officaljnes · 3 years
If Hololive was around when I was a teenager, I would had been a big fan of Takamori, because I would then relate to Kiara because she has an obvious crush on someone but can’t get into a relationship.
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officaljnes · 4 years
Any tips for introducing a character?
Avoid the Info Dump: When you introduce a character, do not reveal every detail all at once. Introduce what you have to without disrupting the flow of the story too much and sprinkle the rest of the details in other places.
Avoid Back Story: This is mostly for main characters. Don’t go into the whole back story of a character the second you introduce them. For tips on when to reveal back story, check the back story tag on the tags page.
This is my friend John, he’s really good at math. This is my friend Jane, she’s our student president and I was her campaign manager last year. This is Dan, he’s gay: If introducing a lgbt/mogii/etc. character, don’t fall into this juxtaposition. I’ve unfortunately seen this a few times (though the description of each character do not come right after one another) and it’s a red flag that says “this character is going to be flat/stereotyped”. If you introduce other characters with traits and accomplishments, do the same for gay characters.
Show, Don’t Tell: There are always some things you can tell, but it really helps to use showing to introduce a character. For example, instead of saying that a character is feminine, just describe their appearance, demeanor, and behavior. If a character is a soccer player, show them carrying equipment instead of outright saying they’re a soccer player.
Avoid Multiple Introductions: Don’t introduce several characters at the same time. Focus on one or two at a time and distance introductions so that the reader can remember who is who.
How to Introduce Major Characters
Don’t Stop the Story to Introduce Each Character
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officaljnes · 4 years
Hii!! I just want to ask if you have any tips or resources in writing character relationships?? Like I want to build a relationship between two characters in a relatively short time but i dont want it to feel rushed,,,,thank you so much!! Your blog has helped me alot!!
I have quite a few resources and advice on the topic of building romantic relationships in a story, so I’ve linked some relevant resources below that you might find useful:
How To Fit Character Development Into Your Story
Creating A Love Interest For An Introvert
 Writing Opposites Who Attract
Resources For Plot Development
Guide To Plot Development
Describing Heartbreak
 Developing Complicated Plots Around Characters
Writing Great Fanfiction
How To Write The Perfect Kiss
On Romantic Subplots
Resources For Romance Writers
Tips On Writing Skinny Love
Guide To Writing Friends To Lovers
Guide To Writing Enemies To Lovers
Guide To Writing Faded Love
Resources For Writing YA Fiction/Romance
Guide To Writing Will-They-Won’t-They
Rivalry vs. Abuse
Guide To Writing Forbidden Love
20 Mistakes To Avoid in YA/Romance
Balancing Fluff and Conflict
 Best Friends To Lovers Resources
How to develop an Emeies-To-Lovers story
This blog is now my full-time job and first priority, so your support and engagement is critical to keeping this content regular and free of charge. Please consider Buying Me A Coffee for $3 or supporting me on Patreon for $5 a month (or more if you’d like).
$5+ Patrons receive the following immediately upon pledging: early access to all wordsnstuff content, participation in polls to choose upcoming wordsnstuff content, downloadable PDF articles, requests prioritized, direct advice chat with me, Access to patron discord server with fellow writers, and much more!
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officaljnes · 4 years
Yes, I do teach creative writing: your opening scene
The opening scene is the most important piece of your novel. This scene determines whether your reader is pulled in or puts the book down. Here are some important do’s and don’ts.
DO write it as a scene, not a data dump. You may have a fantastic premise, a marvelous alternate history or post-apocalyptic world or magical realism to die for, but if you don’t engage your reader in an actual scene, you will bore them.
DO write a scene that immediately introduces a character that the reader can root for. Yes, I know Stephen King has had great success introducing victims that are then shortly afterward killed off. That’s a horror trope and we expect it. But if you are caught up in world-building and haven’t dreamed your way into a character who is worth following through 100,000 words of writing, your story is pointless. I have read many pieces of fiction by would-be writers who can’t grasp this essential concept, and without exception, they fail to engage the reader.
DO introduce the stakes right away. In case that’s a challenge that needs some exposition to develop, create some immediate stakes (a life threat works) that keep the tension high and the reader engaged until you can lay out the larger stakes.
DO begin in medias res, which means “in the middle of things.” Most beginning fiction writers make the mistake of starting too early in the plot. Meet the monster on page 1. 
DON’T include a flashback in the first chapter. Work on a scene, which means time is NOT compressed. It should include dialog, action, description, setting, and interior monolog. Keep everything happening within that scene for at least the first chapter. You can bring in a flashback in Chapter Three.
DON’T shift points of view within a single chapter. Let the reader establish a strong bond of interest (even if it’s with a POV villain) over the course of a whole chapter.
DON’T open the story with your character waking up unless it’s because she’s got a gun in her face (or a knife to her throat – you get what I mean). We don’t need to follow a character through their mundane daily routine. 
