nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
Hi wow blog revive hey guess what I write stuff abt Spooky Month characters that aren't Skid and Pump now too. You can send in requests n stuff for whoever ya want and uh. I'll get around to em :]
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
If you're tired try to get some rest don't stress yourself out , always drink water and eat something hope u doing well ❤️
Thxxx <333
I'll definitely be taking a self care day todoay :]
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
Hi nyx how are you doing? :D
Tired lol, you?
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
Anyways, take your time on your requests. Let yourself take a break, ok?
Aight, love ya dude /p
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
Requests are closed please stop sending them
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
I meant to send this one earlier but
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
Skid and Pump meet a ghost reader 👀
Skid and Pump with a ghost reader HCs
One of the boys waves at you and you're very surprised that they can even see you
You approach, smiling and speaking a small greeting
At first, they think you're just another kid in a costume like them
They compliment you on how authentic it looks and ask how you made it look so good
Then you explain that you're...actually dead
They both look a little guilty, but continue to compliment you nonetheless, calling you pretty, handsome, ect (whatever you prefer)
Then they ask if you want to celebrate the spooky month with them
You, having been dead and quite lonely for a while now, eagerly agree
Ever since then, they've always managed to find out when and where you were going to appear on any given night and hang out with you
Skid takes you to meet his mom
Who, surprisingly, can also see you
She tells you to keep a good eye on the boys and seems to trust you with caring for them, even if you are a ghost
Pump suggests you go meet Eyes
Whom you somehow instantaneously get along with
Every night, if the duo aren't already tucked into bed, you're all hanging out and causing mischief together
Long HC list short, besties for afterlife
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
Friendly reminder, it will always say whether requests are open or closed right at the top of the blog. They're closed. Please stop sending requests so I can work on them all properly.
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
Hi nyx how are u?
Alive haha, been doin a lot of stuff lately. Thanks for asking, anon :]
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
Hii could i request ruv,tabi, alydrx,agoti reacting to s/o being suicidal or depressed? Its okay if you dont wanna do it
these are just gonna be hcs because I don't feel super duper comfy writing a whole ficset-
When he finds out, he understands completely because he's felt like that before too.
He holds you close and comforts you during depressive episodes
Any attempt on your own life ends in him talking you down and comforting you through the emotional high afterwards
He does his absolute best to keep you feeling alright at all times
He gets help from Sarv with making sure you're alright and more often than not will leave you with his jacket to hold close with you need to
With you almost 24/7 I stg
Will 100% patch up any and all S/H wounds.
All over you in his own way, sticks around whenever he can even if he isn't very comfortable with too much touch.
He gives you his hoodie sometimes, will hold you whenever he feels like you really need it
Like Ruv, he'll patch up any injuries made by attempts or S/H
He fucking SOBS when he finds you trying to off yourself. He will pull you away from it with zero hesitation
Anyone who's made it worse for you as of late gets their shit kicked in
Comforts you as best he can during episodes, even if he's unsure exactly how to do it
Surprisingly good cook and will make you your comfort foods to make you feel better
Zero hesitation to keep you from anything you could hurt yourself with
Very protective, eyes on you 24/7 if he can
If he's not around to watch you and keep you a-okay, he gets his brother to do it
Will try to make you comfort food but isn't good at cooking so just ends up buying you both food (he usually disregards agoti in this aspect and the angry squeak it gets makes you laugh)
You had a sui attempt? He's holding you and not letting go for the next week, he hates the thought of losing you
Patches up wounds whenever necessary
Just like his brother, always makes sure to keep you from anything you could use against yourself
Protective in the same way
When his eyes aren't on you, he asks Aldryx to keep an eye on you
Makes you snacks (and always gets mad when aldryx forgets to bring him food too)
Any attempt at any form of self injury (including sui) and he is clingy as hell. You're not leaving him and he's gonna make sure of it
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
To my small fanbase, I'm considering writing for stranger things characters. What y'all think?
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
I didn't realize it was closed sorry 😭
It's a-okay. I might actually work on it cause I'm bored
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
Ok so I kinda crave chaotic family bull shit. Reader part of Pico and Tankman’s family (specifically as the younger sibling) mayhaps? -K
((Oh i fuckin gotchu shawty
Family Chaos (Tankman and Pico with a reader who's part of their family)
"OI-" you yelped as you narrowly dodged the pellet of a bb gun shot by your older brother. The ginger snort-laughed at you and fired again. He knew not to go at you with his UZI, that'd get him mauled, but sometimes he liked to screw with you with the bb gun your father, John 'Captain' Tankman, had given him for his birthday "We don't shoot at family, asshole!" "You're one to talk! You shot my earring out two days ago with your nerf gun so this is just plain ol revenge, sib!" "Oh fuck off, you're being an ass" "takes one to know oooonne~" he gave you a smug look and stuck his tongue out at you.
