ogwivia · 4 years
My Heart, Your Happiness
My heart loves you enough to want your happiness above all else
Even if it doesn’t involve me
My heart loves you enough to let you go
Even if it is hesitant to release
My heart loves you enough to keep you close
Even if only as a friend
My heart is not strong enough to keep watching you love someone else
Even though it knows you are happy
My heart longs to not to lose our friendship
Even though it is not quite sure how to be just your friend
My heart longs to be at peace with your choice
Even though it can’t be stopped from skipping a beat when you’re around
My heart loves you enough to desire your happiness above all else
But right now it doesn’t have the strength to keep watching you belong to another
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ogwivia · 5 years
Lie To Me- Youngblood Stories 3
{This is a set of original stories by Olivia Franklin. Each one is inspired by a song off the album Youngblood. I hope you enjoy, and if you have ideas for the other stories please let me know}
Cover Art by: KaLa-Kedavra
Dedicated to Liz, my number one Cal girl. I love you infinity.
Sitting backstage at your friend Calum’s gig in New York City, you desperately seek his help. You have been touring with them for the last two months, but tonight you fly home. This is your last chance to convince him to help you.
“Calum, please. Come on, if we do this we can both get what we want. My parents will be happy believing I am dating you, and your publicist will be appeased thinking you are dating me”.
In an attempt to beg with a look to accompany your voice, your puppy dog eyes make an appearance. Your begging gaze is met with a skeptical grin from Calum. After a long moment of consideration, he takes a deep breath before looking you directly in the eyes.
“Alright fine, I will do it. But will they really believe you and I are a couple?”
“Calum, nowadays we could both like the same photo on Instagram and people would begin theorizing that we were dating. Besides, we have been friends since we were kids. I’m sure we can be convincing enough.
There was a hesitation in Calum’s eyes, and you were not sure what was causing it, perhaps the brokenness still lingering in his eyes from the breakup, but maybe you are just overanalyzing. After making sure he is clear on the plan for your first fake date, you quickly thank him again and run off to call Darren. Admittedly, this whole situation was strange, but you really had no other options. Your parents did not approve of your boyfriend, and you had no idea why. Calum also benefits from this arrangement because he just got very publicly dumped by his ex and his publicist feels that being with a new girl will really boost his image. This was necessary, and besides, it was only a temporary arrangement until you can move out.
 *Calum’s POV*
As I watch her walk away, I allow the plan to replay in my head over and over. After she is out of sight, other thoughts begin to take the place of the details I am trying so desperately to remember. Maybe this was not a good idea after all.
Last night was the first night in months I was able to fall asleep rather than crying until my eyes ran out of tears. I loved Anaya, I loved her so much, and I thought she loved me too. The vivid memory of her breaking up with me backstage at her modeling show and then running to the nearby press to announce to the world still replays in my mind daily. Why did she have to do that to me, what did I do to deserve this? All I ever did was love that girl.
Snapping back to reality, I realize I am now standing in the middle of a public park crying. Wiping my tears, I begin to wonder if my heart will ever be able to mend itself enough to love again. Maybe this fake relationship is what I need to distract myself; besides, it is only a temporary arrangement until I find a new Anaya.
 The next few months went by seamlessly. On Friday nights, you and Calum would go on a very staged date and on Saturday nights you went out with Darren. Most dates would begin with you and Calum taking the longest route possible to get to each date location in order to make sure paparazzi saw you. After finally reaching the date location, you would meet up with Darren while Calum would linger nearby in case any “unwelcomed surprises”- your agreed upon nickname for the paparazzi that are a little too nosey- decided to grace you with their presence.
 While Saturday nights with Darren were obviously your favorite, Friday nights with Cal began carving a special place in your heart as the months dragged on. You were only six years old when you met Calum at an adventure summer camp in Australia. Growing up, you returned to that very same camp every summer, every year growing a little bit closer to Calum. By the time you both reached appropriate dating age, you had grown so close that a mutual agreement was made that it would be weird to date. However, the two of you remain to this day, very good friends. On the many Friday nights spent trying to convince the paparazzi, you would often reminisce on fond childhood memories while making new ones. This fake relationship thing was easy.
 *Calum POV*
After the first couple dates, I got the flow of everything down and it was easy to seamlessly execute our plan to not get caught. As soon as I dropped her off with Darren, my attention turned to the many dating apps I had downloaded to try to replace an irreplaceable person. Love that for me.
At first, the Friday night dates were very scripted and forced, but then we realized those conversations had to be no different than the ones we had normally.  Friday quickly became my favorite night of the week for many reasons, a big one is that, for a few hours, I could escape my broken world and live in an ideal one… even if it was just pretending. This fake relationship thing is easy.
Tonight, was the 21st fake date. Why am I keeping track of the exact number? I have no idea. She got to pick our activity this time and decided on a simple dinner at a café. Throwing on black jeans and a Green Day shirt, I head out the door to go meet her.
 Sitting at the park right across the street from Calum’s house, you wait patiently for him to arrive while talking to Darren on the phone.
“Baby it is only a little while longer, I promise”, you say trying to reassure your boyfriend.
“I know, but I do not like this at all. You seem to have way too much fun with him.”
“Darren, it is all a part of the charade. We have to keep up appearances or the public won’t believe it. Calum is an old friend, so we do have a good time together… but only as old friends. I promise. I have to go, Calum is here. I love you, see you tomorrow.”