DON’T be coy. Beginning writers often have this idea that they need to hold back on revealing all their secrets – what’s in the box, who’s behind the curtain, where they’re going next, etc. Their well-meant plan is to slowly reveal all this over several chapters. Trust me on this one: tell your readers instead of keeping it a mystery. You WILL come up with more secrets to reveal. Your imagination is that good. Spill it now, and allow that revelation to add to the excitement.
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officaljnes · 4 years
Hii!! I just want to ask if you have any tips or resources in writing character relationships?? Like I want to build a relationship between two characters in a relatively short time but i dont want it to feel rushed,,,,thank you so much!! Your blog has helped me alot!!
I have quite a few resources and advice on the topic of building romantic relationships in a story, so I’ve linked some relevant resources below that you might find useful:
How To Fit Character Development Into Your Story
Creating A Love Interest For An Introvert
 Writing Opposites Who Attract
Resources For Plot Development
Guide To Plot Development
Describing Heartbreak
 Developing Complicated Plots Around Characters
Writing Great Fanfiction
How To Write The Perfect Kiss
On Romantic Subplots
Resources For Romance Writers
Tips On Writing Skinny Love
Guide To Writing Friends To Lovers
Guide To Writing Enemies To Lovers
Guide To Writing Faded Love
Resources For Writing YA Fiction/Romance
Guide To Writing Will-They-Won’t-They
Rivalry vs. Abuse
Guide To Writing Forbidden Love
20 Mistakes To Avoid in YA/Romance
Balancing Fluff and Conflict
 Best Friends To Lovers Resources
How to develop an Emeies-To-Lovers story
This blog is now my full-time job and first priority, so your support and engagement is critical to keeping this content regular and free of charge. Please consider Buying Me A Coffee for $3 or supporting me on Patreon for $5 a month (or more if you’d like).
$5+ Patrons receive the following immediately upon pledging: early access to all wordsnstuff content, participation in polls to choose upcoming wordsnstuff content, downloadable PDF articles, requests prioritized, direct advice chat with me, Access to patron discord server with fellow writers, and much more!
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officaljnes · 4 years
I have plans of writing fanfics of Hololive V-tubers having fun playing multiplayer games. One of the first ones will be 12 Hololive V-tubers playing Civilization 5. I don’t know what civilizations the idols would be drawn to besides Coco who had lived in America and so would pick that civilization. Any headcanon ideas on your end? #hololive #vtubers #virtual YouTuber #civilization5 #fanfic #fanfiction #letsplay
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officaljnes · 4 years
I finally finished writing my first Hololive fanfic. You would think there would be more of them considering that Hololive has gotten massively popular this year.
Anyway, I created a group chat called Hololive Fanfic Study. I set it up so I can encourage people to write Hololive fanfics as well as bounce ideas off them. I hope to make it a fun experience for those want to join.
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officaljnes · 4 years
For those who had created playlists of love songs for their OTPs, did they have to listen to hours and hours of romance songs, so they can pick out the right thematic ones? #OTPs #Romancesongplaylist #Howdoshippostswork?
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officaljnes · 4 years
I gotten so into Hololive I’m planning on writing Hololive fanfics, the best part about it is now I found a fandom where it’s not odd of me to write idols playing my favorite strategy games. #Hololive #Fanfic
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officaljnes · 4 years
Kind of random but where/how do you get inspiration to write? I've been stuck writing a chapter for my story and cant get passed 2 sentences >.
hi angel! 
honestly, not having the time to write as much as i would like is a bigger struggle than lack of inspiration/motivation for me right now but i do have a couple tips for how to get over a writing block!
first, set a very small word count goal for yourself. something you can easily meet, maybe 100-200 words. write until you’ve met that goal and don’t worry about whether or not you’re going to keep that section in the chapter, that doesn’t matter. what does matter is that you met a goal and for me, that always motivates me to keep going and soon i’m not even paying attention to the word count, i’m just moving along through the chapter.
but even if that doesn’t happen, you can still feel accomplished knowing you met the word count goal you set for yourself and because no amount of writing is ever a waste, it’s all practice and that’s what makes us better!
second, if you’ve outlined the chapter and know what you want to happen, skip past what isn’t flowing and write the part you’re most excited about. put a brief description of what you want to happen in the bits you’re stuck on and then circle back when you are ready to pad it out.
whenever i’ve struggled with motivation to finish something, it’s usually because one scene is giving me trouble so i just bypass it and work on the parts i want to and then fill in the rest after. usually, i feel much more inspired to write those scenes that were bothering me after working on one i am into so it really helps to get the story moving again!
i hope that helps and please know you can always come chat with me if you have any questions or just want to talk about your fic, sometimes just talking about the chapter you’re working on can really help to work out the issues you’re having with it!
i believe in you! happy writing 💕
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officaljnes · 4 years
Day 7: Aftermath
Ran stewed after sleeping in his bed for a couple of days. 
It was getting old only being able to slightly rotate his body in bed. This was getting tiring. 
Who knows how long Anak has gotten far ahead of him now? Ran won’t allow it. Ran tried getting up for the 20th time today, but his body won’t let him. 
What was the alternative…. 
Maybe Ran could think of other things that weren’t so bothersome as Anak. 
