ofminjae-archive · 1 year
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
Knitting helped her to relax when things got too stressful, it also helped her to survive the long flights that had become part of their routine. It kept her mind busy and the anxiety away, and if she could make something nice for others, it worked perfectly well. "You like it? Oh, I'm so glad!" The dancer beamed at him, smiling as she looked down at the scarf in his hands. "Really, don't worry about it. I love knitting, and the weather is getting super cold lately. You have to protect your throat and all of that, so you don't get sick." She said and bit her lip nervously, obviously not really knowing how to take compliments and accept that she had done a good job. "I did not know those are your favorite colors, but I imagined something colorful would look great on you." Carefully, she took the scarf from his hands and folded it in half, moving a bit closer to wrap it around his neck. Her lips were in a pout, deep in concentration as her hands tied the wool into a knot, fixing the ends and adjusting it so it had some volume. "There you go!" Nari stepped back to admire her work. "That's very stylish if you ask me." Well, she had seen the stylists doing it many times, and she had learned a thing or two. "Definitely your colors."
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✩ !
“ i don’t just like it, i love it ! ” he had a big bright smile on his face, fingers running over the soft material of the garment, thinking about how perfect it would be for cold days. knowing that there was a good deal of destinations on tour that had frosty weather, it would surely become a wardrobe staple. “ it’s really nice of you, thank you. it looks like it’ll be so warm and cozy, too, ” looking back up at her, he nodded his head, and allowed her to wrap it around his neck. paying attention to how she styled it, the maknae made note of it; he definitely wasn’t known for fashion arrangement, always needing another member of indigo to tie his ties for him. once she was done, he looked down at her work with a grin. “ wa, i feel so stylish, ” giggling, he held the colourful garment and lifted his shoulders. “ very warm and cozy, ” definitely a favourite already. “ is knitting hard ? i always wanted to try it, but just crocheting was too confusing for me... ”
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
✩ !
arguing over silly things was simply the nature of minjae and yehyun's relationship. some would refer to them as an old married couple, which likely was the best explanation for it, because there they were again — in a prolonged heated debate about the proper way to eat ice cream of all things. others in the area were absolutely giving them looks, but it was practically free entertainment at this point. if it was recorded, it would have made it onto one of those best moments compilation videos.
his face was scrunched up in disagreement and plainly written confusion. “ hyung, eating it with a hot spoon would just ruin the experience, ” his head shook, shuddering at the thought alone. “ it's too many sensations ! you can't focus on the deliciousness of the ice cream when the spoon is hot. you're supposed to enjoy ice cream naturally, ” it felt like they had been repeating the same things for hours now, and his brain, similar to the sides of the mentioned dessert, was turning to mush. “ the best way to do it is to let it sit for like two minutes and then eat it, it's perfect and you don't need a stupid hot spoon. ”
where yehyun and @ofminjae make a discovery
"look, i'm telling you" – venom was in his voice – "that if you're eating a cone, you have to bite, but if you're eating out of a bowl, you need a hot spoon," he tapped the low coffee table he was bent over to reach, leaning on his knees. yehyun and minjae had been situated in a small cove on their floor of the hotel talking – discussing – for what seemed like hours. he was just a little bit surprised other patrons didn't come out to scold them or call security.
"if you just take out a whole tub of ice cream from the freezer, you're not going to be able to eat it without using too much force," yehyun was talking more with his hands at this point. "leaving it to sit out makes it so the sides are too mushy but the inside is still rock hard," his lips pursed, stifling back another joke. how much longer he had to explain this to minjae, he wasn't sure. he was already starting to get sidetracked but he did his best to stay on topic, "so using a hot spoon is your only good option: it cuts through like butter but doesn't melt it all. you can eat it right then and there, no problems." yehyun adjusted himself, resting his face on his hand.
