ollievarry · 2 years
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I love them, k?
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ollievarry · 2 years
okay but “when barry calls, oliver answers” made me so fucking emotional what the fuck stephen
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ollievarry · 2 years
Flash 9.09 news
“Grant and Stephen saving the world together again”
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ollievarry · 2 years
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Stephen Amell in Heels Season 1, Episode 1 - “kayfabe”
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ollievarry · 2 years
14. Olivarry (Arrow / The Flash)
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Barry’s and Oliver’s friendship was an universe building unlikely relationship between a man, who overshares his feelings, and a man, who undershares is inner workings with pretty much everyone but this other oversharing man. Not being to easy to crack at first, Barry had to work hard to gain Oliver’s friendship, but he got rewarded by a mentor, who actually ended up learning much more from him than he ever learned from this mentor, which is fine for Barry, because that is what it is like for him. Out of all the relationships that ended with Oliver’s death this one is the one we will miss the most, simply because it was so unlikely to ever turn out the way it did, but so wholesome to watch every second. And Barry, who has lost so many people he loved already, ended up losing another one, which always hurts.
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ollievarry · 2 years
Oliver: So you and Ray? Really?
Nate: Yup. It just sort of happened. I guess when you team up enough, emotions can shift and develop.
Thea: Ah, "Friends to Lovers." A classic.
Nate: What about you? Any special, hidden feelings for any of your team-up squad?
Oliver: Nope.
Oliver: What?
Thea: "Oblivious to Love." Another classic.
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ollievarry · 2 years
Olivarry Prompt:
The coms go down during a mission, and Oliver freaks out. He races to Barry’s last known location and sees something he doesn’t expect.
Oh. The places my mind went.
The sound of the thug's body slumping to the ground was heavy and dull as Oliver stooped to pick up his discarded bow. The mission had gone sideways, forcing Team Flash and Team Arrow to scramble. It had taken some time to dispatch all the hired muscle at the site, which made Oliver wonder why Barry hadn't just done a little clean-up himself.
"Everyone okay?" Spartan asked as he straightened his sleeves and corrected his helmet.
"Good here," Black Canary replied. She spit a bit of blood to the side and scraped it with her foot to disguise it among the various smudges on the concrete.
Even Frost had assisted with Team Arrow's small blitz on the operation, and stood with her arms crossed in front of her, not a hair out of place. "Looks like we're done here."
"We should check on Team Flash," Diggle suggested.
Oliver nodded and checked his comms. "Flash? Vibe?"
No response.
"Flash. You there?"
Still no response.
A cold shock hit Oliver's spine. "Barry?"
No response.
Felicity "I just checked the logs. Their comms both went down right before you guys hit the ground. They've been silent since."
Oliver gestured to Diggle and the downed guards. He just nodded in reply as the Green Arrow turned on his heel and made a mad dash toward their friends' last known location. Despite just having taken on a baker's dozen armed men, adrenaline kept Oliver's feet moving as quickly as they ever have. The thumping in his chest was from a mixture of exertion and concern - even if Cisco was around, downed comms were a bad omen, especially when the rest of the group could still use theirs.
Please be okay.
This team up had been Oliver's idea. If, somehow, Barry had been ambushed on their side of the operation, he'd never forgive himself.
It didn't take long at Oliver's foot speed to reach the secondary location where they'd staked out earlier that evening, only a few minutes. With each minute that passed, however, Oliver's breathing became heavier and his chest tightened. He kept trying the comms, but no one answered, contributing to the building anxiety in the back of Oliver's mind.
Finally, he rounded a corner to find a gaggle of guards roped up together and unconscious, the arm of the operation completely dismantled, but no sign of Barry or Cisco. Now Oliver was near panicked. If they'd been able to round up the guards like this, what happened to them?
"Flash!" Oliver searched the area in earnest, to no avail. His heart wouldn't slow down. A cold heat rose up behind his ears as panic seeped in. "Vibe!"
No response.
Oliver turned toward the source of the voice to see Vibe and the Flash casually approaching the scene. Oliver held back a smile at the sight of Barry in his bright red suit, but the desire to smile evaporated when he saw the speedster carrying an armful of street vendor tacos while he munched on one in his free hand. Cisco had one in each hand, as well.
Oliver nearly threw his bow to the ground.
"Hey, Arrow," Flash said as he swallowed a chunk of taco. "Something up?"
Oliver fought every urge to deck the man in front of him. "Your comms went down."
Vibe checked his earpiece. "Ah, yep. Vibrational disruption. Sorry. That one's on me. Sometimes my powers can dislodge electrical components."
"And the tacos?" Oliver asked, crossing his arms.
Barry gave a little shrug, his face akin to a deer in headlights. "I was hungry," he said, his voice small.
Cisco looked between Oliver's furrowed brow and Barry's wide eyes, cleared his throat, and excused himself. "I'll, uh, just go fix my earpiece."
