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The Real Junk Food Project is based all around the UK, form Birmingham to Leeds, to Edinburgh to London. Their aim is to abolish surplus food through a variety of Pay As You Feel concepts. TRJFP receives donations from far and wide, from personal donations to supermarket and restaurant donations such as Waitrose, Nandos, Morrisons, Tesco, Aldi’s, Sainsbury’s etc. All sorts come in, from fresh veg, meat, tinned goods, cakes from Gregg’s, spices, fruit, pet food, milk, and shampoo, tooth paste and much more. They have three main projects, Cafe’s, Share house’s and Fuel for School. 
The cafes are places where intercepted food is prepared by volunteers and served to anyone who wants to come and eat, people can pay as they feel or alternatively donate their time to help out with cooking and cleaning. These kinds of cafe’s are usually based in local community centres. This creates a safe space for people who are struggling to come and eat a three course hot meal for a small fee, or even for free, no judgement is held nor pressure to pay a lot of money. In some cases, such as Ladywood community centre there also is a project set up within TRJFP called The Boutique, where food and self care products are sold at a discounted price. 
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I personally have had the chance to work with TRJFP at The Ladywood Wellbeing Centre through The Active Wellbeing Society. I volunteered every Thursday for a few months, where I would cook and clean for the community, all sorts of people would arrive such as the homeless, people struggling or anyone who wanted some good grub. It was great to be apart of such a lovely community, and getting to know the regulars more and more each week. 
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Share Houses: 
As TRJFP’S network got better at intercepting food destined for waste, they needed new ways to distribute it therefore they opened sharehouses, they don't usually prepare or cook food however people can come and collect food, and effectively do a food shop; they provide similar things that have been mentioned before. Similar to a food bank, just a different name. 
People pay as they feel with their money or time to help cover the costs of intercepting and redistributing the excess food, and running the Sharehouse itself.
To coincide with they’re mission TRJFP (The Real Junk Food Project) have a new hashtag - #feedbelliesnotbins
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So many people throughout the UK rely on food banks whether its a case of emergency or if its a weekly occurrence. From people who are unemployed, to people who work full time, you’d be surprised how many people have had to use a food bank at some point in their life. 
There are many food banks in and around Birmingham, which can be seen as both a positive and negative thing; its great that people have access to this kind of support but also terrible that so many people struggle to be able to afford the basics such as food. 
Food banks are set up by organisations, charities, local community centres or churches to help those in need who cannot afford food whether its due to illness, disability, family breakdown or the loss of a job, it can happen to any of us. Food is donated from supermarkets, schools, churches etc which then is given out to those in need, you can pick up anything from cereal, soup, pasta, rice, beans, tinned meat, tinned vegetables, tinned fruit, fresh fruit and veg, bread, long lasting milk, tea/coffee, biscuits, and also items such as shampoo, body wash, nappies, tooth paste and sanitary products. 
Here are some stories shared via a Birmingham Live article -  Why I use a food bank (https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/use-foodbank-stories-behind-those-14124123) :
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Below is a true representation of how loosing your job can cause your whole life to break down. Resulting in applying for a crisis loan, receiving Jobseekers Allowance and how a food bank can really make such a difference to a family or an individual. It helps create a safety net, whilst everything is at it’s worse, you know that you can receive help to be able to feed your family even with a low amount of money coming in. 
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The stories are a true representation of how food banks help so many people, the words of the people who have been helped by these organisation, it shows how effective they really are, not only around Birmingham but throughout the whole of the UK. 
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Raising the Roof is a Canadian Charity which kick started in February 2011 with ambitions to help the homeless youth, to remind people that they still have potential, all they need is a little bit of help. 
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 Having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future."a campaign to woo potential customers"synonyms:possible, likely, prospective, future, probable, budding, in the making; More
; plural noun:
 Latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness."a young broadcaster with great potential" synonyms: possibilities, potentiality, prospects;
the possibility of something happening or of someone doing something in the future."pesticides with the potential to cause cancer"
The message about ‘potential’ is so powerful, as many people will over see the homeless, as though they have chosen that kind of life for themselves. The homeless are always labelled, as wasters, useless, good for nothing etc; people look at what they are rather than what they can become, the potential they hold. 