Hanging up the phone, you greet Calum with a hug and kiss on the cheek. As you walked to the café, you couldn’t help but notice an odd feeling in the pit of your stomach. It happened every time you talked to Darren about Calum… but why? Pushing those thoughts into the back of your mind, you turn your focus to Calum.
*Calum POV*
As I approached her, I felt a sinking feeling in my chest… but why? Tonight, was no different than the other 20 times we have done this. I push these thoughts to the back of my head as I reach her.
I could tell she was here physically, but her mind was a million miles away. She probably just had a long day of work or something, I elect not to ask. Eventually, she snaps back to reality and everything seems normal again… well, as normal as a fake date can be.
The next evening, you stand in front of the mirror modeling a knee length, royal blue, strapless dress. Tonight, Darren is taking you to a five-star restaurant, the expensive kind with teeny-tiny portions. Throwing on a pair of sparkly silver high heels, you once again return to the mirror for one final look. Tonight is going to be amazing, so why did it feel so wrong? Taking one final glance, you walk out the door to your apartment. In order to not arouse suspicion, Calum is driving you to the restaurant and Darren will meet you there.
Throughout the whole dinner, you find yourself periodically glancing over Darren’s shoulder to Calum who is seated alone at the next table. Why are you doing this? Darren is buying you a nice dinner, focus on Darren.
*Calum POV*
It is times like this that I miss Anaya the most.
What a way to spend a Saturday night… sitting at a five-star restaurant, by myself, watching my fake girlfriend go on a date with her real boyfriend. I should’ve dragged one of the boys along with me, so then at least not feel like as much of a loser. I find myself watching them closer than normal, almost as if to make sure she is safe… why do I care so much more all of the sudden? The one prominent thing I notice above everything else is that she looks happy… very, very happy.
My brooding thoughts are interrupted by them walking over to my table.
“Hey Cal, Darren is going to take me back to his apartment so you can just head home.”
Here comes that stupid, unexplainable feeling again. Note to self: Ask Ashton about this later, maybe he can help.
“Okay, um… yea. I guess I will see you later.”
Giving me a hug, she runs off.
As you and Darren reach his car, that weird feeling returns… but, it is probably just nerves. After driving for a few miles, Darren pulls off into a little park, so that the two of you can stargaze. It was little moments like this that reminded you why you love him. He pulls out a picnic blanket, and you settle into your spot…
…right in his arms…
…right where you should be…
That last thought stings a little, but you brush it off and enjoy the evening. The two of you watch the stars for hours, quietly enjoying each other’s company. Darren finally glances at his watch and realizes it is 2 in the morning and y’all should probably get back to his apartment.
You walk in the door and everything feels so wrong… but it shouldn’t… it should be perfect; it should be amazing… it shou-
Your thought is interrupted by Darren pulling you in for a deep kiss. Suddenly, every other thought fades, and you lose yourself in the moment. Maybe it was just nerves after all.
Everything is great until he reaches around for the zipper of your dress; suddenly, every thought explodes at once. Pushing his hand away, you break the kiss and step away.
“I’m sorry, I am just not ready yet.”
“What do you mean you aren’t ready yet?”
“I mean… I am not ready yet, could we just go to bed… please?”
Reluctantly, Darren agrees and you both lay down to sleep. He quickly drifts off, but you, the only drifting you are doing is down a long train of thought. Glancing over at the clock, you see the time… 3 AM. Perfect, you are going to have a great day tomorrow running on little to no sleep. Why can’t you rest? You are here, wrapped in the arms of the one you love.
…The one you love…
A moment of realization suddenly hits you… you finally diagnose the weird feeling that keeps popping up. Oh no.
*Calum POV*
I return home… alone… again. Everything was going well, I was recovering, getting better… maybe even a little bit happy. So why do I feel so empty and broken now?
I lie awake allowing a million thoughts to run through my head. Glancing over at the clock, it says 3 AM. Why can’t I sleep? I just want to sleep.
Why do I feel this way? She is happy… Why am I not happy?
I mean it’s not like I lov-
Oh no.
I don’t know what to do with this revelation? How do I proceed? I can’t do anything, she is with someone, she is happy.
Getting out of bed I open my notebook and decide to do the thing I do best, write a song. Tonight I am once again crying, but for a very different reason. Tears streaming down my face, I begin to write.
I saw you looking brand new overnight I caught you looking, too, but you didn't look twice You look happy You look happy
She seems so content with him… how could I ever take that away from her?
Flashing back to New York City Changing flights so you'd stay with me Remember thinking that I got this right
What if I had not let her walk away that day? What if I stopped her? What if I realized my true feelings then? The trouble was… I was so sure I knew what I wanted… so sure I had this right.
Now I wish we'd never met 'Cause you're too hard to forget While I'm cleaning up your mess I know he's taking off your dress And I know that you don't But if I ask you if you love me I hope you li-li-li-lie Lie to me
Maybe life would be better if I had not decided to go to an adventure camp. Maybe everything would be easier. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt this bad.
It's three A.M. and the moonlight's testing me If I can make it 'til dawn then it won't be hard to see That I ain't happy I ain't too happy
I am not happy… not happy at all… I cannot even begin to imagine my life without her. Even if it is all a lie… I would love to hear her say it just once… just once.
 Your 3 AM thoughts are still there when you wake the next morning. You were so happy… or at least… you thought you were. Had you been lying to yourself this whole time? You and Calum both agreed that you would never date… but how much longer could you really keep that promise.
