constantvigilxnce · 2 years
Hog’s Head, Thursday
Open to all
Sat at the familiar bar, Alastor’s gaze moved around the room and took in the crowd. It was likely the busiest he’d seen it, though not nearly as busy as the Three Broomsticks. Not many people could turn down cheaper drinks, not that they were bad priced to begin with. Firewhiskey in hand, he was taking a drink just as he heard the stool beside him start to be pulled out. “Mmm–” Swallowing the long swig, he shook his head in the direction of the other. “Not that one. Stool is broken and barely hanging on.” One of the reasons he preferred the particular spot he was in, but the man wasn’t drunk enough to get entertainment of someone busting their ass when they tried sitting down.
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spareheir · 2 years
Regulus & Open The Three Broomsticks
Out of touch was one way of putting things, with Regulus having recognized he was in over his head despite being in familiar territory. There could have been a more subtle approach to the whole thing. Perhaps having reached out to his brother or a cousin... Anything to announce his little hiatus of sorts had come to an end.
There was no polite way to phrase things though. Not when gone for as long as he had been. That thought alone had been enough to decide his face was worth showing once situated in London. Hogsmeade hadn't been the most ideal spot (too crowded, in his opinion), but there were happier memories than the other locations he was familiar with.
He remained seated at a table toward the back of the restaurant, sipping pumpkin juice and absentmindedly pushing breakfast around the plate with his fork. The occasional glance was thrown whenever someone walked by, but he didn't say anything, content to soak in the calm and quiet while he could.
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xdorcasxmeadowesx · 2 years
open: everyone. location: three broomsticks, thursday. event one: one year anniversary.
There was always something comforting about the Three Broomsticks. Call it nostalgia from school of ordering butterbeer and spiking the drinks so hard that the group could barely walk straight, laughing as they walked out the door and into the street. Dorcas needed the good, ridiculous memory because "celebrating" their "win" was only a reminder that her father never returned home. He was still missing. The Death Eaters had him. She tried not to think of what they'd done to him especially since the war was over. But he was gone and he wouldn't want her to go down a rabbit hole.
Looking down, she raised her finger over the mug and swirled the heavily spiked butterbeer. She smiled, needing something but didn't know what. Maybe someone else knew, she thought, as someone seemed to linger around her booth. "If you have nowhere else to go you can sit here. I don't usually bite."
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
Quidditch Stands, Wednesday
Open to all
There wasn’t much in the world which could keep Emma Vanity away from a day full of Quidditch. Sure, she packed away her own robes and put her competition days behind her when she accepted her job at the Ministry (unless she convinced someone to play against her when she was feeling particularly restless), but she was usually one of the loudest cheers in the stands when she was watching one of her favorite teams. The Appleby Arrows weren’t playing for another couple hours, but the young woman had zero intention of moving and losing her perfect spot. Cannons were playing the Harpies, and when a particular nasty hit wasn’t called the blonde shot up out of her seat. “What the hell was that?” she demanded, standing up on her tip toes Emma looked as if she was ready to climb up on her seat just to be seen. “Did somebody bribe you not to call that because they can’t actually play?” After her slight dramatics, it just occurred to her somebody had been sitting beside her and she’d been yelling in their ear. Turning her gaze towards the other, Emma merely shrugged her shoulders--- not looking all too apologetic. “It’s a new referee today.”
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fantastic-wizards · 1 year
open to: selective non-mutuals made with: beta editor muse: potter, post hogwarts ( 25+ only muses )
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" It's never been that simple , but let's not get into that. We doing this or what? "
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mtkiz4405 · 10 months
Bespin Labs' "Patronum" - Revolutionizing Google Workspace Management
Bespin Labs, a pioneering force in Google Cloud solutions, has once again solidified its position as a leader in the tech world with its flagship product, Patronum. Following a significant win in the IT Awards 2023, we delve into the world of Patronum and the innovative minds at Bespin Labs.
