ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
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Here’s something I’m not getting. If YOU are insecure, and YOU think everyone is out to get you, why are you putting that on other people?
It’s really crappy to come on here and see people actually telling their followers not to follow duplicates of their characters, or not to follow other oc’s with the same face claim.
Like why would you even put that guilt on someone else is beyond me, when they arent the one with the issue.
If you have that issue, let me just remind you that you.
1. are being extremely selfish.
2. you did not CREATE, INVENT, NOR DRAW this character.
It is ridiculous to feel insecure or even better, THREATENED by someone rping as the same muse. And the funniest part of it is? Its people rping MAIN STREAM CHARACTERS who are pulling this crap!
If you’re an oc, it’s fair to say “don’t copy my story/ideas” because oc ideas can be really hard to come up with. That goes unsaid. But when you use a faceclaim that you didnt personally create yourself, you have no right to attack or even tell people not to use your face claim.
That’s crazy.
That is literally INSANE.
You cannot own something you did not create.
I don’t own Yuna, but hell, if another Yuna followed me and I liked her blog, you can bet I would hop right onto rping with her. That would be hella fun, if you ask me.
And another issue?
Having insecure friends who force their partners to being exclusive to them ONLY.
That ruins the fun for everyone. Every person has a different way of writing their muse. My Yuna is way different from another persons Yuna, because the way I write Yuna is filtered through my brain. Where as another persons Yuna muse is filtered through their brain. It all comes out different and no one is actually COPYING someone else for having the same character.
Do you know how infuriating and frustrating it is trying to have threads with people who play these games? Do you know how it feels to be on the receiving END of someone badgering me on skype or aim saying “DON’T RPING WITH THAT OTHER PERSONS MUSE.. BE EXCLUSIVE TO ME!!”
The guilt is bullshit, and it’s crap that you’re insecure and flat out possessive of a fictional character enough to GUILT someone into feeling bad for talking to someone else with the same muse.
Quite frankly, I’m tired of this shit.
Rping here used to be so much fun, but now I log in and see all this petty crap everywhere and it’s a real turn off.
Which massively sucks, cause A LOT OF YOU who I, and mutually follow seem like really amazing writers.
I know a lot of you guys get this sort of shit too, so I’m not speaking just from my own personal experience. I have lots of friends who also feel this way, and I am sure there are many others who do as well.
If we could all just get along and co-exist, maybe all of you would be able to fucking chill and write, like you’re supposed to on here, instead of getting wigged out and causing drama everywhere.
I’m 24 years old IRL. I don’t need this kind of shit from people in their late teens and early twenties.
If you’re insecure about your writing, that’s fine. Maybe you should watch this video and try to learn to overcome it.
There is really no reason at all to make your followers and friends feel like crap for enjoying someone else who has the same muse. I have played with numerous Tidus’s on here, EACH one of them completely different in their portrayal. Same with the various Clouds, Aeriths, Squalls, ect ect ect that I have bumped into over the years.
You all write your muses in a unique way. Because your muse is filtered through your own brain, and guess what.
There is only ONE you in the entire world. Which makes YOU special as well as the way you portray your muse.
My main point is, don’t make people feel bad and please, stop trying to make people feel bad for following duplicates. I almost feel bad for even using the word duplicate here, seeing as there is no original, other than the actual character that was actually created by the respective companies that produced them.
Thanks for reading or not reading. idgaf.
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
Do not, do not, do not, do not, do not, do not, do not steal things off other people’s blogs. That includes icons, gifs, head canons, about pages, rules pages, any pages, any text, any images, anything. It does not matter if they have a little disclaimer that says ‘don’t steal my shit’ or not. Do not take anything from someone else’s blog (unless they explicitly say to you ‘yes you may use this’).
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
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【♂ ホット 】:
        There is a distinct eeriness within this place. One she has felt        before. The chill of a youma — an evil spirit is amongst them.        Dark eyes glance to the side; the super-sentai clad male aside        her follows her lead within the lair of this creature. There are         several life-sized dolls scattered about. Each with piercing eyes        that seem to penetrate the soul. ❝I have a bad feeling — there        is something watching us.❞
        They continue onwards, and the door behind them shuts on its        own. Alerted, the both of them turn around, only to see a wall         aligned with more dolls. The beating of her heart refuses to         still; as she turns her head, she notices one of the dolls has moved        from it’s place. ❝Did you move that..?❞ Rei cannot help but ask.        The shaking of Yosukes head, as well as his sudden closeness         to her, is sign enough that he has not moved any of the dolls        within the room.
        ❝What do you mean you didn’t move that doll—!❞
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
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                                                                               I’ll make you feel so much regret                                                               it’ll leave you numb!                                                  ♃ . ♃ . ♃. ©
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
                ——————— MEMENTO MORI ———————
                                                  remember, you are mortal.                                                   remember that you will die.
                                                           written by chris.
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
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                 ❝It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.❞
                         Independent Usagi & Princess Serenity                                            artwork credit
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
azoriumcosmos replied to your post
s t a r e s.
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S T A R E S B A C K .
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
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【♂ ホット 】:
        Rei is not one to care for Usagi's yelling; especially when it is         over something so absurd. The mirror is not anything special.         As far as Rei knows, it is simply just a plain compact that she         has rarely used. Lithe fingers carefully pick up some of the larger         pieces of glass. Turning towards Chibiusa, as well as the small         plastic trash can, Rei first disposes of the shards. ❝It's all right,         you aren't in trouble, Chibiusa.❞
        A small grin rests on her lips, as she shifts to stand up. ❝Why         don't we try and get this mess cleaned up, for Tsukino-san,❞         and by Tsukino-san, she means Usagi's mother. ❝--And maybe         we can go get some ice cream.❞ Que a wink, that accompanies         the ever-growing grin, followed by a hand that reaches out         toward Chibiusa. 
