oceanplait · 2 days
Cosplayer harassment has never *not* been a thing. Something about the assumption of character, presenting ourselves as the character that someone deeply likes, sure, there's bound to be some creepy fans who want to interact and won't accept 'no' as an answer.
But I will say from everything I've seen, it's gotten much worse. The Tiktoks Cal shows clips of in this vid just reinforce the point--people have gotten more intrusive, more..."predatory" is perhaps an extreme word, but "handsy" seems to dismiss the problem. Whichever side you land on, Dear Reader, it's still non-consensual hugging, intruding into cosplayers' personal space, ignoring the signs that were always clear before for that perfect photo op. And all the gods forbit a woman dares to dress up as a character with cleavage, because then she'll be absolutely mobbed by the creeps. In the meantime:
An older article written by the official Star Trek group still applies today, and it's worth the time to read.
Arizona Central has taken some time to also draft up a list of general con etiquette rules, considering the number of conventions Phoenix alone has.
Among countless others. Maybe it's time cosplayers start carrying little etiquette pamphlets to hand out. Or mace. One of those.
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oceanplait · 3 days
Glad we had this talk. I...am just going to stare at the wall now...
Happy The Missile Knows Where It Is Monday
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oceanplait · 4 days
Love to all the manliest men and feminine women and everyone in between ...
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oceanplait · 8 days
It's 2024, and this is STILL dragging out. Blair doesn't know how to retreat gracefully, she keeps doubling down on the WORST things, and this has been YEARS now, and she's still at it.
Now it's reached the legal stage, which is why Oz is being so careful in this video--because he knows it can, and likely will, be used as evidence.
One Topic is good people. The Click is good people. Oz is good people. Wonder is good people. Felix is good people. Wanna know who's the villain in all of this? Blair Zoń. Blair is BAD people. She needs to do better.
You can donate to the legal fund--which is intended to give money to the legal fees for *anyone* entangled in this who's not Blair--by going to GoFundMe's page for the legal fight to come.
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oceanplait · 8 days
And let's not forget, more black women die after childbirth than white women.
Perceive this clearly: A vote for a third-party candidate is a vote for Emperor Trump. A vote for a joke candidate propped up by 4chan, who may not even know they're running, is a vote for Trump being our LAST president. Not voting at ALL is one more step towards King Trump, with his VERY clear lines drawn in the sand: immigrants are evil, anyone non-white is subhuman, anyone not Christian will not be allowed.
Yes, Biden is an awful candidate to vote for. He was an awful candidate the first time, BUT HE WAS STILL BETTER THAN TRUMP. He's STILL better than Trump now.
Let's put it another way: do you want to live in a fascist country run by a god-king with a combover? Or do you want whatever limping, broken democratic republic we have to keep limping forward?
Oh, you think our country needs to NOT be a republic? Join the club. But VOTE TO PRESERVE IT, or live in Trump's forever and eternal kingdom, where when he dies, one of his dumb sons will take over, and maybe after THAT Ivanka will--always assuming they haven't yanked the right for women to vote at that point.
It IS that serious. We're screaming about it. When will you listen?
via 2rawtooreal2
(captions added by me)
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oceanplait · 14 days
I mean...if you're dirty and stinky, but everyone else is dirty and stinky, no big, but if this tall muscled Northman comes into town and he is NOT dirty and stinky, and your wife gets a funny feeling when she looks at him, and maybe he encourages your wife to take a bath WITH him, so SHE'S no longer dirty and stinky, and then she comes home to YOUR dirty stinky ragged ass...I mean, really, who's to blame here? Not the Viking, who was just minding his own business, laying in supplies of salted fish and oatcakes and several barrels of beer for the next sea voyage. Not your wife, who you likely married when she was terrified and eleven anyway. No, I'd say it's pretty clear it's you. You're the problem. Maybe YOU should go take a bath with the next Viking and discover the amazing world of not-dirty-and-stinky.
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oceanplait · 14 days
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Apparently it's Take Your Ghost to Work Day. Hey, I don't make the rules. (just for completeness of things: the Hastur stuffie, which I got from a "C is for Cthulhu" Kickstarter, my "official" Sheets stuffie [in that, it's still Sheets, but I took the Beanie Babies tag off], and the Night Mind inaction figure [from Gimme Swag's merch store for Night Mind, and of course Night Mind is Nick Nocturne].)