The ignorance towards this group of people needs to change, when people end the stereotypical view on the homeless this is when many more will be helped and understood. Personally, every single person, homeless or not, has potential to be anything they strive to be with the right guidance and help.
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a thing that may happen or be the case."relegation remains a distinct possibility" .                                                                                  synonyms: chance, likelihood, probability, prospect, hope;
the state or fact of being possible; likelihood."there is no possibility of any government achieving this level of expenditure"                  synonyms: feasibility, practicability, chances, odds, attainability, achievability, potentiality, conceivability, probability; 
a thing that may be chosen or done out of several possible alternatives."one possibility is to allow all firms to participate" . synonyms: option, alternative, choice, course of action, solution, recourse; "buying a smaller house is one possibility"
The message behind ‘possibility’ links so well with ‘potential’, there are so many possibilities for the homeless, they need the reassurance from those who are happy, safe and well to know that they can change, there are ways out of where they are stuck now. In life you cannot just be one thing, you are a concoction of many things that make you, you. Therefore the homeless have the ‘potential’ to be many things just like the potato above. 
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A declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen."what happened to all those firm promises of support?"                                                                                synonyms:word of honour, word, assurance, pledge, vow, guarantee, oath, bond, undertaking, agreement, commitment, contract, covenant, compact"if I don't go I'll be breaking my promise"
The quality of potential excellence."he showed great promise even as a junior officer"                                                                                synonyms: potential, ability, aptitude, capability, capacity, potentiality; More
Assure someone that one will definitely do something or that something will happen."he promised to forward my mail"                          synonyms: give one's word, swear, pledge, vow, undertake, guarantee, assure, contract, engage, give an undertaking, give an assurance, commit oneself, bind oneself, cross one's heart (and hope to die), swear/take an oath, covenant; "she promised to keep it a secret"  
2.give good grounds for expecting (a particular occurrence)."forthcoming concerts promise a feast of music" .                                           synonyms: indicate, give an/every indication of, lead one to expect, give good grounds for expecting, point to, denote, signify, be a sign of, be evidence of, show signs of, hint at, suggest, give hope of, hold out hopes of, bespeak, presage, be a presage of, augur, herald, bode, foreshadow, portend;
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Types of Benefit A-Z:
Adult social care
Help with paying for care, especially in old age, such as help washing and dressing, is conducted on a council-by-council basis and so the level of assistance depends on where you live.
Attendance Allowance
A tax-free benefit for those aged 65 or over who are physically or mentally disabled and need help to be looked after. There are two rates of up to £71.40 a week.
Bereavement Allowance
A weekly rate of up to £97.65 paid for up to 52 weeks from the date of death of a husband, wife or civil partner.
Bereavement Payment
The £2,000 payment is a one-off tax-free lump sum to a husband, wife or civil partner of somebody who has died and generally who was under the state pension age.
Budgeting Loans
An interest-free loan for those on a low income who need help with certain important costs, such as clothing, furniture and travel.
Carer's Allowance
A taxable benefit for those who look after someone who is disabled. They do not have to be related to, or live with, the person that they care for.
Child Benefit
A universal non-means-tested benefit for parents to claim for their children, but plans to withdraw it for higher-rate taxpayers have proved controversial.
Child Tax Credit
Labour's flagship welfare policy, child tax credits are paid to families with children regardless of whether the parents work.
Child Trust Fund
To be withdrawn completely by the start of 2011, parents were paid a voucher to invest for their children who could access the money at the age of 18.
Cold Weather Payment
Paid to people who are in receipt of certain benefits to help with their additional heating costs during winter. A payment of £25 is made for each seven-day period of very cold weather between 1 November and 31 March - when the average local temperature is recorded as, or forecast to be, freezing (zero Celsius) or below over seven consecutive days.
Community Care Grant
Financial help to live independently in the community for those who have, for example, just moved out of care, or to ease exceptional pressure on them and their family.