Introducing Bespin Labs and Patronum
Founded by the visionary CEO, Paul Lees, Bespin Labs embarked on its journey as an Official Google Cloud Partner in 2018. The launch of Patronum in 2019 marked a significant milestone, introducing a ground breaking solution for Google Workspace (G Suite) Management. The journey of Patronum is one of innovation and adaptability. Originally conceived as a Google backup and archive tool, Bespin Labs pivoted its focus towards enhancing user lifecycle management in Google Workspace. This strategic shift leveraged their deep understanding of Google APIs, leading to the creation of a market-leading user lifecycle management solution for Google Workspace Administrators. Patronum stands out with its comprehensive toolset designed to streamline the management of Google Workspace users. It adeptly handles the starters, leavers, and movers process, enhancing organizational efficiency. Additionally, Patronum provides invaluable insights into Google Drive sharing exposure, enabling organizations to address file-sharing risks proactively.
Patronum: A Comprehensive Solution for Google Workspace Administrators
Patronum has redefined the way organizations manage their Google Workspace environments. With a focus on efficiency and security, Patronum introduces several key features:
Complete Onboarding and Offboarding of Google Workspace Users: Patronum automates the provisioning and deprovisioning of users within Google Workspace, making administrator and user tasks efficient and secure​​.
Automated File Unsharing and Compliance: Reducing organizational exposure, Patronum automates the unsharing of Google Files and the clean-up of file sharing with external organizations​​.
Google Contact Sharing: As the only enterprise-ready contact sharing application for Google Workspace, Patronum enables users to share specific contacts via labels, enhancing visibility and management for administrators​​.
Email Signature Management for Gmail: Patronum provides a solution for consistent and dynamic Google Workspace email signatures, ensuring a unified professional appearance across all user emails​​.
Google Drive Management: Offering more control over Google Drive files and folders, Patronum enables administrators to share, copy, and even backup users' Google Drive contents​​.
Google Workspace Backup: An added layer of data protection, allowing for reliable backup of critical Google Workspace contents including Email, Calendar, Contacts, Files and Shared Drives.
Customer-Centric Approach: The Core of Bespin Labs
At the heart of Bespin Labs is a customer-first philosophy, influencing everything from feature development to pricing strategies. This approach has garnered a diverse client base, from large multinationals to specialized retailers. The ability to understand and address customer challenges is what sets Bespin apart in the competitive IT landscape.
Simplicity in Design: A Key to Success
In an industry marked by complexity, Bespin Labs excels in simplifying user interaction. The focus on creating intuitive user interfaces and delightful user experiences underlines their commitment to ease of use, even in complex processes.
Recognition and Future Vision
The recent accolade of Most Innovative Cloud-Based App Development Company 2023 - in the IT Awards is a testament to Bespin Labs' dedication to excellence. Looking forward, Patronum is poised to continue its role as the "Guardian" of Google Workspace, evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of Google Workspace Administrators & its users.
Media Contact: Name. – Paul Lees
Email – [email protected] Website – www.bespinlabs.com, www.patronum.io
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ofthunderbirds · 6 years
° ★ 。☾ ❛ –> starter for @amagizoologistscase
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    ---- while newt was speaking with dumbledore, the rest of the group had either scattered, gone back to their respective safe places, (or in tina’s case) just leaning against the bridge they were on staring downwards. there was a lot going through her mind- every thought whizzing by about a hundred miles. letting out a small sigh before she turned around, tina looked at those who were left, noticing the others appeared just as numb as she. turning back around to see newt walking back from the castle, she gave a small smile.
