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Help Everyone Find A Job In Their Field
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I sometimes think about how Team 7 is the one who had to fight the most for it, but also the only one that comes out whole?
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you can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.” ― Stephen King
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things you shouldn’t do if you run a studyblr (aka things that i do)
try to not compare yourself to others please. this includes: your achievements, where you stand in life, your belongings/stationery/material things, level of productivity, etc.
try to not let the lack of notes discourage you from wanting to keep making posts or being a part of the community.
don’t buy things just because you see other people have them.
try to not feel guilty for not posting original content constantly.
try to not feel like you have to study all the time just because you run this kind of blog.
try to not feel like you can’t fail.
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I’m not dead
Well, I’ve been away for a long time now, haven’t I?
I finished my bachelor thesis and now am only waiting for my mark and certificate. So, good news there :) 
I also got a great job. The reason I’ve been so quite lately. My job is very demanding and the hours are something I need to get used to (7 am to 5 pm and sometimes longer if there is a lot of work). And I didn’t really have the time to do anything to post either, but I’m kind of getting used to everything so I’m going to be more active from now on (hopefully). 
I’m currently preparing for nanowrimo and I’m planning to start a new study project. Just because I’m not at university anymore doesn’t mean I need to stop learning. 
Contrary to my old topic (gothic novels) my new topic is electrical engineering. I don’t think I’ve said it here yet but I already have a degree in it and I’m planing to freshen up my knowledge because I need it for work (and actually because I enjoy knowing details). 
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Well, both true and untrue at the same time. There are articles that have great sources and are so detailed some scientific papers could learn from them. But sometimes articles are wrong. The sources they offer aren’t really sources on that topic or unreliable sources. One example: I had a professor who wrote a book and transformations. The article was also on transformations and his book was cited as a source. The problem: There are two kinds of transformations. One is a math principle used in for example electrical engineering to calculat harmonic waves (for example with fourier transformation) and the other is a technique used in linguistics to decribe a certain type of grammar. Very very different concepts. The article was about the mathematical one, my professor wrote on linguistics. Someone just used his book as a source because he has a good reputation and the title did fit on first glance. 
Wikipedia is great. Especially if you are trying to get into a new topic. It gives great information and details and is an amazing starting point for any research. But it shouldn’t be the end of your research. Check the sources, maybe take a look into those sources to understand a topic better (because Wikipedia is essentialy a summary). Try to find sources that disagree or have another view point because those matter as well and Science and good papers live of discourse (and as you dive deeper into a topic you might realice that even set rules like grammar are just smoke and maybes in a bigger discourse)
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When old ladies look at Crowley, look at his too tight trousers, sunglasses and swagger, they inevitably come to the conclusion that he is a sweet, handsome young man*. A bit of a rogue, but only in the way they’d giggle over. Crowley is VEXED. He is not sweet! He is not to be giggled over! But they’ll fuss over him even more, patting his hand and insisting he has a biscuit and some tea. And Crowley sits there carefully holding his floral teacup, listening respectfully even as he sulks, and always without fail ends up doing some small helpful tasks on his way out. He’s usually back, despite his sulking. And maybe light bulbs stop needing to be changed, and all the highest cupboards are suddenly much easier to reach after he’s been around.
*this is true
When old ladies look at Aziraphale, they see his his fussy mannerisms, beautifully manicured hands, outdated wardrobe, and masterful uses of passive-aggressiveness, and they see one of their own. Aziraphale gets invited to knitting circles. He bakes with them. He gets ALL the best gossip about Doris’s grandson, gets involved in the Tea Discourse, and knows his steamy romances like the best of them. He gasps, puts a hand to his breast, pours the tea Just So, is utterly delighted by anything knitted or tartan, and grumbles about technology. He’s one of them, and he likes it. And maybe they find their memories are a little sharper, maybe he just happens to have a record of the old song their sweetheart used to sing to them, maybe all their favourite old films start playing again on the telly after he’s been around.
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Flexible Time Blocking: A More Breathable Way to Get Things Done
I’ve met a lot of people who struggle with sticking to a schedule - myself included - so here’s one way you can get things done without restricting your spontaneity.
Linked: The ABCDE Method: Accomplish Tasks More Efficiently
Hope this helps!
