Wine o’clock, going on wine thirty
Y'all. Long day for the jellybean and mom. Had to go in to see her cardiologist today after she developed a cough, lowered oxygen sats, and in general has just been really tired and fussy.
After a long afternoon at the hospital getting an echo, X-rays, lab draws, an ekg, and all the regular appointment stuff, her doc thinks it's some kind of virus. So she got swabbed for cultures and we'll learn more later. Hopefully nothing too major, but even small stuff has the capability to really knock her out with her heart condition.
It's more than heartbreaking to hear Cora cry and scream through each of these procedures. One, because it's awful when she's upset/confused/hurting, and two, because it's the opposite of our normal chill and happy little baby. Not to mention the part where she hasn't really taken a pacifier or a bottle in weeks since developing thrush (thanks antibiotics), and there's almost nothing that comforts her aside from snuggles, swinging, and firm back pats. None of which can happen in this scenario.
Also, it is exhausting as a parent to go though all that with her. Not being able to make things better for her, and not being able to make things easier for the sonographers, X-ray techs, phlebotomists, nurses, etc. Even though I know it's no ones fault, it's hard to fight that southern lady mom shame that makes you think you have to apologize for everything and ignore the fact that it's hard on you, too, and that you'll be going back for more appointments next week, if not before.
So, Steve has Cora with him at a board meeting (πŸ™Œ), and I am taking a break and getting my hair done. Because post-partum frumpy dump feelings are a real thing. Also, I'd like to raise a glass to the folks at 140 Salon for serving wine to their clients.
Cheers, folks. 🍷
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My thinker.
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Beyond thankful.
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So young, so fresh faced, so clueless about what our lives had in store for us. I love you, Steve. More now than ever.
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Today, Cora spent nearly 5 hours being hauled all over Duke Hospital seeing her cardiologist, having a peds surgery check in for her G-tube, getting X-rays and an echo, and having blood drawn for labs. All after skipping feeds in preparation for an upper GI scan and feeling generally cranky and crappy due to an irritated G-tube button site, terrible reflux, and a fun case of thrush that's developed after being on a few antibiotics. And then mom made her go to Walgreens to pick up prescriptions and a new formula.
And still, she voted! **
Kid, you're my hero.
**Okay, she's way too young for voting, but she did join me in that task. On a related note, I also survived all of the above, along with navigating hospital parking and hauling around an almost-three-month-old who was, simply stated, not here for any of this. I am AWESOME.
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Reading with daddy while mama watches and has all the feels.
Also, parents and other people who have a young kiddo in your life: The Wonderful Things You Will Be by Emily Winfield Martin is just...well, wonderful.
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Happy Halloween from our Wonder Woman!! This girl lives up to her costume every dayπŸ’ͺ πŸŽƒ 😍
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Having a little morning play time with SuSu. Still not feeling 100%, but grandparents are an excellent distraction!
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This kid. Poor little bean has a second G-tube site infection and a mad case of terrible reflux that's left her heaving and gagging and red after every feed. She clearly feels super crappy and has spent the day alternating between crying and fighting sleep.
Grateful for an awesome team at the Duke Special Infant Care Clinic who listens and helps troubleshoot any time we need them. It is a huge comfort to show up to an appointment and have several staff who she wasn't scheduled to see stop in just to see our girl and ask how we've been doing since her discharge. They're genuinely excited to see Cora, and take such good care of us...even this morning when she screamed and cried through most of her exams and blood draws.
Much to be thankful for, even on an icky and rough day for the peanut.
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Much-needed date time with my first child. He's not so sure about this whole baby thing. Mom is stressed, but we're working on it...and grateful for a house with plenty of space and a very-soon-to-be fenced in backyard so this old man can roam a little more freely and happily.
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Well hello, gorgeous.
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This little jellybean. Home with my girl and happy, though missing dad now that he's back to work. We've had an awesome few days since her homecoming--so glad to be here with just the three of us in our own space.
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Good morning, world.
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Surprise! Today was a great day. πŸ’•
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Oh hi guys. I'm adorable.
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Oh, my heart.
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