ohhmygad · 16 days
A lot of orange 🍊 meows .. sound on 🔊
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ohhmygad · 22 days
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Yarn holder
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ohhmygad · 30 days
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Two cats, absolutely HAMMERED, discussing the best way to avert the apocalypse. 
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ohhmygad · 30 days
saddest thing that can happen is a cat so delicately and cozy putting their small apple head on your leg like a pillow to sleep while fully unaware that in like five minutes you're going to get up to go eat because they don't know human language or how time works
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ohhmygad · 1 month
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me when I'm 33
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ohhmygad · 2 months
had to clip this because jesus CHRIST
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ohhmygad · 2 months
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Thanks dashboard
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ohhmygad · 3 months
cats will be like "is anyone gonna gently bite the corner of your phone?" and then not wait for an answer
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ohhmygad · 3 months
so "incubus" means someone who lies on top of something, and "succubus" means someone who lies underneath something, and the former also turns up in the word "incubate", which means to lie on top of an egg. To ensure closure we could therefore posit an analogous term "succubate", which would be something like this:
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he is succubating.
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ohhmygad · 3 months
i hope essek & caleb talk about their cats like they're actual children.
"my partner and i just adopted we're so excited"
"our first gets extremely jealous of the little ones so we try to give her extra attention"
"our youngest just learned how to roll over"
i think it would be extremely funny and annoy the shit out of their friends
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ohhmygad · 3 months
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here's something stupid: the catcatfish
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some quick facts:
they're nocturnal and tend to roam around while awake.
they have keen senses of smell and hearing, but terrible eyesight. despite this, they also have a tapetum lucidum, making their pupils "glow" in the dark.
their fur is short, dense, and oily to waterproof them.
they prefer a diet of mostly meat and are attracted to strong-smelling food like fish, cheese, and anything fermented.
the elongated dewclaw on each front paw is sharp, flexible, and nonretractable. it injects a venom that causes respiratory failure and cardiac arrest in prey and, in extreme doses, humans. veterenarians typically remove the dewclaw venom glands during the neuter/spay procedure.
they grow to an average of 1m and 23kg (3ft and 50lb) but can reach up to double that length and triple the weight!
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ohhmygad · 3 months
I’m going to need Aabria’s eventual take on Braius Doomseed.
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ohhmygad · 4 months
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A Conversation with Richard Siken by Thomas Hobohm
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ohhmygad · 5 months
A commonly overlooked symptom of depression is anhedonia, the inability to feel joy or pleasure. The reason that it's easy to overlook is that it's easier to miss the absence of something that's not around all the time than it is to miss a symptom that causes active distress, such as feeling tired and miserable all the time.
Anhedonia is good at being a persistent undercurrent to your life. My aunt, who has major depressive disorder, related to me that she figured out that something was wrong when she looked at the daffodils she had planted blooming, and couldn't recognize the emotion that she felt when she looked at them. It had been long enough since she had felt happy that she lost the ability to recognize the emotion.
It's a particularly dangerous depressive symptom, because it robs you of the ability to feel those little spots of joy that keep a lot of people going, while not doing anything to impair your ability to function. If you don't know that this is a treatable symptom of depression, it's easy to assume that your ability to feel good is permanently broken, and decide to commit suicide because you don't want to live like that. It's not an irrational conclusion, but it is an uninformed one, and everyone deserves to have all the information when making a major decision.
This is what a lot of questionnaires are trying to look for when they ask about "loss of enjoyment". If you can't remember a loss of enjoyment because you can't remember enjoyment, then you probably have anhedonia. If you struggle to define how it is to feel "happy", "content", or "good", or how it feels when you feel those emotions, you probably have anhedonia. If you can't remember feeling any of those emotions for a week or more, you probably have anhedonia.
Symptoms commonly co-occurring with anhedonia are fatigue (often the cause), clear and thoughtful consideration of suicide, loss of desire to socialize or do activities that used to make you happy, and weight loss (due to lack of enjoyment of food).
This section is anecdotal. In what I have observed, anhedonia due to fatigue rarely responds well to depression treatment unless depression was causing the fatigue. If fatigue and anhedonia are co-occurring and are not both alleviated by depression treatment, consider other causes for the fatigue.
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ohhmygad · 5 months
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ohhmygad · 6 months
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ohhmygad · 6 months
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Threw an empty plastic Easter egg at Tim for him to play with but he just... solemnly held onto it, thinking deeply about his newfound responsibility
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