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tobiashwn · 2 years
wanted plots
hi guys! i’m currently not on my laptop so i don’t have these added to an official plot page however, these are official plots available for tobias that i’d love to write with others! whether we are in the midst of plotting or not, if one of these catches your eye please comment below or lmk in dms!
also \\ after it was pointed out to me i NEED to clarify that tobias eats the cafeteria food on campus ( in reference to my intro post bec i was not thorough with any of my starters ffffff ) he’s not making fun of anyone and like may be an asshole but doesn’t do that in general ripppp
expecto patronum \\ tobias doesn’t know his patronus. he doesn’t intend to find out. and when asked, depending on his mood he’ll either smile it off or simply state, “i don’t have one.” now now though, just exactly what kind of wizard wouldn’t have a patronus? dark ones. he’d say. after all, dark wizards don’t have the ability to conjure up a patronus, didn’t you know?
alibi \\ you’re in the restricted section of the grand library well past its opening hours. no one else is around, or so you think. that is until you hear some footsteps and some shuffling before the tip of a wand is placed in front of your face with a groundskeeper asking what you’re doing there in the middle of the night. by your luck, tobias comes around the corner with a note stating you’re both there with special permission for research and the groundskeeper buys it. you’ve piqued tobias’ interest, “now then… just what exactly are you doing here at this time of the night?”
the mysterious package \\ you happen across a mysterious package left behind in a defense against the dark arts classroom one day. on its label clearly states “tobias moon”. having been acquainted or knowing the wizard graduate, you decide to take it upon yourself to chase him down and deliver it to him. but for some reason, muffled screaming seems to be coming from inside the package the longer you go searching for him. when you finally find tobias, he seems too nonchalant about whatever is inside it.
take a challenge \\ surprisingly, despite his habits of always trying to find something fun do to, tobias isn’t a part of many other groups or activities. but there’s something about him that you’re curious about. after a chat one day with tobias, you manage to convince him to stop by the dueling club to watch. with the duels that take place, will it interest him enough to stay? ( aka i’m planning to add him to the club and think it’d be fun if ic someone convinced him to join! )
the matriarch \\ everyone and anyone who has heard about or knows tobias, knows the character he has. brilliant, outspoken, and carefree. however, one day you see him in town with a much older woman. perhaps, his grandmother? but the thing that’s jarring is the way tobias seems to be a completely different person. there’s no air of cheer, no smiles, not the slightest to show that he’s the same person.
clueless \\ it’s never been confirmed if tobias’ father was a death eater or not. maybe this is something that bugs you. or something you want to be the first to uncover the truth of. one things for sure, tobias does not take kindly to any questions regarding this topic and his father. be careful what words you choose to use. making enemies with the moon family isn’t something you should be inviting upon yourself.
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goldngxl · 4 years
Segue abaixo 6 starters já prontos, feitos baseados em coisas que achei que seriam legais de desenvolver. É aquele esqueminha maroto que a gente já conhece: é só escolher um e responder! 
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1) ❝ Eu tenho uma poção revigorante na minha bolsa em algum lugar... ❞ o feitiço expansor facilitava que carregasse tanta coisa numa bolsa tão pequena, mas o trabalho que tinha para procurar qualquer coisa ali era irritante. Contudo, não demorou para que a ruiva tirasse o pequeno frasco dali, o oferecendo a MUSE. ❝ Aqui, eu acho que vai te ajudar. Você parece estar precisando. ❞ 
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2) ❝ É tão difícil assim aceitar que a gente jogou melhor que vocês? ❞ A Weasley exclamou, fuzilando o capitão do time adversário com os olhos. Era para ser apenas um amistoso, contudo, a recusa do time anterior em aceitar que a Grifinória tinha ganhado o jogo. ❝ Mesmo com aquele balaço azarado, nós ganhamos. E não adianta falar que fomos nós, a gente não rouba! E não faria sentido mandar um balaço para o nosso próprio time! Não é culpa nossa vocês não saberem perder. ❞ 
