sorta hoped that you would stop me." She laughed. "If this isn't the Subway you want I can take you to the correct one."
Lie, lie, lie. “…Toni.” With a small smile, the teen stuck out her hand. “And nice” And interesting “to meet’cha.”
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
"I'm Carter!" She stated happily, brushing some hair behind her ear and then sticking the same hand out for the other girl to shake. "What's your name?" 
“Awh—anndddd now we’re going to Subway.” Side eyeing the other, she debated whether to just break off or skip with her. In which choosing to run along side the girl, mainly because the teen really wanted a sandwich.
“So we are.” Awkwardly pulling her wrist back to her side, Jordana let out a sigh. “Uhm, not that I usually don’t have strangers pulling my wrist to mediocre sandwich shops, but who are you?”
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
stephwillspoilyou started following you
This was taking forever. Carter had been standing in line for over 15 minutes. Come on, this was Starbucks, not a gourmet restaurant!
"Excuse me." She said, tapping the shoulder of the blonde girl in front of her. "Do you know what's taking the guy at the counter so long?" She pulled at the collar of her sweater, all she wanted was some iced caramel coffee and a salted caramel cake pop. (She's in a caramel mood today.) Was that really too much to ask? 
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
mysteriousboywonder started following you
A look of extreme horror and embarrassment melted on to Carter's face. She was staring straight at her hot chocolate, the one that she had just spilled all over the stranger she had collided with.
"I-I am so sorry." Carter said, looking up at him apologetically. "Uh, here." She pulled a few napkins out of her pocket and began wiping and dabbing at the wet spot just above his belly button. "I-uh." She stuttered, handing the napkins to him. "I'm really really sorry." Her hand instinctively flew up to her face, half trying to cover the embarrassed blush spreading across her face, and half attempting to tuck some loose hair behind her ear.
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
doing an experiment. Reblog if you aren't wearing shoes
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
misszatara started following you
Cards flew around the brunettes head.
"Woops." She muttered as she watched them flutter to the ground. Carter dropped to her knees and began picking them up. A giggle escaped her lips as she mumbled, "I'm not very good at card tricks..."
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
ravenssoulself started following you
The sun was setting, everyone but Carter had left the small park. Her legs swung back and forth, her nails digging into the bark of the branch she was sitting on. She squinted her eyes when she saw a dark figure moving by the swing set. She flipped herself forward, her legs locking into place over the branch. Her hand released the branch and she cupped her hands over her mouth and shouted, "Hey! Who're you!"
Her hands found there way to the branch again and her feet began wiggling as a fit of giggles escaped her lips.
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
"Subway, hmmmmm. Yeah! I think so! Come on!" Carter grabbed the girls wrist and began pulling her to their new destination.
After a few minutes of running, skipping, and hopping, she descended down a flight of stairs and let go of the girls wrist. "Ta-da. Here we are!" Carter sang happily as she gestured towards the train station. 
Excuse me, but do you know how to get to Subway from here?
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
wallsass started following you
"It is time."
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"For donuts." Carter mumbled to herself as she weaved through the crowd of people on the sidewalk. She giggled and hopped around the adults. Today was Sunday, and every Sunday Carter would go to Krispy Kreme and get 3 donuts. One plain, one cloaked in chocolate, and a creme filled one completely covered in sprinkles!
She made it to the store, went in, ordered her regular, and skipped out happily. She began making her way to the nearest park when she tripped over a redheads foot. Carter tumbled to the ground and her donuts flew out of her hands. People then proceeded to crush them with there feet.
"Meine donuts." Were the only words that escaped her quivering lips.
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nymphablr-blog · 11 years
"That's a toughy!" "I know! A ROBOTIC DINOSAUR!" 
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