I’ve come to a conclusion.
Whenever I say I’m going to come back, I forget. I don’t know why, but it just happens.
This has been a problem the entirety of my summer break.
But during the school year it was very much not a problem, because I was on a computer constantly, which meant I always had this open and would have the ability to remember to post.
So here’s what I’m gonna do.
I’m gonna go on effectively hiatus on all the roleplay blogs until the beginning of my school year (sometime in August?), and if I’m active at all it’s really only going to be here on the art blog.
That way I don’t have to feel bad about forgetting to do things, I have time to fix the art burnout before the school burnout returns, and I have time to work on some other art stuff I wanted to do involving both Pokemon, Oneshot, [Redacted] and his homeworld, and some other stuff. Hopefully this fixes my problem of “Oh shit I forgot I was supposed to be doing things.”
So this is I guess a temporary goodbye from me? Yeah that sounds good.
-Z (felt like doing that so have fun with this)
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Ya boi (possibly gender neutral) is going on a road trippppp
This means I will quite literally have no distractions from being on here other than theoretically the time during which I driveeee
I’m gonna do thingsssss
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[The first thing I remember seeing was my siblings and the author.]
[The author called Cedric by a different name, and Rue wasn’t in the form she’s normally in now, but I still know for sure it was them.]
[They didn’t know I was there yet, and I, having just become aware… or something of the like, didn’t know how to tell them I was there. But I do remember they seemed happy there, in the old world.]
[I wish I could have seen more of it.]
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oh. My god.
finally free from school. Tis summer.
I’m gonna take a nap-
In all seriousness though now that my summer break has officially begun I will slowly get more active again. My health may still play into it a little, but now that the stress factor has screwed off I should be a little better in general.
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How's the world?
[It’s actually pretty good. A lot has happened, but it’s still going well.]
[I’ve also managed to add some of the things my creator removed to try and fix me back then. Not a lot, I’m not sure how much I can handle in that regard, but some.]
[The residents have been doing well too. I’d talk about that more, but that may have to come later. I have to check on something.]
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"sentient m"
let's all laugh at the blog who didn't have enough characters in the title
[Wait what?]
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So, how are you able to, like, peek out into reality?
[It’s not easy for me to explain.]
[The most simple explanation I can give is that it kind of works how [Redacted]’s portal abilities work. The only difference is that I can’t fully pass through them without both assistance and a tether to the simulation.]
[I’m pretty sure the code that allows this to happen is the same code that brought Niko into the simulation all those years ago, but I’m not sure about that.]
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Okay, I have been meaning to say this for a while, because I think this is a noticeable problem in our community:
Every ask matters And yet there are NONE
Do you feel bored in this RP fandom?
Tired of browsing a rarely updating tag?
Notice how half the community is joining ask games?
Ever wonder why many OS RP blogs go almost completely inactive?
Notice how there's half a dozen boring and slow as hell arcs going on recently?
This is because many blogs get NO asks at all. Popular or not.
Even OS Game RP giants like @diginiko-asks and @nyat-a-cat (currently shadowbanned so ask @the-kerfus-machine ) can experience a complete lack of asks sent sometimes!
And we need YOU to send some to the blogs you follow!
No matter what you send, no matter if they get answered or not, having asks to answer is good for everyone!
If you find yourself constantly waiting for asks all day, without actually sending asks out yourself, you are a part of the problem!
This community thrives on interaction, not waiting!
Want to help this community? Want to improve people's days? Try sending three or more asks to random blogs a day!
Feel anxious to send asks? Nobody in this RP will do anything to you, and the characters do not reflect any of the blog runners intentions. Also, the anon option is there for a reason! Always remember that you have good intentions!
Feel like you will worsen someone's day by sending an ask? As long as you follow the rules set by the blog runner, you won't! At worst, it's a forgivable annoyance.
And if you are running an RP blog, remember: you are not obligated to reply to any asks sent, do not let this hobby cause you burnout.
"Oh, but I don't know who to ask!"
Just browse the "#OS game RP" tag, it's more effective than you might think at finding new blogs!
Check the blogs you follow, there's likely an RP blog or two you forgot about.
There's already large lists of OS game RP blogs out there, check out Mapmaker's interview list and the fifh masterpost!
"Oh, but I don't know what to ask!"
Here's some ideas:
Philosophy, hobbies, and specific preferences are simple topics to form questions in, and can tell a lot about a character!
Ask something as YOUR character! - Have a casual conversation between two different characters with someone else in a thread, share lore on the way, tell stories, and have fun!
