oneformybaby · 1 year
"Fine." The young pistolero said. "Hhhmmm....fuck old lady gibson, marry gannon, and kill vulpes. But I can see myself fucking vulpes, or fucking Gannon." He took a drag off his cigar. "If I married old lady Gibson would I get her scrapyard and the dogs when she dies?"
this is probably the worst thing you’ve ever made me deal with.
ugh. fuck gannon, marry gibson, kill inculta. we done?
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oneformybaby · 1 year
Colt laughed as he pulled out his cigars, offering one to Boone. "Come on man. We've got another hour before dinner. We've got time to kill."
i wanna hear your answer to the question first.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
Met any Khans since bitter springs or do you avoid them?
i don’t avoid them. i just don’t go looking for them.
but i have run into some. i was with six when they marched into boulder city looking for benny.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
The courier, colt onyx, leaned against a wall. He and Boone were hanging out in freeside. He took off his hat and fixed his hair. "Hey boone, wanna play a game?" He didn't wait for an answer. "Fuck marry kill. Vulpes, gannon, and old lady Gibson."
no. not a goddamn chance.
this isn’t happening.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
(Inspired by your answer to an ask about what death looks like)
In this life, Boone lived to a ripe old age. Maybe he remarried. Maybe he had children and grandchildren. But that doesnt matter now.
His time had come. He lay in his bed in a dark room. For the last time he closed his eyes.
Then he opened them. He wasnt in his room in the middle of the night. It was midday, in the hot Nevada sands.
Suddenly there was the crunch of sand and rock under boots.
It was him. It was the six of this world. He was a tall lean man in desert combat gear, shades and a black desperado hat. He held out a gloved hand, a smile on his face, as the coat fluttered in the breeze.
"Welcome back old friend. The skies the limit here. Shall we go hunt some legionaires, for old times sake?"
The oppressive heat of the Mojave sun was something he had come to expect from the outdoors. But instead of the rays burning his skin, it felt comfortably warm, like sitting by a fire in the winter.
The familiar voice and the friendly, outstretched hand was unexpected, and for several moments he only sat and stared. And then, for the first time in years, a comfortable smile crawled onto his face.
“That’s fine by me. Let’s move out.”
He reached out, and he took the courier’s hand.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
stop letting yourself get hit so much then.
What's the stupidest thing you've seen while out in the Mojave?
anytime he gets hit too hard, he’ll get up a few minutes later and shout something stupid.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
You seem like the type to appreciate alone time and quiet. How do you handle living in the Lucky 38 with so many other people?
i do appreciate my space, but i’m flexible with living situations. had to be back in the ncr.
i’ve had my fair share of being forced to bunk with someone. beds weren’t always easy to come by. neither were solid houses. so sleeping in tents, sharing small mattresses, passing drinks around when supplies were low. all things i’m used to.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
What's the stupidest thing you've seen while out in the Mojave?
anytime he gets hit too hard, he’ll get up a few minutes later and shout something stupid.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
There're some folktales that talk about Death like it's a person -- what it looks like depends on the story. A cowboy, an old man, a beautiful lady, hell even someone we once knew. Whatever the case, in these stories they say you see Death itself coming to claim you.
What do you think Death would look like for you?
i doubt it’d look like anything—or anyone— pleasant for me.
maybe the legionary that bought carla. or one of the khans from bitter springs.
maybe it’ll look like me.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
Did you see that your bed was destroyed? Where are you gonna sleep now?
i saw, yeah.
if six doesn’t clear out one of the other floors, guess i’ll have to share a bed with someone.
probably gannon or tejada. most likely gannon.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
So.... if you had a spare beret on you, why did you give six your normal one
how the hell do you know that?
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oneformybaby · 1 year
Whats your favorite colour?
a warm brown.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
is there anyone you miss working with in the first recon?
not enough to want to go back.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
Drink of choice?
water if i can get it. if not, then beer.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
You've been going after the Legion for a while now, right? I was hoping you might know something about a "Burned Man." It got mentioned by a caravan that stopped in our village for a spell, but heard nothing more than the name.
i’ve heard the name. six has told me some stuff too.
he used to be the legate before that monster lanius took the title. he failed to take the dam during the first war for it, so caesar made him an example.
set him on fire and tossed him down the grand canyon. then caesar erased everything about him. never spoke his name again supposedly.
but rumors that he survived have been getting around. calling him the burned man now. i don’t really care if he’s with the legion or not. if i ever find him, i’m succeeding where caesar didn’t.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
So what are your thoughts on veronica santangelo?
santangelo’s fine. there’s something about her that feels off, though.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
Did cass only steal a drink? Or did she do more to earn such a grudge
it was a drink specifically bought for me. by six. for a special occasion. and she drank it.
i think that alone is a good enough reason.
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