oddsjam · 2 years
No Fluff, How I Made $400,000 Betting on Sports Part-Time & Why I Write Software for Bettors
Hey, what's up, everyone? My name is Alex and I graduated from Stanford in mathematics and computer science. I'm a data guy, and I'm a software guy, but there are two things that I really love. The first is betting on sports and beating the sportsbooks, and the second one is pretty related, but it's writing software to help me bet on sports and beat the sportsbooks. I think about why I've always been so fascinated by sports.
Betting is unlike other forms of gambling like slots or roulette in sports betting. You can actually have a mathematical profit margin over the sports book and win in the long term, and that's what these articles are going to be about. We are going to talk about becoming more data-driven, more mathematical, and, most importantly, a more profitable sports bettor. So there won't be any fancy: graphics, no fluff, no bs, I'm not a movie producer, but I hope you read until the end of this article because we are going to talk about key concepts to making money in sports betting.
Now me personally, I have profited over four hundred thousand dollars since regulated sports betting came to the united states in 2018. I've never done it full-time and I would never even consider doing it full-time. In this video I'll try to weave in my experience, to share, show, and prove to you everything that I am saying now very briefly before we dive in.
I want to make it very clear: I'm not saying that sports betting in the US or Canada is easy because it's absolutely not. I have spent thousands of hours building models to help myself bet on sports writing software to identify lines, discrepancies, and profitable betting opportunities. It is not easy and sports betting is never going to be a game for the impatient.
Sportsbook Accounts
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You have to be fast, disciplined, and also mathematical, and that's what we're going to talk about, but before we dive in we can take a look very briefly at one of my sportsbook accounts This is how seriously I was betting! Here we can see an example of what one of my many many sportsbook accounts looks like. This is my DraftKings and there are nights between sportsbooks I've had over fifty thousand dollars in bets spread across.
There are 35 plus bets all on bets that are mathematically profitable, so you'll see wins and losses here. Nobody wins every time, it's all about finding odds in your favor so that you win in the long run right, it's kind of like investing. You won't win every day as a profitable better. You obviously won't win every bet, but over the course of the long run you will make money, and, for me, it's a pretty incredible feeling to have.
I have a mathematical profit margin in every bet that I place. I sit back and ultimately watch games and let the math work itself out to make me money. The last thing I'll say before we dive in is that, if you like this content, please like please subscribe. Please share. That's really the only way. I know that this content is actually valuable to other people.
Sports Betting Concept One: Financial Markets
This is the most important concept in sports betting and it is the realization that sports are a financial market. Just like the stock market. In case you need my background, I worked as a quantitative trader on wall street and I understand this may sound very weird to some people, but in sports betting it is not about sports, it is not about picking winners, it is about identifying inefficiencies and odds on the US and Canadian sports books. Taking advantage of them is the name of the game.
Now, when I say financial market, there are two important parts to that. The first is that sportsbook odds are not static. Second, they are determined by supply and demand, and things can move quickly. Just like the price of GameStop stock can go from 160 one minute to 200 the next minute. It's exactly the same. If Kevin Durant gets injured, maybe the Nets in tonight's game go from minus 200 odds to minus 120 odds in a matter of minutes. The Nets are less likely to win and that's reflected in the odds.
At the same time, maybe Kyrie Irving is expected to have the ball more in his over 30 points goes from -110 odds to -210 odds. Again, odds are constantly changing across bookmakers. As new information is absorbed into the market and bettors place, bets supply and demand.
That's concept one. Sports betting is a financial market, like all others, and this is really important to understand because, unlike other markets, the sports betting market is very inefficient.
Line Shopping
You have hundreds of bookmakers in this global ecosystem, largely setting odds independently firing a bunch of algorithms trying to balance supply and demand on both sides and update their odds, and this yields a lot of interesting inefficiencies which we can look at right here. Here's an example from OddsJam and just how crazy the sports betting market is.
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You have all these books running around trying to set their lines independently, so here we can see an example from the Yankees-Twins game tomorrow. The Twins, for example, are plus 180 on BetMGM, they're plus 215 on FoxBet. Could you ever imagine placing a bet plus 180 odds on BetMGM, if you knew you were getting plus 215 on FoxBet, it's absurd. Now, if you think these discrepancies and odds like the difference, even between plus 200 and plus 215, is small, then there is a massive massive flaw in your thinking. Sports betting is all about earning one percent to seven percent profit margins on a daily basis and watching those returns compound and compound and compound.