Like his victory against Inieta. If he could work on surviving longer in battles against foes like Inieta, then he won’t have to rest so longer after these battles. 
Ran dranked out of the glass of water besides his bed. Regardless of how long it’ll take, he’ll catch up to where Khun is, and who knows, he’ll definitely be able to kill Maschenny.
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officaljnes · 4 years
Day 6: Reunion
Floor 77th of the Tower, home to the Wolhaiksong organization. 
While most regulars would make sure to get up to the next floor as soon as possible, there were two regulars who chose to stay behind after their team had already left.
Wangnan and Miseng. If you had met them on the 20th floor, you would think they were the type of Regulars to stay on that floor, never to venture up.
But against all odds they were up here. Adminst the thuds of the grass they were walking on, they have made way to their destination. A nearby forest.
Blueberry was sitting at the entrance to the forest. He was playing his Gameboy. “Hey there” Miseng introduces herself. 
Blueberry didn’t pay her much mind, which is either because Miseng wasn’t worth the attention she deserved or that the game is more immersive.
Rather than lose his patience, Wangnan took out the Wolhaiksong insignia and put it in front of Blueberry’s face. 
A game over sound played a few seconds later.
“Ok, you can go in,” Blueberry said. He pointed them through, then went away to start a new file. Wangnan and Miseng shrugged at the odd behaviorist then went deep into the forest. 
It didn’t take long until they discovered the reason they stayed on this floor. It was Baam standing in a clearing. Baam turned his head, only to light up upon Wangnan and Miseng arriving. 
“Wangnan, and Miseng!” Baam said, walking over to give each of them a welcoming hug. 
Wangnan let a gasp by how much Baam had grown. It gave him almost the same feeling of dread when he met Jinsung for the first time. 
“It’s good to see you again” Miseng bowed politically. 
“You don’t need to bow to me, I have enough of that from my FUG admirers” Baam chuckled, allowing Miseng to lift up her head. 
“But I might say you two grown up so much” Baam commented, crossing both of his arms with a light smile.
“Climbing the Tower does that to me, I still haven’t found my parents through” Miseng said, disappointed. 
Baam paused in thought. “I’m sure if you survive to be a Ranker, you’ll be able to wish for the location of your parents” he said. 
“Baam, Yiwha told me to tell you she’s not pleased with you that you haven’t came back to help her when she was in prison,” Wangnan said. 
“I don’t blame her. I was tied up in the war against Zahard, I had to keep climbing, and I’m just hiding out here training. I’m thankful that you were able to rescue her from the prison” Baam said. 
“Oh, one last thing, Yiwha said she’ll forgive if you meet her in person. “ Wangnan said. 
“Is she on this floor then?” Baam asked. 
“No, last time I was in contact with Yiwha, she said she’s going to meet up with Khun” Wangnan said. 
“That’s great, then I’ll be able to meet with her then soon.” Baam said. 
Wangnan could spot Hwa Ryun hiding away in the trees. 
Baam noticed the direction of Wangnan’s eyes to Hwa Ryun’s hiding spot. He could only shake his head. 
Wangnan’s only response was a short wave back, shocked to see her again. 
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officaljnes · 4 years
Day 5: Tragedy
After rescuing his master and gaining momentum from curious FUG Elders, Baam went to the ship where Androssi had kept Traveller captive.  
“Hey Traveller,” Baam said, examining his beaten condition. 
“Oh, Viole, I don’t suppose you could get me out of here” Traveller said, weakly grasping against the ropes holding him. 
“I can’t do that yet. I know you have travelled with Rachel for some time, I want to know what you know” Baam said. 
“You think I would know anything you don’t. Rachel just talks about wanting to see the stars, and using people for her goals” Traveller said. 
“Baam, I know you’re not a fan of it, but we’re going to have to do something drastic if we’re going to get information out of him” Androssi said. 
“Drastic?!” Traveller said. 
“Traveller, I’m going to ask you one more time, is there anything you know about Rachel that I don’t know?” Baam asked. 
“I don’t think so. It’s bad enough Androssi is torturing me, please don’t sink to her level” Traveller said, shaking around in his confinement. 
“I’m sorry, but if I’m going to prevent Rachel from hurting more people, I need to know what she has been doing,” Baam said. He applied shinsu pressure onto Traveller. Traveller resisted at first, but the pressure was too much and he begged for release. 
“Are you going to talk now!” Androssi said, grabbing the back of Traveller’s hair.
“Yes, I don’t know if you already know this, but this was when she was on the Hell Train.” Traveller said. 
“Ok, go on” Baam said. 
“Rachel was engaging Wangnan and his two of his friends died because of Rachel.” Traveller said, catching his breath. Androssi let go after Traveller’s confession.
“Wait, can you remember their names?” Baam inquired, leaning in. 
Traveller took a minute to think. “I can remember afterwards that it was Arkraptor and Prince,” he said. 
“Arkraptor and Prince…” Baam said the names out aloud. At first the names didn’t register, then the memories bounced back when he submitted to the name of Jue Viole Grace. He thought he wouldn’t be able to have friends, but was able to find companionship in team Sweet and Sour. 