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
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beomgyu ♡ loser=lover (210820)
for @harunaz
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
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Scrubs (2001 — 2010), cr. Bill Lawrence
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
✩ !
in all honesty, the gesture surprised him. it was still something that he was getting used to – receiving gifts, that was. growing up, there was an extreme lack of effort in that and relating departments; only being introduced to the feeling of being appreciated and seen after joining the idol industry. living in the shadows of his older siblings and their successes for as long as he had, getting to know kind people — like nari — was heartening beyond words.
as forgetful as he was ( which was very ! ), minjae didn't think he had ever even mentioned it to her, which is what made the sentiment much more meaningful to him. it was very possible, however, for her to have heard him complaining about being cold, as he only did it five times a day. despite this, a scarf wasn't something he had ever thought of buying for himself, and he stared at the colourful garment in awe. “ how did you even make that ? it's so pretty, ” he looked up at her, wearing a bright smile of his own. “ nooo, oh my god, it's so nice ! green and yellow are my favourite colours, ” he beamed. “ you really didn't have to do that – that's so nice of you. ”
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❀ → @ofminjae​
Boundaries. She knew them, she respected them, and she usually minded her own business because her head was far up in the clouds to actually pay attention. She just happened to be a good observant, that was when she was focused. Nari looked down at the knitted scarf in her hands and then shrugged because really, she probably was stepping too far. “Well, you said that it was cold and the jacket you were wearing was too thin. I imagined that you didn’t own a scarf that matched it.” Not that it mattered much, she had just tried to do something nice for him. 
To be fair, he hadn’t told her. He hadn’t even been talking to her at all. She was just passing by and heard. Potato, potahto. The matter at hand was that she had knitted a scarf for Minjae, a colorful one because for some reason she thought it would fit him better. “I guess,” she paused a moment to gather her thoughts, staring at the scarf as if it was the most interesting thing she had ever seen. If it were a variety show, they would add a caption that read ‘nari.exe has stopped working’, and then the WindowsXP startup sound would play as she looked at him again with a bright smile. “I guess I can knit it again if the color isn’t right.”
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
📱for danbi pls :)
what was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
MINJAE → DANBIIIII ☀️: LOOK AT THIS CUTE PUPPY I JUST MET MINJAE → DANBIIIII ☀️: attachment: image MINJAE → DANBIIIII ☀️: when i adopt one to bring on tour then what MINJAE → DANBIIIII ☀️: also this one reminds me of u attachment: image MINJAE → DANBIIIII ☀️: oh my GOD we should go to a puppy cafe
what was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours?
MINJAE → DANBIIIII ☀️: are u busy ? maybe we can get boba or something MINJAE → DANBIIIII ☀️: i really like hanging out with u MINJAE → DANBIIIII ☀️: attachment: image MINJAE → DANBIIIII ☀️: can u teach me how to play the bass MINJAE → DANBIIIII ☀️: no is that WEIRD i feel like it's weird deletedelete deletr
what was my muses last snapchat to yours?
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what my muse saved your number as?
danbiiiii ☀️
what contact photo my muse has set for yours?
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what ringtone my muse has set for yours?
blue hour by tomorrow x together
how many times my muse has called yours this week?
how many calls has my muse missed from yours?
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
✩ !
gaze landing on the bags at the end of the bed, minjae giggled, nudging their shoulder in return. “ i would never ! ...as long as there's kkobuk chips in there. ”
as he listened to iseul speak, he shifted around a bit, fluffing the pillow before laying back and resting his head on it, facing the other. what they said was something he understood well, often feeling less rested after a few hours of broken sleep over getting none at all. having someone that understood was comforting. “ at least we get a break soon, right ? maybe we can catch up on sleep then... ” a statement he only half-believed, though there was no harm in hoping. maybe by saying it aloud, it would be manifested. at their question, he gave a sigh. struggling to find the right answer, tentative, thoughtfully chosen words were said. “ are you ever sad for no reason ? or... you don't know the reason, at least ? i can't think of anything that specifically made me upset today. it's weird. ”
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they chuckled slightly, nodding to the bags. "to be honest, i have no clue what i grabbed, so i hope it's good," they continued, half-joking. "wouldn't want to be accused of bringing bad snacks to a sleepover." they nudged his shoulder playfully.
