ooh-shiet-holland · 5 years
imagine not supporting tom holland and his gf?
can’t relate
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ooh-shiet-holland · 5 years
Going Down
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Y/n has her friends over and Tom and her play a little game. Later, a small, harmless confession leads to more.
Warnings: SMUT, cursing (??)
lol this sucks, but it was fun to write!!
"And then she just kicked him square in the nuts!", you choked out, as another round of laughter filled the room. You had invited your friends, Harrison, Tony, Zendaya, Jacob, Harry and Tom over, because you hadn't done anything together in the longest time. Tom was here, because he had to go back on the set of his latest movie and Harry was visiting one of his friends.
You held your stomach, the deep red coloured wine splashing on the wooden floor as your hand, that was holding the glass, was shaking uncontrollably. You're sober-self would've probably sprinted to the kitchen to get a napkin, but you just muttered a small "Oh shit", while still laughing hard.
You were just telling everyone the story of how Tom got turned down by this girl at a bar a few weeks ago. The story wasn't even that funny, but the amount of alcohol in your system made it sound like the funniest thing you ever heard.
"Well, if you women just can't appreciate the effort of a desperate, yet cool dude, trying to make conversation, then I can’t help you." ,Tom stated proudly, shrugging before raising his drink to his lips. He was acting all chill, but deep down you knew he was mad at you for bringing the story up.
For you, Tom had always been a little more than just a very good friend. Everytime you saw him walk towards you, your heart skipped a beat. When you talked to him, you tried to be yourself, but there was something about him that just made you act differently. But you learned how to be more you in front of him over time. The both of you also went out pretty often... Just as best friends though. You kept telling yourself that it was just crush, but it had been going on for the past two years, so you didn't know if the word 'crush' was still appropriate in this situation.
"I honestly understand this girl! Your pickup lines are, like, the worst I have ever heard. Sorry not sorry, man.", you confessed taking another sip of your drink.
"That's not even true! I'm not that bad at talking to girls!", he argued and another ripple of laughter ran through the group, started by Z and Harrison, who were holding their stomachs at this point.
"Good one, mate.", Haz got out.
"Wha- Alright, but it's not like y/n is better than me at flirting.", he said, crossing his arms.
"Excuse me? At least I don't end up getting kicked out of the place!", you replied chuckling and hearing everyone else burst into laughter again.
"Dude, what could you possibly have done? ",Jacob asked.
"Alright, before we keep making fun of my inabilty to pick up girls, you tell me your best lines and I tell you mine, darling.", Tom challenged you. And you were very much up for It.
"You go first.", you said.
"Are you a cake? Because I want a piece of that.", he said confidently.
"That.. was.. .", you began.
"Eh.",Z said.
"You wanna go bowling? I'll give you a chance to pin me.", you winked at him.
"Nice one.", Harry remarked.
"Thank you."
"I hope you know CPR, because you're taking my breath away."
"You can do better than that, man!", Haz criticized.
"Do you want to go to In-and-Out for burgers or just in-and-out of me?"
You earned a roar of laughter for this one.
"Ohoho, so we're gonna go down that road?", Tom asked, chuckling,"Babe, are you an elevator? Because I wanna go down on you."
"Tell me your name so I know what to scream tonight."
"I like every bone in your body, especially mine."
"Boy, are you a trampoline? Cuz I wanna bounce on you."
"You know what would look good on you? Me."
"Ugh, so basic." Tony said, rolling his eyes at Tom.
"I think we heard enough. Judges?", Harrison said, getting up from the floor and turning to the others.
They all whispered something to each other and then nodded, before Harry rose from the couch and opened his arms. "We were all quick to agree on who won this thing. Congrats, y/n!" ,he announced.
"HA! What'd I tell you?", you said, triumphantly.
"Oh, that doesn't prove anything.",he moaned, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Whatever, man. I won..", you mocked, taking another sip from your glass.
The rest of the night was spent with the boys discussing the latest episode of 'Love Island" ,you and Z talking about guys and dating in general and your plans for the future. After a few hours everyone left, one after one.
Tom was the last one. He said he wasn't in a rush to get back to his hotel and you gladly invited him to spend the night at your place, because it was already pretty late (and because you hoped something would happen between the two of you..).
He helped you clean the mess you all had made in your living room. While gathering half empty glasses and stacking up plates, you both shared a few laughs remembering times when the whole group went out together and some of when just both of you went out together. Finally, you recalled the events of the night.