The shinsu pressure was acting off Baam at an increased rate, so much so that the Shinsu density caused Traveller to faint out of shock. 
“Baam?!” Androssi said, taken aback. 
“How?! Rachel, no no, I didn’t know…” Baam bit his lower lip, released a loud sigh, and started clawing at his face. . 
“Stop!” Androssi rushes over, grabbing both of Baam’s hands before he could cause facial injuries to himself. 
“Now of all times, I found out about this! How was I not informed of this?!” Baam cried, despair evident on his face. 
“I’m not sure, just contain yourself, it’s going to be ok” Androssi said, she hugged him despite her body trembling from his aura. 
The shinsu pressure eventually died down as Baam let out a few shaky tears. 
“It’s ok” Androssi smoothed Baam, her fingers caressed Baam’s hair.
“I just wished I was there with them,” Baam said. 
“We can’t be everywhere at once, that’s the way this tower works” Androssi said. 
“If that’s so, then I’m going to change the way this tower functions” Baam said. 
“If that’s what you want, promise me you won’t become a monster in the process” Androssi said. 
“I’m sorry, I already became one,” Baam said, letting go of Androssi. He materialized the blue horn and red horn. 
Androssi closed the distance to hug him tighter. “You’re too self aware to be a monster yet, don’t hold yourself down. If you get closer to becoming that, I’ll drag you away from becoming one, whether Zahard, FUG, or even yourself” she said, gently holding him closer. 
After a short while, they let go. Baam looked at her, and smiled, drying his tears. He took a deep breath. “Thank you, I needed that,” he sighed. 
“No problem. You had me scared for a minute” Androssi smiled, letting out an awkward chuckle.
“I’m sorry, Androssi. If I had known-” 
“Then what, you would bottle them inside for me. Baam, I realized for a while, there wasn’t any way you’re going to make it up the tower without it affecting you. So I want to do the best I can to help you” Androssi said, putting one hand on Baam’s shoulder. 
“So, about apprehending Rachel?” Androssi asked in expectation of either a strong no or a hesitant yes.
“Can we please have that discussion for another day?” Baam responded. 
Androssi sighed. “Only because you’re in an emotional mood” she said, threading her fingers through Baam’s hair once again. 
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officaljnes · 4 years
Day 4: Vacation
Just to give a quick warning, this is a chapter from a fanfic I already wrote called Beneath the Surface. I can’t come up with anything besides the beach (which is the generic option), so I figured it would be better to use this for today. 
A group of regulars plus an irregular appeared on an open plain via teleportation.
After adjusting, Khun gazed around to assess the environment, ‘there’s got to be a trap from all these repeated floor designs recently.’
Now that the situation had been assessed, Khun turned around to also assess his group.
Boro, Sachi, Bero Bero, Cherry La, and Yiwha seem to be alright, but there are a few people missing.
Baam and Rak sneaked out again. Khun sighed, ‘at least they could have said something.’ Old habits do die hard.
A pink light appeared in the sky and was headed in the direction of the town.
‘What’s gotten Androssi all excited now?’ The thought entered Khun’s mind, but it wasn’t worth dwelling on for too long. She’s just the next person on the list after Baam, Rak, and Hwa Ryun to disappear on him without him knowing most of the time.
Ran and Anak are missing as well. They either gone training on their own, or Androssi must have taken them to tour the town.
“Look at the time, I got to go talk to Miseng. She’s calling me pretty soon. You know how it is with teammates.” Wangnan clapped before walking to the town as well.
As a matter of routine, the group dispersed to the town up ahead to do their own thing.
‘A town as small as this should have a few places open for us’ Khun started to walk towards the town as well out of his own volition
“Hey, do you mind if I spend some time with you?” a voice rang out besides Khun.
He turned to the side and saw Yiwha as the source of the question. Khun considered it for a moment. Isn’t it odd that someone who probably could find as much entertainment in a town as Androssi, would want to spend that time with someone who wouldn’t be much fun in the first place.
“Aren’t you going to go along with Wangnan?” Khun asked.
Yiwha shook her head, smiling as well.
“I already talked to her earlier. From what I heard, she’s going well in her training. Though, I don’t know if she’s ready enough to catch up to us at the rate we’re passing these floors” Yiwha expressed herself openly.
“If she wants it this badly, we might meet her soon. Though, I expect a delay once we get up to more floors. Based on my experience, usually when you’re experiencing an easier time compared to normal, there’s something bad about to happen” Yiwha hummed thoughtfully to Khun’s provoking statement.
“I suppose. But still, wouldn’t it be better to worry about the future under a roof and dinner in your stomach” Yiwha suggested.
Kuhn gave out an amusing smile. “When you say it like that, it looks like renting a house is going to be much easier this time.”
“They’re all rented out….” Khun mumbled, walking alongside Yiwha in the outskirts of the town.
It was no good, every single house and apartment had been rented out due to a local festival. You wouldn’t think this was the case if you looked at the town from the distance. Androssi must have known if she was in a rush all of a sudden.
