toniesvensson 4 months
Watch the full reel to know how it went. Instagram Reel: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6wjvfSIoLB/
The day consisted of a long sleep, jacuzzi with聽@eddie.ekt聽, late afternoon walk with the dogs, and of course the juices we had for breakfast and lunch!
Breakfast: 1L of Celery Juice Lunch: 1.3 L Pineapple, Carrots, and Turmeric
Don't forget to drink water throughout the day. Anyways, keep going! 馃挭馃徎
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toniesvensson 4 months
This morning, I went out for a bicycle ride and drank my celery juice as usual. For lunch, I had the same juice and drank while soaking under the sun during my break. For additional movement, Awilix, Lilith and I walked home for about 30-45 minutes. After arriving home, took a little rest and did yoga afterwards.
No reels or videos today as we took an early night in. Second photo is from last night's walk before going to bed.
Until tomorrow again. 馃挭馃徎
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toniesvensson 4 months
Tried something new today despite not being used to talking infront of the camera. But hey! We'll get there. 馃挭馃徎 Check Instagram Reel: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6rhnMvI86B/
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toniesvensson 4 months
Day 8 of 28 Days Juice Fast 馃イ
Wow. 20 days left? That went quick!
As for today, the day was spent mostly at the dentist. As usual, I woke up this morning and did my morning bike routine and afterwards, I had my 1L Celery Juice. I forgot to mention previously that an hour after drinking my juice, I usually take my vitamins and supplements. After all, it is important to supply your body with the right nutrients it needs.聽
I also got myself a 1L Lemonade for the whole morning along with my 2L Water with 5-6 Ph Miracle Drops.聽
There was no lunch juice today as I had my dentist appointment from 12:30 to 2:00 PM. I was also adviced after the session, not to bite, eat, or drink anything other than water for 4 hours.聽
For the evening, I had set aside 1L Fresh Orange Juice, ready for drinking once the 4 hours is over. Also did my daily yoga before heading to bed.
*No reels from today's bike ride as it was raining this morning.
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toniesvensson 4 months
Today was a rest day for me. The body needs rest too. Took things easy but still did my daily yoga, the Celery Juice for the morning and the pineapple, orange, carrots, and ginger juice for the afternoon and evening.
Spent the day relaxing, catching some proper sleep, and of course the weekly weight check and body measurement which are as follows: Weight - 87.5 kg (lost 5 kilos in a week) Right Thigh - 68.5 cm Left Thigh - 68 cm Lower Hips - 110.5 cm Lower Waist - 102 cm Chest - 102 cm Left Arm - 36 cm (Diameter) Right Arm - 36 cm (Diameter)
One week down! Three more to go. Let's do this! 馃挭馃徎
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toniesvensson 5 months
Started the day at 7:45 AM with a morning bike ride in the forest. Came home, made my Celery Juice, and then went out for a walk with Lilith and Awilix for 1.5 hours.
Today, the lunch juice was back. The same ingredients, the same amount but without kale this time. (Just pineapple, carrots, ginger, and turmeric.
Ended the day by resting, taking things easy, and a little bit of studying.
May your weekend be productive and equally chill at the same time. 馃挭馃徎
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toniesvensson 5 months
Welcome to Day 5 out of 28 Days of Juice Fasting! 馃挭馃徎
Yesterday was a nice success with the salt day and it helped a lot. I am still a bit bigger than I want to be but I am getting there!
Like I mentioned, I had let myself go a bit due to the serious injuries I had with my knees and it took a long time for me to get back and be able to walk without any pain. But then I got lazy and comfortable. Also, the cold and dark weather in Sweden didn't make it better. 馃榿
Hey, we are alive and now I am getting in shape to get back to the body I used to have, or even better and upgraded!
Do tune in and follow me in this journey.
And if you ever have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. If you are going through a rough patch and needs someone to talk to or just a listening ear, I am here!
I have been through struggles and have had addictions, loneliness, deep sadness, filled with anger, hatred, and just the feeling of being mad at everyone. I've blamed sh** instead of taking responsibility for myself in my younger days. There is a lot that I have been through and I am more than happy to help and talk with people that needs it!
Stay safe, stay happy and stay loving. Everything will be amazing, so do not give up! Not just yet. Life is worth it and there is a lot of ways to make it better even if it feels hopeless! I am here! 馃馃徎
-- Breakfast is 1 Liter of fresh Celery Juice and I did extra workout yesterday and biked extra as well so I took this morning to rest a little bit and made myself some extra juice for the whole morning and mid-day instead.
Afternoon to Evening Juice was 1 Liter of Fresh, Pressed Orange Juice.
Share, follow, and let us grow & be better together. Let's go. Let's go. LET'S GO! 馃挭馃徎馃憦馃徎馃敟
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toniesvensson 5 months
Day 4 out of 28 Days Juice Fast 馃イ
I started the morning at 4:30 with a 7 KM bike run, and today was Salt Day! As usual, I drank my Celery Juice in the morning (as an early breakfast) and then 45 minutes later, I took a teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt in a glass of water and chugged it in one go.
Skipped the lunch juice for today but took another teaspoon of salt in water. I also had a 1L lemonade with me the whole afternoon. Same goes for the evening: another shot of Celtic Sea Salt to activate some extra bowel movement.
Reminder: Do not go to far from a loo/toilet/CR/Bathroom. Also drink extra lots of water while doing this.