Just think about the stock market. People get rich investing in the stock market, which returns like eight percent per year on average. Imagine if you could earn three percent per day in sports. That is the goal: earning a three percent return on capital every day in sports betting and watching your returns compound and compound and compound.
Now, let me tell you that is never in your life going to happen if you're placing bets at plus 180 odds and plus 200 odds when there's another sports book in your location giving you plus 215 odds. These small differences or seemingly small differences in sports book odds in the line discrepancies add up to a lot of money in the long run, so this is kind of an example of what all these sports betting markets setting lines independently looks like in real-time. So, if you think about it, this difference in sports book odds is actually really fascinating and pretty mind-boggling!
It's not like I go to robin hood versus e-trade and I see a different price on apple stock. It doesn't really make sense, but in sports clicking one tab over from bar stool to BetMGM can really change your payout in a big way.
Why Do Sports Betting Market Inefficiencies Exist?
So a lot of people may be wondering well that doesn't make much sense. Why do all these sportsbooks have different odds? Why don't they just copy each other? The reason for that, because it's a great question, is all sports books largely want to be unique. They don't want the same odds as FanDuel. They don't want the same odds as BetMGM or Pinnacle.
We wouldn't need hundreds of sportsbooks in this global sports betting ecosystem if every single sportsbook had the exact same odds, it wouldn't make sense. These sports books largely want to be unique, set their own lines, have their own models, and do it themselves from a sports betting perspective. It works in favor of the books because you need multiple sportsbook accounts to be successful.
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This is called line shopping and it's browsing odds between different bookmakers and only placing bets at the best possible odds. You do not want to get ripped off by sportsbooks. You should never be placing a bet on BetMGM at plus 145 odds if you can go one tab over in your state and place that bet on DraftKings, at +160 odds, so line shopping is a very important concept in sports betting, and doing it ruthlessly adds up to a lot of money in the long run.
Don't get ripped off by the sportsbooks! Only take bets on sportsbooks that are offering you the best odds. There are around 50, plus regulated and offshore bookmakers in the US and Canada. You should have as many accounts as possible. It takes like two to three minutes to create an account. When I was actively really betting before I started OddsJam I had like 30 or 40 sportsbook accounts that I used such as Wynnbet PointsBet Caesars, DraftKings, FanDuel, and BetMGM. The US has tons of them!
You never know when there's going to be a great opportunity with great odds on a particular book so having more books just increases the number of possible profitable betting opportunities that you can place. The more books, the merrier, in my opinion.
Sportsbook Sign-Up Bonus
The one thing we're not really going to talk about in this video, but it's worth mentioning, is a lot of these sportsbooks offer sign-up bonuses if you make an account with them.
They all do it and if you think about it, a lot of people think it's too good to be true. How are these sports books giving me a thousand dollars to sign up? When you think about it, they're in ruthless competition with a ton of commodity businesses, right? These are all commodity businesses, they're sports books. They accept the wagers DraftKings has to compete with FanDuel has to compete with PointsBet and they offer users like a thousand dollars, two thousand dollars, and free credits or some promotion to sign up!
Knowing how to do these sportsbook sign-up bonuses and promotions in a mathematically optimal way can actually lead you to a lot of money. I started betting in Pennsylvania, but then I went to New Jersey with a friend. I stayed in Hoboken and I calculated at that time that New Jersey sign-up bonuses if you knew how to do them right in a mathematically optimal way between Caesar's William Hill you could make $5,000 just from sign-up bonuses alone in New Jersey.
I would recommend checking out our article on sign-up bonuses. However, if you have questions you can also email us because this is one of the easiest ways to make money: sports betting.
Sportsbook Betting Limits
There's another reason that you are going to need multiple sportsbook accounts and that is limits.
Limits, my least favorite word. This is a question I get a lot from friends, and former colleagues I've worked with is well if you're a profitable sports bettor why can't you just bet bigger? In other words, if you have a three percent edge, you're betting, a thousand dollars and you're getting thirty dollars an expected return? Why can't you just start betting bigger?