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3)  ❝ Casamento arranjado é uma ideia retrógrada, antiquada, machista e anula completamente o direito de escolha de uma pessoa. Casar para manter o sangue puro? Tipo? This a fucking episode of Game of Thrones? ❞ Rose não costumava medir palavras ao expor sua opinião, e não seria diferente agora que escutava tantos rumores sobre casamentos arranjados. Qual é, eles estavam em 1800 por acaso? O que tinha acontecido com o livre arbítrio?  ❝ E nem me deixe começar a falar sobre o casamento adolescente né, porque assim... Todo mundo tem o que? 16, 17 anos? E os pais querem que eles casem? That's fucked up. ❞
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4) ❝ Expecto Patronum! ❞ A voz da Weasley soou alta diante do silêncio em que a floresta proibida se encontrava, e por um segundo ela pensou que devia falar mais baixo. Eram pouco mais de seis da manhã, e como de costume, aquele era o momento que a bruxa tirava para treinar, aproveitando que tinha a primeira aula vaga e que naquela hora eram pouquíssimas as pessoas que estavam acordadas, ou seja, teria paz durante um bom tempo sem ter que lidar com ninguém. Não que não gostasse, só que às vezes era bom ter um tempo para si, para pensar e colocar em prática algumas coisas que vinha tentando. Por isso soou tão frustrada quando bufou diante da terceira tentativa falha de ao tentar executar o feitiço do patrono. Sabia que tecnicamente não tinha necessidade de aprender, pois os dementadores haviam sido expulsos de Azkaban, e agora Hogwarts realmente parecia um lugar seguro, mas Rose tinha aquela mania de se provar capaz de fazer tudo o que se propunha a aprender. Não seria diferente agora. ❝ Okay. Mais uma vez ❞ respirando fundo, a Weasley ergueu sua varinha num movimento gracioso e fechou os olhos. Sua mente viajou para um lugar distante, em busca de memórias felizes, as mais felizes de todas. A escolhida por ela daquela vez foi quando voou pela primeira vez, ainda criança. ❝ Expecto Patronum ❞ exclamou, abrindo os olhos a tempo de ver a luz branca sair da ponta de sua varinha, o que a fez sorrir largo; sorriso este que logo se desfez quando a luz se tornou névoa e logo se dissipou. ❝ Não, vamos lá. De novo ❞ com a varinha apontada mais uma vez, Rose chegou a proferir a primeira palavra do feitiço mas não concluiu, pois pensou ter ouvido passos e não hesitou em atacar seu visitante inusitado com um "estupefaça" que certamente não foi esperado.  ❝ Por Morgana, você tá bem? Não se chega por trás das pessoas assim, sabia? ❞
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Se aproximou apenas quando reconheceu MUSE, a expressão preocupada demonstrando o arrependimento. Bem, não era como se fosse 100% culpa dela também.
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5) O pequenino corpo da raposa  voltou a sua forma humana em questão de segundos, e logo a raposa foi substituída por Rose Weasley, que passava a mão pela roupa na intenção de limpá-la com a maior naturalidade do mundo, como se não fosse um animago ilegal. Sim, Ilegal, pois não tivera o apoio de Hermione quando contou a ela que queria tentar ser uma animaga, então desde que tinha conseguido tudo permanecia um segredo. Pelo menos até ali, não tivesse MUSE flagrado Rose bem na hora de sua transformação.  ❝ O que você tá fazendo aqui? ❞
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6) A música era um prazer que Rose nem sempre se dava a oportunidade de aproveitar. Sendo tão focada em suas atividades acadêmicas, era comum que não tivesse tanto tempo para atividades extracurriculares, e quando o assunto era algo que ela não fazia há muito tempo era fácil deixar de lado. Era o que sempre acontecia com o violoncelo. Sabendo tocar desde muito nova, quando viu na TV uma musicista que a deixou obcecada pelo instrumento, Rose só costumava recorrer a ele quando se sentia sobrecarregada e precisava se distrair - algo que acontecia com muita frequência ultimamente -. Acontecia a mesma a coisa com o canto, mas naquele instante todas as suas energias estavam focadas em terminar aquela peça, tão concentrada que levou um susto quando viu MUSE entrando, o que a fez parar imediatamente de tocar.
