ohtheglory · 8 years
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Japanese Artist Creates Incredible Stone Sculptures That Defy The Laws Of Physics         
 More info: Website | Flickr | DeviantArt                                                           
Realistic and surreal artwork , but Hirotoshi Ito’s bizarre and mind-bending stone sculptures really threw us for a loop. In his masterful hands, common rocks become strange, unsettling and humorous creations that will make you look twice.
Surprisingly, it all starts in a riverbed in Ito’s neighborhood, where he picks up the small rocks he works with. Although most of us consider stone to be a cold, hard and unforgiving material, Ito says that he would like to show other its potential to express warmth and humor. [Read more…] 
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ohtheglory · 8 years
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“Eat Your Heart Out” is a series of words remembered from break-ups reimagined as something sweet.
by Isabella Giancarlo
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ohtheglory · 8 years
Carrie & Lol by Sufjan Stevens 
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ohtheglory · 8 years
Are you a queer creative?
If so, @thequeerartcollective may be the blog you’ve been looking for! First established on Instagram in 2015, The Queer Art Collective was curated to exhibit the talents of ALL queer creatives and to empower those within the LGBTQIA+ community. The collective has since expanded to Tumblr, where we have an extremely supportive and growing community.
If you would like to have your work posted on our blog and/or Instagram, please make a submission to [email protected]! Keep in mind, this collective is not limited to work by visual artists alone, but is accepting of art in all its forms.
I have big plans for this collective and in order to realize them, I will need your support. With your help, I can provide all of you with better exposure and build the incredible organization I have planned out in my head. Please share x
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ohtheglory · 8 years
Things I like right now #4
Chastity Belt (https://chastity-belt.bandcamp.com/)
SPORTS (https://therealsports.bandcamp.com/)
“The Unchangeable Spots of Leopards” by Kristopher Jansma
“A Little Life” by Hanya Yanagihara (this book has changed my life)
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ohtheglory · 9 years
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ohtheglory · 9 years
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ohtheglory · 9 years
Things I like right now #4
Monogem (https://soundcloud.com/monogem)
Chastity Belt (https://chastity-belt.bandcamp.com/)
“Pressure” - Young Galaxy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoVm73-m4K0)
^fuck capitalism to this jam
“The Unchangable Spots of Leopards” by Kristopher Jansma
“Bringing the Shovel Down” by Ross Gay
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ohtheglory · 9 years
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- Ernest Hemingway
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ohtheglory · 9 years
when u find a really good jstor article
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ohtheglory · 9 years
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En Plein Vol (création 2014). Installation performed at La Maison Des Jonglages in La Courneuve (Paris). December 2014. Antoine Terrieux
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ohtheglory · 9 years
(i do not know what it is about you that closes and opens;only something in me understands the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
e. e. cummings, excerpt of somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond (via henrydear)
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ohtheglory · 9 years
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ohtheglory · 9 years
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Everyone has a file drawer in their mind labeled, “I always knew.” And another labeled, “You never know.” Sometimes we take a folder out of one and put it in the other. – Michael Lipsey
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ohtheglory · 9 years
The nutritionist said I should eat root vegetables Said if I could get down 13 turnips a day I would be grounded, rooted. Said my head would not keep flying away to where the darkness is. The psychic told me my heart carries too much weight Said for 20 dollars she’d tell me what to do I handed her the twenty, she said “stop worrying darling, you will find a good man soon.” The first psychotherapist said I should spend 3 hours a day sitting in a dark closet with my eyes closed, with my ears plugged I tried once but couldn’t stop thinking about how gay it was to be sitting in the closet The yogi told me to stretch everything but truth, said focus on the outbreaths, everyone finds happiness when they can care more about what they can give than what they get The pharmacist said klonopin, lamictil, lithium, Xanax The doctor said an antipsychotic might help me forget what the trauma said The trauma said don’t write