pulling themselves under the covers next to him, they rolled over to listen to his words. after he finished, they nodded again. "i sure do," they mumbled, thinking back to their own sleepless nights a few days ago. "i understand, i haven't been able to get much sleep recently either. and sometimes what i do get is less of a help than a hinderance." they sighed, glancing at him. "is anything wrong?" stress was usually the culprit when it came to their own insomnia. being too keyed up was the other, but minjae seemed abnormally calm, so they decided not to ask about that one just yet.
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
“ doyun-hyung ? are you asleep ? ahhh, i wish i was... [yawn] a jurassic park— or is it world ? movie is on the hotel tv right now... why did they make them so scary ? if i saw an indominous rex in real life i'd piss my pants [yawn] what would you do if you were trapped on that island ? i'd probably try and be adopted into a pack of herbivores. imagine being able to ride around on a triceratops or— imagine riding a brachiosaurus ! wah... [silence] dinosaurs are so cool. you should [yawn] check out the ankylosaurus, if you were one you'd be that one... [long silence] it has a club for its tail... hyun would be a raptor... [another yawn] ...who am i ? let me think... [silence for the next hour until his phone dies] ”
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
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Matilda (1996) dir. Danny DeVito
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
what was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
MINJAE → YEHYUNG 😾: did i leave my shoes in your room ? MINJAE → YEHYUNG 😾: attachment: image MINJAE → YEHYUNG 😾: can you tell doyun to answer his phone pllllzz MINJAE → YEHYUNG 😾: why is no one ansering mwe MINJAE → YEHYUNG 😾: where are you. where is doyun. where are my SHOES/help
what was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours?
MINJAE → YEHYUNG 😾: i know i made you mad i'm sorry MINJAE → YEHYUNG 😾: i wish someone would tell me what i'm doing wrong MINJAE → YEHYUNG 😾: i wish we got along better MINJAE → YEHYUNG 😾: do you hate me ? MINJAE → YEHYUNG 😾: i don't know how to be less annoying :(
what was my muses last snapchat to yours?
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what my muse saved your number as?
yehyung 😾
what contact photo my muse has set for yours?
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what ringtone my muse has set for yours?
ring ding dong by shinee
how many times my muse has called yours this week?
how many calls has my muse missed from yours?
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
✩ !
he'd only gotten about five minutes into the episode of his anime before there was a knock at his door, which he knew could only be iseul. quickly pausing the stream, minjae hopped out of the messy bed to open the door for the other, wearing a soft smile while greeting them. it honestly half surprised him that they were still awake, seeing as it was much later than usual, but he was grateful for the fact nonetheless. nights like these were hard; much better spent with a good friend.
“ thank you, so nice, ” he replied, already in the process of crawling back under the covers, leaving the corner untucked so they could also cover up if they wanted to. to make more room, he closed his laptop and shoved it to the far side of the bed, hands then falling into his lap, twiddling with his fingers in an unusual silence.
when they asked what was wrong, his eyebrows pulled together, a frown on his face. “ i don't know, it's weird, ” said with a yawn of his own, a shrug rolled from his shoulders. “ i think i'm just really tired from today, and then i couldn't sleep... and i tried for so long, ” he sighed, rubbing sleepy eyes. “ and then, you know how brains are. ”
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x | @ofminjae
"i come bearing snacks." iseul nudged the door behind them closed with their hip as they pushed their way into the hotel room, hands filled with bags. "and tea."
when their phone had gone off, it had woken them up. rubbing their eyes in the dark room, they'd listened to the voicemail, confused as they only half-processed it. after listening to it again, they'd simply yawned and gotten to their feet without another thought.
moving around in the dark was easy; the hotel room wasn't very large, plus they knew exactly what they were looking for. eventually, they'd slipped their phone into their pocket and moved towards the door, padding down the open hallway in bare feet.
they knew minjae often had trouble sleeping—they'd found themselves in this position many times throughout the tour, if not before—but usually, he either messaged earlier or worked through it by himself. he rarely called late at night, and certainly never this late.
which is how they found themselves plopping the bags of snacks down on the edge of the bed as they hopped up, automatically pulling up close to him. "what's wrong, minnie?" the worry in their voice was evident even around the yawn they tried to hide.
