odd-ish-blog · 10 years
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odd-ish-blog · 10 years
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odd-ish-blog · 10 years
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odd-ish-blog · 10 years
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odd-ish-blog · 10 years
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odd-ish-blog · 11 years
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Happy (belated) Birthday Ako!!
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odd-ish-blog · 11 years
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odd-ish-blog · 11 years
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odd-ish-blog · 11 years
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odd-ish-blog · 11 years
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odd-ish-blog · 11 years
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odd-ish-blog · 11 years
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odd-ish-blog · 11 years
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odd-ish-blog · 11 years
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odd-ish-blog · 11 years
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odd-ish-blog · 12 years
NOOO!! OMG YOU ARE MOST CERTAINLY THE MOST WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING!! IT'S OK, I FORGOT TOO ; A ; IT'S NOT YOUR JOB TO REMEMBER! DON'T SOB!! I'M MORE DAY LATE;; YOU DON'T DESERVE FORGIVENESS BECAUSE YOU DON'T NEED FORGIVENESS!! OF COURSE I WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE AS WONDERFUL AND AMAZING AS YOOOUU ; U ; / <33 You're the one who has to put up with me and my forgetfulness orz It's so adorable!! I just- EEEEEE!! I love everything about it! Especially that crown! I need to make that crown a reality * u * and Ruri is so adorable! SUCH A FLUFFY TAIL~~<3 lol Ruri, you sneaky little thing ;D OH RURI <3 FIVE TEEN TITANS EPISODES IS A LOT OF DRAWING;;
Aww thank you so much! You're an important person to me too! You're like the one constant friend in my life right now and I apologize beforehand if I suffocate you with my presence;; [I LOOK FORWARD TO IT <3] IKR I feel like we've known each other longer too ; 3 ; (lol I wouldn't say that... I don't really talk to my middle school friends anymore;; I make my lifelong friends from elementary so, I FEEL LIKE WE'VE KNOWN EACH OTHER SINCE ELEMENTARY though you'd probably hate the me back then 'cause I was such a little shit lol) ONE DAY WE WILL! ONE DAY SOON! After graduation I wanna take a year off or something and I'll use that time to visit you! That or get a job in North Dakota... I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THE DRIVING(scared/terrified/omgno) BUT I LOOK FORWARD TO COOKING YOU YUMMY FOODS AND PROVE MY SKILLS \O/ lol As a Pokenerd in training, I love that you gijinka'd us :'D THIS PICTURE DESCRIBES US SO WELL BECAUSE OF HOW YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S TRAINING ME IN ALL WAYS POKEMON AND WE GIJINKA POKEMON TOGETHER SO MUCH SO IT'S ONLY RIGHT THAT THE PICTURE YOU DRAW FOR OUR FRIENDAVERSARY IS A POKEMON GIJINKA'D US <3 I LIKE ODDISH BECAUSE OF REASONS AND I LOVE THE SAILOR FUKU. I FEEL LIKE I SHOULD COSPLAY THIS FOR AN THIS YEAR LOL /GASP How did you know yubutts is a magical girl?? It'ssecretdammit I mean what. It looks perfect~ it's actually scary how exact you drew my hair... > > I'd rather have my Oddish Leaf Tiara than my pink headphones o 3 o / No seriously, that's like my hair exactly omg
ILU TOO RURI! LET ME DROWN YOU IN MY LOVE \O/ May our future brings lots more fun chats, cute OCs, wtf moments, and lots and lots of happy memories <3 THANK YOU FOR BEING MY AMAZING AND WONDERFUL FRIEND!
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YUEEEEEEEEEE. I AM A DESPICABLE HUMAN BEING! I FORGOT OUR FRIENDAVERSARY! /SOBBING SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!! I AM THREE DAYS LATE. SOBBING. HOW COULD I FORGET. I DON’T DESERVE FORGIVENESS. I totally understand if you don’t want to be friends with a pathetic girl like me who forgets super important dates. sobbing. Yueeeeeeeee. sobbing </3 </3 </3 </3 </3 I had this drawing planned for about a week now… but kept putting it off… (this is totally why I wanted you to make one of those little square icon thingymajiggers.) AND WHEN I REALIZED THAT I WAS THREE DAYS LATE…!! I DREW LIKE A MADWOMAN. IT TOOK ME FIVE TEEN TITANS EPISODES… SOBBING. (why am i so slow dammit?!)
But like. Yeah. You are such an important person in my life and I love you to deathhhhhh!! [srsly i might kill you with love one day… sorry in advance;;;] We’ve known each other for exactly two years and three days now, but I feel like we have grown up with each other since middle school (everyone knows you make your life long friends in middle school idek what i am talking about)You’re a big part of my life even though you live so far away from me! ; AAA; ONE DAY WE WILL MEET AND I WILL DRIVE YOU AROUND IN MY CAR WITH MY MAD DRIVING SKILLS AND YOU WILL BAKE ME QUESTIONABLY EDIBLE THINGS, BUT I WILL EAT THEM WITH A /coughcoughfake SMILE andhopeidonthavetogotothehospitale BECAUSE YOU ARE ONE OF MY BESTEST FRIENDS. ahhhh. i’m still so sorry this is lateeeee. sobbing. anyway! I drew us as GIJINKAAAAAAAAAS~~~~~ Cause I am a PokeNerd like that. WHY IS ODDISH YOUR FAVORITE?! SO HARD TO GIJINKA! Like. IDEK. SO I PUT YOU IN A SAILOR FUKUUU~~ cause everyone knows yubutts is secretly a magical girl what? I hope this looks enough like our square icon things. ; A; i tried. but i had to leave off your cute pink headphonesss. it clashed with your Oddish Leaf Tiara. OTL OTL OTL||||||| (also… i probably butchered your hair. I am a horrible person who always forgets what your hair looks like cause you rarely turn the skype camera on you meanie face!) Anyway. I LAV YOU THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(insert a loooong line of i’s)IIIIIIIIIIIS MUCH! And I hope we have many more years of friendship. I look forward to seeing Yue as an old granny!! Happy (late) Friendaversary Yue~ <3
edit;; oops. I forgot to say… that i used a base… see it here!!
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odd-ish-blog · 12 years
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Happy White Day, Ruri!! Sorry it's just a sketch and a crappy one at that;; I don't have time to scan the other one either. My essay's due in 9 hours and I haven't even started yet omg orz
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