omgspotifyplaylists · 2 years
Guess who’s back! I’ve been away for a while but I’m back and ready to take on new challenges! Feel free to check out my Spotify and/or send a request for a playlist! I’ll try to answer as fast as I can :)
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
Requests ~
I’ve decided to start doing requests, but there are some things you should think about before you request a playlist!
1. Where do I request a playlist?
Easy! Just send me an ask! The ask should include just a simple explanation of the concept you want.
For example: “could you make a playlist about falling in love with your best friend?” Short and simple!
Sadly I won’t be accepting anonymous playlists, as I want to be able to contact the person who requested the playlist, shall any problems arise.
I will also send the person who requested the playlist a message letting them know I have accepted the request and I will ask them to send the following information.
OBS: The following information requested in 2-5 should be sent in through my DM’s after I’ve sent a message confirming that the request has been accepted.
2. What should the playlist be based on?
The playlist can be based on a concept, a story, movie or even a song! The possibilities are endless. Because of this, there are of course some requests that I’m not going to be able to do, as there may be concepts that I don’t feel comfortable with doing and/or I don’t know enough about the show/story.
3. How long do you want the playlist to be?
Below is how long the playlists can be. I won’t measure in time as all songs are different lengths and each playlist will be unique because of this:
5, 10, 15 or 20 songs.
OBS: I won’t do over 20 songs as I have a life and limited time to make playlists. Also, it’s kinda hard to make playlists so I hope you respect this.
4. What do you want the overall feel of the playlist to be?
Do you want it to be mysterious, dramatic, romantic or even funny? It’s all up to you! Just make sure to tell me because it won’t be good if you want a happy playlist and I give you a dramatic one!
5. Other details
If you have any other details you think are important, don’t feel afraid to tell me! I’m making these playlist for you so what you think is extremely important!
These details can be things as if you want instrumental songs only, covers or classical music. Or maybe there is something or some type of music that you don’t want to be in the playlist!
6. How am I gonna find the playlist/s?
All playlists will be posted here on tumblr and of course on Spotify! Here I will tag the posts with #requests and #persons username so you can easily find it!
That is all folks! I think it’s real fun to create playlist for both myself and others so this is really exciting for me! I hope you enjoy!
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
The Song of Achilles; DIVINE GLORY
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
sensual kpop by s_boitel
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
songs that make you feel like you are on a roadtrip with your best friends and the love of your life
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
would u be interested in making a playlist about falling in love with your best friend🥺
the best kind of love
Tumblr media
hope you like it 🥰
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
Requests ~
I’ve decided to start doing requests, but there are some things you should think about before you request a playlist!
1. Where do I request a playlist?
Easy! Just send me an ask! The ask should include just a simple explanation of the concept you want.
For example: “could you make a playlist about falling in love with your best friend?” Short and simple!
Sadly I won’t be accepting anonymous playlists, as I want to be able to contact the person who requested the playlist, shall any problems arise.
I will also send the person who requested the playlist a message letting them know I have accepted the request and I will ask them to send the following information.
OBS: The following information requested in 2-5 should be sent in through my DM’s after I’ve sent a message confirming that the request has been accepted.
2. What should the playlist be based on?
The playlist can be based on a concept, a story, movie or even a song! The possibilities are endless. Because of this, there are of course some requests that I’m not going to be able to do, as there may be concepts that I don’t feel comfortable with doing and/or I don’t know enough about the show/story.
3. How long do you want the playlist to be?
Below is how long the playlists can be. I won’t measure in time as all songs are different lengths and each playlist will be unique because of this:
5, 10, 15 or 20 songs.
OBS: I won’t do over 20 songs as I have a life and limited time to make playlists. Also, it’s kinda hard to make playlists so I hope you respect this.
4. What do you want the overall feel of the playlist to be?
Do you want it to be mysterious, dramatic, romantic or even funny? It’s all up to you! Just make sure to tell me because it won’t be good if you want a happy playlist and I give you a dramatic one!
5. Other details
If you have any other details you think are important, don’t feel afraid to tell me! I’m making these playlist for you so what you think is extremely important!
These details can be things as if you want instrumental songs only, covers or classical music. Or maybe there is something or some type of music that you don’t want to be in the playlist!
6. How am I gonna find the playlist/s?
All playlists will be posted here on tumblr and of course on Spotify! Here I will tag the posts with #requests and #persons username so you can easily find it!
That is all folks! I think it’s real fun to create playlist for both myself and others so this is really exciting for me! I hope you enjoy!
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
do you take requests
I’ve never really thought about it but sure! I can always try and see how it turns out and if it’s something I’d like to continue doing!
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
Today is March 8 and it is not a celebration of femininity, tenderness and beauty, above all - it is a celebration of women's solidarity, strength and sisterhood!
So I want us to be ourselves, because that's the bravest thing we can do, isn't it? And of course respect and love yourself!
No matter who we are, which colour of a skin we have, our religion and sexuality, we deserve only all the best!
I love you infinitely, sisters 💙
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
and oh as we talk her soft hands touch my hair and she spills her heart upon me
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
reminiscing about years you didn’t experience
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
do you think you’ll miss me?
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omgspotifyplaylists · 4 years
dropping glasses just to hear em break
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omgspotifyplaylists · 5 years
dionysus is fake - the greeks made up dionysus as an excuse to get absolutely fucking wasted
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omgspotifyplaylists · 5 years
shut up, we’re trying to save the world - since the grown ups can’t do it, i guess we will. but not for them, for us
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omgspotifyplaylists · 5 years
the secret history - "it's a very greek idea, and a very profound one. beauty is terror. whatever we call beautiful, we quiver before it."
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