ohtakemeon · 5 years
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ohtakemeon · 5 years
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ohtakemeon · 5 years
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This is the Jobs Turtle of Good Luck. Reblog to hear back from your dream job
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ohtakemeon · 5 years
Emoji spell for extreme good luck for the next two months
Likes charge. Reblogs CAST
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ohtakemeon · 6 years
🤙🏽 still giving way more than I should. Still cool.
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ohtakemeon · 6 years
6 minutes of pure glory
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ohtakemeon · 7 years
What do I believe
I'm mortified of getting my shit together
Or attempting to
Trying hurts less when you're not and you never fail
I pray (I don't) but let's say
The path my fingers danced across my body formed a cross and the words I chanted I borrowed from a time my faith was unconditional and my meaning had meaning at all
Let's say I prayed
And hoped for better days
But woke up later and later
And made more wishes to silent beings
Who don't care much for me
And my promiscuous faith
...one of those damned god's must hear me.
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ohtakemeon · 7 years
You move mountains
The innermost caverns of you hide my potential
Whispers echo downward
Closer to the truth of my resistance
My insistence, midnight madness
Convincing you I'm better than this
Stagnant bodies consume every dohbt
Fingers dig deeper into your holds
Climbing closer to a space where you're mine.
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ohtakemeon · 7 years
Stay, don't go
I think I'm running out of ways to say I miss you
Counting down the days until you're some semblance of mine
For the time
You're leaving soon
Like leaving in a way so intangible
With distance so immense
I'm not sure if you'll exist anymore
Not sure if the pieces of me I gave to you will return when you cease to be part of my world
I cling to the sound of your voice and wrack my brain with ways to hear your laughter when I'm not there with you to bring it about
This is work now
Keeping you here
Desperate for you to think the world of me again
Like I'm not letting you down with idle hands
You can't speak to me the same if I'm not staring deeply into forest green coaxing secrets with ghosting touch
And hushed breaths under the safety of moonlit talks
We're not the same people we were two years ago...
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ohtakemeon · 8 years
a few drinks in, I'm more me than before
You miss me until I’m a few drinks in Still clinging to the hand you made me hold Its like you know I need this too But I feel you as you regret it And I regret it Wishing I had stuck to my plan to remain your stoic friend The one who grimaces at affection And pushes you away with that hard to get bravado You like the challenge, the chase And when I still have my wits about me to put up a fight at all.
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ohtakemeon · 8 years
Love is not something I can attain I keep my heart buried inside this cage Secretly hoping someone will take it away Hoping they'll feel the same way. Maybe they won't be afraid Of this creature so untamed And I won't beg them to walk away And save themselves before it's too late.
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ohtakemeon · 8 years
Coming to terms
Escaping, fleeing Love slips through my fingertips like water through my cupped hands Corrupted being I ponder the implications of being born a bastard, and did his absence warp my thoughts on the subject Impatient, needing I grow older and years pass with no change I could have let go, embraced the physical, I crave... something. Neutralized wanting Its this desire to be with that paralyze the urge tames it all the same I can keep you in my life and love in different ways.
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ohtakemeon · 8 years
Say it Its not true until you speak the name. It Its not real until you put it into words Instead of ushering us into silence Be bold enough to tell me what you want Or rather don’t want from me I’m here hanging by a thread Erasing you from existence And still holding out for any signs of interest I wasn’t even interested But ego bruised I care just a bit.
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ohtakemeon · 8 years
I feel your distance As it echoes in this silence Reverbs through my body Ringing within my bones I craved your existence As you wrap yourself around me And claimed this body As your own Fuck my persistence That won't close this distance We coexist and Yet I don’t feel your love anymore.
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ohtakemeon · 8 years
You Don't Write
You surround me in silence - False praise and adoration promises for more and yet You fell back on your word. I got ahead of myself again Let my imagination wander Got caught up in an idea... How'd you know?
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ohtakemeon · 8 years
😕 stood up on the second. Ah well.
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ohtakemeon · 8 years
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