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oceanplait · 14 days
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Marauders (2019) #8
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oceanplait · 22 days
So, hey, hello, hai to anyone still following this account for whatever ungodly reason ... General warning past this point. I've been keeping the medical nonsense off this blog because hey, personal life details on the Em? Noooo, thank you. Thank you, no.
BUT. There comes a point! (That point was probably before 'feck you Tumbler, your new moralist stance is garbage' and after returning to Tumbler with an aggrieved sigh, if I'm being honest. But I digress.)
Can't vent on the Second Life blog (though some of it has crept in from time to time). Can't vent on Twitter (because it's become even MORE of a toxic hellscape since X, but anyway) because I killed my account. Can't vent on--wait, let me rephrase that, WON'T vent on Blusky because I follow, like, three or four accounts? One of them being vintage cat pictures.
That leaves here. SO from now on, expect, between reblogs, my "original content" to be mostly:
• the continuing saaaga of having a headache that NEVER goes away (670+ days so far!)
• the newly gimped life ("walking" updates, because apparently I'm practicing Little Mermaid impressions, due to not being able to take a single step without feeling like I'm walking on all-the-edges stabby knives) 😒
• asking many medical-related questions (which will mostly be shouting into the void without replies, but hey, whatevs)
• the continuing devolution of Emspeak from sort-of-recognizable American into lolcat/dogespeak (Iz related to brane things? Iz age-based nostalgia? Iz just laziness?)
And many more!
So, like...if this isn't what you signed up for, hey, I getcha, wouldn't be my choice either. Let me escort you to the way out with no resentment, have fabulous lives, okay? I'm mostly going to be bringing these things up because it's either that or just start screaming one day and not stop. And that would be hugely difficult on the ladies that love me.
Also maybe expect changes to the look of things because, though I am still MASSIVELY CSS-challenged, I'm still trying to find a good template that's (relatively) easy to adapt.
And that's it for now. Because I need to crawl out of bed and groan my way through getting ready before can post. Ta.
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oceanplait · 1 month
So there I was, bopping along to a Chappell Roan playlist, trying to find a phone case that doesn't have a goddamn dreamcatcher on it for the outdated LTE I own...and THIS song came up next in the playlist.
That said, I think this may be the single greatest song from Helluva Boss. Just sayin'.
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oceanplait · 1 month
So...anyone else have that argument with the tall figure at the end of the bed that they're actually the sliver of light from the door for the shoulders, and the blinking light on the smoke alarm for the eyes, so I don't actually *have* to believe they're there....even when they slowly turn to look at me...
No? Just me? Kayo, then.
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oceanplait · 1 month
Stray cat breaks into Lynx’s enclosure at zoo
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oceanplait · 1 month
That is amazing, and now I'm wondering where all we get locally is white, gold, and occasionally purple potatoes.
(Yes, I know, it's late-stage capitalism, that's why, but still.)
Someone I know not well enough to voice my opinion on the subject said something like why didn’t God make potatoes a low-calorie food so I am here to say: God made them like that because their nutrition density IS what makes them healthy. By God I mean Andean agricultural technicians. Potato is healthy BECAUSE potato holds calories and vitamins. Do not malign potato
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oceanplait · 1 month
Sub-category of the above: no amount of hoping it will will make trickle-down economics work, and no amount of tax breaks given to the 1% will make them care for the people under them.
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oceanplait · 1 month
I guess trans rights win!
This was EPIC. And genius--wedging another bot between the kitty and the chainsaw to break the chainsaw bot? Impressive.
Could it be? On my tiktok feed?
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oceanplait · 1 month
I can personally attest to their protectiveness when used properly. Can also attest that if you hold a chunk of calcite in your palm, ground, curl your fingers around it and punch the chosen face--that person will also attest to their power.
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oceanplait · 1 month
Reblogging this for the EVERYTHING, and also, it helps me not cackle insanely across the hallway from @neogabi who's sleeping.
‘redditors need to know this’, ‘twitterinas need to know that’… no. you need to know one thing and that is that you are not allowed to complain about werewolf fuckers. this is the werewolf fucking website. grow up and go fuck a werewolf.
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