#my game
thelowcalcalzonezone · 4 months
just for giggles and bc i only just learned how to create an image grid (thank you @crokitheloki) here's a little tag game of my own!
go to pinterest and search: 1. the color top you're wearing + aesthetic 2. the current weather + core 3. first word of your most recently listened song + aesthetic 4. your favorite mythical/magical creature + core 5. last meal you ate (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, etc) + aesthetic 6. a word from the title of a favorite childhood book + core
i am genuinely just curious what will happen
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it's a little goofy but it was fun hehe
all mutuals welcome to join!!! but i'll tag a few people just for fun (: @random-knowone @constable-rohza @firelight-amber @crokitheloki @catenpointe @comm-o-dorable
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deeppink-man · 1 month
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game npc idea(I'm thinking of putting old OC into the game)
I want to make a game about Grim Reapers.
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jaidenalemni · 1 month
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✨ Looking for a comfy retro JRPG where you play as pretty blue-haired wizards?
Steam Next Fest is here and my game Legends of Astravia is participating with a new demo! Plus there are live streams where you can listen to me talk about my silly little ideas while playing the game.
EDIT: Next Fest is over, but the demo is here to stay! Try it out on Steam and wishlist OR give it a go on itch.io!
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Did I mention it runs great on the Steam Deck?
Also, every bit of sharing really helps! So far the game hasn't gotten much attention, and I just want to make sure people that are looking for a laid back 90s-style RPG with pixel art and pretty dudes know it exists 😎
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ethersic · 6 months
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17+ Through Death We Become — An interactive fiction story about grief. [Submission to Queer Vampire Jam — Other Entries]
Years ago, your life was taken from you, stolen by the teeth of a vampire. For a long time, anger at losing all you were had festered inside, building and boiling, threatening to pour out, but you had maintained it.
Until you heard that the vampire who turned you had shown up in some state, and it all came rushing forth.
Not wanting to lose your chance at revenge, you hunt him down, but before you get to him, you wind up in a random town with a stranger who wants to help you.
7.5k words
1 human (non-binary) love interest
Lots of angst
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agileo-101 · 10 months
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which role will you take? And will you help him?
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simdreams · 3 months
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The orchard is big enough that they need a gardener now, but Calla and Cora are happy to help when they can. At this point, it's their biggest family tradition
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saffein-e · 1 year
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fizlok-dev · 13 days
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more ui progress
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dreamtydraw · 3 months
Since it's lesbian visibility week I'm doing a repost of my game demo Apple bag
Apple bag is a saphic romance / thriller visual novels where you play a night cashier living in a small town in france, befriending your regular customers and maybe getting close to some of them.
As for now the demo features :
- 3 love interests (2 non-binary, 1 female)
- 9,700 words
-Custom pronouns
-Cute visuals
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milkyaa-krystal · 4 months
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World from Milkyaa Krystal:
♡  Zayne Heart Within Reach ♡
♡ The date is so cute, I loved the moment in the car… Two lovers on the same wavelength but he doesn't dare to take the plunge. This kind of flirting makes me crack ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ
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punkbarbarian · 4 months
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[image id: a dark photograph of a grassy cliff face with dense clouds. a white illustration of a bat with its wings spread sits behind white text. text reads: Vampire Manor / a for truth's sake game by punkbarbarian. /end id]
On a rocky cliffside overlooking rolling moors as far as the eye can see sits a dark, towering manor home made of brick and iron. Tempestuous clouds cast a perpetual drizzle on the countryside and nearby forest, leaving the air damp and cold. Surely the generous owner of the manor the villagers whispered about will let you shelter there.  Maybe you’ll gather some interesting material for your research… Investigate the macabre manor, its eccentric inhabitants, and the nearby village through interviews and observation. What is the relationship between the unliving and villagers? Why do members of the community go missing without a trace? How long has the Vampire actually been alive?
Vampire Manor is a solo-journaling game where you explore a vampire's ancient manor and the surrounding village to learn more about the community and write an ethnography on them. 
Pull cards to ask questions of the residents, roll dice to see how well interactions go, and get to know a number of residents and fellow travelers, from a petty thief, to wandering nomads, a vampire hunter, and the intimidating Vampire. Unlock 12 different locations and gain levels in friendship and familiarity with the community as you document your discoveries in field notes.
You'll need: A d20, d12, and d8, and a deck of playing cards
Vampire Manor is a setting of For Truth's Sake by @hmooncreates. It was inspired by Dracula by Bram Stoker, Castlevania (Netflix), and Curse of Strahd. 
included in download: a plain text pdf and a formated pdf!
check it out on itch!!
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deeppink-man · 28 days
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Character design in progress
I made 3 cool mates for the game. They will be wonderful colleagues.
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hmooncreates · 4 months
EXTENDED - The Fool Who Got Married
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The Year is 1848...
...and gold has been struck in California. Your husband has decided now would be the time to catch his fortune, and he wants you to come with him. Of course. you agree, you love him after all. 
...and your family member's husband is on the hunt for gold. What's she going to do? Say no? This could be the key to their better life. You have to let her go. 
The Extended Edition...
...allows you to play one of five different types of characters. 
The game is about historical female hardship and how women stay connected even when they become members of their husbands family before their own. 
The game and story is told through writing letters. This is a two- or more- player game where each person plays a female familial archetype. Someone has to be the bride leaving her family, but there are four options for the other player(s).
The Four Options:
Mother, Sister, Aunt, and Mother-in-Law
This game is played by using music as the storytelling and mechanical device. To play you will need a way to send letters to each other, access to the albums, and something to write with.
Let The Music Lead You.
Music You Will Need Access To: The Crane Wives discography and Through the Deep, Dark Valley by The Oh Hellos.
Get the Game Now on Itch.io!
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ethersic · 2 months
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17+ Elysium — A short interactive fiction butchering of Greek mythology made in 5 hours. [Submission to Locus Jam — Other Entries]
Rewarded with afterlife in the Elysian Fields, you find it hard to accept such a gift after all you’ve done. You’re undeserving.
See a long gone lover.
Speak to some unknown gods (?).
Accept the promise of paradise, or don’t.
Content Warnings: Comparisons of humans to meat, murder to consumption, descriptions of gore, blood, death, violence, dismemberment, self-hatred, and generally dark content.
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hime-bee · 11 months
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To celebrate my game reaching 600 downloads, I drew some sketches of Leumin! Thank y'all so much for playing my game 😭💙💙
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simdreams · 11 days
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Beth did some gardening (where she found a death flower growing among the plants!) and went to the salon. Preparations for the upcoming twins' birthday!
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