The reason is because of limits in the business model of US and Canadian sportsbooks. I'll be the first to break it to you, you're never going to make a million dollars off of a US, regulated, or Canadian sports book, and the reason for that is limits. This is why sports betting is unscalable and honestly becoming a professional sports bettor is not lucrative and everybody who claims to be a professional sports bettor is really just starting a company to try to sell you something in sports betting.
The sky is realistically not the limit because of bookmaker limits. Now, when I say limit, all I mean is: if you start betting out on FanDuel, for example, when I started betting on FanDuel, I could place five thousand dollars per bet on basically anything.
If FanDuel determines that you are a winning bettor, a mathematically profitable bettor, that limit will slowly come down. Now I can barely bet more than 50 dollars on FanDuel and, on the other hand, if you're losing better, the sportsbook will take your limit up. So basically, you start out being able to bet a lot of money on all of these sportsbooks, but if these sportsbooks determine you are smart and mathematically profitable, these limits will slowly come down.
This is why you probably don't know anybody smart, who is a professional sports bettor, and why it's really an industry that attracts zero talent in technical people. It's solely because of limits regulated sports books are not in the business of taking people's money who are smart. They are in the business of limiting people who are smart and keeping around the losers. That's just how the industry works, and that also means, if you know, people who claim to be really great bettors but they're, not getting limited they're probably just not profitable.
Getting limited is oddly a sign of success. I'll be very clear here: limits are a function of profitability. I've run models to prove that. That's gotten me limited. I've obviously written software to identify line discrepancies that have gotten me limited. If you are making money, you will inevitably get limited and at the same time, if you think you're making money- and you aren't getting limited, you should track your bets and get your exact profit and loss. You probably aren't making money. I've personally been limited by almost 20 bookmakers at this point, which is pretty crazy, but again it's just part of the game.
This is just how the industry works. Sportsbooks are in the business of limiting winners and keeping around the losers um. This isn't meant to discourage anybody from betting on sports. Obviously, sports betting is really fun, especially if you're making money and it can still be lucrative. It's just to say that you're probably never gonna make four hundred thousand dollars three hundred thousand dollars off of one sports book, you're going to get limited well before that.
The goal is to make twenty thousand off of five ten or fifteen sports books. That is really your goal here. The power is in the number of sports books you have and again with this crazy wave of regulation and legalization in the US as well as Canada, there are a lot of different bookmakers. Do their signup bonuses! Take advantage of them and make as much money as you can. You will lose some accounts. Here we can see my FanDuel profit, 38 000, not terrible.
I can tell you this will never probably even pass 50 000 because I can barely even place a bet on the product anymore. The powers and the number of books. I have one final point I'll leave you with because it's kind of fun and kind of interesting.
Different states have different sportsbooks, for example, I'm in Virginia right now. So there's one bet I can bet on Wynn bet. If I'm in Pennsylvania, I can't. Long story short, you do not need to physically live in a state to bet on that state's sports books. I actually have spent some time traveling. When I've been in Nashville Tennessee I've created the sportsbook accounts, and done the signup promotions. samr thing in Vegas. So I highly recommend if you are traveling check if you're in a regulated location- and if you are, you can still bet on sports to at least take advantage of the signup bonuses and have some fun sports betting while you're there.
Sports Betting Hedge Fund
The point of sports betting is earning 2-3 percent returns on a daily basis and watching those returns compound and compound and compound. Now, what's really interesting is, if you think about all the different sportsbook accounts you could get in New Jersey, then, if you think about all the offshore bucks like Bovada and BetUS. Add up the total amount of odds on these sites at any given time, we are talking about millions and millions and millions of odds, and it's a lot.
These odds are always moving as we kind of talked about. So, in my opinion, at least, it's nearly impossible to find good bets manually. It's not going to happen. Odds are always changing and good lines don't last forever. Anybody who's made serious money sports betting will tell you: you need good software if you actually expect to profit in sports betting. That's why I initially built OddsJam! I wanted to make software to save myself time and make myself more money, of course.
At this point I've been limited by basically every sports book- it's not as useful for me, but hopefully for you. It can save you time and make you money. We process millions and millions of odds every single minute, powered by hundreds of hundreds of servers to show you some of the best betting opportunities as well as live odds from around the world.