“It’s ok, these things happen sometimes.” Yiwha said out of assurance.
“It’s not good enough. What am I supposed to say to the team?” Khun turned to Yiwha, confused on what to do next.
“Well, I wouldn’t be the first person to go for it, but we could do some camping” Yiwha suggested.
“You and I don’t seem like the type of people to go camping.” Khun rebutted, pointing out the obvious.
“Well for someone who spent over a decade climbing the tower, how come you never camped!” Yiwha responded.
“I never needed to camp. What’s your excuse?” Khun asked.
“There wasn’t any dire circumstances that would force me to camp in the outdoors, besides I’m a fire hazard anyway, who knows what natural ecosystems I could destroy.” Yiwha said.
‘That’s a bit of exaggeration.’ Khun was dumbfounded. How can one regular be that dangerous?
“I suppose I’ll look for a campsite, how about-“
“Khun, it’s ok, I’m fine with helping you.” Yiwha put a hand on Khun’s shoulder as a sign of reassurance.
“If you say so.” Khun mumbled, which Yiwha took as a sign to take her hand off his shoulder. “However, there might be a few campsites scattered in that nearby forest.” Khun said.
Yiwha resisted the urge to let her body shiver at the possibility of encountering any creepy crawlies in the undergrowth of that forest.
Everybody’s going to have to make sacrifices every now and again.
Hwa Ryun walked through the countryside, the night lighting her way as her light footsteps thud against the ground.
‘It seems the night sky looks good tonight. Shame that there’s no stars here. I’m wondering how Rachel is currently doing, how close is she to making my god complete his transition. This must be done for the good of the tower.’ Hwa Ryun thought as she continued her merry stroll.
“Hey! Mrs Hwa Ryun” Baam called out from up ahead.
Hwa Ryun stopped in her tracks at the sight of Baam coming up to meet her.
“Viole, what’s the manner?” Hwa Ryun asked, alert but from the looks on Viole’s face, it didn’t seem all that urgent.
“Oh, nothing. I thought you could use some company.” Baam said.
‘First Khun, then Wangnan, and now Baam. Are they seriously afraid of their futures that they would try to befriend me in the attempts of not having to listen to me anymore. I honestly don’t blame them.’ Hwa Ryun thought in her mind.
Only a guide like her can comprehend how the tower changes someone. Besides, it’s not like Viole is going to be attached to his friendly personality forever, so it’s best to enjoy it before it disappears forever.
“You do me more then the honours. I suppose training isn’t enough for you?” Hwa Ryun asked.
“It’s not that, Rak prefers his time for solitary training. I’ve been worrying Mr Khun for more then I would have liked. So, I want to make amends for it.” Viole said.
“That’s nice, but if you don’t keep training, how else are you going to protect them from Zahard” Hwa Ryun suggested to Viole.
Hwa Ryun’s statement threw Viole off but it didn’t stop him from offering his response.
“I don’t know, that’s what I been thinking about recently. I want to help my friends in the best possible light, but is this actually working out…” Baam said, downtrodden.
“Hmmm… That is unfortunate, but I can at least assure you when you achieve your divine ship, perhaps a few will survive to see a new era in the tower.” Hwa Ryun said.
“I want to least change that few to many. But I don’t think Mr Khun will like me as a god” the dreaded topic slowed Viole’s enthusiasm enough to match Hwa Ryun’s melancholic
“He’s someone worth listening to, but again, so am I.” Hwa Ryun said.
Viole’s inquisitive look reminds her that he does have a hard time comprehending her, as it goes for most people she talks to.
“Regardless of whether you listened to him or me, I would still believe you will arrive at the same conclusion. It’s a matter of choosing a path at a crossroads, that doesn’t really offer you any differences.” Hwa Ryun said.
“So it’s all subjective…” Baam mumbled. “Enough about me already, I’m glad to see you…” Baam fumbled for a bit. “Taking care of your health.”
Hwa Ryun shrugged. “That’s the least anyone would do, definitely such a long way up into the tower. I’m interested to see how long your friends can keep their heads above the water.”
“I believe they’re pulled their own weight already.” Viole responded, his confidence made no room for rebuttal.
“If you say so, Viole.” Hwa Ryun sighed, continuing to walk alongside Viole.
They came across a vacant space that hosts several small ovals, surrounding a small circle.
“Oh, this must be one of the empty campsites I saw on the brochure.” Baam said. “Look there’s even a fire pit.”
“Viole, it’s good we still have time to train you in this aspect. You see this taking place the more we get up, the less floors we’ll come across that has a lesser quantity of settlements” Hwa Ryun explained in depth as she entered the vacant campsite.
Viole followed her. “Huh, I thought since Zahard conquered what he could of the tower, that there would be towns and cities on every floor of the tower.”
“There’s not enough population for all of the floors of the tower. Even back before the king invaded, there were some floors that had fewer settlements then the other floors. It’s a matter of which resources could sustain them the most.” Hwa Ryun elaborated. “That’s why guides have an easier time travelling between floors. We can live on relatively nothing, and be satisfied with what blessings we can get.”
