occasionally-archeops Ā· 6 years
I dunno
Iā€™ve kinda lost motivation to continue this blog, which has become obvious. But itā€™s unfair to all of you! And to Spaz Archy! Like I keep trying to improve drawing him and it mostly just doesnā€™t work or Iā€™m unsatisfied with it. I want to go back to this but I just donā€™t know when. I keep on putting these long text posts with nothing to show for it and itā€™s unfair. Iā€™ve needed to put this blog on the backburner and I still havenā€™t done much for it. But that doesnā€™t mean I regret it! This was pivotal for me in ways I beyond it so I truly do thank all of you. Iā€™m not saying a final farewell, maybe Iā€™ll revitalize it and then my art style will actually be good enough to be well a style! And I do have plans for this and Iā€™ve have had them, itā€™s just Iā€™ve been executing them wrong imo or like Iā€™ve just been uninspired I dunno. It will just remain inactive for even longer, but I donā€™t want it to disappear. Iā€™ll leave everything up and who knows? Maybe Iā€™ll refresh it with motivation and finally some real art.
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 6 years
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((Okay last non archy related post for awhile but itā€™s still relevant! Last year I made the totodile line for @yeeshastone PokĆ©mon dnd project (go to her tumblr for more info and such), but I needed to update them and oof thank goodness I did))~ Trash Derg
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 6 years
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((As for that Pidgeot, hes here to stay. I also drew this a long time ago but itā€™s better to post this))
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 6 years
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Spaz: ā€œACK YES I FOUND HIM!ā€ ???: ā€œ-AAAH WHO ARE YOU!!!ā€ ((Talk about overdue and underdone, I drew this months ago and Oof, as previously said, there was supposed to me more pictures to this, more on the pidgeot later ~ TrashDerg))
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 6 years
It might be better if I post a picture of the ask and mash pictures in like that as a photo post. I mean people wonā€™t get exactly notified of their answer being ask but it might be better right?
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 6 years
Can we see some of your new art?
Oh um sure Iā€™ll put a few in the next post because phone limits
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 6 years
I went to see my photo library because for some reason unbeknownst to me, it just became 50% shorter. My iPhone is missing half of its photos and two of them were part of the ask. Itā€™s not even in iCloud anymore Iā€™ll just improvise later then
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 6 years
ą² _ą² 
Why wonā€™t tumblr update to let mobile users answer asks with multiple pics with their phone I swear. Keyboards not working rn and we canā€™t find the back fml
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 6 years
This has been a quite a weird, long ā€œhiatusā€ but I can say it wasnā€™t for nothing, I was able to improve may art (I hope I can just translate that into this boiā€™s art) ((And yeah I should have posted the last several things already, thatā€™s a little inexcusable, I just really didnā€™t like how they were drawn)) But this is just a, I havenā€™t completely given up! Itā€™s just been an art grind and experiments, I wouldnā€™t have wanted to experiment on this account tbh.
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 6 years
((What Iā€™ve been doing during this break))~ Trash Panda
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 6 years
As New Years almost here, lemme make a small apology. I know I havenā€™t been doin much on this account (sadly) but that doesnā€™t mean I abandoned it. Iā€™ve been trying to draw various other things, mainly trying to get better at art, as well as demotivation punching me in the face. But that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll stop (I actually got several characters I want to make :3), itā€™s just that stuff will take time (thank goodness I made this a occasional blog). Also next ask post may look a little worse than the last Icon I made, the drawing program I was using kinda sucks, but after that one Iā€™ll be using Medibang and everything will look so much better. But anyway still HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Iā€™m gonna try to make sure I donā€™t let this blog die!! ~ Trash Panda
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 7 years
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((New Winter Icon for Spaz ~Trash Panda))
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 7 years
* please reblog this if you are a pokemon ask blog! iā€™d like to follow as many as possible! ^^ *
-mod cowboy
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 7 years
((To make up for my lack of Halloween stuff, ima reblog this to spread this goodness ~ Trash Panda))
aaaaaAAAAAND ITā€™S DONE!! Iā€™ll tag everyone later, when I have more time. uwu
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 7 years
He should see Jurassic Park.
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ā€œNOT AGAIN!!!!ā€
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ā€œWhat was that a horror movie?! I lived all that before!!!ā€
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 7 years
Here we go @dailytypenull the gif has been memed. Excuse the bad editing this was my first time doing something like this XD
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occasionally-archeops Ā· 7 years
You're at a movie theater, what are you there to see? Hypothetically.
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(I donā€™t think he even knows what a movie is. Maybe someone should help him pick before he gets lost)
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