I'm just going to give you guys a notice that I'm sorry my activity is choppy. I have a lot going on with the end of the school year coming up, graduation, stress, and preparation for college, so I've been neglecting my RP accounts. I promise by this Friday, my activity should come up and be steady. I sent this same message to the RP main for reference to them. I hope you understand and I thank you for taking the time to read this :) 
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gonna go shower and get food and then I'll do replies and maybe post a starter/reply to some starters???
I'm so sorry I've been really busy
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Steve looked up as a figure came rushing towards him, his eyes a little wide from surprise, but still he went on smiling softly at the girl. "Oh, yeah sure. Go ahead." he replied, smiling a little wider. "I completely understand, when I got here it was pretty full but now.." he trailed off, just shaking his head and laughing. "It's a madhouse." He commented, glancing at the woman by the door who was glaring and storming off. Wonder what that was all about.
He looked back down to his drawing, realizing he'd drawn a line he didn't mean to and frowned. Maybe it could be covered up. "..Sorry, I should introduce myself. Steve Rogers, it's nice to meet you ma'am.."
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As Time Goes By || OPEN
It was rare that Felicia ever took time off from work, but on that day she felt it was necessary. As much as she’d love to, it wasn’t healthy for her to spend all her time in the office. Besides, it was a Sunday morning and they wouldn’t have anything for her to do. She’d decided to visit a small cafe a few blocks from her apartment building. She’d been there several times before, but for some reason it was especially crowded that day. Felicia knew how it all went. She’d go to the cafe, possibly get her hands on a few wallets and maybe make conversation with a random stranger. But today was different. Felicia rarely sat outside, the humidity wasn’t good for her hair after all, but her attention was captured by a solemn looking man sitting by himself at one of the outside tables. The blonde couldn’t be bothered with pick-pocketing wallets. A woman in front of her must’ve had the same thoughts as she had, because she’d began to make her way towards him. Felicia quickly sped past the woman before heading outside and taking the seat across from him.
"Excuse me," she apologized breathlessly. "You don’t mind me sitting here, right? The tables are starting to fill up fast and I didn’t want to lose the chance to sit at this one." Felicia subtly looked over her shoulder to see the woman glaring at her before quickly turning her attention back to the handsome stranger. "Some people can be so rude.”
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He glanced up, setting the pen he was using now and sitting back so he could devote full attention to what she was telling him. Smiling slightly at things as she spoke, showing interest in her words. "I hadn't known it was in town, don't know if I have the time to visit it however." He said, nodding softly. He agreed with the need for coffee thing, though he didn't comment because he felt that was a conversational topic that was limited, instead he focused on her question. 
"I'm not really new but..It's been awhile since I've been here. It's changed a lot since I was here last." He said surely, knowing that it was more of a change for him then people may expect. "Take it you're a local miss- or is it ma'am? I apologize with any disrespect." He knew married woman sometimes took offense to being called miss...then again, that was the 1940's.
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As Time Goes By || OPEN
Natalia sat in the empty chair after he allowed her to sit with him. She sat silently, sipping on her coffee and observing the man before her. On the outside he seemed young and handsome. The All-American boy. She noticed how he looked at his drawing and seemed to observe it just like she was observing him. That thought made a smile turn on Natalia’s lips. She took a quick glance at what he was drawing, but couldn’t really tell what it was from the angle she was looking at. 
"Yes, it is really busy. I think it’s because of the carnival in town. I come down here every day before I head off to work. I can’t do anything unless I’ve had my morning coffee first. Usually it’s pretty quiet in here. Very relaxing for the most part," Natalia said, sipping her coffee and smiling at him. "Are you new to Metropolis? I don’t think I’ve seen you in here before," she mused as she settled down into the chair. She made herself comfortable and took another drink from her coffee. The strong taste of it made her wake up from the morning daze she came into the store with. 
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"Pepper," He responded, to give notice to the fact he'd acknowledge her request and corrected himself. He looked down to the paper, and when she asked to see he was again, polite and lifted it off the table, "Be my guest," He replied, handing it across to her. He sat back in his seat and looked around the cafe, "carnival?" Steve had heard of no carnival being in town. Just another to ad to the growing list of things he was out of the loop about. "I didn't know the carnival was in town, but that does explain the sudden influx of pedestrians.." He mumbled, looking at all the people.