this poem Nobody wants to hear you cry about the grief inside your bones My bones said “Tyler Clementi dove into the Hudson River convinced he was entirely alone.” My bones said “write the poem.” The lamplight. Considering the river bed. To the chandelier of your fate hanging by a thread. To everyday you could not get out of bed. To the bulls eye on your wrist To anyone who has ever wanted to die. I have been told, sometimes, the most healing thing to do- Is remind ourselves over and over and over Other people feel this too The tomorrow that has come and gone And it has not gotten better When you are half finished writing that letter to your mother that says “I swear to God I tried” But when I thought I hit bottom, it started hitting back There is no bruise like the bruise of loneliness kicks into your spine So let me tell you I know there are days it looks like the whole world is dancing in the streets when you break down like the doors of the looted buildings You are not alone and wondering who will be convicted of the crime of insisting you keep loading your grief into the chamber of your shame You are not weak just because your heart feels so heavy I have never met a heavy heart that wasn’t a phone booth with a red cape inside Some people will never understand the kind of superpower it takes for some people to just walk outside Some days I know my smile looks like the gutter of a falling house But my hands are always holding tight to the ripchord of believing A life can be rich like the soil Can make food of decay Can turn wound into highway Pick me up in a truck with that bumper sticker that says “it is no measure of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society” I have never trusted anyone with the pulled back bow of my spine the way I trusted ones who come undone at the throat Screaming for their pulses to find the fight to pound Four nights before Tyler Clementi jumped from the George Washington bridge I was sitting in a hotel room in my own town Calculating exactly what I had to swallow to keep a bottle of sleeping pills down What I know about living is the pain is never just ours Every time I hurt I know the wound is an echo So I keep a listening to the moment the grief becomes a window When I can see what I couldn’t see before, through the glass of my most battered dream, I watched a dandelion lose its mind in the wind and when it did, it scattered a thousand seeds. So the next time I tell you how easily I come out of my skin, don’t try to put me back in just say here we are together at the window aching for it to all get better but knowing as bad as it hurts our hearts may have only just skinned their knees knowing there is a chance the worst day might still be coming let me say right now for the record, I’m still gonna be here asking this world to dance, even if it keeps stepping on my holy feet you- you stay here with me, okay? You stay here with me. Raising your bite against the bitter dark Your bright longing Your brilliant fists of loss Friend if the only thing we have to gain in staying is each other, my god that’s plenty my god that’s enough my god that is so so much for the light to give each of us at each other’s backs whispering over and over and over “Live” “Live” “Live”
The Nutritionist - Andrea Gibson (via gulab-jaamun)
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ohtheglory · 9 years
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“Castle Hill” Ruggle, Ohio. Built in 1878
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ohtheglory · 9 years
American Pie and But I'm A Cheerleader were both released in 1999.
American Pie features:
A pact between four straight high school boys to have sex by any means necessary.
A male character masturbating into a pie.
A humorous depiction of filming a high school aged girl in a sexual situation without her knowledge or consent, and broadcasting that to the entirety of her peer group and presumably the world. This tragically results in her humiliation and deportation, which means that the male character who filmed her will not be able to have sex with her in time to fulfill the pact (which is why it is tragic). (In a subsequent installment of the American Pie series, the girl returns and is not only not angry, but still amenable to a sexual relationship with said boy.)
But I’m A Cheerleader features:
A satirical depiction of a traumatic and harmful practice known as ‘reparative therapy,’ colloquially ‘degayification,’ with special attention paid to the fact that it doesn’t really work.
One sex scene between female characters, not fully nude, shot mostly using close ups on the actress’ faces. Everyone is consenting, and no one has lied in order to receive consent.
One female character suggested to be masturbating, not shown.
The MPAA gave American Pie an R rating, without hassle.
But I’m A Cheerleader initially received an NC-17 rating. This rating was only lowered to R (thus opening the film up to distribution) when the director agreed to cut a scene featuring the lead female character masturbating. Through her clothes. While thinking about a person, and not a pie.
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