oceanjubilee · 10 years
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 If you roleplay with me, you should probably read the tags on our threads. More than just little things, sometimes I’ll ask questions about the plot there, or alert a partner to a soon hiatus, etc.
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oceanjubilee · 10 years
ooc: If there's one thing that's just as bad as the Sonic tag is the Marine tag. 
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oceanjubilee · 10 years
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Sayonara Hedgehog! 
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oceanjubilee · 10 years
So did they shambled closer to the mysterious building, the faster her heart beated in an out-of-tune rhythm:
If one were to come close to her, the sound of a faint squeaking and heavy puffing emitted from her nose, along with the vibration of her shaking. The eerie tension she gave off could give anyone the creeps as if a contagion. It's been so long since the captain felt butterflies in her stomach-and there were tons of butterflies. But she stayed strong. If she gave up even the slightest bit of strength the raccoon would pass out of the burden of fear. 
Marine did have a reason to keep pushing on in spite of her phobia. Oblivious to practically gluing herself onto her, her princess Blaze kept walking on, the source of her courage. The way they placed their feet on the ground simultaneously, heel then toe, she felt a connection, almost as if they were one. Blaze gave her comfort in times of need and happiness once things became sorrowful. In this moment, it was the comfort and bravery she needed of Blaze. Keeping near was the best way to siphon those feelings. But why? 
In her rushing mind she thought of things she'd never thought she'd say. But as she leaned more into Blaze, as if she weren't close enough, a sudden warmth entrapped her. Not the warmth anyone would get from getting too close to the fire cat, but the same type calmed her down as if magic. Marine couldn't help but think of her good friend to be the medicine to her colds.
At the tone of Blaze's voice, her shuddering slowly ceased. The butterflies finally stopped. It seemed no matter the tone of her voice, she felt okay again. "Roight...! Got'cha...ehehe..they don't stand a chance... now do they? HA! Those punters don't know the sheila's they're coppin' a blue with!"
Marine's mood near Blaze was like a swing...
In Giving Every Journey Its Due!
When the boat finally docked, Blaze inspected the island with her captain. She was convinced that the mysterious structure ahead must be some sort of abandoned robot factory still producing ghostly skeleton robots to protect some sort of evil super weapon or gem or whatever Nega was planning this week. In other words, the cat wasn’t scared at all; she wanted to beat in some heads and move on.
Marine, on the other hand, was noticeably shivering. She was good at maintaining a front, but the way she was staying close to Blaze made it evident that she was on edge. Blaze could feel Marine’s sweat as they walked closer, as the raccoon had brushed up against her more than once. Not that Blaze minded, of course. Or did she mind?
Blaze had a hard time figuring out how she felt. On the one hand, she should be pushing her friend to be independent and less scared, and any sane individual would mind when their friend’s sweat was getting on their arms; on the other, she couldn’t help but appreciate Marine’s closeness, and she found herself sticking equally close to her friend almost by impulse. She felt a sort of sick glee in Marine’s reaction to fear, as she knew she would almost certainly end up with a frightened raccoon in her arms before the night was over. Part of her just wanted to grab Marine’s hand in hers now; as always, she buried these thoughts as deep as possible, as if it actually worked to prevent her from thinking about Marine that way…
"I’m sure we’ll be fine. I can control fire, you can control water - we’re a force to be reckoned with!" She encouraged Marine with a smile, before adding, "Just keep your guard up and stay close." She felt selfish in the last request, but at this point, she figured Marine’s closeness was a given anyway, especially if there would wind up being more skeletons ahead. 
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oceanjubilee · 10 years
The distance from the landing spot shrunk once the timing of the bridge landing spot was just right. Ahead stood an abandoned brick structure that stretched out what felt like miles wide, cracks showing the deterioration it has dealt with over time. Atop of the building erected a lighthouse like form gleaming its signature red light opening and closing its 'eye'. Marine and the Princess stood no chance against the size of the building of entrapped mysteries. It appeared as if so many incidents happened there in the past.
Their tread off the boat made faint clicking sounds, which sounded loud in their quiet new world. Marine took her time getting off the ship. Her head became damp of sweat, and her entire body shivering, she tried to stay as calm as possible. Now, what kind of captain would she be? Fighting off that horde of ghosts was already scary enough, but she over came it, but beyond their knowing is something to stay with them forever.
Thankfully the canons were armed just in case. All thanks to the  Princess. Marine kept close to Blaze," Strewth...I have a feelin' once we go inside it's a goer...B-BUT she'll be apples, yeah? All we gotta do is get in and see what's behind closed doors!"