"Tonight was really fun. Congrats on winning, by the way. Even tho mine were better, but ya know..", he mumbled the last part under his breath and the sarcasm in his voice made you laugh.
"I really liked the one with the going down." ,you admitted, chuckling.
"Really?", he asked, looking at you while drying the glasses you gave him.
"Haha yeah."
You looked up and just now realized how close your faces actually were. You started into each other's eyes for a moment, before he suddenly put his lips to yours. It took you a second to realize what was happening, but before you could kiss him back, he pulled away.
"I'm sorry for just doing this.", he said out of breath, "It's just that.. I have liked you for a really, really long time now and I-" , without letting him finish his sentence, you put your hands on his neck and attached your lips to his again. He eagerly kissed you back and used his hands to roam your body, which was curving into his.
You began moving around the kitchen, not seeing where you were going. He pushed you against the counter and your hands found his hair, tugging at it lightly. He had his on your waist and was now moving the both of you towards the living room, accidentally stumbling over the stool you used to reach the top shelves. After a short laugh, you continued to get to the couch, still kissing desperately. You felt the couch against your leg and lied down with Tom on top of you.
He stopped, breathing heavily.
"So.. you liked the one where I was talking about going down on you?"
You bit your lip and nodded, looking up at him.
He sat up on and spread your legs, still holding your gaze. You watched him slowly pull up your black dress and carefully strip down your damp lace panties, thanking god that you chose to wear them tonight. He threw them on the floor and put his hands on either of your thigh, lightly spreading your legs wider.
"Look at this. So pretty.", he said, licking his lips, which only made you hornier.
His face disappeared between your legs and the only thing you could see now was his hair. Grabbing it lightly, you were getting ready for what he was going to do to you.
The sensation caused by his tongue running down your wet folds, made you close your eyes and whimper in pleasure. Your free hand grabbed the side of the couch, fingers buring into the soft cushion. He moved deeper into you and tilted his head, before putting your leg up on the couch to get a new angle.
The things he did to you made you repeativly moan his name and arch your back, signing him to keep going.
After a few seconds of telling him that what he was doing felt so good, he also began using a finger on your clit, bringing you to the edge.
"Tom, I'm-I'm so close.. shit! ", you screamed out. He kept going, until you finally reached your climax and your body began to tremble.
Tom ran his warm tongue through your folds again, before pulling away. He sat up and both of you were heavingly breathing.
"You, uh, wanna go to the bedroom for round two?", he asked, looking down at you and running a hand through his messy hair.
You also got the hair out of your face, which was sticking to your sweaty forehead, before sitting up on your elbows. You intentionally didn't close your legs to let him have another look at what was awaiting him.
"If you want to." ,you answered, trying to sound innocent.
He picked you up and walked you over to your bedroom, before putting you down on your bed. You looked him up and down, before pulling your dress over your head and lying on your bed with only your bra on. He didn't take his eyes off your body, while impatiently taking off his shirt, pants and finally his boxers, revealing his erection.
He joined you on the bed, as he began kissing you passionately, but you broke the kiss a few seconds later.
"Lie down. It's your turn now." ,you told him, smirking.
He obeyed and you kept admiring all of him.
"Where do you keep-"
"In the drawer."
You watched him lean over, get one out, rip the package open and roll it onto himself. Then he lied down and waited for you to take control of him. You climbed onto him, legs on either side of his hips, before bringing your hands to your back to quickly unclasp your bra. You threw it to the side, before running your hands over his stomach and lowering yourself onto his large member. You immediatley threw your head back and both of you moaned at the feeling of him filling you up so perfectly.
You started to slowly move up and down on his cock. His eyes were shut, while his mouth was wide open, your name repetitively leaving his lips. You switched to rocking your hips back and forth, earning more moans from Tom.
The sensation of him inside you had you rolling your eyes back, as Tom was watching you and telling you how gorgeous you looked.
You picked the pace up a little bit, your hands now resting behind you on his legs.
You looked down at him again and saw him keeping his eyes on where your bodies met.
"Fuck, y/n, seeing my dick disappear inside you like this is so fucking hot, keep going."
You began moving up and down again, but faster now, your breasts bouncing on your chest. Tom's eyes were glued to them, as he started to message them firmly.
