omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
i’m the main character in every grocery store i go to
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
sometimes i feel so bad for reposting smth like this (cause im definitely not pro ana) but i really need it and it actually helps me not to eat.
If you’re feeling like you’re about to break your fast:
- Remember when you started to cry when you couldn’t find an outfit to go out?
- Remember how you feel every time you look at the mirror?
- Remember when you saw those girls/guys with perfect bodies, a beautiful outfit that fit them perfectly?
- Remember when your parents/friends/just people in general made fun of your fat body? Or pointed out how much you are eating?
- Remember when you said that in 2018 you were going to reach your ultimate goal weight.
Do you want to eat now?
You don’t right?
Then go to drink some water and do some workouts. WE CAN SO THIS.
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
I dont think people understand that I literally can’t not take things personally. I notice the tiniest change in how someone talks to me, how they act towards me. I can’t just stop. after years of everything being my fault, is it wrong to assume that when someone gets angry, it’s my fault? im sorry.
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
i really fuckkhkhkijhkjiiing hate my school/classmates/teachers/everyone/everything, but at least i can starve till like 3:30pm almost every day because i dont eat at school. its the only good thing tho........
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
every so often i think about telling someone about my ed and then i remember they’ll try to stop me so lmao no thanks
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
*saves outfit to pinterest board* i'll look so good in that when i'm skinny
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
losing weight is so addictive i just wish it was faster
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
reblog if you hate your thighs
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
the hardest part isn’t the hunger pangs or the light headedness, it’s how slow it is. it’s dealing with the fear that i’ll never reach my gw, or even be skinny at all
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
I basically want to be unrecognizable by the time I lose all the weight. I want to be completely different. I’ve always been this way and now is the time to transform.
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
holy mfkin sht
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
more so than just wanting to be thin i want the satisfaction of knowing i made myself that way
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
i have to change my cw from 51.7kg to 52.3....... gained not that much (1.3lb) but i fuckkhkhkijhkjiiing hate myself.
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
every morning i go through the “i want to eat breakfast” “but i want to be skinny” “but you can skip lunch” “but you can skip breakfast AND lunch” thing and it is so exhausting
anyway today i’m probably just gonna have a safe food for breakfast or skip i haven’t decided yet
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
Reasons to be skinny
(some nsfw???)
-medium sized shirts would hang off your boney shoulders 
-you can actually shop at name brand stores and find clothes in your size
-he will be able to carry you around and say how light you are
-he could throw you around
-you wouldn’t have to worry about how you look like while your having sex
-you will look normal ordering a salad, not like your desperately trying 
-sitting on people laps and not being self conscious
-your bed will feel bigger because you don’t take up as much space
-you are a queen at fitting places most humans cant (which is great for hide and seek)
-you aren’t the stereotypical chubby emo girl anymore, instead your mysterious and not someone to be messed with
-people will actually take you seriously 
-so you can strut around in a swim suit and be confident 
-to be able to be on someones shoulders and not crush them 
-for your hands to be smaller/ skinnier than all of your friends when you measure them in front of each other 
-to lay your legs on your friends laps when your sitting by them and not have to feel so self conscious 
-for you to be able to borrow clothes from your other skinny friends and it still be too big on you 
-your hair will look longer 
-you’ll save money on lotions and body soaps because you dont need as much product to cover your body anymore
-you will feel cold all the time so when you hold hands with someone you will always get to see their shock
-you can cover up with as many fuzzy blankets as you want and you wont get too hot in the middle of the night
-youll be more flexible 
-you wont have to wear as much makeup because your skin will naturally look better and your cheek bones will already be defined
-you can wear v-necks to show off your collar bones instead of your chubby chest and shoulders
-your will get the satisfaction of seeing your hand bones move while your typing
-you’ll be able to fit your write inside of your middle finger and thumb
-tattoos look better on skin that isn’t stretched 
-bellybutton piercings
-hopefully my boobs will shrink so they aren’t such a hassle
-you won’t get out of breath by hiking anymore
-you’ll have more energy and be able to move around easier
-you’ll get higher faster
-you’ll get drunk faster
-you’ll get nic-high faster
-you will be able to comfortably take baths in your tiny bathtub 
-so your stomach will shrink and you can only handle so much food
-so that the giant teddy bear you have will be so much bigger than you
-so your thighs don’t touch when you walk 
-the time taken not eating you’ll be able to clean your room, catch up on homework, or go exercise more
-your face won’t get so extremely red when its hot outside
-you can wear crops tops and shorts and not look like an exploding biscuit package 
-so when you do eat unhealthy food you don’t look like the next contestant on “my six hundred pound life”
-for the “did you lose weight???”
-for the worried stares your parents and teachers give you 
-for the hungry stares the from the girls who wish they were you 
-so your combat boots will look h u g e on you 
-to be able to sit criss cross in any chair
-you’ll be sexier and look better in lingerie 
-you will naturally be repulsed by large amounts of food
-you can say “I’m not hungry” and people will actually believe you, where  if your fat every assumes that of course your always hungry
-being in dressing rooms and not feeling like crying
-looking perfect in your homecoming and prom dresses
-your skinny legs will look good in heels
-posting pics of you at the pool and not having to worry about every angle
-being delicate 
-people will be afraid to push you or hurt you in anyway because you look so fragile
-even the skinniest/ weakest people in your friend group will be able to lift you
-instead of “but your not fat” it’ll be “but your so skinny!!”
-you can wear fishnets and tights and not have so much extra fat on your legs
-you can look in the mirror and admire yourself the way you would admire thinspo before
-so youll have a smaller ring size 
—to be continued
ALSO: I do not promote eating disorders, if your new here please leave and seek help immediately. Thanks lovelies 💘
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omgiamnotskinny · 3 years
same lol👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
this is horrible for my mental health but i’ve decided that no one needs to know if i’m sad and i’ll just pretend to be happy until i can get alone and be sad lol
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