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
"yeah...i wonder how that happened.” she plays along since he hadn’t realized she’d been the culprit behind his wet sleeve. she discreetly hides her drink behind her back and lets it fall as though that was the best way to get rid of any evidence. not the best plan but whatever- out of sight meant out of mind. what did it matter now anyway? it was practically empty anyway right? it’s not like someone else could slip on it. at least that was her current thought process. “it does look silly!” she laughs with him. “here- let me help.” she looks around to see if she could find something to wipe the drink off but when she couldn’t find anything she resorted to using the only thing on hand. danbi grabs part of her dress and begins wiping the excess liquid off. she’d made the mess. only felt right that she clean it up as well. 
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✩ !
too transfixed on the mystery of the wet spot on his sleeve to notice anything else, the indigo member kept giggling, wondering how long it had been there. had he just been wandering around for the past hour with drink on himself ? very plausible, he concluded, remembering how he’d spilled two drinks earlier in the night — and that didn’t include the champagnes for himself and doyun that had left a scattered trail across the ballroom floor because he ran across it. caught off guard by danbi helping dab it dry, minjae froze for a second, relieved that there wasn’t enough lighting for her, or anyone else, to see his flushed cheeks. “ wah, danbi, ” he reached for her hands and gently moved them away, a sheepish smile on his face. “ don’t ruin your pretty dress ! ”
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
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One Sings, the Other Doesn’t (1977)
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
“ umm, issie ? i don't know if you're awake... but if you are, can you call me back ? i can't sleep again, and [sigh] i don't know. doyun's asleep, and i think i annoyed hyun by talking his ear off too much, and i don't know where anyone else is, and i went for a walk but it was too cold, so now i'm sad and cold. [another sigh] i tried calling noona, but... this sucks so much. [pause] i'm going to turn on another episode of spy x family now because it makes me happy. bye, love you~ ”
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
✩ !
it was the rational thing to do, really, and had he been more clear-headed, there wouldn't be a frown on his face at the other's words. though, there wasn't much he could do in opposition — doyun was older, smarter, and only ever had the members' best interests in mind. trusting his judgement was only natural at this point. “ okaaay, at least after these ones, ” a bargain. relaxing back in the chair to get more comfortable, his head tilted at his friend's answer, crease forming between his brows. “ it's so much better than a usual weekday night ! i wish things were always this good, ” he pursed his lips in thought as he looked around the lavish ballroom, feeling much more grounded in that moment. “ something exciting must have happened for you tonight, doyun-hyung ! did you do anything fun ? ”
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"of course," doyun responded, immediately a bit worried as the boy's tone changed. he sank into the chair opposite, listening intently, and following minjae's cue to remove his mask. that felt somewhat better. the clothes still felt unnatural, but at least he could see properly now.
when the other mentioned that he didn't really know how much he'd drank, a familiar twinge of panic rose in his stomach. he squished it down quickly—it didn't matter. he was there, nothing was going to happen to either of them; he knew this. but instincts were hard to combat. he smiled, shaking his head. "then definitely no more drinks for you." at minjae's second question, he took a deep breath, letting it all out in a sigh as he thought. "i don't know if i'd call it fun," he replied, half-teasing, "but, well...it's better than a usual weekday night, let's put it that way." at least he wasn't stuck at the concert venue until the ungodly hours of the morning. the lifestyle of an idol was decidedly not for him.
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ofminjae-archive · 2 years
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[230210] sugar rush ride ✿ beomgyu facecam
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