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He then suddenly realized he'd forgotten something. Looking back at Pepper with a wide eyes. "Oh- How rude, I'm sorry. Steve Rogers, it's a pleasure to meet you.." He smiled at her, feeling it'd be too awkward to shake hands over the table while she was busy with the drawing and her coffee so he let his hands rest on the table, fingers linked together. "Sorry, I should of introduced myself right away. Seems my head isn't really all there lately." That was an understatement. 
As Time Goes By || OPEN
Virginia smiled a little and sat down across from him. “Please call me Pepper-” she said as she locked eyes with him for a moment. Just before she was going to ask him if he had been in town long or some other small talk starter, the waitress came up with her coffee and a pot for their table. “Thank you,” Pepper mumbled and started to stir her coffee to cool it off. “Do you mind if I look at it?” Virginia asked, talking about the doodling he had done on his placemat. She had a good understanding of art and her art dealer had told her that she had one of the best eye in the business. But she wasn’t about to tell her handsome, blonde stranger that.
"Its been a long time since I’ve seen this place so full. Must be the carnival that’s in town," Pepper said as she pulled out on of the gadgets that Tony had given her to check her itinerary for the day. She wasn’t sure why she was trying to have a conversation with this man, she didn’t usually try to strike up conversation with the people she shared her table with. But there was something about him that intrigued her. Something that made him seem almost out of place.
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Steve was completely blocked out from all the noise and shuffle of the pedestrians wandering in and talking loud within the cafe. He'd learned within a few days of his awakening that it's easier to deal with the noisy new world by just ignoring it. So he did, and focused on his sketch he'd been doing. Only just stopping when someone approached, and he glanced up at the blonde as she spoke to him, having noticed her walk up slowly from his peripheral . "Huh? Oh-" He looked down at the placemat and chuckled, "No, this is nothing. It's really nothing great." He said modestly, a hint of embarrassment at the compliment gracing his features. "Oh no, don't worry about it miss. You can sit, no need to be sorry or compensate me." He said with another light chuckle and offered her the other bench of the booth that sat across from him. "Oh and, thank you for the compliment earlier." 
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As Time Goes By || OPEN
Virginia walked up to her favorite cafe before heading to work. Mostly she just enjoyed the smell of the grease mixed with coffee, reminded her of a happier times. It was one of those retro diners with all of the shiny metals and no hard lines everything had curved edges. Pepper walked through the doors and noted how full the place was, bustling with people and most people laughing and talking a little too loudly. This is what happens when the carnival comes to town, all the restaurants fill up with all the added attention to the city. Virginia didn’t mind the crowds, except she had really hoped to be able to sit down for a moment before going to work. There was an open table close to the middle of the lot, at least it was half open. The man there looked decent enough. So she flagged down the waitress, put in her order there and went to ask the man if he wouldn’t mind sharing his booth with her.
As she approached she could tell that he was deep in thought, and probably didn’t want some annoying blonde interrupting but she continued further. She finally made it to the edge of the table and could see that he was drawing on his place mat, “That’s really good. Are you an artist?” she said hoping not to startle him. He looked up and she smiled down at him, “Would you mind terribly if I borrowed half your space before I go to work? A cup of coffee as compensation?” Pepper smiled brightly and waited for his answer and looked him over. He had the classic hair cut and style almost exactly like her grandfather had in all of his old military pictures. His eyes bright with curiosity, yet with a hint of sadness behind them. He looked strong and yet, the way that he moved even subtly was graceful, unlike the muscle heads that were running around recently.
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Steve was suddenly a bit started by something speaking to him, his head looking up rather quickly to the woman. Having gotten so into the detail of his drawing he didn't even hear them walk up. Sneaking up on him, not the best plan. He didn't let it be known, or well know, that he was startled however and gave a smile. "No, go ahead." He said, nodding to the chair. He let her sit before looking back to the drawing, looking it over. It needed some work, he was a bit out of practice with his drawing skills.
"It's really busy today, came as a surprise to me." Steve said, trying to make small talk where there is none. She could maybe not want to talk to him, but how rude would he be if he didn't offer up conversation to her? It was the right thing to do, even if he'd come to realize in the short time he'd been back that rarely did anyone actually held long conversations with strangers. He didn't understand why, how do you meet anyone if you don't talk to them?