Woah… wait… hold up a second. You still have a boyfriend; you convince your mind to deal with that first. He has been so good to you, so kind, so caring… but, he is not the one you love.
Maybe he was… or maybe you told yourself he was… but now, the thought of being with anyone except Calum causes your heart to sink.
Slowly walking over, you wake Darren up.
“We need to talk”
*Calum POV*
I shoot a quick text to her, begging for a meeting at the park. A few minutes later, my phone buzzes with a text of agreeance and I take off towards the park. There is no way someone in a relationship that happy would ever consider loving someone as broken as me, but I have to hear her say it… just once.
Calum’s text was an unexpected but welcome surprise. This is the perfect opportunity. Besides, sitting in the same apartment as someone you just broke up with would not make for a pleasant afternoon. You needed to talk to Calum, yet the thought of what he would say terrified you.
Just friends… that was the agreement… why would he ever change his mind… especially for someone as insignificant as you.
Quickly drying your tears, you run out of the apartment to meet Cal.
Approaching the park, you run up to Calum.
“We need to talk”, you both say in unison.
“Let me go first”, Calum says in a very insisting tone.
Seating yourself on a bench beside him, he begins to talk.
“Please, hear me all the way out. When we started the whole fake relationship thing, I thought it was a great idea. We had agreed to be just friends and I had no problem sticking to that promise. Then, I started to find myself craving every second we spent together. Those Friday nights were something I looked forward to every week. At first, seeing you with Darren did not bother me at all, but after a couple of months, every time I saw you with him, I wished it was me. Listen, At the end of the day, what I want most is for you to be happy. I would not take your happiness away from you for anything in the world. You seem happy with Darren, and if you really love him, then I won’t interfere. I know, I know you love him and not me… but I need you to know… to know that I love you, always have, always will. But… if you can look me in the eyes right now and tell me you don’t love me, I will walk away and let you be happy.”
His last words hit your heart like the earth’s sharpest dagger. Tears pour down your face like a flowing river through a broken dam. Finally composing yourself enough, you turn to answer.
“Calum… I cannot look you in the eyes and say I don’t love you because I realized last night… that I do. I think I always have… I was just too scared to admit it. I thought you would be mad or upset because we had made that promise… that stupid promise And I-“
Your rambling is interrupted by Calum pulling you in for a deep kiss. At that moment, everything seems so right. The world is at it should be. I loved him, he loved me. There were no lies necessary.
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ogwivia · 5 years
Links go purple after you visit them because blue and “read” make purple
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ogwivia · 5 years
Warning: Endgame Spoilers
When Captain America said we have to move on, for me it was like he is saying we all have to grow up eventually. He was saying we have to take the fantasy of being a hero and turn it into reality. We have to take what they taught us and carry it forever. They may be done, but they will always be in our hearts. They taught us to be the heroes we were always meant to be and let us live in their world until we were ready to be the heroes of ours. So, he was saying it's time for us to raise the next generation of heroes.Help them grow up believing in superheroes like we did so that they can fight the battles of the future. The Avengers will always be my heroes, their world will always be my escape from the problems of my own, but now it is our turn. They are passing the gauntlet to us, we must carry on the mission. This movie truly wrapped up my childhood. 11 years of living in a universe that brought me joy, peace, and comfort when life didn't. Thank you Avengers for helping me realize the hero inside of myself and preparing me to take up the gauntlet. Thank you for teaching me how to be a hero. Above all, thank you for being my heroes.
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ogwivia · 5 years
Youngblood-Youngblood Stories 2
{This is a set of original stories by Olivia Franklin. Each one is inspired by a song off the album Youngblood. I hope you enjoy, and if you have ideas for the other stories please let me know}
Cover Art by: KaLa-Kedavra
Dedicated to Beyza, who has the prettiest light in her eyes, despite the dark in her heart. You are my youngblood.
You are awoken from a very peaceful nap to your phone buzzing on the nightstand. It’s a text message from Ash.
 My move beautiful😉 be ready to go in 10. I have a surprise for you.
 His move? Ash was so determined to win, you had never had a boy play the game this well. Two thoughts ran through your head. Number one, last time Ashton had a “surprise” for you, you both ended up in jail. Number two, ten minutes was nowhere near long enough to come up with a good excuse to slip past your father. After all, when you are the daughter of a world-famous gang leader, you can't exactly go out whenever you want. You resolved in your kind to tell your father that you were meeting some friends to study, you would just have to pray he bought it. Quickly jumping out of bed, you ran to your closet. Eventually, you decided to put on ripped jeans, a band tee, and a jean jacket. Good thing you fell asleep with makeup still on or you would’ve adorned none.  You ran downstairs fully expecting to get an interrogation from your father, but he was so caught up in a meeting he was having that a simple head nod was the only response you got. Stopping for a second, you found this strange, your dad was never that passive. You resolved in your mind that this must be a very important meeting and decided to ask about it later.
 Ashton arrived ten minutes later on the dot. He couldn't exactly pick you up at the front door. Instead you began walking down the street until you reached the corner. Climbing into Ash's car, you give him a quick peck on the cheek and settle into your seat.
 “Hey, can I ask you a question" Ash asks softly as you drive.
 Your heart begins racing faster because you know exactly what he is going to ask. You are quickly running out of excuses to conceal the truth.