Viole’s eyes opened a bit more then usual.
“That’s actually fascinating, I would like to learn how to do that. It’ll help with me not being a burden on the team.” Viole looked around eagerly, his joy lighting up the atmosphere around him.
Hwa Ryun composed herself to not smile at the sight of her god being happy discovering something which people take for granted. ‘Does Khun get that same feeling?’
“That kind of lifestyle is for me, not someone who needs his energy to eventually fight high rankers.” Hwa Ryun responded, standing besides Viole at the fire pit. “But I suppose, a few tips wouldn’t hurt when you get in a rough spot.”
Before Hwa Ryun can think about what she can teach Baam first, they heard a rustling in the bushes.
Thankfully, they saw blue lighthouses floating above the bushes, they have a pretty good guess on who it is.
Khun and Yiwha emerged from the bushes.
Baam and Hwa Ryun was tensed as it could have been anyone with blue lighthouses, but relaxed their stances when they saw Khun and Yiwha.
“You two are already here. Perfect timing, we could use some help setting up the tents.” Khun reached into his lighthouses to remove the tent setups and dropped them onto the ground.
“Sure!” Baam’s face lights up, now he can definitely be off immediate help to his best friend.
“Aren’t you going to help as well?” Khun asked of Hwa Ryun.
A gust of wind blew through the campsite; Hwa Ryun saw Viole setting up the first tent with Yiwha.
“I don’t see why not. It’ll be good to help my god with how to set up a tent probably” Hwa Ryun squinted at Khun as she walked back, the sight of Khun smirking tempted her to hit him with her staff, but it’s not worth risking getting on her god’s bad side.
“Ok, so for our camping setup, we’ll have Androssi and Anak sleeping together. Boro and Sachi can sleep as well, Bero Bero and Cherry La as well. Rak will have to decompress, so he’ll be able to squeeze in with me and Baam. I was also thinking of putting you, Hwa Ryun, with Yiwha, do you mind?” Khun asked.
“I suppose not.” Hwa Ryun shrugged,
Yiwha casted a wary stare at Hwa Ryun. In the effort of establishing a cheerily atmosphere, Yiwha motioned to Khun to get something else out of his lighthouse.
Baam caught sign of this sign language, waited eagerly for what’s coming up next, only to be disappointed by the sight of marshmallow bags being taken out of Khun’s lighthouse.
“Ahh, Mrs Yiwha, I don’t think this is the right time for sweets?” Baam asked.
“Oh no, we won’t be eating them as raw. Come on, I’ll show you.”
Yiwha gave the marshmallow bags on the ground, and then she lights the fire pit with her shinsu.
Such control seemed impossible to her at the 20th floor, imagine how far she had improved.
Baam sat on a nearby log and sticked a marshmallow at the end of his stick and rolled it close to the fire.
“Baam, not so close!” Before Yiwha could give out any further warnings, the marshmallow melted and felled out of Baam’s stick into the fire.
“Oh, guess I need to be more careful” Baam chuckled as he got a new marshmallow out.
“Indeed, I don’t often care for these rituals, so I suppose a live demonstration” Hwa Ryun said as she picked out her own marshmallow on the other side of the fire pit.
‘Every time I got to interact with Hwa Ryun, it always ends up with new questions about her.’ Khun thought.
Khun stared at Hwa Ryun and before he could think of looking at something else, Hwa Ryun caught him staring.
“Is something the matter?” Hwa Ryun asked while putting the marshmallow on the end of her stick.
“Nothing.” Khun looked away, then he pushed a marshmallow on the end of his stick and sticked it out in front of the campfire.
“Say, Yiwha, I see you have been able to control your flames quite nicely” Khun smiled unevenly. How does Baam and Wangnan encourage others so easily?
“Yeah! That was pretty cool” Baam said, congratulating Yiwha on a simple task.
“It was nothing… It’s quite simple once you learn how to limit it in size” Yiwha fumbled around, sitting down on a nearby log next to Khun.
“Hmm, perhaps your goal is not so far fleshed, we’ll have to see what your diplomatic skills are like in the future” Hwa Ryun said.
“That’ll be a bit of a problem” Yiwha concentrated on the now blooming fire.
“It won’t be easy getting a big family like the Yeon to change their ways. But, I would like to help you out in the future.” Yiwha looked at Khun in surprise.
“I know a thing or two about family relations. It’ll be easier once we become rankers. Then, once I become the head of the Khun family, the Yeon family won’t have no choice but to rely on its head to deal with us.” Khun rambled on as Yiwha became flustered by his statement.
“Won’t that make your ascension more difficult for you?” Yeon asked. “The high rankers will most likely to resist you at every turn. I wouldn’t bear it if you get killed because of it.” Yiwha was back to looking at the fire, it was at a downward angle this time.
Baam was torn about seeing Yiwha concerned, yet could relate to her in that moment.
“That’s the risks we have to take if we are going to change things in the tower. If I wanted my climb to go more smoothly, I wouldn’t have become friends with Baam in the first place.” Khun said.