Constant Attendance Allowance
To help those who need daily care, are 100% disabled according to medical examination, and who receive Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit or the War Disablement Pension.
Council Tax Benefit
Financial help for those on low incomes to pay their council tax bill.
Crisis Loans
Interest-free loans for those who do not have enough money to meet their, or their family's, immediate short-term needs in an emergency or as the result of a disaster.
Disability Living Allowance
A tax-free benefit for disabled people, including children, who have difficulty walking and who need somebody to help look after them.
Employment and Support Allowance
The successor of Incapacity Benefit, it is paid to those with an illness or disability but aims to get them into some kind of work.
Funeral Payments
Help for those on low incomes to pay for a family funeral, but might have to be paid back from the estate of the person who has died.
Guardian's Allowance
A tax-free payment of £14.30 a week per child on top of Child Benefit for people who are bringing up children whose parents have died.
Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme
Those on a low income and who need NHS treatment at a hospital, another NHS centre or a private clinic and have been referred by an NHS hospital consultant, doctor or dentist, can apply for help with travel costs at the time of their appointment.
Health Costs
Various options of financial assistance for the young, old and those on low incomes to pay for health costs ranging from dental work to wigs.
Health in Pregnancy Grant
A one-off grant to help with costs in the run-up to a baby's birth - however, this is being withdrawn in 2011.
Healthy Start Scheme
Help for pregnant women and low-income families by giving them vouchers that can be used to buy milk, fresh fruit and vegetables, and also coupons which can be exchanged for free vitamins for women and children. It is the only benefit administered by the Department of Health.
Housing Benefit
Aimed at those who struggle to pay their rent because they have a low income, irrespective of whether they work or not. Planned reforms by the governmenthave proved to be extremely controversial.
In Work Credit
A fixed tax-free payment of £40 per week, or £60 per week in London, for parents bringing up children alone. It is payable for up to 52 weeks on top of earnings.
Incapacity Benefit
A weekly payment for people who become incapable of work owing to illness or disability, which started before 27 October 2008, while under state pension age. It is being replaced by Employment and Support Allowance.
Income Support
Financial support for those on low incomes who have not signed on as unemployed.
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
The amount depends on individual circumstances, but this is a weekly payment for those made ill or disabled by certain types of work - such as working with asbestos. It covers accidents, disease and deafness. Those who are self-employed are not eligible.
Industrial Death Benefit
Payable to the widow or widower and children of a person working as an employed earner who died as a result of an industrial accident or prescribed disease. The death must have been before 11 April 1988.
Invalidity Benefit
This was replaced by Incapacity Benefit from April 1995 but is still payable if the invalidity started before April 1995.
Job Grant
A one-off, tax-free payment of up to £250 as a stepping stone for those moving from benefits and into work.
Jobseeker's Allowance
The widely recognised main benefit for people of working age who are out of work, or work less than 16 hours a week on average, and who are looking for work.
Local Housing Allowance
Similar to Housing Benefit, this is the allowance paid to a private tenant on a low income who is renting property or a room from a private landlord.
Maternity Allowance
This pays a standard weekly rate of £124.88 or 90% of your average gross weekly earnings, whichever is the smaller, to somebody who does not qualify for statutory maternity pay.
Mobility Supplement
Some people might be entitled to a free tax disc if they are disabled and get the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance, War Pensioners Mobility Supplement or have an invalid carriage.
Over 80 Pension
A payment of up to £58.50 a week for individuals aged 80 or over who do not get the basic state pension.
Pension Credit
This guarantees a minimum income to those of state pension age by topping up the weekly income to £132.60 for those who are single, and £202.40 for couples. There is also a Savings Credit for those aged 65 and over.
Pneumoconiosis (including asbestosis), Byssinosis and Miscellaneous Diseases Benefit
A benefit paid to the husband, wife or civil partner of somebody who died as a result of pneumoconiosis, byssinosis or certain other diseases which they got from work before 5 July, 1948.
Reduced Earnings Allowance
A payment of up to £58.32 a week for those who do not earn as much as they could owing to a work-related accident or disease that happened before 1 October 1990.