It's a pretty powerful tool because there's no fluff and no bs. We just build tools based on real-time odds and what's better than building tools based on real market data? We also power a lot of companies in the industry through our real-time API of live odds. I encourage you to check it out!
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oddsjam · 2 years
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oddsjam · 2 years
2024 Presidential Election Odds: Futures Bets to Lock In Now
With the 2022 midterms right around the corner, the buzz surrounding the 2024 presidential election is heating up and the field is starting to narrow.
Featuring a cast of both old and new candidates, the next election cycle promises to be just as competitive as the 2020 cycle.
Whether you think Joe Biden will retain the presidency (assuming he runs for a second term), whether you feel Donald Trump will regain his position as commander-in-chief or if you feel a new candidate will become the 47th president of the United States, we’re here to help you keep a handle on the odds. 
The average OddsJam user earns $3,750 per month. Click here to sign up today!
2024 Presidential Election Odds
Potential CandidatesOddsDonald Trump+200Ron DeSantis+450Joe Biden+550Kamala Harris+1200Gavin Newsom+1400Mike Pence+2000Pete Buttigieg+2500Nikki Haley+2800Michelle Obama+3500Dwayne Johnson+4000Odds via DraftKings
The Safe Pick: Donald Trump | +200 at DraftKings
What is likely the most divisive name on this list is also the odds-on favorite to win the 2024 presidential election. Donald Trump is currently favored at +200 to win the election, even though he’s embroiled in continued legal battles and controversy.
With the Joe Biden administration struggling in current approval rating polls (41.8% overall, up from 38% over the summer), and the likelihood of an impending recession driven by a still-COVID-stricken climate, a modern-day housing crisis, and the supply chain issues driven by the conflict in Ukraine, the likelihood of Trump returning to the Oval Office seems greater every day — at least according to the oddsmakers.
If the GOP and conservative base within American politics rally behind Trump and determine that’s the more electable candidate between himself and Ron DeSantis, he’ll be a shoo-in for another nomination. 
The New Contender: Ron DeSantis | +450 at DraftKings
There has been increasing buzz in recent months that Ron DeSantis, the current governor of Florida, will make a play for the presidency, and the odds support that notion.
In a party that is increasingly being divided between the Trump faithful and “Never Trumpers,” DeSantis represents a candidate who carries much of the same populist message that Trump does, without his level of baggage.
While DeSantis’ running will likely come down to who the GOP determines is a better fit between him and Donald Trump, it’s entirely possible that both men will seek the nomination, and DeSantis’ youth and popularity with the Republican voting populace will carry him past the former president.
And with DeSantis’ odds improving from +550 to +333 in recent months, it’s clear that the oddsmakers also feel that he has a very real shot at securing the Republican nomination, and from there, reaching the presidency.
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The Other Safe Pick: Joe Biden | +550 at DraftKings
While there is still concern within the political sphere on whether Joe Biden will run again — or if he’ll defer to a younger colleague — the reality is that Americans largely favor incumbents running for an additional term over new challengers.
Only 11 former presidents have lost re-election, including Donald Trump — the most likely challenger for 2024.
With that in mind and his relatively even (albeit certainly not good) approval rating, Biden may win another term on the back of being the safe, simple choice. He has been a stable force in the odds over the past few months, and there’s a strong feeling from many within the Democratic party that he’s the likely choice, particularly after recent upswells in popularity.
The Longshot: Michelle Obama | +3500 at DraftKings
Let’s be honest with ourselves: the likelihood of Michelle Obama even choosing to run for president is low, much less the likelihood of her winning.
But in a nation that is further and further consumed by big names and celebrity entries into the political sphere, Obama has both wide recognition from her years as First Lady, as well as popular support from a significant subset of the country.
Is she a likely pick? Absolutely not.
Has she been described as the “break glass in case of emergency” option for a Democratic Party struggling to maintain popularity with an increasingly disenfranchised electorate? Very much so.
Keep an eye on the buzz surrounding Michelle Obama, because if she can be convinced to run, she may be a strong challenger. 
Over 100,000 sports bettors are making big profits with OddsJam. Are you next? Click here to sign up today!
The Value Pick: Kamala Harris | +1200 at DraftKings
Though she was unsuccessful at securing the nomination in 2020, Kamala Harris does benefit heavily from being a young, exciting option within the Democratic Party — and one who already has a significant amount of political clout from her time as a U.S. Senator and her current position as the VP.