“That’s right, I know Hwa Ryun speaks of dark times up ahead, but I believe in your dream. I want the tower to be a place where you can legitimately get your wish granted if you work hard for it.” Baam rambled on. “So please, don’t give up for Khun’s sake or my sake.”
“I…” Yiwha was stunned, and sure to be blushing as well.
“Careful, Baam. You don’t want your second marshmallow to melt off, do you?” Hwa Ryun asked already on her third marshmallow.
“Right!” Baam said as he ate the cooked marshmallow. His face light up, his eyes wide open.
“Whoa! It’s… I can’t believe you can have something so simple yet delicious” Baam chewed a bit to get every last bit of nourishment out of the marshmallow he previously chewed.
“Ha-ha, I’m glad you liked it” Yiwha laughed, now pleased with yourself.
“Heh, still there are things that surprised you. I wonder what’s that like” Khun said, a bit nostalgic for his early youth before he was forced to compete in his family.
“It’s alright, though maybe I don’t enjoy convenience food as much” Hwa Ryun shrugged, already on her fifth marshmallow.
‘Speak for yourself’ Khun and Yiwha thought at the same time.
“I hope the others can experience this. If you want to have an early night, you can go right ahead.” Baam said.
“I think I’ll have to do that, tomorrow’s the big day for figuring out what the floor test is and how we can prepare for that” Khun said.
“If you say so, I’ll stay up a bit late. This just feels so right to stay up” Yiwha said, smiling.
“I’ve nothing better to do, though don’t expect me to say much” Hwa Ryun said, finished with her marshmallow, she rested her hand on her leg, holding her head up with her palm.
“Ok. Feel free to pipe in when you have something interesting to say” Baam said. “So Yiwha, how’s Miseng goin-“
As Khun walked away from the fireplace, he looked back and locked eyes with Hwa Ryun for that one moment.
A line of thought occurred to both of them at the same time. ‘How long can we enjoy these moments.’
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officaljnes · 4 years
Can’t help but love her, even when she’s a murderer.
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Endorsi Jahad - Tower of God - Episode 9
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officaljnes · 4 years
Day 3: AU
This is what would happen if the end of season 1 didn’t happened. 
Baam wasn’t sure of the special occasion. When he told Khun and Rak earlier he was going on a date with Androssi, they reacted oddly.
While Rak was cheerily, Khun took Baam to a private room and sat him down.
“Khun, how come you’re giving me that look?” Baam asked. It was the same look Khun gave to him when he didn’t understand a common thing everyone in the Tower took for granted.
“Do you know what a date means?” Khun asked,
“It’s either a time, or a meeting” Baam said simply.
“You were right on the first definition, but there’s more to the second definition. A date is a meeting between two people in the interest of romantic compatibility” Khun said.
Baam shifted. “Romantic? Oh, didn’t Androssi said she wasn’t allowed to date because of Zahard?” Baam asked.
“Androssi did say that, but why would she pick you if she intends to go behind the king’s back…” Khun said.
“I’m honored, but if it’s Androssi, I feel like it’s too early for me,” Baam said.
“Regardless of whatever motivation she has, this would be a good experience for you,” Khun said.
“In what way?” Baam asked.
“Trust me, as someone who came from a Great Family, you’re going to need that skill of courting someone” Khun said.
Baam shifted himself on the bed. “If you say so, but I don’t want to make trouble for Androssi later on” Baam said.
“If Androssi wants to go on a date with you, then I’m sure she’s aware of the risks. Now, I’m going to get you ready” Khun said.
Later on, the date was organized at the place Baam was staying at, but it was dressed up nicely thanks to Khun asking Shibisu for a favor.
Baam tugged his collar. It was the first time he had worn such expensive clothing. He wondered how Rachel couldn’t get something like this before, but it might be that Rachel couldn’t avoid it either.
Baam shifted at noticing the attention to detail of Androssi’s appearance. “Those clothes suit you” he complimented.
Androssi glowed. “It’s not much, I was able to find this last minute” she gloated.
They both sat down at the table prepared for them.
Androssi reached out to gently grab Baam’s hands. “I see you’re doing well,” she said.
Baam blinked, then smiled. He felt warmth from Androssi’s hands, a comforting kind. “I am, Khun has been patient with teaching me so many things about the Tower. I hope I can learn something new from you tonight” Baam said.
“That sounds lovely, do you have any preferences about the food?” Androssi asked, picking up the menu in front of her.
“I’m not a picky eater, oh, I made sure to specify to the cook about your diet” Baam said.
“Thank you, Baam” Androssi said.
Androssi and Baam ordered their meals.
“Androssi, why did you ask me out on a date?” Baam asked.
“Because my curiosity about you exceeded my expectations. I want to spend time knowing you, and what better way to do that then on a date” Androssi answered.
“Does this date have any romantic implications?” Baam asked, his eyes can’t help but appreciate how much detail Androssi put onto her appearance, including her makeup. She does look how he would imagine a princess would look out of the fairy tales Rachel told him.