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flintmarc · 4 years
— starter call: interações rápidas para o plot semanal; #1 ( 17/12 )
Marcus odeia os dementadores, em algum momento já foi o boggart dele, então responda com um "🥺" para tentar acalmá-lo no meio desse caos. ( Tracey )
Ah, o expecto patronum... que Marcus não sabe produzir. Uma pena. Quer salvar ele das garras de um dementador? Responde aí com "☠️"
Que tal você tentar ajudar Marquinhos a ver que o frio, os dementadores, não são algo a se temer tanto? Responde com "✨" para observar a nevasca com ele da janela.
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goldenreign · 4 years
@frcznreign​​ said: “ what do thestrals look like? ” from lucia // harry potter starters.
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with as much time as she and magnus had spent taking the creatures apples and other little treats throughout the year,   she’s not surprised lucia is curious about them.   regardless of how lucia might feel towards cleo,   she knows that the ravenclaw will always care for her brother’s wellbeing.   magnus and cleiona both been at the ministry when the death eater’s had attacked,   they had both witnessed her father’s death firsthand.   their surprise and curiosity at the creatures who pulled the carriages at the start of the year had led to many afternoons in the edges of the forest with the herd;   hagrid had been kind enough in the moments he’d been available to explain about how to care for them.   confliction wells behind her green-blue eyes as she meets lucia’s gaze,   wary of revealing too much of herself.   reading only genuine curiosity and perhaps a touch of concern in the other witch’s expression,   cleiona draws her wand and closes her eyes.
she and emilia are splashing around in the fountain the summer before her fifth year,   the warmth of the sun kissing their skin and the echoes of their laughter filling her ears.   their father had come to fetch them,   but the girls had tugged him into the fountain with them and soon they were all soaked to the bone and laughing until they cried.   
there’s a bit of stinging in her eyes as she opens them.   “   expecto patronum.   ”   the silvery white light that bursts from her wand takes the skeletal form of a thestral,   flapping its leathery wings a few times and galloping around the two girls.   it comes to a stop at cleo’s side,   cocking its head at lucia as though taking her measure.   a tear rolls down cleo’s cheek as she releases the memory and the creature fades away.   hastily wiping it away,   she clears her throat.   “   they’re really very gentle creatures.   ”   she had discovered her patronus had changed forms only recently,   in trying to encourage magnus to practice producing one of his own.   
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parismemes · 5 years
SPELL-BASED SCENARIOS! Send in a spell for a starter based on the scenario it describes! When applicable, add ‘reverse’ for the muses’ roles to be swapped!
alohomora -- our muses are locked in a room with eachother and must work together to find a way out. bonus points if the muses don’t get along!
brackium emendo -- your muse has broken a bone and mine must attempt to set it.
cantis -- your muse has just walked in on mine singing along badly to their favorite song.
dissendium -- our muses have just found a secret passageway in a place they both frequent.
expecto patronum -- my muse tells yours about a happy memory they just got reminded of.
finestra -- your muse shattered a window of my muses house.
glacius -- it’s cold outside and the heater has broken, meaning our muses have to find another way to stay warm.
homenum revelio -- my muse has just found yours spying on/stalking them.
incendio -- my muse has accidentally set something on fire and urgently seeks out your muse for help.
levicorpus -- your muse is stuck in a tree and calls my muse to help them down.
melofors -- my muse just got their head stuck in a pumpkin. yours is the only person nearby.
nox -- our muses are alone on an empty street when the streetlights suddenly begin to go out.
obliviate -- my muse has amnesia and can’t remember a thing about yours.
piscifors -- your muse is a mermaid mine has just discovered washed up on the shore.
quietus -- your muse is vehemently refusing to listen to mine, going so far as covering their ears.
riddikulus -- your muse is scared and mine attempts to make them laugh.
scourgify -- my muse gets home to find yours tidying up for them.
titillando -- your muse sneaks up behind mine and begins to tickle them.
unbreakable vow -- my muse makes a promise to yours.
ventus -- the wind blows something your muse has (papers/a hat/etc) away from them and my muse catches it.
wingardium leviosa -- our muses are in a high place (a ferris wheel/a skyscraper/a plane/etc), and mine is afraid of heights.