When he was out of earshot, Oliver allowed himself to relax. His heart was still hammering pretty hard in his chest, but at least it had slowed. He was going to get a headache from the adrenaline, he could already tell. "Barry."
"Sorry, Ollie. I didn't know the comms were down. I would have said something."
It was hard to be mad at Barry as he stood there, wrapped up tacos filling the crook of his arm, innocent regret filling his eyes. Oliver smiled, probably a little too much. "I know." He wanted to hug him right there, but he settled for patting him on the shoulder. There were still thugs on the scene, after all.
"You were worried, weren't you?" Barry asked.
"More adrenaline from you not answering than taking down the bad guys," Oliver replied.
Barry grinned. There was something in that smile that Oliver didn't like. "You were worried," he said, his voice lifting a little in the middle.
Oh, no.
"You like me-"
"You love me, you wanna kiss me-"
"I will shoot you in the back again."
Barry cackled as the two of them made their way towards Cisco. "Oh, it's like that?"
Oliver lightly shoved his red-clad partner in the shoulder, smiles reaching across each of their faces as they returned to their regularly scheduled superheroing.
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ollievarry · 2 years
Crisis, a summary.
Barry: I'm going to die.
Oliver: No<3
Barry: ???
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ollievarry · 4 years
PLEASE tell me other people are still thinking about olivarry after Crisis and totally ignoring canon. (they’re like,,,, my forever ship)
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ollievarry · 4 years
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ollievarry · 4 years
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Barry calling Oliver “Ollie” (requested by anon)
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ollievarry · 4 years
Please watch this and tell me this isn’t the greatest video ever made. Tell me Barry doesn’t gaze at Oliver with the most diehard cheeky blushy smiles in a way he hasn’t looked at anyone in the show. I’ll wait. Cause there’s instances in this video even *I* haven’t seen before, of GG gazing at SA with so pure love and devotion and moments where SA stares so intently at Barry I think both of them are about to run off together and make their own spin off. Together. Only them. No one can deny it. Barry doesn’t look at or smile at ANYONE the way he does with Oliver. Ever.
(Video does not belong to me I didn’t make it :) ) 
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ollievarry · 4 years
Headcanon: Oliver transferring to Dalton and meeting Warbler Barry
HOLY FRACK YES. OKAY. I may have squealed a little upon seeing this one tbh. I’m totally here for Warbler!Barry you guys. 
GUYS. GUYS. No but. I got reeeeeally carried away with this one. WARBLER!BARRY IS MY SHIT. SEND ME AS MANY OF THESE AS YOU WANT, GOD DAMN. 
Oliver resents his mother for sending him to private school.
Sure, yeah, okay, admittedly there’d been a few… behavioural problems. Not even he can deny that. There was the endless partying, his tendency to go missing for days in a drunken haze, and let’s not get into the fights he’d been getting himself into. But did she really have to go to extreme measures? He’d been perfectly happy at Starling High. His friends were there - his life. 
But now, he’d been shipped off to Dalton Academy - and god, is it pretentious. During the week he needs to wear the uniform - a deep blue blazer with red piping, slacks, ties and all, and fuck - it itches on his skin. Their most respected extracurricular activity is Glee club. Glee club. Fucking seriously?
Keep reading
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ollievarry · 4 years
Olivarry Shipping Rant Part 1/?
I do realize that Olivarry will never become canon but can I just ship what I want ship?
I’ve seen some pretty weird ass ships in the fandom but when I saw them I thought it was great that they were shipping what they wanted.
Who cares what people ship as long as they’re not shoving it down people’s throats it’s all good.
I get that Iris and Barry are in love. I get that Felicity and Oliver are in love and together. (I ship both of those (I mean let’s be real who doesn’t))
But I just think that Barry and Oliver would be cute together. I like the idea of them being together.
I’m allowed to ship whatever I want man. Just as you’re allowed to ship what you want.
Am I shoving it down people’s throats? I don’t think so
Am I bashing your ships? No.
So just let the Olivarry shippers ship.
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ollievarry · 4 years
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Once a Warbler, always a Warbler.
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ollievarry · 4 years
like, nothing against coldflash but how? is it more popular? than oliver/barry? like you’d think that would be the number one slash ship? yet here we are???
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ollievarry · 4 years
Are we sure the new promotional poster for the Flash season 2 is not just Barry having a “funny” reaction after seeing Oliver’s new suit and sparking up?
No, okay, but seriously. Aside from the fact I’m sure the writers will have him crack a flirty joke about it the same way they did about Oliver’s new hairstyle, from an olivarry point of view this calls for R rated thoughts; it’s a total headcanon by now that Barry has a thing for that suit (especially the mask), so just imagine him seeing Oliver in the new, so form-fitting-biceps-showing-hot-as-hell one.
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