“It slightly does, it happens that I have just the slightest crush on you, and I want to know if those are valid or if it’s temporary” Androssi said.
“That’s understandable. So, is there anything you want to learn about me?” Baam asked.
“I do. Would you say you have any romantic interest in me?” Androssi asked.
“I wouldn’t say the same as you, but I’m open to any chance of experiencing intimate love. After all, I got the amazing chance to have friends, what better to have a romantic partner as well” Baam said.
“Fair enough, how long have you known Rachel?” Androssi asked.
“Oh Rachel, I think it was a couple of years if the time measurements she showed me were accurate. I don’t know how long I was stuck in the cave before Rachel found me” Baam said.
“I see,” Androssi said.
Their meals arrived cooked and fresh.
As they ate their meals, Baam began his side of the questioning.
“If you do actually develop feelings for me, would you be willing to disobey the king to stay true to them?” Baam asked.
“It depends on how I feel about you, Baam. At the moment no, it’s too convenient for me to be a Zahard princess, and I worked too hard to gain this power just to throw my privilege away because of a fling” Androssi said.
“That’s a reasonable answer. I hope I can get to know you better” Baam said.
“I think we both will. It just comes with time, no need to put pressure on yourself” Androssi said.
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officaljnes · 4 years
Day 2: Teams
The ding sound of the floor test ranged.
Ran, and his team stood victorious. 15 minutes was shown on the clock. Everything was mute to Ran. He touched his face, he can feel the cross symbol under his eye still on his skin.
As the Ranker in charge of the test congratulated them, Ran dropped to the ground unconscious.
Novick rolled his eyes, he picked Ran up and carried him out of the test building.
It wasn’t good enough. This test didn’t have available records of past participants, but who knows if Anak would have been better at this test then he is. Ran cleared the current floor test. Though it wasn’t without issue. Aguero left to go into the Hell Train, to top it off, it wasn’t like he had enough to show for it.
Anak doesn’t compare to his older sister who he is going to kill one day.
Anak Zahard flashed in his mind. If he is going to kill his older sister, Maschcenny, someday, then someone like Anak would serve as a convenient rival.
Ran woke up on a couch, Novick sat on a nearby chair.
“You shouldn’t be indulging your lightening pill supply,” Novick said robotically, not bothering to put real emotion in a dead topic.
“Shut up..” Ran said, then he turned over and placed the blanket over himself.
Ran heard footsteps marching up to him, then sunlight entered his vision as he saw Xia Xia lifted the blanket off him.
“You went and exhausted yourself again. I don’t care how talented you are, but you’re not going to dwindle our medical budget with your reckless action!” Xia Xia ranted.
“Don’t you think it would be better to say that when Ran is better rested” Dan reasoned, his voice was away in the distance.
“Still, I understand your need to get stronger, but it’s no use exhausting yourself in the process” Xia Xia said, reaching out to comfort Ran.
Ran slapped her hand away and went to pick up the blanket. simply turned over and pulled the blanket over himself.
“Fine, see if I care!” Xia Xia said and left the room.
Novick followed where Xia Xia went into the living room.
“You’re alright?” Dan asked out of concern.
Xia Xia huffed. “No, but this is Ran we’re talking about. He’s such a nuisance!” she said, sitting down at the table.
“Regardless, it’s to our best interest for now to keep him from doing this intense training. He is our leader for now” Novick said.
“Aren't you always challenging him through every other day?” Dan asked.
“It’s a part of my training routine, he doesn’t mind that at all” Novick said.
“Anyway, the sun’s going down, I should cook something for dinner, did you get the groceries today, Xia Xia” Dan asked.
“Yep, and they were at a bargain too!” Xia Xia boasted.
“Ok, suit yourself” Dan laughed, he went over to the cabinets and just found canned food.
“I know you’re part bunny and all, but we need more food then this, I might as well order take out” Dan complained.
Novick went over and checked for himself. “I don’t see what’s wrong with eating these things tonight, but you should put more credits in the food section for the budget” he said.
“You never said that about my budget allocation before” Xia Xia pointed out.
“Because I picked out what we were going to eat before, it seems like you were just being cheap all along” Novick said.
“Heh heh, alright you got me. But at least I got a few cans with vegetables, I’m health conscious! Xia Xia said.
Dan opened the cans necessary for that dinner, and Ran got up to sit at the table after his mini nap.
“Have you considered what I had said?” Xia Xia asked.
Ran glared.
Xia Xia was put off, but she wasn’t going to back down after all this time of being on his team. “It would be nice to be considerate. If we were attacked and you were incapicated because of your training, you wouldn't be able to help fend off those attacks.”
“Wouldn’t we be under the radar because those types of people would be focused on Baam?” Novick said.
“For now yes, but in the future we’ll be implicated with Viole, so it’ll help to prepare for it” Xia Xia said.
“If you’re aware, then you should not be so bothersome,” Ran said.
“I can’t win with your stubborn attitude” Xia Xia grumbled, she bited into her meal with more velocity then she had intended.
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