Many felt that Harris being chosen as the VP on Joe Biden’s ticket was done with assurances that she would be the “next one up” — similar to the assurances given to Hillary Clinton during the Barack Obama years.
If that holds true (and if Biden opts to not run for a second term), Harris may be the top option for the Democratic nominee. 
The Value Pick: Dwayne Johnson | +4000 at DraftKings
Much like Michelle Obama, there is not a real sense that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson will be running for president (at least for the 2024 election cycle). But it’s worth noting that, in recent months, he’s leapfrogged Hillary Clinton in the odds, and that he is one of the few global celebrities who may have the social clout to compete for a nomination.
Politics are likely in Johnson’s future, but for the moment, this is a meme pick that is just riding the wave of his popularity — Dwayne Johnson is not a serious political option for 2024.
2024 Presidential Election Prediction: Joe Biden | +550 at DraftKings
Biden is a safe choice and one that likely won’t engender a huge amount of excitable buzz.
But in the most politically divisive climate in the United States in recent memory, a safe choice is likely the best choice and one that voters can likely get behind. With his recent gains in popularity, and what looks to be an increasingly likely split in the Republican party, Joe Biden is the easy choice for the 2024 presidential election.
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oddsjam · 2 years
Tired of Losing? OddsJam.com | Get Used to Winning | 7-Day FREE trial!
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oddsjam · 2 years
The Sports Betting Bible
Hi! My name is Alex, and I’m the co-founder of OddsJam. I put this document together to be a quick “guide” about the various OddsJam betting tools. I promise that taking a few minutes to read + internalize this will be valuable and increase your sports betting profits dramatically. 
I’m not a writer / expert in formatting, but I truly hope this is helpful to you and makes you more profitable, regardless of if you’re an OddsJam user. My mission is to level the playing field and help sports bettors become more knowledgeable & profitable.
To be straightforward, education = money in sports betting, so put in the work to learn these concepts! OddsJam is based solely on real-time market data. There’s no fluff, no BS. The more time you put into learning about sports betting markets, the more money you’ll make. It’s that simple.
We created default filters with all of the bets we would hit from OddsJam. It is called “OddsJam Pro Filters” or “Recommended Filters.” There will be fewer positive EV bets available, but they are all highly profitable. It’s the sharpest bets from OddsJam. My advice would be keep the filters on & bet as many as you can.
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Turning these filters on will essentially guarantee profitability over a large sample size of bets. These are the most profitable bets from OddsJam based on real-time data from the entire sports betting market (e.g. all odds) and historical weightings of sportsbook “sharpness” based on backtesting (for player props vs. mainlines, etc.). 
There is of course a spectrum of sportsbook sharpness, and using real-time market data from numerous sharp bookmakers to find “fair odds” is the only rational way to bet on sports and profit long-term.
You’ll grow more confident in Positive EV betting as you see the results over a large sample size of bets. This is investing with an edge more than “sports betting”
Video Tutorials:
Positive EV: Video Tutorial. This tool shows you mathematically profitable bets with an “edge” over the sportsbook.
Free Bet Converter: Video Tutorial. This tool shows you how to convert your free bets into cash at the highest possible rate.
Arbitrage Bets: Video Tutorial. This tool shows you bets where you can make a risk-free profit due to discrepancies in bookmaker odds.
Middle Bets: Video Tutorial. This tool shows you the best “lottery ticket” sports bets.
Bet Tracker: Video Tutorial. This tool will automatically track your profit and loss.
Low Holds: Video Tutorial. This tool helps you work through deposit bonuses, get sportsbook rewards and gain “VIP” status on sportsbooks. I actually just got back from Las Vegas as a VIP member of WynnBet sportsbook. I even got to meet Tom Brady!
Phone Number for Immediate Support (Text/Call Anytime): (309) 324-4244
Calendars for One on One Tutorials – our experts are by your side every step of the way to make sure you are profitable!
