oddlybones · 2 years
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Ah, the mental cage. An entrapment we find ourselves facing when we feel we don’t have the freedom to be who we believe we are. I’ve found myself bound to my cage through the fear of being a disappointment to others and taking their feedback way to personal. “You talk too much, why are you so quiet, why do you act like that, you’re being too serious, you don’t take things seriously.” It becomes a game that is impossible to win. Sometimes I think I’ve gone so far down the rabbit hole of people pleasing that I’m not really positive who I am. I’m unaware of what is true about me. I’ve had to sit there and ask, what would someone like me wear? What would I do? What makes sense to how I feel? It’s almost like I’m make believing and I don’t have any facts that make up my existence. 
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oddlybones · 2 years
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Mysteries of the Mind by Paperworker
Cut & paste collage (paper on book page).
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oddlybones · 2 years
She travelled around the sun 26 times.
Witnessing, repeatedly, the love of 9 crimes.
Humiliated, tired and pained.
Heart and mind unconsciously chained. 
She cowered and lacked the motivation.
Begged the maker for salvation. 
Hands folded tightly, whispering drops of hope. 
Wanting to stop the tendency to interlope. 
A room full of bodies to her eye, familiar.
A bodied shrine emerged, peculiar.
Floods of eternity-like deja vus.
The commonalities leaving their views.
His eyes were more than just an ocean.
They carried this sense of devotion. 
Her heart trembled and broke from a spell.
He was the heaven after she ran through hell.
She’s been fearing the fall, for trusting is tough.
He encourages flight, for she is enough.
What a soul that God provided from prayer.
How could she live before without him there?
She loves him and is certain she always will. 
Through the chaos or the quiet nights still. 
In the distance or with intertwined skin.
She’ll be vulnerable with acceptable sin. 
He’s this intoxicating breath of fresh air. 
The world’s greatest infinite love affair.
He’s sunshine, starry skies and quintessence. 
An ignitor of a heart’s luminescence. 
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oddlybones · 2 years
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Happy Valentines Day
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oddlybones · 2 years
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Oh de Laval (Thai/Polish, 1990) - My Heart Says Yes But My Dog Says No (2022)
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oddlybones · 2 years
Obsessive Controller
You know, I used to be a person who was peaceful and positive. I used to look out into the world and be amazed by it what I saw and its offerings. Everything has this pure light to it, and I knew I had the whole thing at my fingertips. It was just waiting for me to basque in all its glory. 
Then, I grew up and the world lost its light. At least I perceived it that way. I saw how mean people could be, no matter how kind or loving you are to them. I was told how I could never make it in the world the way that I was. I was weak and insignificant and only as good as I was told I was. Life got hard, and I got harder. I was angry. I guess I still feel angry. I lost control over myself and then got guilty and then even more angry with myself.  The circle continuing on and on. 
I got to a point where I just didn’t trust anyone with the real me. Mostly because I was so tired of being judged and told how unworthy that version was. As time went on, the real me either disappeared or got tangled in the other portions that came with time and trauma. I would have good intentions in my head, then somehow do the opposite. I felt infuriated when people wouldn’t hear my voice. I’d be stubborn and persistent when I didn’t get my way in the moment because I suddenly became a person who felt enough of her was taken. I wasn’t going to allow anyone to have control over anything about me. Period. But control became my obsession. I thought I had control over people’s perceptions of me because I could change how I was when I wanted to. I thought I could control myself by not allowing myself to eat or telling myself how crappy I was to make myself feel worse because only I could do that. I could control the information I provided. I could hide and not tell anyone where I was because I had the power to do that. I was in control of myself. I was living in a land of make believe. Almost believing I had the power of God. 
I wish I could say that once I finally fell to my knees and cried out for God in the middle of the night in the woods, that I found my way back home. That I drove back home and looked in the mirror and recognized me again. It just wasn’t the case. 
It made me more aware. I’m by no means healed of my addiction to control or my problem with my emotions. I’m still falling to my knees in search for answers. I’m overwhelmed with guilt when I make mistakes or act out of the character I believe I once was. I’m still searching to be what I consider a, “good person.” I’m ashamed for straying so far and dancing with the devil. I’ve let the bad things of the world consume me and turn me into something I know I’m not meant to be. 
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oddlybones · 2 years
A complex concept to endure every day
Viewing each aspect like Pompeii ruins
the shambles at your hands and within them
A whirlwind composing storms
So strong running for hills is safety
She has an innocent face
A heart with good intention
But, her mouth speaks tornados
Her touch injecting poison
Life could be simple
Her world swallows yours
Quite the dictator there ever was
Her crown gleaming but her eyes burn
They see damnation
She cries for salvation
The curse engulfing her soul
Stealing the lives of others who dare to speak
A life of bleeding can surely become weak
One wound right after the other
Festering with the bacteria of discontentment
Feeding off the attention of lovers
Take and take with the desire to give
All the colors of the world mixed to black
Crawling hastily towards freedom
Begging for forgiveness
Woe is she
What an excuse giver
It’s her truth more than it can be believed
Who on earth could this be?
She has no name
The devil took ransom
Only revealing it when there is peril
Demons are best left unsummoned
What a world it would be
If she could solve the mirror maze
If the blood on her knees would heal
If the fight looked like it could be won
What a world it would be
If it could coexist with another
If it came and formed community
Not demanded conformity
What a person she would be
If her voice was louder than thunder
If her hands were cleansed
If she could dig in deeper
Stand stronger
Lover harder
Be bolder
And end ruination
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oddlybones · 2 years
My heart felts so strong
Its placement was weak
You told me you found me lovely
But screamed, “you’re a disease!”
Before, I knew reality
Now life has become a dream
I waited by the door and the phone
But, the rooms were loud and cluttered
I lied on your bed and held on tight
Your body so distant and your heart pondering
Your eyes and gestures became liars
I was just naive
“Come to me” you’d say but were bonding me in chains
“You’re everything” you’d say but call my ears fabricators
Is this love? Is this real?
I know you love me, because I really love you
Does he care? Does he long to hear you breathe?
Did his food fill your belly and his tears fall for your pain?
Am I just crazy? Did you tell me this all along?
Crazy! Crazy! You’re absolutely insane
Not knowing what is up or down is a lifestyle
Constantly fighting the brain about who is right
To be human is merely torture
The ability to this is a fucking burden
The breeze took you with it
Sanity flutters in the distance
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oddlybones · 2 years
I’m new to the Tumblr scene. I don’t have many situations in which I get to share my love for oddities or my thoughts. I figured a little page with my collection of interests could be a fun endeavor. 
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