ofdragondreams · 2 years
plot: following his fight with aemond and vhagar, lucerys was brought home to dragonstone by arrax, who himself was also gravely injured, and has remained in a coma for six days only now waking up. preferred pairings would be his mother, rhaenyra or rhaena, his cousin and betrothed! this is not a nsfw thread (though if paired with rhaena open to romantic aspects). luke would only be about fifteen in this thread! i use brenton thwaites for luke as pposed to his fc from the show.
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lucerys velaryon had not awoken for six days now. he had been sent to storm’s end to speak with lord borros baratheon in the hopes that the man would swear allegiance to luke’s mother, the newly crowned rhaenyra targaryen. the following morning, arrax, lucerys’s dragon, had arrived at dragonstone with an unconcious luke on her back. both the dragon and the rider had sustained many injuries. the maester who attended to the young prince could not even say for certain how he had survived his wounds or if he would make it through the following days. lord borros had told the queen that lucerys had come to him as had his uncle aemond targaryen and that an altercation had occurred between the two boys. he could not speak to what happened after the princes left storm’s end, both of them on dragonback. aemond targaryen had not been seen in the days since. 
for six days, lucerys had been trapped in his own mind. fire. that was the last thing he remembered. fire and teeth coming right at him. searing, ripping pain and then only blackness. when the light first begins to filter into his eyelids, he wonders if it’s the gods beckoning him to the other side. he wants to move, to speak but as much as he wills his body to obey, the pain surging through him prevents it from doing so. he’s not certain how long it actually takes for his eyes to opening. the sun hurts his eyes as if he had never seen it before. he tries to turn his head away and a sharp sting surges through him. 
it’s a voice that brings him to full attention. a voice warm and inviting. his movements are slow and even still it makes him ache to simply turn his face towards them. his memories are distant. more like a dream than something he lived himself, ‘what happened?’ 
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
plot: following his fight with aemond and vhagar, lucerys was brought home to dragonstone by arrax, who himself was also gravely injured, and has remained in a coma for six days only now waking up. preferred pairings would be his mother, rhaenyra or rhaena, his cousin and betrothed! this is not a nsfw thread (though if paired with rhaena open to romantic aspects). luke would only be about fifteen in this thread! i use brenton thwaites for luke as pposed to his fc from the show.
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lucerys velaryon had not awoken for six days now. he had been sent to storm’s end to speak with lord borros baratheon in the hopes that the man would swear allegiance to luke’s mother, the newly crowned rhaenyra targaryen. the following morning, arrax, lucerys’s dragon, had arrived at dragonstone with an unconcious luke on her back. both the dragon and the rider had sustained many injuries. the maester who attended to the young prince could not even say for certain how he had survived his wounds or if he would make it through the following days. lord borros had told the queen that lucerys had come to him as had his uncle aemond targaryen and that an altercation had occurred between the two boys. he could not speak to what happened after the princes left storm’s end, both of them on dragonback. aemond targaryen had not been seen in the days since. 
for six days, lucerys had been trapped in his own mind. fire. that was the last thing he remembered. fire and teeth coming right at him. searing, ripping pain and then only blackness. when the light first begins to filter into his eyelids, he wonders if it’s the gods beckoning him to the other side. he wants to move, to speak but as much as he wills his body to obey, the pain surging through him prevents it from doing so. he’s not certain how long it actually takes for his eyes to opening. the sun hurts his eyes as if he had never seen it before. he tries to turn his head away and a sharp sting surges through him. 
it’s a voice that brings him to full attention. a voice warm and inviting. his movements are slow and even still it makes him ache to simply turn his face towards them. his memories are distant. more like a dream than something he lived himself, ‘what happened?’ 
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
muse: rhaella arryn is a strange young woman who possesses powers of premonition, mediumship and others. her family has been touched by tragedy and because of her unusual demeanor, many people think rhaella has something to do with it all. your muse is a man who has traveled to the eyrie for whatever reason and has become taken with rhaella, who feels a strong connection to him. i just want an unhinged magic couple okay lol rhaella is usually played in her teens (seventeen most of the time) and i would love an age gap for her. 