 “Sure" you respond, your thoughts racing trying to find something, anything to say.
 “Are you warm enough in those clothes? Because where we are going is outside?”
 You didn’t realize until that moment that you had been holding your breath.  As you slowly began to fill your lungs with air again, you couldn’t help but laugh a little. The question was avoided…. For now. You wanted to tell Ash, you really did; but the truth was simply not an option. There is no way someone like him would love and accept you if he knew who you truly were. After all, the very fact that you were the offspring of one of the most well-known gang leaders in the world didn’t exactly have the boys lining up to take you out.
 “Yes, am I. If I get cold, I can always take your hoodie" You say with a slight giggle.
 All of the sudden your attention turns back to the bigger question at hand. Where in the world was your boyfriend taking you!?!
 “Um Baby... just one quick question…where are we going?” You say with a mix of fear, confusion, and love.
 If he lands you both in jail again, you will not be able to slip that by your father. The first time you were able to hide it through some miracle of luck, but you had a gut feeling that would not happen a second time. Looking over to the gorgeous boy in the driver seat, you give your best cute face and wait for a response.
 “Hmmm…. Oh well since you are giving me the cute face… that changes absolutely nothing. It is a surprise, you will see when we get there.” Laughing at his own joke, his eyes return to the road.
 This is not the answer you were expecting. In your world, surprises usually didn’t end well. The last time someone said they had a “surprise” for you, you ended up kidnapped by a rival gang… hopefully this surprise will be better than that. Sighing heavily, you lean back against the seat and resolve to simply try to enjoy the moment.
 A couple minutes later, Ash pulls in to a gas station. As he stands outside in cold pumping gas, you let your mind wander back to memories of when you two first began dating.
 It was a warm summer day that was pleasant for the most part, except, oh yea, you had spent most of it trying desperately not to be killed by a rival gang. As you sat on a park bench trying to clean your wounds, a boy who could only be described as an angel in the flesh walked up and asked if you were okay. Not exactly the meet-cute you see in rom-coms, but it worked out for you in the end… well, sort of. You see, much like everything else in your life, the game called love was anything but simple. Game, everything in your life was a game; but you were so good at playing them. When Ash asked you out, you tried to warn him, but he didn’t listen.
 “hey, what if I want to be something more than your friend” Ash asked catching you off guard.
 “Like, best friends” I reply in a snarky tone.
 “Come on you know what I mean”
 “What do you mean”
 “I mean that I love you”
 Wow…. I pause for a brief moment before responding.
 “Don’t do that to yourself. You do not want to play that game.”
 “Honey, not only will I play the game, I will win it”
 “Look… loving me comes with a lot of baggage”
 “I’m up for a challenge”
 Fine… if he wanted to play, you would play.
 “Ash…if we are going to do this, you have to make me a promise”
 “Of course, anything”
 “Love me till the day I die”
 “I promise”
 Game. Set. Match.
 You snap back to reality as Ash reenters the car. That moment is something you thought about constantly, maybe you should have just walked away then. Now you were stuck playing games with a boy who didn’t deserve to be dragged into any of this.
 With a smirk on his face, Ash gives you a quick peck on the cheek and resumes your journey to who knows where. You loved this boy so much it hurt, this is why you couldn’t tell him the truth about who you are. It seemed as if he had his suspicions that you were hiding something, but you prayed he wouldn’t ask about it; because you knew if he asked, you would tell him everything. If you told him everything, he would walk out of your life forever.
 After what felt like eons of driving, Ashton pulled the car into an empty parking lot in the middle of nowhere. Next to this parking lot was a mountain with a staircase leading up its.
 “Get out of the car, I have a surprise for you at the top of the mountain” Ash says excitedly.
 “Baby, I hope you know exactly how much I love you” You reply trying to make your sarcasm apparent. Hiking is most definitely not your thing.
 As you begin the trek up this mountain, a sickening thought enters your mind. Every memory you make with him is one more you will have to hopelessly try to forget when he is gone. He said till the day you die, but he would leave… they always do. You just prayed this one would be fast and quick.
 After what felt like days, even though it was only like an hour, you and Ash reached the top of the mountain and the sight you saw caused you to stop in your tracks. He had a beautiful picnic laid out with all of your favorite foods and the most gorgeous flowers you had ever seen in your life. You found yourself crying, no one had ever done something like this for you. Hugging you tightly, Ash leads you over to the blanket and you both sit down.
 “Do you like it”, he asked with a nervous look on his face.
 “Baby… I love it” you respond, soaking it all in.
 You could already tell…. When it came time for this goodbye it would be the hardest one yet.
 “I brought you up here because I don’t know if you remember, but today marks exactly one year since the day we met in the park and I wanted to give you a gift to commemorate”
 Ashton pulled out a gorgeous box and handed it to you gently, with an impatient plea to open it. Lifting the lid softly, the tiny box begins playing a tune you know very well. It is clair de lune, your favorite piece of classical music. Tears stream down your face as you notice a beautiful necklace laying inside the box. It is a small gold chain with a small charm in the shape of an A. Ashton picks it up and walks over so he is positioned behind you. Gently brushing your hair over your shoulder, he puts the necklace on you and returns to his previous seat. You gently brush the necklace, allowing even more tears to escape. He was not making this an easier.