In Giving Every Journey Its Due!
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oceanjubilee · 10 years
Her back arched back into it's normal position, she wiped her finger under her nose and expressed a clever smile. A dotted nod rose up, and Marine looked at Blaze dead in her eyes. "Was there eva' any doubt? Can't expect anything less from me! "
That was a grueling battle, both mentally and physically, and in that short span of fighting it felt like a war. The quarrel they just had was one to remember for sure. Overcoming those ghosts, or whatever they could've possibly have been, was a perfect sign of learning for Marine, and ended it ended in triumph. From all the ruckus on the fight, the boat had sustained very...bony 'injuries'.
She walked over to Blaze, squatted down at the skeletal remains, and then directed her attention at the island tempt closer. The bones on the supernatural looked human, but the anatomy of the creatures shouted otherwise. Her princess partner's predictions could be correct. There are more where those came from, and they'll need all the energy they can get without wasting it on the evil divine. Marine rose up, taking Blaze's advice, and began fortifying necessary weapons before landing.
"Roight! I'll prepare the turrets. Could'ja get the bridge ready for me? That'd be just ripper! We gotta make sure we measure when the bridge hits land correctly, and now's the perfect time!"
As they came close, one of the rolling remains touched Marine's shoe. On impact, it made Marine cringe. There's definitely going to be more inside and out. It's going to be a long night. But with Blaze's power and helpfulness, it may even just a due adventure they've both awaited on.
In Giving Every Journey Its Due!
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oceanjubilee · 10 years
Even as they sailed closer towards the cosmic rock, the waves only became more of a figment of their imagination. Fog sprinkled the view of the distant building, but the notorious blinking light came through brightly, crossing the line of reality and myth. The Sol Dimension's weather isn't normally like this, well, as Marine thought. She's never really gone into the night sailing. Ever, and for a possibly good reason.
Is Blaze afraid of ghosts...? In the past, Blaze never showed any fear towards the evil apparitions. It only seemed as if she felt more powerful in fighting them. In the eyes of Marine, Blaze's strengths, and even her unapparent flaws, made her grow even more attached to her throughout the years, especially in this dark journey.
"No worries, Blaze! We can have all the fun out here. We'll be fiiiine! All's well when I'm around, right? And if those spooks have something to complain about, they'll have to deal us! Hehe! Those hopeless blokes weren't like us anyway, so we're bound to make it out in one piece!" 
Just about as soon as she said it, the boat was in the center of the havoc that was only beginning. 
A shocked Marine turned around by a shout of her name. And to see the duel between what looks like Blaze and soaring hoodlums aglow grappling knifes that could bring anyone to their untimely end. As expected, her partner didn't have any problem with tackling the menaces. The ghouls became draped in flame, piling bones upon one other after being defeated by the fire bearer herself.
After they had a taste of Blaze's power, those hell-sent souls dashed towards the forcastle deck, with hatchets pointing at the captain's head. Marine took a frantic step back and guarded her head in a panic. The hooded wraiths were closing in on her!
A skeleton rose its hatchet far above the cowering raccoon while the other swooped its arm in a perfect swipe. It seemed to be game over for her: the blades of the hoodlums almost tapped her body, when swiftly, Marine jerked back onto the further most part of the deck covering in a fear filled sweat. Strewth! T-they're comin' right after me! I gotta be strong now! Don't panic...! Just...!  Fore to her view blacking, a glimpse of a princess.
Her palms began illuminating a cerulean aurora which then transformed into balled fists. From the combat skills taught from Blaze, a punched slammed against the first skeleton's skull, fracturing it on impact. Following that lead a seiken with a blast of water shooting the skeleton straight off the ship. 
A deep silence echoed among the waves.
From where the skeleton was imparted off the boat led a soaking trail to Marine. Shaking, and exhaling small puffs of unnerved air. 
No matter how traumatic the ride may be, this truly was a lesson for Marine to learn. Being a captain is a duty only to be fullfilled by the worthy and courageous, and must always want to come out on top with their crew mates. No, friends. Marine couldn't let her fear of the supernatural overwhelm her love for living the life of adventure and,most importantly, her friends. Bravery first, fear later.
"...Ha..." A laugh trickled through her, "See? I...I knew we'd get live to see another day...!"
In Giving Every Journey Its Due!
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oceanjubilee · 10 years
Being so high strung had its perks for Marine as it only made her oblivious to what would possibly happen on their sea going voyage. Her prolonged affinity of sailing the seas to find new discoveries became fueled even more as a starting vrrrrmm emitted from the vessel. 
