odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
Me: *asks my followers to send me writing prompts*
My Followers: *send writing prompts to my inbox*
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
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Odyssey Jinx ! ☄️✨
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
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thanks for the idea, lightcannon discord ily all
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
Plan? Of course Jinx had a plan! Or, she would. Some of the best plans she’d ever had were made up on the spot! And, honestly, that’s exactly what she was going to do in this situation, too. Never could dispute the old faithful method! “Yep! And that plan is to wait and come up with a plan right as the Ordinal is glaring at us with those big, smoldering, Ora-filled eyes of his! Didn’t ya know that I think best under pressure?” Genius and totally fool-proof. If only the one who came up with said plan wasn’t pretty foolish, herself. Oh, to live in the carefree mind of the pilot-mechanic... On second thought, that might be pretty scary. Never mind, no one wants that. “Look, kid. You can rest assured that we’re gonna make it out of this, one way or another. The fate of the galaxy depends on us and all, yadda yadda yadda!” Jinx punctuated her speech with grandiose, arm-sweeping gestures. “It’s too boring to always be waiting for certain annihilation every second of our lives. Now live a little and let’s go do some karaoke or somethin’. It’ll be a good while til we get to our next pit stop. I’ll bet you can drop a sick beat!”
(Ask from @odysseyofthejinx, bc side blogs r dumb ; A; ) "Hey, kid! How ya fittin' in?" Jinx asked, strolling up to Sona. She was lugging around that ridiculous mannequin by her side as if it was no more unusual than an accessory. "Just your friendly, spaceship pilot checkin' in on ya! Both dummy and I feel like you're one of the OG crew. The real deal! What do you think?"
Sona was very much not “fitting in”, she found. But she was making the best of it. There was little choice at this point. There was no one else she knew to turn to.
Though trying to convey such a concept to Jinx, she thought, wouldn’t work out very well… she was carrying around a dummy for goodness’ sake.
she hesitantly asked instead. Everyone kept using these references she didn’t understand. It was frustrating.
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
The simple solution to the whole ordeal might’ve been to have Zoe just pop into the ship with one of her portals. But this way was much more fun. Definitely a better way of going about it. “Hey there, small probably-human!” Jinx greeted. She wore a wide grin on her face and extended her robotic hand down to where the girl sat on the floor. Normally, the fact that this mysterious girl was somehow able to breathe normally in outer space or the fact that her hair was doing that weird, dissolve-y thing might’ve been a red flag of “non-human” to most people - but Jinx liked to keep an open mind. “What’cha doin’ just floatin’ around in the great beyond? Ya got a name?”
Stow-aways weren’t really all that common in outer space. Because of the well, you know, SPACE. So the unexpected girl plastered to the window outside of the Morningstar? Definitely unexpected.
However, instead of being startled by the unlikely reality of a live person being perfectly fine out in the void of space, Jinx took the opportunity as a chance to break monotony.
“Oh, oh, wait! Charades! Hang on, don’t tell me! Is it space alien? I’ll bet it’s space alien!” All-the-while, of course, she made ridiculous hand gestures of her own. Then, she paused. “Hmm… I probably should let you in, though… Hold on!”
Jinx disappeared from the window for a moment. She appeared a few seconds later and pointed to the side, indicating the mysterious girl could enter from that direction.
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
For whatever reason, Jinx seemed to find Sona’s romantic judgement on her fellow crew-mates to be exceedingly hilarious. She threw herself against the back of the chair and held her stomach. “Oh, jeez! That’s harsh!” the pilot giggled. She actually snorted a bit when she laughed, as if she couldn’t get enough air. “Tough break for the big guy; I’ll have to let him know you’re not interested in his rock hard abs!” She snorted again, “I was just messin’ around, by the way. I only point guns at the faces of people I really like or really hate. It’s a selective kinda thing, as much as I adore my babies. No offense!” As if in indication, Jinx patted the most compact of her guns - Zapper - at her hip. The sound of metal from her mechanical arm against its surface was a short, hollow thing. It was then that the mood took a turn for the somber as Sona explained her plans for the future. Okay. What a mood-killer. Nobody was gonna die if Jinx could help it! Well. Okay. Her enemies - their enemies - were gonna die. That was a promise as much as it was a threat. But she’d like to think that their crew was just as capable as it was dysfunctional. “Whoaaa, there! Slow your roll. Ya don’t have to go hoppin’ aboard the train to martyrdom just yet, Sunshine! I mean, I know we got a lot to consider, but nobody knows that it’s gonna come down to that for sure. I’d rather look on the bright side of things, myself.”
(Ask from @odysseyofthejinx, bc side blogs r dumb ; A; ) "Hey, kid! How ya fittin' in?" Jinx asked, strolling up to Sona. She was lugging around that ridiculous mannequin by her side as if it was no more unusual than an accessory. "Just your friendly, spaceship pilot checkin' in on ya! Both dummy and I feel like you're one of the OG crew. The real deal! What do you think?"