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As Time Goes By || OPEN
Before heading to the third and final day of the carnival, Natalia walked to a coffee shop she had grown familiar to. She tried to erase the thoughts of the two men that were attempting murder, but every time she tried to avoid it, her mind worked overtime to make sure that it was the only thing she thought of. The cure to this repetitive cycle seemed to be coffee. Her regular was black coffee, two sugars. It was simple and it gave her the energy she needed in the mornings. When she entered the small cafe, she was shocked by how busy it was. The civilians of Metropolis must have wanted to get their caffeine buzz before the start of the carnival. 
Natalia stood in line until it was her turn. She ordered her coffee with a smile and tried to find a table. The only empty seat was at a table with a man doodling on a placemat. She cocked her head at the man and walked over towards him, intrigued. She stood at the seat across from him and raised her eyebrow. “Sorry if I’m disturbing you, but is this seat open?” She asked politely before taking a quick glance at whatever he was drawing. 
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Steve looked up as a voice presented itself, finding it to belong to a girl asking permission to sit with him. Steve shook his head, smiled and motioned to the chair in what was a simultaneous motion. "No, go ahead. Seat's all your's." He replied, his polite smile not faltering even after. He watched her kind of study him and the sketch he'd been working on, embarrassment getting the best of him and he just looked back down to work, hearing her speak up again after a moment. "Oh? You like it..? It isn't much." Mad skills? What does that mean? He wasn't angry, nor were his skills. This must be another one of those new lingos he was told about. He just nodded and glanced up, smiling at her before looking back down.
When she started to move in her seat, he glanced up once again to see her posing in her chair. He did what he could to not look totally confused, as well as freaked out but it.
"I'm sorry...What?" He asked, referring to her comment and then looking around for this Jack person. Was he behind him? No, didn't look like it, so he looked back at her. "Jack..?"
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As Time Goes By || OPEN
On such a beautiful morning, Kate could often be found lavishing in the warmth of spring, with the gentle breeze blowing at her back; carrying departed refuse on its current, and blustering through the cascade of chocolate-colored tresses which grace her angular shoulders. She  occupied this Cafe quite often, and had adopted a ritual of ordering an Espresso con panna and finding a seat outdoors on the patio, where she would lounge for hours with a good book. 
"Do you mind?" She was used to sharing tables. Usually she’d just fixate on whatever piece of literature she brought with her, rather than the person seated parallel from her, but today was different. There was something curious about this man. Her gaze lingers for far longer than she’d allow herself to admit, and not only for his fair appearance — it’s truly the illustration which caught her eye.She just stares athim and his artwork for a moment with an almost intimidating attentiveness; eyes scorching and shimmering with an intense desire to understand, like sumptuous amber gems of well-earned admiration. "Your drawing is actually. Really good, y’know. Like, mad skills, bro.”
Unable to resist the opportunity that’s presented itself, she reclines backward in the  chair opposite of him;teeth grazed over her bottom lip in an endeavor to camouflage a smile, the yearning to allow it upon her features incessantly growing stronger as she strikes the legendary pose; her tone suddenly soft and sensuous.
“Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls.”
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As Time Goes By || OPEN
It was a regular Sunday morning, the sun was out, the sky was clear, and yet Steve wasn't feeling as happy as he should on such a nice day. He just wasn't feeling normal, he hadn't for what seemed like the entire time he'd been back. He had a feeling of being out of place, like she shouldn't be here. This wasn't his time, or his place. He knew nothing of a world he'd lived in all of his life. This was a usual feeling, the kind he had dealt almost constantly since his miraculous return into the world. There was just something about this place that didn't feel right, made him feel lost and totally confused, but he supposed that was common with men who went to sleep in the 1940's and woke up in...whatever era this was. He was an man out of date, behind on the times, a soldier out of commission. He tried not to let that get to him, think about something else.
He looked around the busy cafe he sat at, noticing that it had gotten pretty full now. Soon enough, people were going to have to start sharing tables, which he never had a problem with. He was polite, however confused he was by most of the people. People these days were, well, different to say the least. He shook his head, figuring he should get on his way but didn't even know where he'd go, all the places he was interested in going to didn't even exist anymore. So he just focused on the placemat that he'd been doodling on, something he did to ease his mind, give his hands something to do and distract from the distress that plagued his thoughts.
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Hi this is a post of me saying I'm sorry I haven't posted yet, and that I will tomorrow. Just in a less then chipper mood so I don't want my first post to be super dumb because of that
Alright goodnight I'm looking forward to RPing with you all :)
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