Other activities for the day: 馃挭馃徎 Afternoon Bike Ride 馃挭馃徎 Outdoor Workout 馃挭馃徎 Yoga 馃挭馃徎 Sauna
Let's do this! 馃敟馃敟馃敟
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toniesvensson 5 months
The sun was out the whole day and so was I. Today's highlights are: 馃挭馃徎 Celery Juice (Morning) 馃挭馃徎 9.5 km walk in the forest (approximately 2 hrs) 馃挭馃徎 Sun bathing at the balcony 馃挭馃徎 Mixed Juice (Lunch) 馃挭馃徎 Sun bathing by the jacuzzi 馃挭馃徎 ATV drive 馃挭馃徎 Yoga 馃挭馃徎 Quick Muay Thai combo 馃挭馃徎 Mixed Juice (Evening)
Lunch and evening juices were different than usual today. Skipped the beetroot, ginger, and blueberries. For lunch, I used pineapple, carrots, turmeric, and kale. And for the evening, I used the same ingredients except I added oranges too.
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toniesvensson 5 months
And today is yet another day of Cleansing and Strengthening My Body and Mind.
A quick recap for the day: This morning, I woke up at 0430 and prepared for my daily, morning bicycle ride. After going through my route, I then prepared my morning celery juice and my mixed juice for lunch.
Today's lunch juice was a bit different. We switched up the beetroot with blueberries! By noon, I took it easy and rested for 30 minutes as well.
Afternoon routine consisted with walking the dogs around the pond, yoga, and preparation of my evening celery juice. The rest of the evening was spent studying and unwinding before going off to bed.
Let's keep this fire going! 馃敟
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toniesvensson 5 months
I do feel good with my body but I know that I feel a lot better after I do a proper cleanse. The fastning helps get rid of all the "garbage" I've accumulated. Winter just ended and I admit I have been lazy throughout those months with all the gloom and gray. I am tired of being lazy. I miss my old body. Great stamina. More toned body and muscles. A lot better and stronger.
Don't get me wrong, I don't feel bad with the body I have now since I still maintain a good, clean, and healthy diet. But due to few serious injuries I got on my knees a few years back, I haven't been able to get back in shape. I have had problems back and forth with them (my knees), which is the result of VEEERY HARD and intense training in Muay Thai, running, sparring, and just pure hardcore training for years without taking any proper rest. Even if I had known about the injuries, I just pushed my body and continued going hard. In the long run, it got worse until I could no longer do the things I used to like run, jog, and even take long walks without intense pains. It took some time for my knees to be in a better shape. Lots of time at the physiotherapist and chiropactor and also with the right help, studies, and reading about health and the body.
Now, I am ready to be back in shape. I'm mainly going to get rid of the belly flaps, lose some weight and try to strengthen my knees so I can run again. But until then, I'll continue cycling to build up the lower muscles, work on my cardio and stamina and also do some walks. I'm also doing some yoga at home through a Yoga Challange book that i have. I can highly recommend it and I will send be sharing a post about it in the future. If you are eager to know which Yoga book I am talking about, just send me a DM and I'll send the info to you.
I love health and wellness. I love clean and quaility food. I belive in natures remedies and staying healthy with food, greens, herbs, and more. This is what I call the clean lifestyle.
-- Body Measurements as of 2024-04-29: Chest - 101 cm Right Arm - 36 cm Left Arm - 36 cm Waist - 106 cm Hips - 110 cm Right Thigh - 71 cm Left Thigh - 71 cm
Weight: 91.3 kg
1st Photo: Run for A Cause taken in Dumagute City 2019 2nd Photo: Summer Body, July 2023 3rd Photo: Body result after 21 days Juice Fast, August 2023 4th and 5th Photo: Winter Gains and Current Body, April 2024
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toniesvensson 5 months
Friday, April 19, 2024: Went out for a "before work" bicycle ride this morning as part of my weekday routine. Still on the look out for a 10 km route.
Once back home, I prepare my 1L Celery Juice (best taken first thing in the morning and preferably without food) and 1L Lemonade to drink throughout the day.
If time permits, I take out the dogs for a short walk around the area which takes approximately 20 minutes before driving to work and continuing the day.
At around 5 PM in the afternoon, I take another tour with the dogs at the same route taken during the morning walk, sometimes even longer (especially on weekends).
Planning to use the sauna again, twice to thrice a week as part of my weekly routine as well.
I look forward everyday to having a fit, healthy body again. Excited to reboot my fitness and cleanse my body and mind.
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toniesvensson 5 months
Welcome to your go-to blog for growth, health, and positivity.
I will be posting all the information necessary to enhance one's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. I'll be sharing tips and advices from the knowledge I gathered throughout the years. From reading various books on health, psychology, natural medicine, and my personal experience with martial arts.
Join me on my 28-day juice fast journey on April 29th to cleanse and get myself in shape again. I will be sharing updates on both here and my blog (LINK IN BIO) on a daily basis.
Picture taken in the Philippines back in 2018/2019. Good old days. 馃挭馃徎
Disclaimer: The purpose of this blog is to provide general information and discussions on health and related subjects. I am not a health professional nor am I licensed practitioner.
Linked and cited materials in this blog are not intended as medical advice or a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.
For any medical concerns, it鈥檚 best to consult with your health care provider or seek professional medical treatment. If you believe you have a medical emergency, seek professional medical advice immediately by calling your doctor or emergency services.
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