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‘everyone i have ever loved has feared me.’ rhaella arryn was as strange as she was beautiful. from the time she was born, her mother noticed the unusual disposition of her daughter. rhaella did not cry or fuss or throw tantrums like other babies, even as she grew into a young child, ‘when i was nine, my mother told me she saw a great darkness in me. my father had to restrain her to stop her from harming me. that same night, when everyone in the eyrie slept, she threw herself from the moondoor.’ of course there where the vile acussations that rhaella had pushed the woman to her death, ‘my father was always much kinder but after my mother died he never looked at me the same.’
rhaella had always seen and heard things that others could not. dreams of events that eventually came to pass, whispers in the woods when she was alone, ‘they say i am cursed. that the actions of my family before me poisoned my blood and that let the darkness brew inside of me.’ while on her father’s side, rhaella was the grandaughter of the late jon arryn, a man well respected in the seven kingdoms, on her mother’s side she was the granddaughter of petry baelish. littlefinger. rhaella’s parents were brother and sister. her father was robin arryn and her mother was josey baelish, robin’s half sister from his mother’s second marriage. at the time of rhaella’s birth, robin arryn was married to another woman. two sons of his own. her father had been kind to give her the name arryn rather than stone as common of bastards in the vale but it would not have mattered what her name was. all anyone saw in rhaella was the actions of her parents and grandparents. 
‘they treat me like a monster. like a thing to be caged out of fear i might harm them. they will not admit it to me but i know i firghten them.’ the ghost of the eyrie they called her due to the way rhaella had been kept hidden away in the castle for most of her life. in fact some people doubted her existence at all and thought the rumored daughter of robin arryn and his sister josey baelish was just a folk tale, ‘but i do not frighten you, do i? you do not look at me as they do.’ far wise and powerful beyond her own understanding but rhaella knew someone of her own kind when she saw them. they where as touched by the mystic as she was, ‘it’s a lonely life, isn’t it? being a monster among the mortals. i should like to not be so alone. wouldn’t you, my lord?’
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
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A little appreciation post for the sweetest most unproblematic girlie in the show who just wants to embroider creepy-crawlies and sit with her babies as they play with their bug toys🥰
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
current hcs for my velaryon/Targaryen kids
-Jace married Baela and took the Targaryen surname. they had three children together. Laena, named after Baela's mother, and then a set of twins named Aerys and Daenys. Regardless of the birth of his son Aerys, Jace maintained Laena as his heir (because Jacaerys Velaryon supports women's rights damn it)
-Luke married Rhaena and they had two children named Gael and Magella
-Joffrey married to a lady from the reach maybe a hightower to help mend the relationship between the families once more and had a few children of his own. kinda think he was a girl dad lol
-aegon still married jaehaera and nothing bad ever happened to either of them 😤😤😤
-viserys was the one who married Daenera velaryon
-visenya is still young as I write her now so very open to pairings for her
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
introducing the velaryon/targaryen family
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jacaerys ‘jace’ velaryon. thirty-four. 
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lucerys ‘luke’ velaryon. thirty-one. 
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joffrey velaryon. twenty-five. 
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aegon targaryen. twenty-three. 
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viserys targaryen. twenty. 
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visenya targaryen. seventeen. 
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
babies. families. kids. pregnancy and expecting. i wanna write all of it. like yeah i love taboo and kink and all that but sometimes i want to write how a taboo ship exists as parents. i want to write their kids or them interacting with their kids. give it to me. please. 
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
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Congratulations on your victory.