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i hate when people are like UHM FRUIT ISNT ACTUALLY GOOD FOR YOU IT HAS A LOT OF SUGAR like shut the fuck up go eat your nutritionally complete meal powder you bought off a fucking kickstarter project okay let me enjoy a clementine 
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Hobbies…obsessions…it’s all the same for Pinky. Catch all the episodes on our Webtoon!
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Gothic Novel and Social Media
Today while writing my thesis paper I stumbled across a scary relation. 
So, in gothic novel and Schauerliteratur there are a lot if technics used to create fear. One that often appears in werwolves and when the main character is slowly going mad is the concept of a dreamself. This dreamself is manifesting itself in the main character throughout the story and the splitt in the personality is one of the things used to create fear. 
So, the idea behind it is not only the fear of losing ones mind but also the danger from that second personality The dreampersona is often more desirable than the characters reality and there is usually three ways for that story to end. Either the dreamself gets killed as it is not accepted in society and the character dies as well (as they still share the same body), the character kills themselve because they desire the dreamself over themselve, or the dreamself kills the character. This can either mean kill physically or just mentally (so the soul of the character get’s destroyed). 
In either case the character dies. 
So how is this connected to social media? 
Some of you might be familiar with the term fantasy self. 
For those who are not: In short it is a version everyone creates of themself. Like my fantasyself actually sticks to that promise of exercising three times a week and eating less sweets. Everyone has these fantasyselfs. The person we want to be but are not and probably will never be because deep inside what we desire to be isn’t really what we want. (Like while i desire to be fitter I like my comfort and choclate even more). 
There is nothing wrong with having that fantasy self. 
But that’s where social media come into the game. Social media allow people to make this fantasy self physical. At least in a certain way. Other people can interact with that fantasyself and won’t even know it’s not a fanatsy self and through that interaction and the positive feedback that fantasyself manifests. The person, though, is still very aware that that fantasyself that goes to the gym twice a week and posts pictures of it real. They still don’t enjoy sports and still eat all that chocolate, they just keep that to themselve. Fanatsyself doesn’t have those problems. All the negative aspects only get connected to the real person while everything positive is the fantasyself. 
I think it’s obvious where I’m going with this. Dreamself and Fantasyself are interchangable. It’s a modern case of Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hide. 
Of course, I know that the real live is way more complicated than literature. But I think it’s something to think about. In the 19th century people wrote horrorstorys about what is normal for many many people nowadays. And while I don’t have any stats or anything I believe there already are people who fell victim to their fantasyself. 
It’s interesting and scary at the same time. 
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Ultimate Studyblr FAQ
studyblr (=smartblr) - study blog
studyspo  (=smartspo) - study inspiration (e.g., quotes, pictures of studying or stationery…)
appblr - university (college) applications blog
archblr - architecture studyblr
artblr - art studyblr
astroblr - astronomy studyblr
bioblr - biology studyblr
businessblr - business studyblr
chemblr - chemistry studyblr
engblr - engineering studyblr
historyblr - history studyblr
langblr - languages studyblr
lawblr - law studyblr
litblr - literature studyblr
mathblr - mathematics studyblr
medblr - medicine studyblr
musicblr - music studyblr
philoblr - philosophy studyblr
physicsblr - physics studyblr
psychblr - psychology studyblr
stemblr - science, technology, engineering, maths studyblr
(If there’s no price written next to something, that thing is for free)
- Forest  android | iOS ($0.99) | Windows Phone (€0.99) | Chrome | Firefox (FocusNow - a similar free version for iOS)
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- Momentum Chrome
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- Fliqlo Mac/Windows | iOS ($0.99)
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- Habitica website | android
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- Duolingo website | android | iOS
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- Khan Academy website | youtube | android | iOS
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- Cold Turkey (program that blocks websites) website
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- Todoist website | android | iOS | Chrome
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- Quizlet website | android | iOS
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- My Study Life website | android | iOS | Windows Phone | Chrome
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- Lanes website | chrome
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GSCE -  General Certificate of Secondary Education is a two-year programme in a specific subject taken by school students in UK. Students start GCSEs at age 14 in year 10 and then they take the public examinations at age 16 in year 11. A level -  a qualification in a specific subject typically taken by school students aged 16–18 in UK (after GCSEs). A Levels are worked towards over two years and split into two parts, with one part studied in each year:
A1 Level or AS Level - the first part of the A level.
A2 Level - the second part of the A level.