 “Baby… I don’t know what to say…. It’s beautiful”
 “Beautiful necklace for a beautiful girl”
 After sharing a lovely dinner, Ash takes you home and you spend the rest of the night thinking back over all that has just happened. He was so perfect, he didn’t deserve any of this. You could never, under any circumstance, drag him into the nightmare that was your real life. You never thought your relationship would last this long, yet here you were, one year later, still going strong. You had to do something, you couldn’t keep up the façade, normally you had no problem lying to the boys who dared to date you, but this one was different. Your heart shattered as one simple thought entered your mind.
 I have to leave… I have to let him go…
 Tears streamed down your face harder than they ever had before.  You couldn’t just leave him; your heart couldn’t do it… instead you would have to make him leave you. The game was about to take a nasty turn.
 The next day, you and Ash went out for ice cream. As you slid in the car, the game was afoot.
 “Hello my love”, Ash said with that smile that made you melt.
 “Hi Ashton”, you replied, trying to get your focus on the task at hand.
 Ashton’s expression immediately sunk. You turned away, desperately trying to ignore the worried boy beside you. This was, by far, the worst game you had ever played.
 Over the next few weeks, matters only escalated. You just wanted this to be easy and painless, why couldn’t you just leave? It was a never-ending cycle of conversations ending as if they were the last goodbye, only to be followed by one of you getting too drunk and calling about a hundred times. Why didn’t he leave? Why did he stay? Why couldn’t he just break your heart?
 This continued for months. You pushed and you pushed, and he pulled away. He gave and he gave, and you took. You cried yourself to sleep every night praying for it all to just end. Then one day, Ash called and asked you to meet him at the park where you first met. You arrived there to find a boy that looked so broken. Cautiously walking over, you seated yourself next to him, and he began the conversation.
 “We need to talk. Lately our conversations end like it’s the last goodbye, then one of us gets too drunk and calls about a hundred times. You used to call me baby, now you’re calling me by name.”
 “Ash I-“, you begin, begging the tears to stay inside your eyes.
 “Just let me finish… What is going on? What are you not telling me? You made me believe you’re mine, yet you treat me like you aren’t. Why are you keeping things from me?”
 “Ashton… It’s not that simple…”
 “What… What is not that simple… What is so difficult to say that you can’t even tell your own boyfriend?”
 “Ashton, my world is not something you want to be a part of; it’s a crazy mess that will only end in you getting hurt.”
 “Try me”
 Why couldn’t he just leave… fine… if he wanted the truth… here was the truth
 You proceeded to tell Ashton everything about who your father was, all the things you had done as heir apparent for his gang, and why exactly you had blood running down your arm the day you guys met. Next in line was telling him about the game…
 “…Ashton, I never wanted to hurt you, but I couldn’t drag you in to all the hurt and pain that is my world. When I said loving me comes with a lot of baggage, I meant it. But I couldn’t just leave, my heart couldn’t do it. Instead I resolved that I would just have to make you leave me.”
 Finishing your sentence just in time for the tears to begin falling, you braced yourself for the goodbye. Looking up, you met Ashton eyes. They appeared to be filled with a wild mix of hurt, sorrow, and love. Without another word, he got up and left, leaving you alone with a broken, but not surprised heart. You set there for what felt like days; eventually you composed yourself enough to walk home and get to your room before falling apart again.
 You didn’t know how to cope with your brokenness, except to distract yourself with the gang. It was bad for you, putting you on the edge of trouble, hurting people who didn’t deserve it; but this is your blood, this is who you are. The next few weeks were filled with a cycle of crying, doing whatever notorious gang activity was on the agenda for the day, and eating… lots of eating.
 One day, you were awoken to your panicked father telling you get to get up and get to the car right now. Scrambling to get up, you throw some clothes in a backpack and head out the door. Once you are in the car, your very panicked father speeds away heading Lord knows where. You turn to ask him, but the look on his face says you probably shouldn’t.
 As you ride silently, your mind wanders back to the same thoughts that stole your sleep away. The same thoughts that ran you out of tears to the point you were almost positive there were none left to cry. The thoughts of a boy who only ever loved you and you only ever hurt him.
 After driving for a bit, your father pulls over, looks you in the eyes, and begins to explain…
 “Listen to me very carefully… They are coming for us, we have to hide, the others are waiting for us at a café just down the street. It is old and hardly receives any business so we will hide there until we can find a better location”
 “Dad, what about the missions… are we gonna run them out of a rundown café?”
 “For now, yes… you will remain at the café and receive a radio… the only reason I want you leaving the café if is they come, or your assistance is needed. If you do leave, make sure to take one of the boys with you and use the code names… I can’t have anyone finding you Y- “
 “Dad, you know I hate that name… let’s stay away from it as long as possible.”
 No more words are said, and your Dad silently resumes the ride to the café. Why couldn’t you be a normal kid who gotten woken up in the middle of the night to see the stars or something like that? But no… for you it was, “hey get up people are trying to murder you”.  
 Soon you guys arrive at the café and begin setting up shop. You take a quick glance at your phone to see a message from Ash. Hesitating for a moment, you ponder reading it, but ultimately return your phone to your pocket and resume working.
 The next few weeks are spent trying to do anything but think about Ashton. Most days, you simply tooled around the café talking, playing card games, and doing stupid challenges with the other gang members who were confined to quarters. Occasionally, you got to go out on a mission, but not very often. You still wore the necklace Ash gave you every day, finding yourself unable to break the promise of never taking it off.  