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nanlanmo asked: expecto patronum – my muse tells yours about a happy memory they just got reminded of.
SPELL-BASED SCENARIOS! Send in a spell for a starter/drabble based on the scenario it describes: ACCEPTING
“Y’know, when El first came to me, things didn’t go smoothly right away,” remarked Richard, a small smile playing on his lips as he let the palms of his hand snake round his warm mug of coffee. “She was so quiet. When she did talk I knew tha’ she didn’t really have any interest on tellin’ me how her day was, she was just bein’ polite. Not only tha’, but things were a complete mess back then. I had no idea how to work my work-schedule round takin’ care of her or how to cook a meal tha’ we could both enjoy, among other things. We even had a couple of fights, El and I. I remembered thinkin’ tha’ I couldn’t do this. Tha’ El hated me. Tha’ she saw nothin’ of her in me and vice versa. How the hell could we be related, y’know?”
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The tip of his index finger began to skate round the brim of his mug before letting his gaze meet that of Jessica’s. “Y’know those moments where in things just fit together? I dunno’ wha’ brought ‘bout it. Maybe we had finally gone over our teethin’ stage? Wha’ever it was, one day El and I decided to have a cuppa’ tea at this table, as you and I are havin’ righ’ now. She started drawin’. I asked her wha’ she was drawin’ and for once she didn’t reply with a single-worded answer. She was a wee chatterbox. She didn’t stop. Eventually, tha’ conversation lead to another then to another,” he smiled. “This is gonna sound really cheesy, but besides bein’ able to finally connect to her, I think one of my favourite things ‘bout tha’ afternoon was the fact tha’ when I looked closely, I realized, she had my eyes.”
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gerudospiriit · 5 years
expecto patronum – my muse tells yours about a happy memory they just got reminded of.
Magical Starter Scenarios || Open!
expecto patronum – my muse tells yours about a happy memory they just got reminded of.
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✧ ☀ ☾✧             As with anyone who requested to know her relationship status with the Saiyan prince, all she could only offer the tech a shrug of her left shoulder. They had a bond and were certainly exclusive considering how territorial Vegeta came with her and she wouldn’t appreciate him sharing his bed with anyone else. However, neither of them seemed keen on settling on any sort of conventional label. A decision that didn’t bother her; she had her own apprehensions with developing “ proper ” relationships.
           The Gerudo downed another shot. “ I was engaged at one time, you know. ” Perhaps it was the liquor dredging up old emotions, both good and bad, but she only minutely considered she should have kept that to herself. She refilled her glass, the band on her left arm suddenly heavy. “ Obviously, that didn’t quite work out. I remember the day, though, because the shock and joy was...overwhelming. Likely because I was never the romantic type but with him...it was always different. I think it was mostly because he could have had anyone he wanted, literally had women clambering for him. But...he chose me. ”
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mtkiz4405 · 10 months
Bespin Labs' "Patronum" - Revolutionizing Google Workspace Management
Bespin Labs' "Patronum" - Revolutionizing Google Workspace Management
Bespin Labs, a pioneering force in Google Cloud solutions, has once again solidified its position as a leader in the tech world with its flagship product, Patronum. Following a significant win in the IT Awards 2023, we delve into the world of Patronum and the innovative minds at Bespin Labs.
Introducing Bespin Labs and Patronum
Founded by the visionary CEO, Paul Lees, Bespin Labs embarked on its journey as an Official Google Cloud Partner in 2018. The launch of Patronum in 2019 marked a significant milestone, introducing a ground breaking solution for Google Workspace (G Suite) Management. The journey of Patronum is one of innovation and adaptability. Originally conceived as a Google backup and archive tool, Bespin Labs pivoted its focus towards enhancing user lifecycle management in Google Workspace. This strategic shift leveraged their deep understanding of Google APIs, leading to the creation of a market-leading user lifecycle management solution for Google Workspace Administrators. Patronum stands out with its comprehensive toolset designed to streamline the management of Google Workspace users. It adeptly handles the starters, leavers, and movers process, enhancing organizational efficiency. Additionally, Patronum provides invaluable insights into Google Drive sharing exposure, enabling organizations to address file-sharing risks proactively.