        Now, the only thing left to do is to try and find a broom.
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【♂ ホット 】:
        There would be the slight arch of an eyebrow, had surprise not         already etched its way across her features. Surely, Usagi and         Chibiusa had gone at it again. The evidence lay around the girl         in pieces: a smashed hand-held mirror.
        Rei kneels, placing a hand at the pinkettes shoulder. ❝Careful,❞         the miko attempts to soothe, whilst easing her away from the tiny         sharp shards that lay at her feet. ❝You didn’t cut yourself, right?❞
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        She doesn’t know what it is about Usagi that makes her lose her temper so easily. Maybe it is because there is such a strong difference between her and Mama, that it’s difficult for even Chibiusa to wrap her head around the idea sometimes that they are, indeed, the same person. When Rei kneels before her, she looks up with watery eyes, tinged red around the edges from her incessant crying. 
        ❝No—- I’m fine. I’m sorry about the mess…❞ Except, not really. Not really, because it is Usagi’s mirror that is broken and Usagi’s outbursts heard down the hall, after stomping out of the room. Stupid odango-head.  She lets Rei lead her from the wreckage of sharp glass and then abruptly hugs the other, burying her head against her shoulder. 
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
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【♂ ホット 】:
        Surprise etches its way across her features. Had this boy been         standing there the entire time? Dark eyes glance to the side; a         pile of ashes are all that is left of the youma in question. This         is definitely a first, for Mars. Thus far, the only Sailor Moon and         Sailor Venus have been caught in action by the public. She         can only imagine how this looks.
        ❝A superhero..?❞ Wasn't that how she explained her power to          Usagi, sometime ago? A super power. It made sense. Perhaps in         someway, she is like a super hero. A white glove clad hand lifts to         brush long dark tresses from her face. What else could she say?         That she's the reincarnation of a warrior from Mars, destined to         find, and protect an unnamed Moon Princess?
        For the sake of being discrete, she, then, nods. The look of surprise         melts away from her facial features. ❝Yes -- I am..! I'm an agent of         love and fire, the pretty sailor suited soldier, Sailor Mars!❞
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"That’s a pretty interesting get up you got going on…" Lingering on his offhand comment, eyes were guided aloft her attire, eventually shifting gloved palms into the interior of obsidian pockets. "You some kinda’ superhero—?"
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
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【♂ ホット 】:
        Rumors of suspicious activities, related to strange energies is what         draws her here. Like moth to a flame, she cannot help but investigate         the area. Upon her questioning, a stranger interrupts. With the turn         of her head, there is a stern expression written across her features.
        What he said could be taken as truth; bored children who see something         slightly out of place assuming the supernatural is at play. However, all         matters of this variety are worth looking into. ❝--Unless they are true, and         the culprit is trying to cover their tracks.❞ There is an undertone of accusation         with those words.
        The fearless Miko then turns away from the old lady she was speaking to         moments prior; her gaze settles upon the man in a slight squint. ❝What         would you happen to know about this 'rumor'?❞
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        “There  is  no  way  that  can  be  true, you know.             If I were you, I’d check my sources. Rumours can’t be trusted.”
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
Send me &*& and...
I will generate a number from 1-175 for what my muse will say to yours. (Mix of angst, fluff, and random)
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
if you’re ever sad just picture one half of your otp getting tangled in a bunch of christmas lights and instead of helping free them, the other half plugs them in and dubs them the new attractive christmas tree
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
psa ;; please never expect me to respond quickly to anything ever. whether or not it’s a thread, it’s an ask, it’s a meme — whether or not I responded quickly the time before — whether or not I’m online — etc, etc, etc. I promise I’m not ignoring you, I promise I’m doing my best. I have tons of responsibilities not related to tumblr, && I also need to eat && sleep && sometimes I’m just not emotionally game. It’s not because I don’t like you, it’s not because I don’t want to do the thing, it’s because I’m human. show a little consideration, please && thank you!
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
"Rei-chan did you... did you cook these?" There's a certain degree of pain to her expression; Rei has four fingers to the pulse of her weakness and she's pressing /hard./ The food in question is brittle, burned, all around generally unflavored and above all, unsavory. There isn't anything appealing about the dish /whatsoever/ and it's all the taller can do not to say so.
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【♂ ホット 】:
        That look on her face says it all. The cupcakes she attempted —        key word: attempted — were clearly horrible. Even had Rei not        held a vice-girp on Mako’s arm; her lithe little fingers pressing         down, anxiously, on her pulse, the expression would be the very        same. Rei is not one of the culinary arts; especially when it came        to baking any sort of pastry. 
        She is a warrior, after all; and unlike Makoto, warriors seldom make        for great chefs. ❝I did,❞ she replies through gritted teeth, and a        look of embarrassment. There is no way that her cooking could be         worse than Usagis; there was no way.  ❝Its a recipe I found in my         families cook-book.❞ She can hardly bring herself to ask Mako-chan        if she likes the taste of it. It doesn’t take clairvoyance to know that        answer.
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
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ofudas-blog1 · 10 years
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                                  on silver wings,                                    she believes.
                                   ⚜ ⚜ ⚜
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