Advanced Placement (AP) is a program in the USA and Canada, which offers college-level curricula and examinations to high school students. American colleges and universities often grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores on the examinations.
International Baccalaureate (IB) can refer to the international educational foundation, any of the 4 programmes it offers, or the diploma or certificates awarded at the end of the programme.
IELTS -  International English Language Testing System is an international standardised test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers.
TOEFL - Test Of English as a Foreign Language is a standardized test to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers wishing to enroll in American universities. Though, it is accepted by many English-speaking academic and professional institutions.
ACT - American College Testing is a standardized test for high school achievement and college admissions in USA. 
SAT -  Scholastic Assessment Test  is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in USA.
Major - is the academic discipline to which an undergraduate student formally commits in USA and Canada. A student who successfully completes the courses prescribed in an academic major qualifies for an undergraduate (Bachelor’s) degree.
Double major -  a student who declares two academic majors is said to have a double major.
Undergrad student - a student taking up undergraduate education.  
Undergraduate education - is a level of education between secondary education and a master’s degree. When a student completes an undergraduate education they get a Bachelor’s degree.
Grad student - a student taking up graduate or postgraduate education.
Graduate education - is a level of education taken up after getting a Bachelor’s degree. When a student complete a graduate education they either get a Master’s or Doctorate degrees.
It goes something like this:
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Beware, things vary from country to country and from subject to subject.
(Click here for the updated version of this post)
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Order up!
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reblog this if you’re a university level studyblr
most of the ones i follow are high school level and i need more people my own age/education level!
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types of students as planets
mercury: studies alone, windows open during thunderstorms, loves coffee (iced or hot), morning person, STEM student, black and white notes, fresh journals, grid paper, organized, can (and will) study almost anywhere
venus: studies ahead in the summer, hot head, works hard in subjects they love, procrastinates the subjects they hate, flirty, smoothies for breakfast, the person who lends you their pens, classical music, floral candles
earth: study groups, tutors other students, deep breaths, monochrome notes, bullet journal doodles, loves the spring, friendly, cafes, humanities subjects, earl grey tea, cracks under pressure, easily distracted
mars: easily stressed, teacher’s favorite, red pens, drinks espresso, forgets due dates, study playlists, competitive, if an assignment is due at 9:00 they’ll submit it at 8:59, unlined paper, messy desk
jupiter: forgetful, loud, drinks chai, will get at A on a test even if they didn’t study, art student, new pens and folders, seems calm but is actually very stressed, rewrites notes, flashcards and quizlet, sticky notes on everything
saturn: uses fidget toys, calls friends when they’re struggling, only studies at the library during finals week, takes notes on their laptop, watches TED talks, lives for the weekend, grid paper, studies in bed, multi-color highlighters
uranus: solitude, good at chemistry, lateral thinking, prefers the winter, would sleep for a week if they could, their best friend is the coffee pot, forgets to eat sometimes, tried color-coded notes once and decided to never do it again
neptune: late nights, takes them a while to understand a subject, but once they understand it they’re the master, has a group chat with the people in their class, grade oriented person, minimalist, says they’re studying but is actually on studyblr, master of self care
pluto: fuzzy blankets, hot cocoa, bit of a loner, rarely raises their hand in class, lined pages, says they’re gonna fail but probably gets A’s and B’s, definitely not a morning person, vanilla candles, “i don’t care about grades” they say as they proceed to stay up all night studying
types of students as months
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“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done”
— Thomas Jefferson 
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I’m currently on and of working on my thesis. I study a lot for my new job which is very demanding and in august there are many family celebrations I have to attend so my time was somewhat short this month. But I made good progress. 
I have roughly 5 pages writen and 37 pages of additional notes (already sorted) that I plan to flesh out in the next few days. After that I only need my analysis and my conclusion which might take around 10 days with my current speed. 
I should finish maybe two or three days before I have to hand my thesis in. Enough for my roommate to do a corretion read and make all necessary adjustments. I’m really glad this is finally coming to an end!
Funny side story: a few minutes ago I suddenly heard on of my roommates screaming and shouting. Really startled me. He was screaming something about economics and I thought maybe he was stuck in his assignments. Still a big surprise as he is usually very quiet and level headed. Turns out he wasn’t stuck. He hurried from our flat and I just remembered that he usually would have left for work about an hour ago. Seems like he feel asleep during studying. 
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