Patronum: A Comprehensive Solution for Google Workspace Administrators
Patronum has redefined the way organizations manage their Google Workspace environments. With a focus on efficiency and security, Patronum introduces several key features:
Complete Onboarding and Offboarding of Google Workspace Users: Patronum automates the provisioning and deprovisioning of users within Google Workspace, making administrator and user tasks efficient and secure​​.
Automated File Unsharing and Compliance: Reducing organizational exposure, Patronum automates the unsharing of Google Files and the clean-up of file sharing with external organizations​​.
Google Contact Sharing: As the only enterprise-ready contact sharing application for Google Workspace, Patronum enables users to share specific contacts via labels, enhancing visibility and management for administrators​​.
Email Signature Management for Gmail: Patronum provides a solution for consistent and dynamic Google Workspace email signatures, ensuring a unified professional appearance across all user emails​​.
Google Drive Management: Offering more control over Google Drive files and folders, Patronum enables administrators to share, copy, and even backup users' Google Drive contents​​.
Google Workspace Backup: An added layer of data protection, allowing for reliable backup of critical Google Workspace contents including Email, Calendar, Contacts, Files and Shared Drives.
Customer-Centric Approach: The Core of Bespin Labs
At the heart of Bespin Labs is a customer-first philosophy, influencing everything from feature development to pricing strategies. This approach has garnered a diverse client base, from large multinationals to specialized retailers. The ability to understand and address customer challenges is what sets Bespin apart in the competitive IT landscape.
Simplicity in Design: A Key to Success
In an industry marked by complexity, Bespin Labs excels in simplifying user interaction. The focus on creating intuitive user interfaces and delightful user experiences underlines their commitment to ease of use, even in complex processes.
Recognition and Future Vision
The recent accolade of Most Innovative Cloud-Based App Development Company 2023 - in the IT Awards is a testament to Bespin Labs' dedication to excellence. Looking forward, Patronum is poised to continue its role as the "Guardian" of Google Workspace, evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of Google Workspace Administrators & its users.
Media Contact: Name. – Paul Lees
Email – [email protected] Website – www.bespinlabs.com, www.patronum.io
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pureblooded-outcast · 5 years
Starter || @lupiinee
Third year was gearing up to be a disaster, at least in his opinion it was. Dementors on the train and around the school haunting his every waking step and sending his sister into fits of tears. An uncaring ministry that leaves these nightmare creatures on school ground. Last but not least an escaped convict who wanted to murder one of his classmates prowling the school!  
Slipping his wand back into the pocket of his robes Gladion cracked his knuckles whilst sitting upon an empty desk. His nose crinkled as he spotted a few flecks of dust in the sunbeams; he watched the dust floating about trying to pinpoint his happiest memory. Feeling slightly giddy thinking this might just be the one he took his wand out once more pointing it forward while speaking in a strong even voice.
“Expecto Patronum!”
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Gladion huffed in aggravation when all he got was sputtering mist, it was so close yet so far. Throwing his head back he stared up at the ceiling, fingers combing through his hair. He stiffened when he heard the sound of the classroom’s locked door turning. 
“O-oh!” he exclaimed noticing it was Professor Lupin. Scrambling off the desk he stood a bit taller, “Professor! you startled me.” Gladion didn’t believe there were any rules against using an empty classroom for spell casting but best to have an apology ready. 
Smoothing his robes out in a nervous tick he continued to talk, “I apologize, for locking the door if that was what worried you, Sir. I’ve already had snogging couples crash into my spell practice more than once.” He stressed the word more hoping to at least get some pity from the man.
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