#c: winona
iyla-devar · 1 year
@knowwhatfearis: You’d hope, I certainly wasn’t planning on moving my whole hairline back by an inch today, and yet here we are.
At least hair grows back. What was the glue sticking if I might ask?
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voicesofthegrid · 2 years
VotG - Topaz Blue
A story exploring the emotions of Edward Barnes during the events of 9/11. Content warning for depiction of 9/11, mild suicidal/self-harm ideation, and emotional distress.
6 AM: BEEP BEEP BEEP BE– CLICK. My fist slams down on my alarm clock, rattling the bedside table that it sits on. I groan and roll over, covering my eyes with my forearm  to block out the beams of sunlight filtering through my curtains before grasping the covers and throwing them off of me. Another sleepless night. Must just be too much on my mind. Maybe I ought to get my apology over with today. I’ll have to think about it when I’m not still half asleep. I never make good decisions before coffee. 
6:07 AM: The shower hisses to life as I turn the knob just a hair away from the highest temperature. Wispy steam rises from the water, filling the small room with wavering clouds. 
6:29 AM: Goddamnit. Got lost in thought again. There goes my sit-down breakfast. At least I can read the paper on the train. 
6:42 AM: I adjust my hat in the hallway mirror. My eyebags are dark and heavy. 
6:50 AM: Thank god for travel mugs, huh? My brother was nice enough to have coffee ready for me as I rushed out the door. And to think we hated each other at one point. I take a sip as I sink into my seat in the subway car, snapping open today’s newspaper. Just a touch of sweetness. Exactly how I like it. 
7:33 AM: The door to my office clicks shut behind me. I hang up my coat and hat on the rack in the corner, just as I have for the past… However many years I’ve been here. I pull the shade that hangs over my window up to gaze out on the city before I start my work for the day. Nary a cloud mars the topaz blue of the sky that extends out as far as the eye can see. I glance at the World Trade Center in the distance, the two great towers that anchor the campus. They stare back at me with their thousands of tiny windows, unblinking. Judging me. I have got to apologize to those kids. I just… can’t believe how goddamn immature I’ve been. Fuck. 
8:05 AM: I tap my pen impatiently against my desk. Guilt is making it incredibly hard to focus on the task at hand. 
8:43 AM: Goddamnit. I’m not going to get anything done like this. I’ve been up and pacing around my office for the past twenty minutes. I can feel those towers with their thousands of little eyes on my back burning straight through to my soul. Fuck it. I’m going home and I’m apologizing to the kids. Work can wait. I frantically shuffle papers into my desk and lock it shut before marching over to the coat-rack in the corner of my office. I grab my hat and—
8:46 AM, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001: BOOM. 
I wheel around. There’s a dull thump as my hat falls from my grasp. My jaw hangs open in… Shock? Awe? Terror? I don’t even… I don’t know what to call it. I can’t name it. I just feel it. 
I rush to the window. 
There on the North Tower – Wyatt’s building – Is a gaping maw of shredded steel spewing black smoke. 
Is he hurt? What the hell caused… That? 
I rip my phone from its cradle and frantically dial home to my brother with trembling hands.
“Clarence…?” My voice breaks as I barely choke out his name. 
“Yeah, I – No, I don’t know what happened– Clarence– I– A plane? How? What?”
9:03 AM, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001: BOOM. 
A soft gasp and a muffled sob filter through the receiver. 
I look up from my desk. I… Know… I know what must have happened but I don’t want to believe it. I don’t want to see. But I force myself to look anyway. 
A gash clawed through the South Tower – Winona’s building – is spewing the same black smoke that her brother’s building is. Oh my god.
“Clarence?” I ask, trepidation thick in my throat, “Are you…?”
He sees it too. I’m not dreaming. A nightmare then, surely. I… No, no this isn’t real this is just some god-awful nightmare, my subconscious trying to teach me a lesson. 
Some… cruel trick. 
9:33 AM, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001: I haven’t been able to peel my eyes off of the smoke pouring from the Towers. I have no idea where the twins are. If they’re hurt. They have to be hurt. I remember when I – No, no. Goddamnit, Ed. Don’t think about you. This is about them. They’re hurt. I hurt them. I. Fuck. They’ll be okay, right? If I survived back in ‘45, surely… 
9:35 AM, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001: They’re evacuating my building. What happened to the towers is deliberate. 
I’m not leaving.
A captain always goes down with his ship. 
If I’m next, so be it. Maybe I deserve it after what I put those kids through. 
9:38 AM, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001: I tell Clarence I’m leaving. I lie. I don’t want him to worry about me. 
I keep my hand on the phone for a moment after I’ve returned it to its cradle. I wish I could tell him how much he means to me. I wish I had been a better brother. 
I go to my liquor cabinet. I pour myself a drink. The good stuff. 
9:58 AM, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001: Smoke is still pouring from the gaping wounds in the towers. I am numb. Sunken into my chair. Eyes glued to the blackened horizon in my window. My glass dangles precariously in my loose grasp. 
9:59 AM, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001: CRACK. 
The glass falls from my limp hand and shatters on the floor as I bolt upwards out of my chair.
She’s gone.
The South Tower… Winona… It… She’s… Just.
Hot tears well in my eyes. 
10:21 AM, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001: I pace the length of my office in front of my window. I am an animal, trapped in a cage of my own making. The glass remains shattered on the floor. How long have I been pacing? When did this start? When did it all go so wrong?
10:28 AM, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001: There is a great roaring in the distance. 
The North Tower falls. 