 One day, you were called in for back up on a retrieval mission when one of your fellow gang members was kidnapped. The mission ran smoothly as you guys had done several just like it and had the system down. However, members of the rival gang took special note of your face during this mission, something that would change your life forever.
 A couple hours later, you settle down on a sleeping bag in the corner, craving sleep. However, that unread text sitting on your notification kept rest from coming. Eventually, you give up the fight and unlock your phone, pulling up the message app. Taking a deep breath, you click on his name.
 I need to see you. We have to talk. Give me a chance to make this right.
 Why? Why would he even want to make an effort? He deserved so much more, he could have any girl in the world. Why did he pursue you so relentlessly… especially after what you did…? You found yourself wanting to hear what he had to say, but at the same time knowing you couldn’t go meet him and he could not come there. You sit for a quiet moment while your heart and mind engage in a brutal war with each other. Once the dust settles, the reach a decision and you begin typing you reply.
 I just sent my location. Meet me here tomorrow at 10:30pm
 You barely have time to close your keyboard before his response pops up…
 I will be there
 Now… You wait. Laying down, that sleep you craved so desperately finally comes. The next day you woke up with a feeling of excitement you hadn’t felt in a long time. 10:30pm could not come soon enough!
 Your dad and a few of the boys leave first thing for a mission. They tell you on their way out that some members of the rival gang have contacted them saying they would like to negotiate a truce. Now, you are happy for two reasons: peace and Ashton.
 The time is now 10:25 PM. You are alone in the café when you hear the door open. Rushing out of the back room, you excitedly turn the corner expected to see Ashton’s face… but it was not the one who greeted you.
 Members of the rival gang… what were they doing here? They were supposed to be at th-
 Wait. Wait. Wait.
 Oh no… A set-up…
 Panicking you stand frozen, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, you find yourself praying Ashton doesn’t show up. Finally gathering your thoughts, you are able to get a few shaky words out.
 “Wh- what are you doing here? You are supposed to be at the peace negotiation”
 One of the gang members steps up to answer.
 “Peace negotiation… that’s cute… did you really think we would participate in a peace negotiation? That was a ploy so that we could get to you without having to go through dear old dad. Our mission, is to take away the thing your dad holds most dear… you”
 Pulling out a gun, he backs you into a corner. Tears stream down your face.
 “Please, please don’t do this… we have money, I can give you money, I can-“
 “Hey, what is going on here”
 Oh no, not that voice… any voice but that voice. The gang member turns around pointing his gun at Ashton.
 “No, please. It is me you want, not him… please don’t hurt him” I scream, begging with all I have left in me.
 “You like this kid? That’s cute… but he really shouldn’t have shown up here…”
 The gang member turns back to you for a split second and in that moment, Ash decides to make a move and try to grab the gun. They wrestle for a second. Then you hear a shot… Ashton falls to the ground clutching his side. The gang members quickly leave, and you stand there in shock for a moment before it sinks in…
 You run over to Ashton, clutching him tightly as the tears begin to fall.
 “Ashton, no… this isn’t right. It should have been me… It should’ve been me”
 “Hey, look at me… look at me. I came to tell you…I love you.” He says, the life slowly leaving his body.
 “Ash… no… please. You can’t leave me, you can’t die… you can’t”
 “Remember the words you told me, l- love m-me till the d- day I die”
He gives you one last smile, caressing your cheek. Taking one last breath, the little life that is left in his body escapes…
 “… Ashton… ASHTON” you scream but receive no response form the lifeless boy in front of you.
 “I am so sorry. So, so sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You repeat over and over as if it will bring him back.
 As you sit there unable to stand due to your shattered heart, you hear a call over the radio.
 They know it’s a set-up. They need me for back-up.
 The other gang is going to pay for what they did to Ashton. You will not stop until they do. Collecting the broken pieces of my heart off the floor, you stand up wiping the tears you’re your eyes. Giving one last glance to the lifeless body of the boy you loved so dearly, you turn and grab your jacket.
 When your dad first pitched the idea of getting jackets that adorned each of your call signs, you were not too keen on the idea. But now, you would wear your call sign loud and proud. As you walk out the door, you throw on your jacket and glance down at the nickname lettered on the front. One simple word.
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ogwivia · 5 years
"Patience is, when you're supposed to be mad, but you choose to understand."
-Hailey Bieber
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ogwivia · 5 years
The Beauty of Rain by Olivia Franklin
Since it has been raining a lot here lately, thought I might share this poem I wrote in 9th grade.😂 Enjoy!
It's hidden beauty often overlooked,
It’s splendor hardly seen.
People often overlook the beauty of rain,
I think that’s plain insane.
Rain helps plants grow,
When it gets cold enough it becomes snow.
Rain water cleanses a great many things,
whether blue or black, red or green.
Rain also provides a pleasant sound,
I’m so glad we have it around.
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ogwivia · 5 years
《S M I L E》 Because your smile can light up the world 🌏
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ogwivia · 5 years
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ogwivia · 5 years
We have no proof that invisible people don’t exist
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ogwivia · 5 years
I like it when it’s raining outside…
‪It’s raining outside.‬
‪I like it when it’s raining outside,
because rain is equally beautiful, life giving, refreshing and lively as strong, destructive and fearful sometimes.‬
‪Just like love.‬
‪I like it when it’s raining outside.🌧‬
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ogwivia · 5 years
Want You Back- Youngblood Stories 1
{This is a set of original stories by Olivia Franklin. Each one is inspired by a song off the album Youngblood. I hope you enjoy, and if you have ideas for the other stories please let me know}
Here you sat, an unopened letter in front of you. It had your name written on it in that handwriting you had grown to know and love; he had even drawn a little heart beside it. How ironic that he would put this in a letter, after all, a letter is what started your relationship.  Here you sat, trying to make yourself open it; but you were so afraid of what it might contain. As you sit there contemplating, your mind wanders back through everything that has happened over the past couple weeks.
