omegaaskblog · 4 years
Howdy! =)
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omegaaskblog · 4 years
Might i perchance,,, hold your big ol plant hand?
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Don’t touch me, hee hee hee~!
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omegaaskblog · 4 years
Hey Omega Flowey! I love you so much *gives Omega Flowey a warm scarf and a cute bow. Also gives Omega Flowey a kissie in the cheek* You're my best nightmare friend =^w^=
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omegaaskblog · 5 years
hhhhey just out of curiousity what is the mun's headcanon voice for the big fella???
(( i couldn’t find an actor with the exact voice but i can replicate it pretty well, so: ))
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omegaaskblog · 5 years
He seemed….awfully proud of that.  She watched him, trying to swallow as quietly as possible to hide her nervousness.  Did he destroy his world?  What was he doing just…wandering around?  With her hands now empty, she quickly occupied them by squeezing the fabric of her cloak, watching him carefully.
“That’s….horrible?”  She was unsure how to answer, and certainly didn’t want to upset him.  She could feel her face reddening with embarrassment at every passing moment, devoid of any “right” response from her.  She took a deep breath to try and regain her composure.  “I’m very sorry, about your world.  What do you do now that it’s gone?  Do you just…wander?”
Wandering….she felt an ache in her heart.  A girl run away from her own corrupted world, finding solace in the fact she kept on the move, two steps ahead from anyone that could possibly look for her.  Except, she didn’t destroy her world like this guy had.  A small part of her almost hoped he was a nomad like herself; it would be nice for a change to have someone who empathized with her, even a little.
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* You could SAY I am a wanderer, sure. * Most of what I do is spend my time in my void talking to some random people, but occasionally I’ll go and explore out of it. * Though I DO have a rather... Large following I must keep happy.
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* You, too, could become one of my worshipers!
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omegaaskblog · 5 years
(( continued from here for format’s sake​ ))
The bestest, huh?  She couldn’t help but smile at the choice of words.  He sure was a friendly guy, wasn’t he?  She let her hand stay in his paw when he shook it, taking note of the size, and sheer muscle in his palm.  He was definitely being gentle with her, only using a fraction of his strength, no doubt.  Her gaze lifted from his paw back to his face, and his, well…..many eyes.  It was hard to just pick one pair to look at, since all six seemed focussed on her.  She looked at his screen, trying to discreetly tug her hood down a bit more, making sure she was covered.
“What is this ruined world like?  I’ve never come across your kind before….”  Suddenly, she blinked, and squeezed his palm some, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.  It just dawned on her that he was part plant, she could feel it.  Her ears twitched under her hood excitedly, causing the fabric to move a bit, but she was much too focussed, her heart racing like a childish druid.
[Omega looked at the twitching fabric curiously, deciding against commenting on it. He flashed a big smile, and let go of her hand so he could gesture with his paws freely]
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Well, it used to be... full of life! Many little idiots living together happily and in harmony, the place was beautiful, segmented into a bunch of tiny worlds of their own! 
[His smile turned dark]
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But now... It’s gone! And it’s all because of me!
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omegaaskblog · 5 years
HYPER ANON FROm the previous ask, sorry about freaking out but jfbfbfbfbhf im just glad youre back!
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omegaaskblog · 5 years
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omegaaskblog · 5 years
[The demigod smiled, and took her hand in his, giving a big firm yet warm handshake. His paw much bigger than her, swallowing her delicate hand whole]
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* Howdy, Echo! I can already tell, we will be the bestest of friends!
A nomad, huh? You must have so many interesting stories to tell us, so many experiences! Name’s Omega Flowey Dreemurr. I’m a demigod from a ruined world. Charmed, I’m sure ~📺
A demigod from a ruined world?  Coming from a ruined world definitely resonated with her….how long had it been since she had seen faerie…?  How long since she had seen her own family?  She dismissed those thoughts quickly with a mere, slow blink of her eyes.  
Keeping her hood covering her head, she slowly extended her right hand.  In the sunlight, it seemed to glow, it was so pale, like the petals of a magnolia flower.  Dull blue eyes watched Omega from the shadow of her hood, and a small, secretive smile tugged at her lips.