And that's all she wrote because in seconds you had tackled him full on and started roughhousing with the prick. The both of you laughed semi-evily at eachother as you continued fighting and talking loud enough to be, well, loud, but quiet enough to not be yelling. That was until your dad came in. "What the FUCK are you two yelling about?!"
He glared at you from behind his goggle-visor-thing(?) And you immediately scattered. Pico looked at you with a glare that screamed at you not to tell, in response, you smirked and pointed at your brother "Pico shot me with his bb gun!" "WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID YOU-" thunk- both of you were struck by your disregarded nerf gun and bb gun respectively. "Well if yer gonna fuck around at least let me in on it! I'm bored as hell!" He grabbed his own bb gun, the one he only used when he was around you two, and readied it
Uh-oh. You and your brother looked at eachother, one word passing between the two of you "Run" and you sure as hell did just that, all three of you laughing as bb shots mingled with nerf darts in a mock battle that'd definitely get you in trouble with dad number two later. But that really didn't matter right now, you were having fun and dad 2's wrath was a problem for your future se- "HA! HEADSHOT-" "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT PICO-"
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
:) Yandere Ruv x Oblivious Reader?
(( :)
Yandere!Ruv x Oblivious!Reader
You sighed and sat back on your couch. It had been a long day..maybe you could go visit Sarv, that always helped. You decided to get something to eat first, though. Didn't want to show up and then ask for things. That'd be kinda rude after all. You quickly grabbed something from the fridge then headed over to the church.
"Y/N!" Sarv had nearly screeched your name when she saw you at the door. She ran over and dragged you into a hug while Ruv watched in absolute fury. Sarv, his best friend, had hugged you. She had hugged someone that she knew damn well belonged to him. Ruv visibly twitched, stalking quietly back to his room. He wouldn't kill Sarv, no, that'd get him killed too. He'd simply...take you. Keep you for himself.
Later that day, you and Sarv were making conversation over some food that she'd insisted on making for you. Ruv had, as he usually did with anything involving you, got involved as well. He'd helped make the food and insisted on giving you yours. You'd finished eating within a few minutes, really, you were hungry and the food was wonderful. But now you were starting to feel...odd. Tired and slightly nauseous. Where was Sarv? Where was anyone? Within a very short moment you were on the ground, unable to move. Just before it all went dark, you saw a familiar blank white eye staring down at you.
When you awoke, you were in a place all too familiar to you. Ruv's room. You tried to move but to no avail, seemed like you were tied down. The Russian walked in not long after you had regained consciousness, he laid down next to you, pulling you close to him and speaking in a low and gravelly, but somehow soothing tone "apologies, love. I have been...meaning to tell you of my feelings for you for a while now. It seems I couldn't control myself today. That hug Sarv gave you set something off in my head"
You blinked. Feelings? Did Ruv- was he- did he have a crush on you?! How long had this been happening for and how long had you been entirely oblivious to it!? Wait. Ooooh. That. That explained a lot, actually. Anyone who crossed you had wound up dead lately and it only now clicked in your head that this was why. You stiffened slightly when he mentioned Sarv and, as if sensing your nervousness, he quickly clarified that he hadn't harmed her.
He also went onto explain that the restraints were more or less so you didn't fall off of his, admittedly very tall, bed. He untied you before continuing to hold you close. He murmured quiet and sweet words into your ear, playing with your hair a bit. Finally, after a long period of quiet, he apologized for the murders. You forgave him, really, most people you encountered weren't friendly to you, after all. You turned a bit so you could look at him and smiled slightly at the murderous bastard (/pos /aff) you were cuddled with.
Another moment of silence was followed by a very quiet "i love you" from the Russian, which you quickly reciprocated. You nuzzled into his chest, knowing full well that he'd protect you forever and always. So long as you were his, nobody would harm you without consequence.
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
Pico x hyper s/o (Like they’re on a sugar rush 24/7)
Really only felt like doing headcanons- sorry-
"Sugar High? I Don't mind" Pico x Hyper reader HCs
Alright first thing's first. He absolutely will not take you with him when he's out on a job. He says it's because you're too hyper and you'll give him away but really it's because he's worried for your safety
Whenever you're out in public with him, he practically has you on a baby leash, pulling you away from stores, keeping you out of dangerous areas, stopping you from running into the street, ect.
He honestly sees you like a really excitable puppy and absolutely loves it when you practically tackle him when he comes home
Speaking of that, since you're always so excited to see him and practically shriek for him when he walks in the door, he typically has warning enough to catch you or toss his UZI aside before you knock him over
Pico loves how high energy you are, it lines up with his personality quite a bit and your goofy and hyper attitude always cheers him up after a bad day
His worst fear is someone giving you candy
Even during more intimate moments he loves the fact that your energy never dips, you're always excited and bouncy and no matter what the mood is, he loves it. It really gets to him ngl.
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
Behold. The Googler. A villain. He is a sillyman
Tumblr media
Censored bit is an anatomy test. Nothing too bad I'm just not proud of it
He's wearing a morph suit with googly eyes
Yes those are thigh high heels
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