When you woke to the sound of your alarm blaring on the bedside table, your first thoughts were not happy. You laid there for a few moments trying to gain your bearings and muster up the will to be awake. Then, suddenly, your brain remembered why the alarm was going off and you quickly shot up out of the bed. Your boyfriend Luke had called a couple days earlier to ask if you would go watch the sunrise with him; mornings are something you absolutely despise, but he makes it all worth it.
You quickly get up, throw on some sweatpants and your favorite t-shirt adorned with roses, brush your teeth, wash your face, then head downstairs to await Luke’s arrival. This outfit did not make you look super cute, but this was Luke. You could show up wearing a trash bag and he would say you deserve to be walking the red carpet at the Met Gala.
He pulls up to your house and you quickly jump into the car. You are reminded why you love this man so much when you see that he is also adorning sweatpants and a t-shirt. He gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and you to drive away, bound for the mountains.
When you get up to the top of the mountain, Luke lays out a blanket. He lays down and pulls you into his arms, all is as it should be. You find yourself wishing this moment could never end; everything was perfect.
“Hey, I want to tell you something”, Luke says breaking the silence.
“Okay”, you respond, a little nervous about what is coming next.
“I love you”
As you snap back to the present for one moment, you find this memory has brought a tear to your eye. You wish more than anything in the world you could go back and tell yourself to just say it back to him, but at that moment you couldn’t. You wanted to say it, so badly you did, but because of your past, you couldn’t make the words come out of your mouth. Your brain then painfully continues the memory.
“Luke I-“
“You what”
“You’re so sweet, but I-“
The expression in his eyes changed to one of deep hurt, you could see it in his eyes.
“Don’t you love me too?”
This question pained me so much. He knew you did, he knew the answer to this question.
“Luke, I’m sorry I just can’t. I’m not ready yet, you know why I can’t”
“I can’t believe this”
“Luke I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I’m trying to be over it, I really am. I just need a little bit more time.”
“It’s been three months, when is going to be enough time? Am I just supposed to wait forever for you to be ready?”
He rolled over releasing you from his arms. You tried to hold the tears back, but you couldn’t. His words broke your heart. You laid there silently as the sun slowly began to creep above the mountains, but you found no joy in this scenery.
Snapping back to the present, your eye makeup is now completely smeared on your face. You clutch the letter so tightly that you are not sure how it didn’t disintegrate between your fingers. Why, why couldn’t you have just said it back to him that day; three simple words that could’ve saved you a world of hurt. Your sorrow suddenly turns to anger as you remember why you couldn’t make the words come out of your mouth. Your mind takes you back to another memory, three months before the day of your mountain trip to be exact.
Your parents died when you were very young and none of your family members would take you in, because of this you were sent to a group home. They did their best to care for you, but you never felt very special or loved. You spent most of your childhood trying to prove you were worth something, afraid that no one would ever love or want you. After all, if your own family didn’t want you, why would anyone else? You spent your whole life dreaming of the day you turned 18 and could move out, but for now, you were stuck here; you had no choice but to make the best of it.
You were so desperate to feel loved and wanted that you took the first offer that came along. Darren seemed like a knight in shining armor to you when you first met him during your freshman year of high school. You were so desperate to be loved and wanted that you let him treat you like trash. But you stayed, you stayed because you feared if you ever left that you would be alone forever. Eventually, your mind began to wonder if this was what love was all about. You were only 6 months old when your parents passed away, so you had no idea what real love looked like.  At some point, you began to accept that you were stuck, he was probably right, no one else could ever love someone as broken as you.
This was it, this was why you couldn’t say those three words back to Luke. You loved him with all your heart but growing up your mind had been trained to think love meant something very different. When you finally got away from Darren, you made a vow that you wouldn’t say those words again until they meant something again.
When you were seven, the girl’s home you lived in took a trip to Australia; this was where you met Luke. Being so young, you thought of him as a playmate and nothing more. You and Luke played together on the beach almost every day. At the week’s end, you two exchanged addresses and promised to write each other frequently.
You two did your very best to keep in touch and became great friends through the years. Now the little boy you met on the beach was grown up and touring the world with his three best friends. Around the time you began dating Darren, the two of you lost contact. He was busy touring and you were busy trying to graduate high school. After a while, you gave up any hope of expecting a letter and figured Luke had moved on with his life and left you. Goodbye was all you had ever known, so why would you expect this to be any different.
After breaking up with Darren, you ran all the way back to the group home, not knowing what to do or how to handle your emotions. After composing yourself again, you decided you needed to do something, anything! You were not sure what made you do it, but you decided to sit and write a letter to Luke. He always seemed to know how to cheer you up, but would he even reply? Would he even care? It didn’t matter, you had to try.
Looking back now, you are so glad you wrote that letter that day.