Randall Knaak: https://calendly.com/randall-oddsjam/15min ([email protected])
Randall is a former public school teacher and one of the first users of OddsJam. He made $15,000 with OddsJam in three months and was our first employee. Here’s his tutorial and breakdown of how he made $15,000 part-time with OddsJam as a public school teacher: https://youtu.be/l1EQVFyTuJM
BobLoGrasso: https://calendly.com/boblo/15min ([email protected])
Current OddsJam user
Mike LoGrasso: https://calendly.com/oddsjam-mike/20min ([email protected])
Current OddsJam user
Join the OddsJam YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/oddsjaminc. We discuss profitable bets & betting strategies on a daily basis with real-time examples. See bets from us on a daily basis and the profit stack up! Ask questions, etc. Our goal is to help you winlong-term.
Free OddsJam Mobile App for historical player prop research:https://apps.apple.com/us/app/oddsjam-player-props-data/id1632668175
Out of State betting (e.g. you don’t have FanDuel / DraftKings):
Check if you have access toPrizePicks. This DFS platform is insanely profitable. Here’s a tutorial on PrizePicks:https://youtu.be/YaiuFoncU9o
Regardless, OddsJam has an exclusive, non-public plan for users in restricted locations without regulated sports betting (e.g. no DraftKings, FanDuel). This plan includes global sportsbooks, such as BOL. Practicallyeverysportsbook in the world is on this exclusive plan.There’s lots of profitable bets, deposit bonuses & promos on these global sportsbooks.
This plan is not publicly available to sign up for on the OddsJam website, as we limit the number of customers on this plan. Email us / text us to learn more –[email protected] (309) 324-4244. This plan will help make you big profits from sports betting, regardless of your location.
OddsJam Tool #1: Positive EV
Positive EV bets are just profitable bets. Honestly, that’s really all they are – just data-driven, mathematically profitable bets. OddsJam is processing millions of odds in real-time to find these bets for you. The stock market returns roughly 8% year over year (on average), and, with Positive EV betting, you can earn returns over 3%every single day.
I know our Positive EV tool can be overwhelming at first, so let’s break it down.
Always place the bet in bold with a circle around it (below it’s Twins -1.5 +188 odds).
Your profit margin is under the “Percent” Column. Here, the profit margin is 5.91%. So betting on Twins -1.5 at +188 odds would have an ROI of $5.91 per $100 wagered over the course of long run.
The “OddsJam” line shows you real-time odds from the sharpest bookmaker in the world, Pin. They’re only giving you +161 odds on Twins -1.5 run line….and we’re getting +188 on FanDuel. That’s why this bet is ridiculously profitable. Learn more about the sharpest sportsbook here.
The “No Vig Odds” (also called fair odds or true odds) is the “true price” for this wager. Here’s it is +171.92. We’re getting +188 on FanDuel, so we’re getting better odds than the “true odds.” That’s why this bet is profitable. This bet has value or edge which is what we’re always looking for as a sports bettor!
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Here’s a full length video tutorial on Positive EV betting if you’re more of a visual learner 🙂
To be clear, most bets are not Positive EV. That’s why sportsbooks are in business and most sports bettors lose money. However, OddsJam finds the 0.01% of betting opportunities that are actually profitable (e.g. where a sportsbook is giving odds that are too good to be true).
An Analogy on Positive EV Betting
Imagine there’s a coin – 60% to land on heads, 40% to land on tails. You’re flipping it with a friend for $100. Which side do you want to be on? You’re probably think “Of course Heads, it’s more likely to win.” That’sbasicallythe concept of Positive EV betting. It’s not much more complicated. Just like flipping the coin with “Heads” has an edge, every Positive EV bet has an “edge” over the sportsbooks.
What Your Profit Will Look Like:
You won’t win every bet. You won’t win every day. That’s not Positive EV betting. However, you’ll win in the long run because you have the mathematical “edge”. You can see a review of the OddsJam Positive EV tool below. There’s thousands online just like this, but I can’t make this email too long. You’ll win some days, lose others, but you’ll beguaranteedto make money in the long run since you have the mathematical edge.
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Positive EV betting isessentiallyforming your own hedge fund of mathematically profitable bets. Every bet has an “edge,” or profit margin. Not every bet will win, but over the course of the long run, you’ll be guaranteed to make money!
Placing 10+ profitable bets per day, watching the games and knowing I’m going to win in the long run brings a lot of joy to my life (as well as money!).
