omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
Marciel let out a surprised laugh, eyes dancing with mirth. She smirked at him. “Well after that speech, you’ve certainly got my vote.”
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“What the fuck do you mean I’m nominated for this prom court thing? I’m not going up there and I’m absolutely not dancing with anyone. I’m going to kill whoever nominated me for this.”
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
Marciel couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her lips. “Clearly. And you're obviously a happy drunk.”
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
Marciel blinked in surprise at the girl, raising an eyebrow. “Oh yeah, I think it’s safe to say I’m the life of the party,” she replied. 
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“You’re gonna have to take off. You’re having so much fun its making everyone uncomfortable.”
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
Marciel fidgeted in her dress, as it wasn’t necessarily what she’d call comfortable. She walked further into the crowd of people, eyes flickering about. 
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
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Marciel Diaz | WDA Prom 2015
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
i’m so sorry i’ve been awful with activity these past few days!! i’m getting on both marci and garrett and they’ll both be at prom ^^
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
*whispers* i just submitted an app for garrett pendragon~
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
Marciel stilled when she heard a sniffle, and then when she heard another one, she stepped outside of the only taken stall. At the sad sounding greeting, Marciel felt her heart break. “I’m sorry,” she said in a gentle tone. “I don’t mean to bother you but...are you alright?”
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Bailey sat in the bathroom, legs tucked up to her chin, crying silently and hating herself for it. She tried to keep herself quiet, only letting out soft sniffles every now and then, pressing down on her mouth to keep her sobs silent, toilet paper scrunched in her hand. When she heard footsteps outside of her stall, she stilled, waiting for them to leave- but they didn’t. She swallowed hard, trying to keep her voice level. “H- hello?”
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
Marciel listened to Jaxon ramble with a small smile. She patted the seat beside her with a small nod. “Yeah, the water is really pretty...” she murmured. She let her feet dip into the cool liquid, kicking gently until her reflection was distorted. “It’s late, Jaxon, what are you doing out and about?”
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He looked down at her and tilted his head, he’d thought she was someone else. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were my friend- not that you’re not. Everyone’s my friend- sort of, you know what? Nevermind. Can I sit with you? The water’s pretty.”
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
“I just...needed some air, that’s all. Besides, if SHIELD wants to bust me, they can. There’s not much they could do anyway...” she said with a shrug.
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“Sorry, just making sure you’re alright. It’s pretty late out, d’you think you should maybe head back to the dorms? I know a lot of SHIELD is gone and so is the curfew, but something’s telling me they wouldn’t mind busting someone for the hell of it.”
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
“No, no it’s okay.” She immediately recognized the boy as Ben Radcliffe’s brother and she shifted a bit uncomfortably. “Um...I could go, if you want? If you want to be alone or something.”
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Oh, sorry. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here…
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
Marciel offered the girl a small smile in return and nodded her head. “Yeah, yeah it’s just me... What’re you doing out here?”
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“Oh! Marciel, it’s just you–sorry, I didn’t know who it was, wanted to find out.” Boo told sheepishly, giving a soft smile to the startled girl in front of her.
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
“Oh... Yes, yeah I’m fine. I was just uh– thinking, that’s all. Must have gotten lost in thought.”
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“Oh- hey, sorry to startle you. I was just asking if you were okay, and you didn’t really respond so I just wanted to make sure.”
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
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headcanon #1 — love
Marciel, being more of a mother for most of her childhood than a kid, never really got the chance to have crushes or boyfriends. However, before the alien hunting, before everything went to hell; there was one boy. He was in her class and he liked her, for reasons still unknown to her. He was kind, quiet, and would walk her home after school every day, claiming her house was on his way home — even though she knew better, she never said anything. It was...nice, simple. They started dating, and it just worked. Unlike other couples their age, when they broke up it wasn’t dramatic. It didn’t all come crashing down, they just...ended. She always put her family before him, and he never understood her need to protect everyone. They attempted to stay friends, but eventually that just fizzled out as well. 
When she left school to go to Alien Hunting Academy, he went to visit her house. He told her that he’d miss seeing her around school, and that he didn’t know it at the time, but that she was his first love. She’d only shaken her head and apologized, told him she didn’t think she’d ever understand love. They wished each other the best, and she never saw him again. Sometimes, when she lies awake at night, Marciel wonders— if she’d had a normal life, with a mother and a father, felt annoyed at her younger siblings, and was an average teenager, if she’d have loved him too.
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
but can we please talk about
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
Marciel sat and stared at her reflection in the water, lost in thought. When she felt a hand fall on her shoulder, she jumped and spun around, blinking owlishly. “Oh...uh– Sorry, you startled me...”
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omgmarciel-blog · 9 years
A thought about them that they’d never share: Marciel could see herself relaxing and letting loose around Faye, and that both scares and excites her. First impression of them: “Wow this girl really likes fried pickles.”Favorite thing about them: Her friendliness and sense of humorLeast favorite thing about them: Marciel doesn’t like how easy it seems to be to let her guard down around Faye, because it scares her. Hopes for their future relationship: She wants them to be good friends, and she hopes that Faye is willing to be patient with how little she knows about well...everything normal.
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