A couple of weeks later you received a reply from Luke with tickets to his concert in your town. You went, saw him, and the rest was history. You guys exchanged numbers and from then on phone calls and facetime were a nightly occurrence. After a few weeks of talking, Luke asked you if you would be interested in starting a relationship. At first, you were hesitant, after everything that happened was it a good idea to do this again? Despite your worries, you agreed. Agreeing to be his girlfriend was the best decision you ever made.
Life was so amazing and simple back then, why did that all have to change. Your mind snaps back to that fateful day in the mountains.
You had never seen Luke so upset before, it hurt you to see him this way. The ride home was silent and torturous. He kept his eyes glued to the road, never looking at you. Once you were dropped off at your house, he sped away. As soon as you got in the door your heart shattered; to make matter even worse, it had just began raining. ‘
Through the tears, you heard your doorbell rang; you pulled yourself together and went to answer it.
“Luke”, you said with a mix of confusion and sorrow, “what are you doing here”
“We need to talk”
“Yea, we do”
“I love you, with all of my heart, but I can’t wait around forever for you to be ready to love me back”
“Luke, you know why I can’t say it, I’ve told you a million times why I can’t say. I thought you understood, I thought you were okay with that.”
“I was okay, I really was, but it’s getting a bit ridiculous at this point. You should be over it, it’s time to move on with your life”
“Luke how could you even say that”
“Wait I- I shouldn’t have said that I-“
“You know, I thought you were different. I opened my heart again, which took a lot out of me, and I thought you would protect it and care for it.  I thought you were different, but you’re not. I get it, I get it that I’m broken and come with a lot of baggage; but why can’t you just help me carry it until I’m ready to let go.”
There is dead silence, and in that silence, made one of the worst decisions of my life.
“Luke, I don’t think this is ever going to work. I’m not ready to move on and you can’t wait any longer.
Maybe we weren’t meant to be together, maybe this a sign. I- I think you should go”
You stood there waiting for him to say something, anything, but no words came out of his mouth. It seemed as if you were going to explode in tears, but you held back. Without another word, a teary-eyed Luke walked back to his car and left.
Now here you were, two torturous months later, staring at this letter in your hand. Over the past two months, you had done nothing but cry. You could muster up the courage to take down the picture of you and Luke, yet every time you stared at them, your heart shattered a little bit more. You missed him so much that it caused you physical pain, but at the same time, you knew you still weren’t ready to say those three fateful words.
The main thought crossing your mind was that Luke deserved to be with some who could say that to him, someone who wasn’t so broken.
He deserved someone who wasn’t you.
You fully expected to never hear from him again, after everything you said why would he ever want you back?
You had finally accepted that you would be alone forever.
Then you checked the mail this morning. In it were bills, a couple magazines, and the letter you now held in your hand. You had just begun to move on, maybe it would be better not to read it.
No, no. This was not how the story was going to end. Gathering up every bit of courage you had left, you opened the letter and began reading.
My love,
I know a letter from me is probably the last thing you were expecting, but I figured maybe the best way to get my message across would be to take you back to something familiar. I need to tell you that I messed up, I messed up and I am so sorry.
Everything that happened that day replays in my mind like an old song with a catchy tune. Except this song is full of lyrics that I don’t want to hear, they remind me of how badly I messed up. I think of you every single day, and with each one that passes, I miss you a little bit more. All the memories flash through my mind at a million miles a minute.
I try to move on, I really do.
But then I remember the freckles on your back and the way that I used to make you laugh. Every morning I wake up I still reach for you. I remember the roses that were on your shirt when you told me this would never work. You know even when I say I’ve moved on, even though I know that you’re gone, all I think about is where I went wrong.
I still dream for you.
No matter where I go, I’m always gonna want you back. No matter how long you’re gone, I’m always gonna want you back. I know, you know I will never get over you. You are my light, my life my all. I had no right to demand you move on faster. I know you love me, I truly do.
So here I sit writing to tell you that I messed up badly, but I’m asking for a second chance. A second chance to be the support system you need, a second chance to love you. If you’re not ready to say you love me that is okay because you are worth every single second I will wait to hear those words come out of your mouth.
Love Always,
 You stood there in stunned silence for a moment while your brain processed the words you just read. Could it really be true? After all that had happened could he really want you back?
It was the last words, the last words that got to you the most.
“You are worth every single second I will wait”
When you read the words, you could feel every wall your heart had built up shatter into a million pieces. The tears streaming down your face turned from those of sadness to those of joy.
Without even a second thought, you quickly ran to your phone and dialed the number you knew by heart.
Ring, ring
“Hey! I’ve been waiting for you to call.”
“Luke I-“
“Did you get my letter? I’m guessing you got my letter, or you wouldn’t have called me. Anyway, I’m so, so sorry and I-“
You take a deep breath before uttering the next words, it’s time, you’re ready.
“I love you”
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ogwivia · 5 years
Changing your password and having it say “your new password cannot be the same as your old password” is the equivalent of your key not working, handing it to someone else, and it works for them on the first try. 
Typing in a bunch of your “go-to” passwords when you forgot which one is the is right for sign in is the modern equivalent of a key ring with a bunch of keys on it .
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ogwivia · 5 years
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“that’s me, using ashton for views”
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ogwivia · 5 years
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ogwivia · 5 years
If this isn't truly love I have absolutely no idea what is
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Emily Blunt wins the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role for ‘A Quiet Place’
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ogwivia · 5 years
since you can’t see a vampire in a mirror and telescopes are complex mirrors then space could be full of vampires and we’d never know.
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