"You feel so good around me, y/n, fuck. Don’t stop, princess.", he breathed out.
Hearing him call you 'princess' turned you on even more and you changed from moving up and down to circulating your hips.
His hands left your breasts and were now on your hips, guiding you.
"Fuck, you're so big, Tom."
You felt goosebumps all over your skin, when you felt his index finger rubbing your sensitive clit, bringing you closer to your second orgasm.
"Tom, I'm gonna-"
"Yeah, me too."
He continued rubbing circles on your clit and after a few seconds you screamed out in pleasure, feeling your walls and breasts swell and Tom cum inside the condom.
You stayed in the position for a while, loud breathing from both of you replacing the moans from just moments ago. Finally rolling off of his sweaty body, you pulled the covers up, still trying to catch your breath. Tom quickly disposed the condom in the bin next to your bedside table, before climbing in next to you.
"That was amazing, love.", he said, putting an arm around you.
"You have no idea how long I have dreamed of this to happen.", you replied, resting your head on his chest and grinning.
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ooh-shiet-holland · 5 years
I haven't posted anything in a really long time coz i got exams coming up and i don't understand shit y'all. But I'll try to post something asap :)
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ooh-shiet-holland · 5 years
Tom thanking you in his speech
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Everyone broke into applause as the music started to play.
"CONGRATULATIONS!!", you screamed over the loud crowd, making sure Tom heared you. He hugged and kissed you and his mum, before making his way down to the stage.
You watched him hug Viola and take the award, before placing it on the podium next to him.
"This is.. um.. quite heavy actually..", he began chuckling, the crowd laughing and cheering,
"My mum and girlfriend are sitting up there somewhere, I can’t see them right now, but I'll just start by thanking those two beautiful women first. Mum, without you and Dad I would literally not be standing here, thank you for being the most amazing parents someone could ever wish for. My Dad and brothers couldn't be here tonight, but I know that they're watching this right now, so know I love you all and that you are the reason I keep going. And y/n, you gorgeous human being, thank you for existing and for supporting me through all of this, because I believe it must have been tough.", your eyes began to water. You and Nikki were almost bursting with pride at this point. He went on thanking the people who voted for him and his acting coaches, before taking the award and jogging back up the stairs to your seats.
"I'm so, so proud of you!", you said, holding his face in your hands and pressing your lips to his once more.
"Thank you, darling.", he replied, taking your hand and kissing it softly.
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ooh-shiet-holland · 5 years
Tom Holland
Gif Imagines
• At Jimmy Kimmel pt.1 pt.2
* = smut
• Fan Tweets with Tom
• Tom thanking you in his speech
• Going Down *
Dylan O’Brien
Gif imagines
• Teen Wolf Cast at SDCC pt.1 pt.2
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ooh-shiet-holland · 5 years
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Tom Holland in The Chef Show
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ooh-shiet-holland · 5 years
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Tom talks about you at Jimmy Kimmel:) Part 2/2
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ooh-shiet-holland · 5 years
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Tom talks about you at Jimmy Kimmel:) Part 1/2
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ooh-shiet-holland · 5 years
Fan Tweets with Tom
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"Alright, let's take a look at these.", you said before you grabbed the cup with the paper scraps in it, pulled one out and began reading:
"I hope we get a scene where-", you stopped abruptly and faked an annoyed look to the camera as you read the tweet, "I don't even like saying it.", you said, sighing.
"What? What does it say?", Tom asked curiously.
You held the paper in his direction and he took it, reading it to himself and letting out a little laugh afterwards. He gave it back to you and you started reading again:
"I hope we get a scene where y/c/n says 'daddy' *gives camera annoyed look again* and both Peter and Tony say 'yes?'... No, no, no, you're not getting such a scene, y'all are just nasty", you heard Tom laugh out loud next to you,
"and as Winston would say "this is a DISNEY movie, so we're not having", you crumbled up the piece of paper, " -this-", and threw it to the side.
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ooh-shiet-holland · 5 years
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The Teen Wolf Cast is at the Comic Con in San Diego, but you couldn't be there... They then decide to call you. Part 2/2
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ooh-shiet-holland · 5 years
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The Teen Wolf cast is at the Comic Con in San Diego, but you couldn't be there... They then decide to call you. Part One
(I made these gifs when I hadn't had this blog yet and when I created it, the name was already taken)
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