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
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Laoise Murray as Elizabeth Tudor | The Tudors 4.04
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
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in his youth, only the prophecy had mattered ( it had become something he would do anything for - something he had done horrible, soul tainting things for ). and in the beginning, there had been no remorse, each successful birth from his young wife ( and each passing year ) made the man question his choices just a smidge more. would he change what had transpired? no. but the ill whisperings that seemed to follow his young wife even now were enough for the man to want to round up any who dared speak up and allow them burn by the fire in his dragons belly. it was only saera’s soothing that kept him from action. only saera that kept him sane. and in moments such as this, with her belly swollen, that he questioned himself. if he had waited ( properly disposed of his wife before bedding another, waiting an appropriate amount of time before marrying once more ), would things have been better? but the man knew the risks that came with each birth. and now, the love he had for his young wife rivaled ( and well surpassed ) his love or care for prophecy. smoothing his hand over the swell of her belly, the man released a sigh. “it is our dynasty, wife.” because he was not certain he would be able to continue on successfully should something happen to her. “my worries are foolhardy ventures i should not bother you with while you carry my children. now tell me what i might do to bring you comfort. i can see you squirm. shall i have a bath drawn?”
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targaryen’s often married brother to sister or cousin to cousin. once or twince, they had married uncle to niece. never had a father taken his daughter for a wife until the king married saera. perhaps the gods always intended things to be this way. after all they often placed challenges in the way to test someone’s worthiness. maybe everything until their marriage had just been a test, a trial. none of that mattered anymore. they were wed in the great sept of baelor and now they existed as both king and queen, father and daughter, and husband and wife, ‘i am your wife, your grace. if it is our dynasty and not only yours then your worries are mine to bear too.’ always wise behind her years was saera. though many still viewed her as a child, she was already a queen known for her kind and just nature. it was not enough to erase the vitriol some felt towards her but there where those who held her and the king in high regards, ‘i fear a bath would do little good.’ she sighed, placing her hands on either side of her swollen belly, ‘your sons grow more restless with each day that passes. maester holdin believes the twins shall be here by the end of this week.’ she hummed, looking towards him with a soft smile, ‘perhaps a stern word from their father might settle them?’
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
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lips twitch with amusement at the pronoun falling from her husbands lips. perhaps he would not admit it, but naerya was fairly certain the man was hoping to speak such a thing into existence. “i ought to thank you for my restful nights, for our daughter is far more of a hellion than either of her brothers. it seems she only quiets the moment you, or they, are near.” if she were a wiser woman, the princess would keep the trio near her as often as possible, but she knew well enough they all had duties ( or lessons ) to attend. the hours between seeing them would sometimes linger, but nothing she was incapable of managing. “i imagine she will trail after her poor brothers for years in attempt to take after them both. at least until she grows into her own.” then naerya would take great amusement in watching the roles reverse. chuckling softly at the thought, fingers fall to cover his ( light amethyst hues searching his own ). “help me back to our rooms? i think i shall take my evening meal there, i fear i will be drowsy early again and the walk back later will be difficult. and i’ve grown far too large for you to carry me,” she teases.
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aegon was twelve when naerya was born. he had so enjoyed helping his mother look after her. three more sisters had followed. neither aegon nor his brothers had anticipated their mother bearing more children but they had all been eager to look after their sisters. aegon knew that one day one of his sisters was likely to become his wife as was the custom of the targaryens. she had made for a beautiful bride and they had welcomed viserys in the first year of their marriage, ‘oh, really?’ aegon hummed, cocking his head to the side, ‘i wonder where she might get that trait from.’ he teased, ‘i seem to recall septa maegelle, may gods rest her, having to restrain you because you were told you could not go hunting with rhaegar and i. you couldn’t have been more than eight at the time.’ he shook his head at the memory. he hoped their daughter inherited even half of his sister’s spirit, ‘come then, wife.’ he held out his arm to her. ever the gentleman, that was a trait both mother and father had instilled in their sons, ‘i can have septa anella bring the boys to our chambers after dinner. they both enoy hearing a story from one of us before they sleep.’ he leads her down the hallway, ‘do you recall how mother would tell us the story of durran godsgrief? i think they might enjoy that tale.’