"The new and improved S.S Marine is all set to go!" She gave a tight grip on the ship's wheel," This is your cap'n, Marine, speaking! Hold on to somethin' as this may be a bumpy ride!" The boat grumbled for the distance of the ocean, and the reach for the mysterious island was standing more or less far way. Now, the journey finally took its first strides! 
Marine could once again greet the seas with an extra helping hand. It's been a while since they've ran on water together.Blaze and Marine have continuously visited each other frequently just to swing with each other. And as the years went by, Marine growing, relating to others and taking in new experiences, while Blaze continued on with her royal duties, all of that hung on by a strong thread despite the eternity it felt. Each time they spent together was a moment to remember! How Blaze keeps up with Marine's adventurous charm is a treasure itself. And whenever the time became seafaring, it's still a wonder how she can keep up with her for all this time.
Even though Marine thought this, she still could hear Blaze saying something totally different. Maybe something that she'd never hear. What exactly she thought was as unknown as the deep blue itself. 
The candles placed around the boat kept the feeling soothing. And what a relief! if they weren't there, Marine would be creeped out by the possibilities of there being...ghosts. Ghosts are as mice are to elephants: they're the most horrifying things that could ever be! And if she were to see one. '...Oh calm yourself, Marine! You've got be brave this time! G-ghosts can't lay a finger on you...can they?...No! No showing fear. It's finally time to see what this island really is!' As they sailed closer to the island, traveling fast then slowly, Her body tensed up with might...and possibly a hint of fear.
In Giving Every Journey Its Due!
The sky composes a symphony of stars floating above Southern Island. Waves feel on the sand and, as if held back, retreats back into the sea in a repeating loop. The air is boisterous with rough winds pushing through the almost lifeless night.
Having been set out in the night, Marine prepares her hand crafted ship, The S.S Marine 2 for the tough waters before her. It’s caught her attention that there is an oddly shaped silhouette out in the distance. It just so happens to be a forgotten island which only appears during a full moon once every month. For countless nights that mysterious atoll has added into her ever-growing curiosity. Whatever it really was, it honestly spooked Marine since she’s never gotten over her incurable phobia of ghosts after all of these years.
And because that fear’s stayed with her for all of these years, Blaze, her best friend, has accompanied Marine in this ‘most daring’ adventure. It will be a risk. For both of them. And they’re willing to take it.
The captain placed her tools inside her boat, relieving a small sigh. She eyeballed the ominous shadow afar, smiling, taunting the island existence. How thrilling! No punches held back! It’s finally full speed ahead!
'Orright! Everythin's all set now! Betta get goin' while the goin's good! We got moonlight to burn!, y'know!' Marine shouted with not a single regretful bone in her body.
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oceanjubilee · 10 years
Offline for tonight~
((I’ll be back ,up and running on both blogs tomorrow.))
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oceanjubilee · 10 years
What a peculiar looking bloke, he obviously looks like a new ace to Marine. 
"Y'know, I'll hazard a guess ye'r not from 'ere! Got a name on'ya?" 
May I give you a high five?
"Why not? Up high, mate!"
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oceanjubilee · 10 years
May I give you a high five?
"Why not? Up high, mate!"
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oceanjubilee · 10 years
In Giving Every Journey it's Due!: RP +Guidemyfire
The sky composes a symphony of stars floating above Southern Island. Waves feel on the sand and, as if held back, retreats back into the sea in a repeating loop. The air is boisterous with rough winds pushing through the almost lifeless night.
Having been set out in the night, Marine prepares her hand crafted ship, The S.S Marine 2 for the tough waters before her. It's caught her attention that there is an oddly shaped silhouette out in the distance. It just so happens to be a forgotten island which only appears during a full moon once every month. For countless nights that mysterious atoll has added into her ever-growing curiosity. Whatever it really was, it honestly spooked Marine since she's never gotten over her incurable phobia of ghosts after all of these years.
And because that fear's stayed with her for all of these years, Blaze, her best friend, has accompanied Marine in this 'most daring' adventure. It will be a risk. For both of them. And they're willing to take it.
The captain placed her tools inside her boat, relieving a small sigh. She eyeballed the ominous shadow afar, smiling, taunting the island existence. How thrilling! No punches held back! It's finally full speed ahead!
'Orright! Everythin's all set now! Betta get goin' while the goin's good! We got moonlight to burn!, y'know!' Marine shouted with not a single regretful bone in her body.
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