Question some lore! - If you can ask something regarding a character's backstory, especially to fill in the potential plot holes, that can be very healthy for the writing side of running an RP blog!
A lot of blogs are actually fine with M!As, if they are simple or interesting!
Found yourself questioning or answering something interesting out of RP? Great ask!
Found something interesting in a quiz? That's a great ask idea!
Came up with something that would probably cause funny reactions? - Ask away!
Heard a silly question in general? Great! Guess who you can redirect it to!
Remember: Questions do not have to be complicated! Don't feel bad if something of yours does not get answered, because you had good intentions in the end!
But I am never going to tell you to send people random nonsense just for them to not have empty inboxes, so try to avoid:
Random memes/words - These are hard to work with and are unlikely to lead to interesting things.
Basic compliments - Most characters will probably say "thanks", unless they have a backstory for it.
Repeating jokes - No one's gonna have fun if you just send "Fifh" to Freeware entity for the 15th time without putting a unique twist on it.
Spam, NSFW, exc. - Just no.
In general, it's best to put thought in your asks.
If you have anything to state on the topic, please do so in the reblogs. I encourage you to check them.
Share this around and tell your friends to send out asks regularly!
Anyways good night, sleep deprived ramble over.
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[Oh shit-]
-She knew damn well it was going to get pulled through that rift no matter what they did, and that was… less than ideal. He couldn’t fully leave the simulation, or it would stop running and they would basically go into stasis. So she had to think fast.-
[Okay… really hoping this’ll actually work.]
-It wasn’t obvious at first, but the clover imbedded in the glowing amber they wore as a necklace changed colors, going from its typical black coloration to a purple one. And, having done that, he basically let the rift start pulling her in-
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A glowing rift appears within the world.
It begins to get brighter, likely indicating something is about to come through…
What is that?!
[Dunno. Get outta here, go call the other two. I'll handle this for now.]
[...However I have too.]
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[It changed color??]
-she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing, so he decided the best course of action was for it to ask the three who’d come through a rift already.-
[You three. Did this happen before?]
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A glowing rift appears within the world.
It begins to get brighter, likely indicating something is about to come through…
What is that?!
[Dunno. Get outta here, go call the other two. I'll handle this for now.]
[...However I have too.]
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-As the three do so, Twm crosses their arms in front of her chest, and then flings them back open, coating the area around the fifh with squares, but luckily not touching anyone else. If they got lucky, the squares should hit the fifh…-
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A glowing rift appears within the world.
It begins to get brighter, likely indicating something is about to come through…
What is that?!
[Dunno. Get outta here, go call the other two. I'll handle this for now.]
[...However I have too.]
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-Twm steps back out of instinct, once again waving their arm and sending an arc of squares out, hoping to block the giant fishes path to L1nk.-
[Get back! I'll try to block its path!]
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A glowing rift appears within the world.
It begins to get brighter, likely indicating something is about to come through…
What is that?!
[Dunno. Get outta here, go call the other two. I'll handle this for now.]
[...However I have too.]
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I forgot to do this- but today is a relatively okay day. Busy with an event I’m helping set up, but other than that I can do stuff.
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[No problem. Just try not to let that happen again.]
-they turn to look at the light again, forcing its mind to keep her focus and not get lost in a trance. What was that thing…-
[Stay alert. I can’t see the whole thing, but I know for sure that it has sharp teeth.]
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A glowing rift appears within the world.
It begins to get brighter, likely indicating something is about to come through…
What is that?!
[Dunno. Get outta here, go call the other two. I'll handle this for now.]
[...However I have too.]
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-Twm can’t help but stare at the light as well, but she’s aware that something is wrong. It just… isn’t sure what it is yet. The light is so calming…-
-But then they see what looks like teeth behind that light, and all of the sudden it’s like her mind is screaming at him that they are all in danger. They act without thinking.-
-and in hopes to pull the others focus off the light, it swings their arm, squares appearing between the light and the group of four.-
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A glowing rift appears within the world.
It begins to get brighter, likely indicating something is about to come through…
What is that?!
[Dunno. Get outta here, go call the other two. I'll handle this for now.]
[...However I have too.]
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I uh… just woke up.
I’ve been asleep for a solid 20 hours.
Needless to say, today is an off day to the extreme. I’m going back to sleep-
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Ah yes, my daily status update.
I'm not feeling all that great today, and I have work later, so I'm pretty sure both today and a chunk of tomorrow are going to be off days. I'll try to do stuff, but we'll see how much I actually manage to do.
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