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
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‘lady tyrell, i thank you for travelling all this way.’ saera smiled at the woman. an honest smile. saera had come into her own as the years passed on. one thing she had quickly come to value was her conversations with other women. lady olenna tyrell was a woman that saera had always admired. she had only met her a handful of times in her life but saera had a fondness for the woman. how she wished she could be more like her. to be so candid with her words. oh, what a glorious feeling that must be, ‘please sit.’ saera motioned to the seat across from her, ‘i’ll have them bring the wine and food. you must be famished after your long journey.’ saera nodded to one of the servants, a signal to begin bringing things to the table. she had thought the garden would be the best place to meet, ‘the weather has been so kind lately. i thought we should enjoy it before the storm season comes.’ saera lowered herself into her seat, ‘when was the last time we spoke, lady tyrell? it must have been over ten years now. not long after the birth of my youngest twins.' it was hard to believe that many of her children where married now. some even with children of their own. twenty-eight years saera had been queen. far long than many of the ones that reigned before her, ‘if i recall, you do not like to waste time or when people hid their true intentions so i shall do neither of those things.’ saera nodded as the servant returned, sitting out two cups that where then filled with wine. a plat of meats, one of cheeses and one of fruits, ‘that’s all for now.’ saera spoke to the young man, watching as he disappeared from the garden, ‘the king has recently informed me of his intentions to speak with your son about a marriage between our daughter helaena and your grandson loras.’ she explained, ‘i persuaded him to let me speak with you first. i thought that we as mothers and grandmothers might meet to discuss this.’ her first grandchild, a little boy named viserys, had recently been welcomed, ‘i support the king’s decision. loras is a handsome young man. kind from what i’ve seen. helaena is young but she’ll make a fine wife.’ saera nodded as she spoke, taking a sip of her wine, ‘i think highgarden would suit her quite well.’ saera looked at the other woman, ‘what your thoughts, lady tyrell? if you do not approve of this, you may express that to me.’
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
following her marriage to the king (who was either her father or uncle depending on what we go with), queen saera targaryen gave birth to twelve children. her eight sons where born in quick succession. a few years passed and then saera had four daughters: naerya, helaena, taera and shaena. i do not currently write as the daughters as i’m hoping to play against them! anyone who brings me a milly alcock as taera to play against rhaegar gets my eternal love and devotion as well as potential a emma d’arcy as naerya or helaena.
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-prince aegon targaryen
-played between the ages of 36 to 44
-heir to the iron thrones (also sometimes played as the current king)
-wed to his younger sister naerya
-father to viserys, viseron and visenya
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-prince rhaegar targaryen
-played between the ages of 35 to 43
-in threads where aegon has ascended the throne, rhaegar is his hand
-wed to his younger sister taera
-father to alysanne, duncan, lucerys and sarella
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-prince baelon targaryen
-played between the ages of 34 to 42
-married to a woman from a noble house in the north
-father to daeron, aemma and gaemon
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-prince vaemond targaryen
-played between the ages of 34 to 42
-married to a woman from a noble house in the stormlands
-father to orys, gael, haegon and symon
from maegor down i do not have kids sorted out !
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-prince maegor targaryen
-played between the ages of 33 to 41
-married to a woman from a noble house in the reach
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-prince daemon targaryen
-played between the ages of 32 to 40
-married to a woman from a noble house in the riverlands
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-prince laenor targaryen
-played between the ages of 31 to 39
-married to a woman from a noble house in the vale
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-prince jaehaenar targaryen
-played between the ages of 30 to 38
-unwed or married to a woman from a noblehouse in the westerlands
for anyone interested in playing any of saera’s daughters against me naerya would need to be between 26-34, helaena would between 24-32, taera and shaena are twins and are between 21-29. naerya is married to aegon and taera is married to rhaegar. helaena was married to the prince of dorne and shaena is either unwed or wed to a nobleman from the north.
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ofdragondreams · 2 years
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