Sona was very much not “fitting in”, she found. But she was making the best of it. There was little choice at this point. There was no one else she knew to turn to.
Though trying to convey such a concept to Jinx, she thought, wouldn’t work out very well… she was carrying around a dummy for goodness’ sake.
she hesitantly asked instead. Everyone kept using these references she didn’t understand. It was frustrating.
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
Quick OOC aside;;
Life decided to be life and get really busy suddenly! If I have an open RP with you, please know that I didn’t forget and that I will get back to you as soon as I’m able! I’ve really enjoyed the warmth and fun rp that you’ve all given me thus far - being a new blog and all! Thank you!
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
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I can’t believe Riot made Kayn/Jinx canon 💙💛
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
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Star Treatment (Arctic Monkeys, 2018).
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
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•ima keep it 78 plus 22 wit ya•
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
I’m glad we came here
Where it’s dark.
So I can cuss out stars
And stubborn planets
That refuse to align.
D.K. // pond
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
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bisexual + space requested by anon
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
{ Reblog if you’re okay with your partners dropping threads that aren’t working out }
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
headcanon ★ ★
Jinx is a huuuuge fan of the Star Guardians franchise. She even has action figures of all of them and regularly has them go on ridiculous “adventures” around the Morning Star.
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
The pilot might’ve been a class act at maneuvering a spaceship, but she sure had missed the course on social etiquette. This was why the crew of the Morning Star worked well as a team - their captain, Yasuo, often found himself making up for half of what Jinx said, at least.
The redhead hiked one foot up onto the chair and rested her chin on her kneecap. She had a focused expression on her face: eyebrows furrowed, forehead a little wrinkled. “Mm...” She was very blatantly having what appeared to be a staring contest with the Templar. “That makes sense, I guess!" She finally admitted, “Ora is all yellow-y, after all.” And, with that, the girl seemed to have dismissed the matter entirely. She was like that - bouncing from one topic to another - fast enough to give any sane person whiplash. Now, she was apologizing. “Yiiikes... Sorry to hear that. Guess I didn’t think of it that way,” she admitted. There was a brief pause. Maybe the girl had learned some semblance of sensitivity. Sona was clearly having a moment - with her Ora and all. “What about girls who hold a gun to your face?” Nope. Never mind. She was still terrible at that. "Ya know, when you put it that way, it sounds kinda like the whole crew is your ‘type,’ though!” She said, now with a more serious expression. Her green eyes fell upon the ball of Ora. “Sooooo, suppose we actually do this - save the universe from Kayn and all... What do you plan on doing after that?”
(Ask from @odysseyofthejinx, bc side blogs r dumb ; A; ) "Hey, kid! How ya fittin' in?" Jinx asked, strolling up to Sona. She was lugging around that ridiculous mannequin by her side as if it was no more unusual than an accessory. "Just your friendly, spaceship pilot checkin' in on ya! Both dummy and I feel like you're one of the OG crew. The real deal! What do you think?"
Sona was very much not “fitting in”, she found. But she was making the best of it. There was little choice at this point. There was no one else she knew to turn to.
Though trying to convey such a concept to Jinx, she thought, wouldn’t work out very well… she was carrying around a dummy for goodness’ sake.
she hesitantly asked instead. Everyone kept using these references she didn’t understand. It was frustrating.
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odysseyofthejinx · 6 years
Jinx had a plan! She always had a plan! For better... or for worse. After directing the floating girl to skirt along the side of the Morning Star, the pilot zipped right on over to the handy-dandy trash disposal chute. A control panel protruded from the wall beside the chute itself: one green button and one red button - respectively. “Mm-hm! Here we go!” Jinx hummed aloud, reaching out to crack her knuckles dramatically. Then, she slammed a hand down on the red button. ‘🇷​🇪​🇻​🇪​🇷​🇸​🇪​ 🇹​🇷​🇦​🇸​��​ 🇩​🇮​🇸​🇵​🇴​🇸​🇦​🇱​’ A robotic voice announced over the ship intercom. Jinx sure hoped this chick didn’t have a fear of vacuums!
Stow-aways weren’t really all that common in outer space. Because of the well, you know, SPACE. So the unexpected girl plastered to the window outside of the Morningstar? Definitely unexpected.
However, instead of being startled by the unlikely reality of a live person being perfectly fine out in the void of space, Jinx took the opportunity as a chance to break monotony.
“Oh, oh, wait! Charades! Hang on, don’t tell me! Is it space alien? I’ll bet it’s space alien!” All-the-while, of course, she made ridiculous hand gestures of her own. Then, she paused. “Hmm… I probably should let you in, though… Hold on!”
Jinx disappeared from the window for a moment. She appeared a few seconds later and pointed to the side, indicating the mysterious girl could enter from that direction.
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