Dominoes. A house of cards. A structure that once held the title of tallest building in the world, reduced to nothing. 
Wyatt is gone. Winona is gone. That wish that I had made so long ago, that awful, awful wish of just wanting them to disappear…
Here it is, come to fruition. 
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fryrsquared · 1 year
"Who in their right mind would make seminar students do a group project?" Emmy said, by way of greeting, dropping into a seat at the table across from Winona. Winona, who was all hot girl energy and burn the rule book energy. Which had, rumour had it, landed her in some hot water with her department.
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At least, Emmy thought uncharitably, she wasn't the only person at this table with a huge-ass burr in her side. "No offense to you, obviously, but who looked at a group of high achieving students with collective groupwork related PTSD and said, 'hey, you know what's a great idea? Let's make all the kids who had to do all the work on the group projects in the history of ever work together when they're adults'?" She pulled her notebook out of her backpack, dropping it on the table with a thunk, "A sociopath, that's who."
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addlepater · 6 months
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nikis birthday party got wild
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shinxeysartgallery · 2 months
Art Fight 2024 Defenses
All the lovely art I got from everyone this year! Putting it below the cut!
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Defense #1 was drawn by Blood9paws Defense #2 was drawn by ThatMyrtleGirl Defense #3 was drawn by @azureisdark
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Defense #4 was drawn by Blood9paws (the other character is their OC, B!) Defense #5 was drawn by @evswashere Defense #6 was drawn by ShroomGloom
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Defense #7 was drawn by @vaporwavethe-synth Defense #8 was drawn by FlamingPhoenixDragon Defense #9 was drawn by @sammehshark
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Defense #10 was drawn by NURBURGRING Defense #11 was drawn by @robo-enjoyer Defense #12 was drawn by Sparklecat16
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Defense #13 was drawn by FoxerHoneyzz Defense #14 was drawn by @dibrobraintaichi Defense #15 was drawn by @whosskazu
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Defense #16 was drawn by rupurist Defense #17 was drawn by @salempaw Defense #18 was drawn by Blood9paws (the other character is their OC, Akemi!)
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Defense #19 was drawn by wenddrawsblockhands Defense #20 was already posted here! Defense #21 was drawn by Vuskle Defense #22 was drawn by Thaim
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Defense #23 was drawn by TeamGeeks Defense #24 was drawn by @7dreamondreamer Defense #25 was drawn by @sam1artz
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Defense #26 was drawn by Kaiyzonite Defense #27 was drawn by herburningchaos Defense #28 was drawn by @ollie-alooffloof
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Defense #29 was already posted here! Defense #30 was drawn by eggtoast Defense #31 was drawn by SpoxxieRuckus Defense #32 was drawn by JemtheGem
[Hit Tumblr's 30 image limit, so continuing this in a Part 2! The "thank you"s are there as well!]
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grande-caps · 10 months
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Justified - Season 3
Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 14.502 files Resolution : 1.280 x 720 px
-Please like/reblog if taking!
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GBW Winona, MN 06-1967 by Hiawatha Rails
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dekaohtoura · 1 year
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shingetsu-online · 5 months
Crying screaming throwing up how do you know people's typing styles so good?????
it's like recognizing bits of how they talk, or their tone of voice, or their artstyle, for example. sort of like a signature- it's distinct and somewhat identifying. some people type like they talk, and some don't! most identifying things that distinguish one person's typing style from another is usually their usage of things like punctuation and capitalization, as well as the expressions and sayings they use. certain things about how/what people type stick out to me more than others. my specific typing style changes from time to time, because on one hand i am a huge freak when it comes to grammar, but on the other, i am a very emotional and expressive person when it comes to my interests/friends.
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letterboxd-loggd · 3 months
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Boys (1996) Stacy Cochran
June 23rd 2024
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tonsillessscum · 1 year
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"They all want me as a friend or a fuck. I’m worshipped at Westerburg, and I’m only a junior."
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Heather Chandler cosplay tehehe
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I pause the video I am watching to laugh at my own joke and be having fun then boom. I paused it at 1:03.
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voicesofthegrid · 2 years
VotG - APRIL ‘73 (One-Shot)
Wrote this a couple months ago but just got to posting it somewhere. It’s always so rewarding to write scenes with these guys :-)
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joyfulanya · 1 year
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@ryanrosshq​​ - i heard from a rather reliable source that you might be caring for a reptile type creature. i believe it was.. a salamender? i’m so curious and want to know more. like.. i’d even consider coming to see them sometime. that’s such an amazing pet to have.
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lemuel-apologist · 1 year
mormon frankie is real and canon btw
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jimsmovieworld · 2 years
BOYS- 1996 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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I really liked this movie!
Patty (Winona Ryder) falls off a big horse and is knocked out. She is found by a group of boarding school boys. She says not to take her to a doctor so they sneak her back to the leader (John)s room.
She wakes up with a fuzzy memory. She remembers drinking with famous baseball player Bud Valentine (Skeet Ulrich), them stealing a car, and the police having questions.
Throughout the day, more comes back to her. Also the boarding school boys start to turn on John for helping her and not telling them about her. Some of the guys reactions were so funny. What were they so mad about? The guy that broke his own hand had me laughing up in the club.
As the day goes on, John and Patty start to fall for each other....
Pretty embarrassing for the 25 year old Patty to start dating a guy in high school but the heart wants what the heart wants i guess.
Excellent soundtrack. Lots of great 90s rock songs. Provided a good mood for the movie.
Enjoyed the scenes at the fair and John C Reilly as the cop trying to track Patty down.
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