“I am Falynore, but….you can call me Echo.”  She said quietly, hoping her hand didn’t shake and portray how nervous she really was.  She had never met a person with deified status, and hoped she made a good impression.
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omegaaskblog · 5 years
(( This blog will return as a completely casual ask and rp blog!
Currently I don’t have access to my icons, but I will start doing the same thing I do on my other blog, @blixeraskblog , which is answer with icons during the week and give drawn answers when I have access to my computer and pen tablet.
Hope you didn’t miss me too badly...
@floweyaskblog will remain on hiatus until further notice! ))
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omegaaskblog · 5 years
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PepperGidget and Inky are making fusion artboards! Click their name to see their respective posts! This one is 🐙 + @omegaaskblog
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omegaaskblog · 5 years
A sad announcement
Hey guys.
With a lot of sadness I have to announce the closing of my blogs, @omegaaskblog and @floweyaskblog .
Life became extremely busy, and I don’t have free access to my digital art tools. I won’t stop making content, and maybe some day I’ll continue working on them again, who knows.
I’m not deleting them or leaving tumblr. I’ll just stop updating them. Think of it as a very long, maybe infinite hiatus.
Thank you all for being such supportive and lovely bunch through the whole way! It was a wonderful adventure.
- Pug
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omegaaskblog · 5 years
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omegaaskblog · 5 years
**Blog URL(s)**: http://omegaaskblog.tumblr.com/ **Joining as a**: Event Staff
**Mun Name** (pronouns):  Pug (she/her, they/them but if you call me he/him I wouldn't mind either)
**Muse Name** (pronouns): Omega Photoshop Flowey, but Omega for short (he/him)
**Muse Species/Character Base**: An Omega Flowey
**Fandom of Origin**: Undertale
**Skills**: SAVE/LOAD, bullet hell essentially but well... Snootle lazers, eye bullets, fingerguns, flies with venus flytraps, yelling, torches, bouncy smiling spiky boys, basically every Omega Flowey attack.
**Short Bio**:  Omega is an Omega Flowey that is stuck in his void for god knows how long. After fighting Frisk again and again, they just... Gave up, and quit. After spending so much time alone in a void, he finally decided to pass his time joining a blogging site on the undernet, where he met a whole bunch of different people- including a group of Floweys! Immediately he decided that it'd be fun joining this group, which turned out to be called The Hedge. He lost most contact with the other group members, but remembers some of them fondly, and even found love with Inky Wellington which he first met there. When Gravestone attacked, he gave it his all to take the guy down, going as far as EATING PIECES of the titan. Eventually he went away and came back with pizzas for everyone, because, sure. Since then he just kept on chatting with a whole bunch of different undernet bloggers, visiting some, arm wrestling others, being shipped (???) with a few as well, and basically developing meaningful relationships with special someones.
He's a snarky, silly, friendly, violent, frenzy prone, smarter-than-he-looks big guy that would either be your biggest ally or your worst nightmare (get it?)
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Hey everyone! We’re going to have another event at Inky’s castle, and this Giftmas we’ve got a lot of fun activities planned including sled races, snowball fights, gift giving, tree decorating, and even a cookie baking contest! Want to join? Just reblog this post on the blog of any muse who will join from the original post then head over to https://discordapp.com/invite/rr5HGNZ The tag for this event is #CastleEvents This event is open to pretty much any PG-13 muse, especially (but not limited to) those of the Undertale & Delta Rune universe. More info below the cut!
Keep reading
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omegaaskblog · 6 years
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[The omega shakes himself out of the oncoming frenzy that took ahold of him. The sound of Inky’s terrified voice bringing him back to his senses]
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* Stay behind me brighteyes, I’ll take care of it!
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* ...What is “it” anyway? Some sort of robot? A monster? Both?
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* I’m pretty sure this is one of those weird posts on that weird blogging site
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A very quick mock-up
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omegaaskblog · 6 years
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Please respect Toby Fox’s wishes and do not talk about the contents of the program until 1PM GMT/ 9AM ET on November 1st.
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omegaaskblog · 6 years
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