objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 26 days
reblog only if you’ve received less than 1000 boops! we can all get each other to “max”
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 2 months
transandrophobic trans women think that the term transandrophobia implies trans women have privilege over trans men bc thats what they think transmisogyny means 😐
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 2 months
my experience of this situation, as a nonpassing transfemme who, cannot, in fact, avoid transmisogyny no matter how much anyone malds over it:
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 2 months
i just don’t think “is dude gender neutral” is that productive of a conversation because a word can be gendered and still used regardless of gender. i call my male friends girlypop and my female friends man but i don’t think anybody would agree that those are somehow not gendered terms.
the real question is just “would you be willing to apologize and stop using a word if somebody told you it made them uncomfortable?” the answer to which in a surprising number of cases is no mostly because it seems like overall ppl r more upset abt getting accused of transphobia than they are abt being transphobic
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 2 months
Sick to death of feeling alone in online spaces, so this one goes out to my aros and arospecs with complicated feelings towards romance. Aros in happy romantic relationships Aros who would like to be in a romantic relationship Aros who have never been in a romantic relationship but who would like to see what it's like Aros who have a lot of difficulties sorting through all kinds of feelings including potentially romantic ones Aros who fall in love regularly Aros who don't love but still care deeply Aros who could fall in love but haven't Aros who want to fall in love but can't Aros who love being in love but haven't been for a long time Aros who are in love but it isn't requited Aros who feel unloved And aros who feel alone on Valentine's day, because the internet is full of jealousy-inducing happy couples, bitter single people, and other aros you may or may not feel included with.
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 3 months
Some gay men really put 0 hours of work into unlearning their hatred of women’s bodies and anatomy it’s embarrassing. Like i’m super fucking sorry that you’ve got a pussy ick thing going on but i got over it after like one conversation with a friend and you’re 29 years old publicizing your pussy ick on twitter dot com dot gov posting about how super fucking hard it is that trans men are also in gay bars and that’s Not Valid because ewwww they have vacheena which is the opposite of gay eeewwwwwww! And you have to let everybody know that you’re gay not because you like men but because you hate pussy so much it makes you transphobic. Like how can you even continue to serve cunt in such a state
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 4 months
for some reason it's a real struggle for a lot of people to be able to hold both "trans men and cis men are both equally men, cis manhood is not more real than trans manhood" and "trans men often have very different experiences with gender and the place of trans men as a class in patriarchy is different than cis men, and it's dangerous to ignore this" in their head at the same time. like asking them to specify "cis men" instead of contributing to the erasure of trans men's oppression by pretending like we occupy the exact same space in the patriarchy as cis men is the Real Transphobia
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 4 months
this is your friendly reminder i hate the men/non men binary you guys reinvented and you should stop
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 4 months
i dont know who needs to hear this but you do not need to go on a diet. you do not need to lose weight as a new year revolution. you do not need to feel shame for gaining any weight over the holidays and for enjoying yourself and the food. you do not need to tolerate diet talk after setting a boundary and if someone cant respect that then theyre being the asshole. you already have a summer body. you already are hot. theres no moral failure or shame in being fat
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 4 months
i don't think transandrophobia is motivated by a passionate hatred for trans men, especially not the kind we see in queer/feminists spaces. i just think our existence disturbs the foundations of radical feminist framework (i.e. patriarchy defined as class warfare of all men against all women) a bit too much. within this paradigm, "woman" is the exact synonym for "marginalised gender" and thus "men being oppressed by patriarchy" sounds heretical.
therefore not only transandrophobia doesn't and most importantly shouldn't exist.
so, it's easier to come to the conclusion that trans men are the collateral damages of "something else" (cf general transphobia, misdirected misogyny etc) and you cannot expect more from TIRFs and all the people who will never question the core tenets of their feminism
a change of paradigm is imperative because you'll never achieve "trans liberation" if you need to actively ignore roughly one half of the trans community (if you don't care about trans liberation that's a whole other issue lol)
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 5 months
I'm not attacking, you're just chronically missing the point. Goodbye!
You need to unlearn your misandry before you can be a proper ally and advocate for marginalised people. Because some of you like to deny it, but your distrust and hatred of men intersects with every marginalisation out there, while you're out here pretending that men can't be oppressed.
You don't trust a black man, you hold your purse a little tighter when one walks by, you cross the street to avoid him? Congratulations, you just perpetuated racism.
You don't trust a Jewish man, you won't let him express his Jewishness around you, you regard his kippah with fear? Congratulations, you just perpetuated antisemitism.
You don't trust a disabled man, you mock him for his awkwardness and hate him for trying to talk to you? Congratulations, you just perpetuated ableism.
You don't trust a trans man, you refuse to listen when he shares his experiences with misogyny or claim he betrayed women by transitioning? Congratulations, you just perpetuated transphobia.
You don't trust a fat man, you insult his appearance and mock him for trying to find a girlfriend? Congratulations, you just perpetuated fatphobia.
I could go on but I think my point is clear. You cannot separate your hatred of men from your oppression of marginilised groups, and to be a proper ally to any group you HAVE to unlearn it. I don't care if the patriarchy traumatised you. It has traumatised all of the men you hate too. So be better.