Example of a good bet:
Check out this bet below. Under 1.5 total rounds in Dustin Stolzfus vs Dwight Grant at +180 odds on WynnBet. The profit margin is 4.2%. No other sportsbook is giving us above +160, and we’re getting +180 on WynnBet. Just a simple sanity check, looking at the betting market, it’s clear that this is a good bet.
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Arbitrage Tool
I know it sounds too good to be true, but the Arbitrage Tool shows you how to make risk-free money in sports betting. And, yes, it’s possible.
How does arbitrage exist?
It’s a market inefficiency. Since sportsbooks want to be unique, they set odds independently. When sportsbooks have major pricing discrepancies, you can bet on equal and opposite outcomes and earn a risk-free return (e.g. over 6.5 strikeouts on FanDuel, under 6.5 strikeouts on DraftKings).
Arbitrage israreand practically impossible to find without software. However, with OddsJam updating millions of odds every second, it is possible to grow your bankrollrisk-freewith arbitrage betting. About 0.001% of odds on sportsbooks are arbitrage bets. OddsJam will find them for you 🙂
If you’re more of a visual learner, here’s a good video on arbitrage betting with examples:https://youtu.be/UAafPTFSj0s
How do I know how much to bet?
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Why isn’t everybody retired off arbitrage betting?
First, arbitrage betting can be tough. These are marketinefficiencies, so you need to move fast. Arbitrage bets won’t last forever. Some last less than 90 seconds. It iscriticalfor you to learn how to navigate the sportsbooks quickly to get in on arbitrage bets. Most OddsJam arbitrage bettors have sportsbooks open (& logged into) on one screen, and they’re constantly refreshing OddsJam. You’re essentially day trading sports markets.
Second, you never know when the best arbitrage bets will occur. They often occur when sportsbooksfirstpost odds for an upcoming day or after player injuries (e.g. when lines are changing). Some of the best arbitrage bets I’ve hit were at 2am. Others have been at 2pm. The more you use OddsJam, the more arbitrage bets you will hit, and the more risk-free money you’ll make. Using the tools more = more profits for yourself. That goes for Positive EV betting as well.
Low Holds Tool
The Low Holds tool has 3 main purposes: deposit bonuses, reward credits and VIP programs.
Let’s start with deposit bonuses. Many sportsbooks offer deposit bonuses with “playthroughs.” The Low Holds page finds you bets that are optimal for playing through deposit bonuses. Here’s a good video on deposit bonuses:https://youtu.be/OjTMWJva0yI
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Finally, we have reward credits. Many sportsbooks, including DraftKings, WynnBet & Caesars, offer reward credits. The more you bet, the more you earn. It nearly always makes sense to bet every 0% low hold for this reason. If you have questions about sportsbook rewards, email us at [email protected]! We’re happy to help or give you a tutorial.
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Free Bet Conversion
Free bets are a common form of sportsbook bonus. The OddsJam free bet conversion tools show you how to convert these free bets into cash at the highest possible rate. Here’s a video I highly recommend explaining free bet strategy:https://youtu.be/xtlDj3NCIOc
Bet Tracker
How are you supposed to know if you’re a good sports bettor if you aren’t tracking your profit & loss and closing line value?You need to track your bets. The OddsJam Bet Tracker automatically tracks your CLV vs. the sharpest sportsbook in the world, as well as your profit and loss. I highly recommend this video:https://youtu.be/Xxypee4lI14
Middle Betting Tool
Middle Betsare another profitable feature of OddsJam. Middles are essentially the low risk, low probability “lottery tickets” of sports betting. They can beextremelyprofitable for you, but they are less common than arbitrage bets and Positive EV bets.
Middle bets are a bit of a complex topic, so please take a few moments to watch this quick video by Alex about Middle Bets:https://youtu.be/apziiC25SVw
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oddsjam · 2 years
Commercial Content | 21+
You've heard about arbitrage betting, but what the heck is it? Essentially, it's taking advantage of market inefficiencies creating unique opportunities to bet on two sides of the bet and guarantee a profit! Don't believe me? It's all in the link ;)
OddsJam.com betting content is entirely free to anyone. OddsJam.com does offer a subscription service to find mathematically profitable bets with a 7-day free trial and 90-day money-back guarantee.
Always bet responsibly. Gambling problem? 1-800-522-4700
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oddsjam · 2 years
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