Retirement Allowance
This replaces Reduced Earnings Allowance for those who have reached pension age and have given up regular employment.
Return to work credit
A tax-free payment of £40 per week, payable for up to 52 weeks, for some people returning to work.
School uniform allowances
Help for parents to pay for their children's school uniform, but administered on a council-by-council basis.
Severe Disablement Allowance
Paid to those unable to work for at least 28 weeks in a row because of an illness or disability - but no new claims have been accepted since April 2001.
State Pension
Arguably the best-known of all benefits, this is a payment of £97.65 to all those who have reached state pension age - which is set to rise.
Statutory Adoption Pay
Help to take time off work after adopting a child, it is paid at £124.88 or 90% of your average weekly earnings if this is less, for 39 weeks.
Statutory Maternity Pay
For new mothers, this is paid for the first six weeks at 90% of their average gross weekly earnings with no upper limit and - for the remaining 33 weeks - at the lower of either the standard rate of £124.88, or 90% of their average gross weekly earnings. This is one of a series of rights for new parents.
Statutory Paternity Pay
For new fathers, this is paid for one or two consecutive weeks at £124.88 or 90% of their average weekly earnings if this is less. As with maternity pay, they must have worked for the same employer without a break for at least 26 weeks by the 15th week before the baby is due.
Statutory Sick Pay
A standard rate of £79.15 a week, it is paid by employers for up to 28 weeks if somebody is unable to work because of illness.
Sure Start Maternity Grant
A one-off payment of £500 for each baby to help those on low incomes pay towards the cost of a new baby.
Tax credits
The former Labour government's policy to integrate benefits within the tax system, rather than straightforward handouts. The benefits, administered by HM Revenue and Customs consist of Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit.
Training premium
A small amount of about £10 a week paid as an incentive to train for a job.
Travel to interview scheme
For those out of work and on benefits, Jobcentre Plus may be able to help pay to get to a job interview.
Unemployability Supplement or Allowance
This is paid to people who suffered industrial injuries but no new claims have been accepted since 6 April, 1987, when Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit was increased.
Vaccine Damage Payment
A tax-free payment of £120,000 to those severely disabled and whose disability was caused by vaccination against various diseases, such as tetanus.
War Disablement Pension
A pension, dependent on the level of injury, for those injured or disabled as a result of service in the Armed Forces, who are no longer serving in the Armed Forces and who were injured in service before 6 April 2005.
War Widow's/Widower's Pension
A tax-free pension paid to the wife, husband or civil partner of somebody who died as a result of their service in the Armed Forces or during a time of war before 6 April 2005.
Widowed Parent's Allowance
Up to £97.65 a week paid to a parent whose husband, wife or civil partner has died and they have at least one child who they receive Child Benefit for. Previously known as Widowed Mother's Allowance.
Widow's Pension
Payable weekly at a reduced rate for younger widows, the pension can be paid until the widow reaches 65 but if she retires after reaching state pension age of 60 it will usually be replaced by the state pension.
Winter Fuel Payment
This year it will be paid to all those born on or before 5 July 1950. The annual payment can be between £125 and £400 depending on the recipient's situation, to help pay the increased heating bills of winter. It is different to the Cold Weather Payment.
Working Tax Credit
Another element of the tax credits system, it pays in-work credits to people on low incomes through the wage packet including, where appropriate, part of childcare costs.
Ten most costly UK benefits
Tax credit
Housing benefit
Child benefit
Disability Living Allowance
Income Support
Incapacity Benefit
Jobseeker's Allowance
Council Tax Benefit
Statutory Maternity Pay
Carer's Allowance
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Identify a social cause that can be addressed by referring to historical precedents and applying these to a contemporary approach. 
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Whilst studying colour theory, we had a task to all bring in an object of colour into our session. As you can see below we then roughly created the colour wheel, positioning the objects that had been gathered where we thought appropriate. 
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I found this task really inspiring, seeing all the colours laid out to represent the colour wheel. It was also lovely looking through everyones personal items, and talking about how colour effected them in their everyday life.
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