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 5 months
You commented "just wanna remind you that muslim men exist" as if there arent a million ways you could add the experiences of Muslim men into the conversation that don't imply I either forgot about them specifically or I don't care about them. You could have gone "this goes for Muslim men too!" and I would have agreed with you 100%. This is not about you being Muslim, this is about you being condescending.
And for the record, at present, East Asian men (including Japanese people) are victims of Sinophobia as a result of COVID and long-term smear campaigns against the Chinese government, and Polynesian men are seen as violent backwards warriors due to racism based on skin tone and cultural practices, and Native men are portrayed as savages and creeps. But fuck them, right? Or any of the other men you chose not to include in your little list of groups men who aren't villainised.
You need to unlearn your misandry before you can be a proper ally and advocate for marginalised people. Because some of you like to deny it, but your distrust and hatred of men intersects with every marginalisation out there, while you're out here pretending that men can't be oppressed.
You don't trust a black man, you hold your purse a little tighter when one walks by, you cross the street to avoid him? Congratulations, you just perpetuated racism.
You don't trust a Jewish man, you won't let him express his Jewishness around you, you regard his kippah with fear? Congratulations, you just perpetuated antisemitism.
You don't trust a disabled man, you mock him for his awkwardness and hate him for trying to talk to you? Congratulations, you just perpetuated ableism.
You don't trust a trans man, you refuse to listen when he shares his experiences with misogyny or claim he betrayed women by transitioning? Congratulations, you just perpetuated transphobia.
You don't trust a fat man, you insult his appearance and mock him for trying to find a girlfriend? Congratulations, you just perpetuated fatphobia.
I could go on but I think my point is clear. You cannot separate your hatred of men from your oppression of marginilised groups, and to be a proper ally to any group you HAVE to unlearn it. I don't care if the patriarchy traumatised you. It has traumatised all of the men you hate too. So be better.
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 5 months
Yes, there is, or there has been historically and the racism has carried into modernity. I get wanting to lift up Muslim men, and we should all be doing more of that for sure. But the manner in which you do it is also important, and being condescending on a post which is ultimately on your side and then taking the time to minimise the effects of antimasculinity and the scorn and hatred men of other marginalisations experience is not the way to do it.
You need to unlearn your misandry before you can be a proper ally and advocate for marginalised people. Because some of you like to deny it, but your distrust and hatred of men intersects with every marginalisation out there, while you're out here pretending that men can't be oppressed.
You don't trust a black man, you hold your purse a little tighter when one walks by, you cross the street to avoid him? Congratulations, you just perpetuated racism.
You don't trust a Jewish man, you won't let him express his Jewishness around you, you regard his kippah with fear? Congratulations, you just perpetuated antisemitism.
You don't trust a disabled man, you mock him for his awkwardness and hate him for trying to talk to you? Congratulations, you just perpetuated ableism.
You don't trust a trans man, you refuse to listen when he shares his experiences with misogyny or claim he betrayed women by transitioning? Congratulations, you just perpetuated transphobia.
You don't trust a fat man, you insult his appearance and mock him for trying to find a girlfriend? Congratulations, you just perpetuated fatphobia.
I could go on but I think my point is clear. You cannot separate your hatred of men from your oppression of marginilised groups, and to be a proper ally to any group you HAVE to unlearn it. I don't care if the patriarchy traumatised you. It has traumatised all of the men you hate too. So be better.
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 5 months
I also didn't mention Asian men of any nationality, or specify any disability, or talk about men communicating in a second language, or specify any other religions, or mention Romani men, or talk about Eastern European men, or Polynesian men, or Native men from anywhere in the world, or bald men, or skinny men, or any number of ways a man can be identified that influences the way people treat him negatively. I hope that despite the fact that my examples were limited to a few groups that I either interact very closely with or belong to, thus being the first to come to mind, I do come across as someone who wants all of the men I happened to leave out of my first list of examples to be treated better.
You need to unlearn your misandry before you can be a proper ally and advocate for marginalised people. Because some of you like to deny it, but your distrust and hatred of men intersects with every marginalisation out there, while you're out here pretending that men can't be oppressed.
You don't trust a black man, you hold your purse a little tighter when one walks by, you cross the street to avoid him? Congratulations, you just perpetuated racism.
You don't trust a Jewish man, you won't let him express his Jewishness around you, you regard his kippah with fear? Congratulations, you just perpetuated antisemitism.
You don't trust a disabled man, you mock him for his awkwardness and hate him for trying to talk to you? Congratulations, you just perpetuated ableism.
You don't trust a trans man, you refuse to listen when he shares his experiences with misogyny or claim he betrayed women by transitioning? Congratulations, you just perpetuated transphobia.
You don't trust a fat man, you insult his appearance and mock him for trying to find a girlfriend? Congratulations, you just perpetuated fatphobia.
I could go on but I think my point is clear. You cannot separate your hatred of men from your oppression of marginilised groups, and to be a proper ally to any group you HAVE to unlearn it. I don't care if the patriarchy traumatised you. It has traumatised all of the men you hate too. So be better.
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 6 months
Critical Thinking F
Performative Activism A+
Media Literacy F
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 6 months
Trick or treat!
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take a handful!!
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objection-u-a-bitch ¡ 6 months
extreme man hate harms trans men and transmasculine people. men are not inherently evil. testosterone is not poison. masculinity is not inherently bad. i said what i said.
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